Conan's Helping People

Chapter 197 Chapter 188 Thank you, blocked.

Chapter 197 188 Thank you, blocked.

The black-haired child's breathing became more and more rapid, and Miyano Akemi could feel a distinct heat in the place where his skin came into contact with.

She tried her best to react, and while struggling a little, said in a panic: "Lie flat first and adjust your breathing, okay?"

Then he continued to shout outside, "Help, is there anyone?! Lily is sick!!!"

She heard the black-haired child in her arms weakly say: "No one will come."

Then there was the sound of metal falling to the ground, very crisp.

"Even if I attack you now, no one will stop me." The other party said softly/panting, "They will just stare at the screen with wide-eyed eyes, trying to figure out my current state and thinking."

The eyes gradually blurred, and Miyano Akemi tried hard to control her flustered and helpless emotions, "You don't want to have an accident... Lily..."

How could no one come?
Having been with each other for so long, Miyano Akemi knows the status of the other party deeply. According to common sense, even if they sneak away from all the adults and slip away to the small room privately, as long as the other party is accidentally injured or emotional, it will take less than 3 minutes. , Professionals will immediately take him away.

But now... no one has come yet.

It was quiet outside, as if the entire laboratory had fallen into silence, and no one was alive.

The other party hugged her too tightly, and she couldn't break free at all. She could only pat the other party's back again and again, trying to adjust the other party's breathing, and hurriedly said: "Breathe, breathe, can you still breathe?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The other party kept repeating this sentence in a low voice, as if every effort was not spent on breathing, and he didn't care if something happened to him at all, just repeated the sentence of apology infinitely.

"But, but I'm not dead," Miyano Akemi could only reply, "I'm still alive, you didn't kill me... Can you adjust your breathing? Don't have an accident, okay?"

"Before, you asked me a question," the black-haired child whispered while breathing heavily, "What is the first emotion a human being has?"

Miyano Akemi responded to this question before she remembered it.

Not long ago, her younger sister was born, and the black-haired child was invited by Miyano Elena to stay at Miyano's house for one night. That night, Miyano Akemi took the black-haired child to see her sister.

At that time, they stared at the child together intently. Once the other party made a slight move, their eyes would widen in surprise. They kept trying to touch the child, and they felt that the other party was too fragile and worried that they would not know what to do.

During that time, they chatted a lot, and one of the questions was 'what is the first emotion produced by human beings'.

Akemi Miyano thought it was love, because they couldn't help laughing together when her sister accidentally touched them while waving her hands.

The black-haired child thought it was a 'desire to survive', on the grounds that the child would cry when hungry, and would please the strong when stared at by the strong.

The favored strongman Miyano Akemi: "..."

Because the other party was too serious, she became angry after being laughed at by her, so she somewhat remembered it, rather than forgetting it with the passage of time.

She hesitated for a moment, then noticed that the other person's rapid breathing seemed to calm down, and immediately replied: "I still remember, what's wrong?"

"Human beings, or humanoid creatures, or me." The other party said in an uncertain and bewildered tone, "The first emotion that arises is the desire to live."

"Even if they don't realize it themselves or think they have no feelings, the moment they open their eyes, the desire to live will still arise, just like a novice gift bag."

Miyano Akemi patted him on the back reassuringly and listened quietly.

"In order to survive, they will do whatever it takes..." The other party paused again, then paused, and corrected himself rigorously, "I will do whatever it takes."

"Lily." Akemi Miyano whispered.

"The moment I realize what's going on with the 'laboratory' and the 'other partners', I will resolutely betray my camp and please the person in charge of the laboratory." The other party continued, and then paused again.

A picture appeared in Hinata Reasonable's eyes again, and this body began to recall again.

This time the picture is not as coherent as last time, but fragmented.

He saw the flashing picture of two adults talking, and heard a flashing sentence, "Don't worry, as long as you give me the number A, we will be responsible for protecting your safety, maybe you can still get it." What about the code name'.

I also saw 'myself' standing in front of the console, manipulating a huge light screen, on which a series of complicated symbols flashed, and a red notice popped up: [The self-destruct procedure has been activated, please evacuate within three hours complete].

That prompt was removed, and the program was set to a hidden state.

Three hours later, after a short period of chaos, the entire laboratory fell into silence,
Then, the angle of view starts from the door of the laboratory and advances to the inside. It passes over the locked doors and windows, the staff crowded by the door, and then floats over the small beds one by one, and glances at the experimental subjects lying on them. They passed by huge nutrition tanks one after another, and finally entered a room and fell into darkness.

Originally, Hinata reasonably thought that the 'tide' just now was already strong enough, but he didn't expect that at the moment when the memory was broken, that kind of emotion actually surged doubled.

If the previous feeling was drowning, then the current feeling is sinking to the bottom of the sea. The distance from the sea surface is too far, and the oxygen is exhausted. There is no way to struggle, and there is no possibility of survival. I can only be at a loss. Opening his eyes, he clearly tasted the pain of his own death.

There is also the feeling of wanting to vomit.

Rational Hinata: "..."

Thank you, I have jumped from the unfamiliar stage of just being exposed to this emotion to nausea and blackout.

He was caught off guard again, and could only lie flat in pain, feeling the body was silent for a moment, skipping this paragraph and continuing to state, "...after meeting someone who truly loves me, I will experience the ' Love' the concept."

"Then, at the moment when the personality becomes more and more perfect and truly becomes a human being, it will be completely crushed."

The black-haired and white-skirted child in his arms called out again, "Lily."

"In the beginning, I never had the awareness of 'absolutely don't kill you'. I didn't resist at the beginning because I didn't expect it, and then I didn't resist... I don't know why." He said in a low voice at a loss. , "I don't seem to know myself."

"I can't tell who you are, the one who won't hurt me, or the one who will hurt me."

"I know that you who radiate light will hurt me, but I can meet you who are full of light, and I can talk to you. You just have no body temperature, no breathing, and no free will."

...still calling others stupid.

Hinata rationale wanted to sigh, or simply tugged at the collar of this body and shouted 'Let me explain! '.

If it was him, he must have said succinctly: "I have encountered a situation similar to virtual VR, and I have seen a lot of you made up by high technology. Intellectually, I can realize that it is not you, but emotionally I think it is you. You, so after killing that kind of you, I am in pain!"

Wait, it doesn't seem to be concise.

But at least it explained the situation, not like now, Miyano Akemi didn't understand at all, and could only repeat pitifully: "But you didn't kill me, I'm still alive."

"If I die, I can't talk to you, and I can't hug you. Look, I can still talk to you, I can hug you, which means I'm not dead? Are you having a nightmare, Lily ?”

Whether 'Lily' was having a nightmare, or suffering from hysteria, or was really misunderstood by someone maliciously, Hyuga Reasonable didn't know, anyway, he felt that he must be having a nightmare.

It took eight lifetimes of bad luck to have such a painful and real dream.

He was about to suffocate, and finally understood why his former blonde colleague looked at him like a madman.

When suffocating and drowning, it is so painful, it is the same for a blonde colleague, or any normal person, but Hinata rationale can handle that feeling with ease, similarly, he feels that it is painful now, but this body is It seems that I feel comfortable, or I have experienced too many times and have become numb.

Miyano Akemi couldn't understand that this body was able to do anything with ease, only his consciousness was struggling in pain, constantly wanting to escape the feeling of being overwhelmed by overdramatic emotions.

The huge emotion faded a little, and he heard 'himself' ask in doubt: "As long as you can talk to me and hug me, you won't die?"

Miyano Akemi replied briskly: "Yes."

Almost at the same time as her voice fell, the feeling of being unable to move and only passively endured dissipated instantly, and Hinata sat up rationally, lying on the edge of the bed panting violently.

His hands were shaking violently, his heart was beating wildly, and his body temperature was soaring rapidly. The blood seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation, rushing wildly in the blood vessels, so that the blood vessels became more and more obvious.

After about five or six minutes, the feeling of being out of breath gradually eased. In the gap between panting, Hinata said reasonably: "The system."

The system probes hesitantly: [I am here. ]
"This body," Hinata took a reasonable breath, and asked word by word, "is there any other consciousness?"

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ] The system immediately denied it, [Of course not, only your consciousness exists in this body! ]
It emphasizes: [Only you, you are the only one. ]
"Then why do I 'dream' memories of this body more and more frequently?" Hinata frowned reasonably, "It's not just a simple dream, it's like..."

It's like, I've experienced it myself.

At the moment of awakening, Hinata's reasonable first reaction was: the original owner was affecting him.

[Maybe you are merging with this body?There is no such thing as the original owner...] Hinata took another quick breath, restraining the strong nausea, the system paused, and continued, [the consciousness exists. ]
It replied firmly again: [You are the only consciousness of this body. ]
Well, with such a firm attitude and no avoidance, it is probably not a lie.

Restraining the nausea that surged up again, Hinata rationally closed his eyes, "Open the system store."

The system store jumped in the air, and the homepage appeared.

That page freezes.

He waited silently for a few seconds, and then couldn't help but question, "Why aren't you moving?"

[what? ] The system responded blankly, [Sorry, I didn't hear your instruction? ]
"?" Hinata was reasonably puzzled, "Don't you have an excellent 'caring' function?"

"I'm waiting for you to recommend products intimately, what are you waiting for?"

The system store froze for a moment, and then something popped up: [Special offer: a glass of cold water]
[Product details: When you feel bad, drinking a glass of cold water is a good choice, isn't it?

Commodity price: 1 point/cup]
Hinata Reasonable: "...?"

He stared at the glass of cold water, hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak, finally gave up the desire to speak, directly lifted the quilt to stand up, pushed the door out by himself, went to the living room to pour a glass of water.

When walking halfway, the system page shrank back timidly.

There were edible ice cubes in the refrigerator, and Hinata reasonably added five or six cubes to the water, and then took a big gulp.

The system tentatively said: [What did you dream about, host? ]
"I thought you would know?" Taking another sip of water, Hinata thought about the dream, and organized a rigorous description in a few seconds, "Dreams about other people have nothing to do with me, they will only disturb My past."

He thought for a while, and said again: "And I bumped into it myself."

He would suddenly dream of this kind of dream, most likely because of his own emotions before going to bed, maybe it resonated with this body, so the body began to turn over old scores.

[Oh...] The system was also silent for a while, and asked in a strange tone, [Then how do you feel now?Are you guilty? ]
Hinata sighed calmly.

Obviously, in the last sentence, he didn't seem to know what he dreamed of, but the next sentence directly exposed/exposed.

In fact, even if the system confidently says 'yes, I can hear your every voice and capture your every thought', he won't be too angry, after all, it's quite orange, so it's reasonable for Hinata to use it Some orange software time.

He calmly stated: "Obviously, I was completely disgusted."

In fact, when I realized that I had a little bit of guilt at the beginning, aside from some other negative factors, Hyuga Ryo was actually a bit novel, just like tasting a little bit of cake for the first time, it was a bit strange and also Not that bad, seems pretty good.

...Then, a whole big cake was forcefully stuffed into his stomach.

Goodbye, he has completely blocked and blocked this feeling, it is not novel and interesting at all, it only makes people feel disgusting.

Now, he just wants to vomit out the cake quickly, such as going out to do missions immediately, wandering around Tokyo more, and killing more people.Only in this way, the disgusting feeling seems to be able to disappear a little bit.

[Oh,] The system was silent again, [There is no excessive, directly squeezed into the stomach, that is a bit too much. ]
Thanks, not just a little over the top.

The living room was very quiet, only the small light in the kitchen was on, so Hinata could even clearly hear the beating of the clock and the slight movement in Masami Hirota's room.

The other party was woken up by him?
Hyuga rationally took another sip of water, then paused, suddenly aware of a little incongruity.

Holding the water glass, he took a few steps forward and looked towards the direction of the watch hanging in the living room. Right below the watch was an old TV with an antenna on it.

The sense of incongruity became stronger.

He suppressed the feeling of nausea, recalled it for a while, and recalled it again, then blinked his eyes slowly, grasping the momentary violation, "Wait a minute."

The system asks: [What? ]
"That dream is the previous memory of this body, right?" Hinata confirmed reasonably, and then continued, "However, I am still using a button phone, but something similar to virtual VR or projection appeared in that dream ..."

He fell into deep thought, "Is the technology in this world so strange?"

(End of this chapter)

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