Conan's Helping People

Chapter 201 Destroying the Wolf

Chapter 201 Destroying the Wolf
Like for you?
Hyuga rationally suppressed the thought of being disrespectful to that gentleman silently, "The premise is that the other party must be valuable?"

The annoying guy just mentioned, who dared to violate Qin Jiu's order to watch the battle and directly grab food when he knew that Qin Jiu was nearby, was indeed annoying enough, but is he pretentious and still To be considered.

It may also be to seize the moment to express yourself, such as 'Look at that hesitant and scared waste.Look at me who shot decisively again! '.

Hinata reasonably feels that if he is himself, he can do this kind of thing.

Anyway, if you can't do it, just run away. There are radish pits everywhere. There is no need to stay under a rigid boss who doesn't know how to adapt or appreciate outstanding talents.

The more this happened, the more he hated that guy, no one would be willing to be a springboard.

Especially, according to the conversation just now, that guy was really appreciated, and he was very happy under Belmode.

Very briefly, Hyuga Ryo fell into hesitation about whether the top of the blacklist was the blonde Hero or that annoying guy.

But he didn't hesitate for long, the blond Hero was just an ordinary member, but that annoying guy was a 'subordinate appreciated by the code member', and that code member was Belmode!
So, almost instantly, he decided that the guy he hated the most was the guy who dared to steal food.

The gentleman's tone remained the same, still smiling, "Yes, you don't need to care about worthless things at all, and valuable people, even if you hate them, you have to keep him locked up."

"Acting only on one's own emotions is destined not to last long."

"Well, okay." Hinata accepted the 'teaching' neatly and neatly, without any objection, and began to focus on inquiring about the other party's information, "His enemy?"

Not everyone is naturally suitable for darkness. Compared with living an ordinary life as an ordinary person, and then suddenly or naturally starting an illegal career one day, it is still hindered by various unavoidable and unavoidable circumstances in life. It is more common to step into the darkness impulsively or firmly.

When many people broke the law just now, their minds went blank, and it is hard to say whether they will behave like that again if they do it again.

While listening to the gentleman casually expressing this point of view, Hinata made a reasonable effort to concentrate, not to allow himself to refute, and not to let his expression become problematic.

He only agrees with part of this point of view, that is, most people do not need any earth-shattering events to embark on this road, perhaps only a small straw.

He took advantage of the situation and asked: "In this way, that guy joined the organization because of a trivial matter?"

The gentleman smiled without saying a word, just tapped on the table with his fingers.

In the center of the table, there was originally a decoration, a white sculptural hand holding a half-open bottle of red wine.

After the knocking sound, a beam of light was projected from the mouth of the wine bottle, and the light interweaved into images on the white wall not far away.

Hinata looked over reasonably, then his eyes narrowed slightly.

Above is the image of a human with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a simple black top and coat, smiling mildly and politely at the camera.

It's a familiar person.

After a little recollection, Hyuga Ryo remembered why he felt familiar.

When he was still in the hospital, because his parents died and he had to find a temporary guardian, otherwise he would be sent to the orphanage when he was discharged from the hospital. Qin Jiu once showed him a stack of resumes of organization members and asked him to choose among them. People who are pleasing to the eye, act as temporary guardians.

At that time, Hinata's reasonable choice was this human with black hair and blue eyes.

...and then Masami Hirota came.

Maybe, as a boss, Samoyed is a bit scheming.

That was the first time Hinata had seen a human with black hair and blue eyes, but it wasn't the first time he saw it with his own eyes.

The first time I saw it with my own eyes was when I was performing a mission for the first time and retreated in a comfortable mood. Hyuga Ryo also ran into this black-haired and blue-eyed human being. He successfully escaped from the state of guilty conscience -0.01 seconds, and became more confident.

Afterwards, they also worked together on quite a few missions. Compared with other narrow-minded organization members who rushed to the mission site ahead of time, but found that the mission target had already GG, they either cursed in horror, or turned their heads and ran away in anger. This black-haired and blue-eyed gentleman has never been angry, at most, his expression is usually dignified when his meal is robbed.

All in all, a good man.

Although Hyuga Ryo doesn't remember the name of Mr. Good-hearted Man, he still likes him quite a lot.

But why does the image of the other party appear here?
He looked at the gentleman, who smiled slightly, tapped his finger on the table again, and said in a low voice, "It seems that you know him."

The image changed from a close-up photo of a big headshot with a face to a full-body photo. There are some red and blue lines around the photo, marking the physical condition and special habits of black-haired and blue-eyed humans respectively. At the top, there are There is a line of succinct boldface: [Analysis of Heiro Uel's Situation].

Wait, 'Hiro Yul'?Hiro?

Is the name Shiro also a name with a high repetition rate among foreigners?Moreover, the other party has black hair and blue eyes, and his appearance does not have the characteristics of foreigners or mixed races. How could he have a foreign name?
Hinata was reasonably surprised for a few seconds, subconsciously glanced sideways at the gentleman, and looked at him.

The other party withdrew his hand with a smile, picked up a piece of medium-rare steak with a fork, and fed the crow, and said leisurely: "You can take a look at his details, including the reason why he joined the organization and his specialties. Think again about what kind of person he is and how he should be controlled."

The crow didn't open its mouth to eat the meat right away, but moved its wings, and glanced at Hinata Reasonable's side before opening its mouth wide and swallowing the medium-rare piece of meat.

The crow seemed a little afraid of him, what did he do?
Hinata rationally recalled it briefly, only recalling that a crow collapsed before, and other than that, he did not do anything to other crows.

The crow in front of him is obviously not the one that was collapsed, so there is no reason to be afraid of him, which is a bit strange.

He looked at the crow a few more times, then withdrew his attention, and looked back at the video.

The analysis next to the image is very powerful. The line extending from the palm of the black-haired Hero marks the condition of the callus. It merges with the line extending from the shoulder to form a sniper rifle that has been practiced for roughly how long in conclusion.

The lines extending from the legs, waist, and elbows are not only marked with the length, but also analyzed what fighting skills the opponent has practiced, and there is another color font next to the notes that the opponent personally admitted to practice. Martial arts.

After roughly scanning the densely packed words, Hinata summarized them reasonably:

The black-haired Hero has undergone systematic training. He is very good at fighting and is proficient in different types of firearms. He is also familiar with sniper rifles. The organization lacks sniper talents, so after joining the organization, it is convenient for him to concentrate on sniping Aspects of hand development.

But it didn't say which country the other party was from, nor why the other party had a Japanese face but a foreigner's name.

It's a bit of a remark that doesn't agree with other professional analysis.

A dotted line was also extended on the face of the black-haired Hero, beside which was written: [Smiling tiger? 】

The color of that word is very light, the lightest gray, almost invisible, only the question mark behind it is a bit more intense.

After Hinata reasonably captured the word, he recalled his impression of the black-haired Hero, and fell into deep thought.

If a person has a good temper, is robbed of food on the spot, and can still smile as usual, it is indeed okay to be suspected of hiding a knife in his smile.

After reading it, he raised his palm tentatively, imitating the rhythm of the gentleman just now, and tapped the table with the tip of his index finger.

There was an inaudible knocking sound.

The image not far away changed immediately and switched to the next picture.

It was cobbled together from captions, blurry surveillance screenshots, fragments of reports and some paper documents.

Hinata rationally raised his eyebrows slowly, and read the top words first in order from top to bottom. Those words were a brief introduction to [Heiro Yul].

Every city has a chaotic zone, even Tokyo, or because it is Tokyo, its chaotic zone is darker, and the black-haired Hiro lives in that area.

His parents are a pair of foreigners who came here by smuggling, so they can only live in a chaotic place with a second set of survival rules. He took a poor child whose parents died, and gave him a foreign name, [Heiro Yule].

When he saw this, Hinata propped his chin thoughtfully, and asked, "Where is that place? I haven't heard of it."

Hinata had never seen such a place when he was wandering around Tokyo with the police and doing cleaning tasks everywhere.

At most, there are some areas under the control of small gangs that form some unwritten regulations, but they are small and imperfect, and the forces that control them are also very weak, which does not match the place described in the information.

The gentleman didn't care that he had just fed the crow with a fork, and leisurely forked a piece of steak into his mouth, and at the same time replied casually: "Because it disappeared before you came back."

"You don't need to pay too much attention to things in the past tense."

'Before you come back'...?
Hinata's reasonable gaze flickered, and he glanced at the normal expression on the other side.

The other party seemed to pause, and then continued to add nonchalantly, "If you are interested in the detailed process of their disappearance and want to be a warning, I can also send you information."

"No, no need, I'm not interested." Hyuga rationally withdrew his gaze as if nothing had happened, without asking anything, he accelerated the speed of reading the information.

The intelligence personnel of the organization believe that the parents of the black-haired Hero are not so simple. They should have been black characters in the past, the kind of black characters who were targeted by the FBI and could only run away in embarrassment.

"FBI, is it very powerful?" Seeing this, Hinata raised his hand slightly, and asked again in doubt.

How could he be another criminal who was targeted by the FBI and could only run away?
The black-haired Hero joined the organization for less than a year. This time is too short to practice marksmanship from scratch, let alone a sniper rifle. The other party already knew it before joining the organization.

Most likely it was taught by family members.

As for the opponent's marksmanship...

Hinata reasonably asked again, "Is this the guy who provoked me?"

The topic just now was talking about the guy who dared to shoot without authorization. Hinata Rigi hadn't seen the other person's appearance with his own eyes, and only knew it was a man.

But when talking about that topic, there will be no irrelevant characters on the video.

"Yes, this is the guy you hate." The gentleman laughed, paused, and then slowly repeated the first question, "Is the FBI powerful?"

"I haven't paid attention to the FBI for a long time, but the newcomers they train are my old friends. These new batches of children will probably be very powerful."

Strangely enough, even though his face was covered with wrinkles, when that gentleman smiled, he didn't feel tired or old like an old man, but had a glowing feeling.

It is the brilliance of power and the superior attitude of the superior.

Hyuga Ryo took a few more glances again, and cheered cooperatively, "Old friend?"

"It's been a bit uneasy recently." The gentleman pondered for a moment. He wanted to habitually tap his fingers on the table, but stopped halfway and gently touched the black crow's wings. "In the second half of the year, or next year, I can Take you to New York and meet some old friends."

"It's time for you to make some normal, back-delivery friends, too."

Saying that, the other party really seemed like a helpless patriarch, and shook his head with a broken smile.

This subtext... Hyuga rationally tasted it, and then tasted it again.

In the end, it was confirmed that he didn't feel wrong, the other party was hinting that he could be allowed to touch the tentacles of some organizations.

As long as you are a smarter person, you should be obedient and submissive at this time, and you should contribute another wave of confession to show your loyalty to the organization.

However, Hinata took less than a second to weigh it quickly, focusing on the other party's attitude today.

He didn't choose to take the most natural, safe and normal route, but said casually: "I already have friends, and I will never betray my friends."

In this world, there is no one who will never betray anyone, but if the specific human category is excluded, human beings have a special and eternal friend.

That is interest.

He added, "And you're teaching me how to make another guy aware of my friend and obey me."

'Destroying the enemy' for the black-haired Hero is not the goal, the purpose is to 'destroy the enemy' as an opportunity to take control of the opponent.

He eliminates obstacles for the other party, and the other party works for him.

In a fundamental sense, it is an exchange of interests.

The gentleman deepened his smile and stroked the crow's wings, "You are as smart as ever, Lily."

"So now, what are you going to do?"

"Some of his enemies must be the FBI." Hinata raised his chin rationally, "It just so happens that there are people from the FBI in Tokyo now."

And that mysterious element who was also targeted by the FBI...

Should we kill them together, or take the opportunity to control them?
Glancing at the gentleman's smile from the corner of his eye, Hyuga Ryo didn't hesitate at all, and said naturally: "They are hunting for a person, a person whose appearance and characteristics are somewhat similar to mine."

"He paid attention to my appearance and asked me who my parents were twice."

He resisted the movement of knocking on the table to prevent the image from changing, and only rubbed the table with his index finger, "What do you think, how about driving away the wolf?"

 Only the FBI wounded world reached (bushi
(End of this chapter)

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