Conan's Helping People

Chapter 210 Heroic Martyrdom

Chapter 210 Heroic Martyrdom
People from the FBI walked in, and people from the Tokyo Police also walked in.

Some FBI personnel are scattered and hidden around the Rice Flower Mall, always alert to the movement around them, and some Tokyo police personnel are scattered and hidden around the Rice Flower Mall, always alert to the surrounding movements.

Hyuga rationally refilled another cup of coffee.

There was a kind of melodious light music in the coffee shop, which was a bit like a lullaby. When no one was talking, a quiet atmosphere settled down.

He stirred the coffee with a spoon, thought for a while, and asked aloud, "Are you not satisfied with the ending?"

Wouldn't it be satisfying to embarrass one's enemies and then kill them straight away?
You know, for the FBI, the Tokyo police are enemies of the same camp. If so many people are smuggled over and caught by the enemy on the spot, it is not just a question of whether to lose face, but it may also rise to a confrontation between high-level officials. , become an international issue.

And after they die, you can confidently remove the 'possible', this event will definitely rise.

Maybe after the end, the FBI and the Tokyo police will take this case as a case and explain it to novices repeatedly.

Moreover, for a period of time after the case ended, the FBI still held its nose and wagged its tail, bowing its head.

Hinata reasonably feels that it is enough to do this. After all, you can’t eat a big fat man in one bite, and you can’t directly fast-forward to the destruction of the FBI... Then the FBI can just change its name and start the stove again. It won’t be completely destroyed. like organization.

Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned for a moment, exchanged glances with him, and said, "No, I'm not very dissatisfied with the ending."


"It feels like you're very skilled at targeting their weaknesses. Have you targeted them like this before?"

Otherwise, why are you so proficient?

First, he followed the vine and forced the FBI to replace a cell phone card line, and then forced the FBI to meet, and then reported to the police pitifully, bringing the two alliances together, adding fuel and fuel to the fire .

If there were no accidents, those members of the organization who had waited at the Mihua Mall in advance would put the blame on the FBI.

Even if the investigation is clear after the fact, it is confirmed that the bombs/bombs were not installed by the FBI... Many people will not care about the facts. It depends on whether the bombs/bombs and casualties were caused by the FBI in their hearts. , If it is determined, even if there is evidence, they will hold this matter to the FBI.

To be honest, from the perspective of tactics, this set of tactics is not so ingenious and exquisite, nor is it flawless. It can even be seen that the high probability is that Hinata followed the situation rationally and came up with it in a short period of time. of.

But it works.

The most important thing about a strategy is not how ingenious, how fancy, and how unremarkable it is, but to achieve the goal.

In the current situation, in half an hour at most, Hinata's reasonable goal will have been achieved, that is, the FBI and the Tokyo police will clash head-on, and their real enemy, the organization, will disappear.

Even if the two sides know that there is a third party involved afterwards, the hatred value of each other will still be deeply drawn to each other, and the main thing is to hate each other deeply.

Moreover, the FBI and the Tokyo police are not completely unaware.

The FBI must have guessed that there will be an ambush at the meeting place, and the Tokyo police must have guessed that the message was fraudulent, but they still had to follow the steps and dance according to the stage script.

There is no way, if the FBI does not come, they will continue to be hunted down unilaterally, just like a mouse being targeted by a cat. The duty of the Tokyo police is to protect the citizens. Even if there is a 90% chance of a report like this being false , For the 10%, you must also check it out.

This kind of strategy is simple and understated, but it forces both parties to act according to the plan. The person who made the plan is either a genius with a keen sense of smell, or he is already familiar with this kind of thing.

That Hinata is rational, is it a genius who has figured out the weaknesses of both sides in a very short time, or is it a familiar hand who has fought against both sides, so this time he is targeting an old enemy?
And, the other party downplayed the matter of "following the vines and catching the FBI" without going into details...

"Huh?" Hinata was also stunned for a moment, and he asked with some doubts, "Do you need more experience?"

Doesn't this kind of targeted plan mean that you should first find out the outline of the other party, and then design according to the characteristics of the other party?
For example, humanoid objects like to chase people, so let them think that they are chasing people, and human beings like to increase their chances of survival, so let them think that they are increasing their chances of survival.

Isn't this what people with normal IQs would think of? How to listen to the tone of the black-haired Hero requires many times of experience?

... Forget it, it's understandable in peaceful times.

He quickly calmed down and replied calmly: "No, I haven't targeted them before, but for the FBI and Tokyo police, just follow the stereotype."

Zhu Fujingguang controlled his expression, and as a member of the bottom organization, he gave enough respect to the code members, "It's only the first time that I can force the FBI and the Tokyo police into such a situation. It's not a loss to my lord."

Then I got the 'stupid look' from the members of the code name.

"If you're not very flattering, you don't have to say it." Hinata said reasonably and tactfully, and then quickly changed the subject, "There is movement in the Mihua mall."

After the FBI and the Tokyo police entered in sequence, the Mihua Mall was still as usual without incident, but now, many people came out in a hurry.

The flow of people coming out was too large, and it is estimated that the FBI personnel who were monitoring outside had already realized that something was wrong.

"After that," Hinata made a reasonable estimate, and said briskly, "10 minutes."

"The people from the FBI can be arrested. Of course, it refers to the FBI agents inside the Mihua Mall, the FBI agents who are stationed outside and those who didn't come at all. We still need to wait for the police and the FBI to finish negotiations before deciding whether to go. stay."

While talking, more and more people poured out of Mihua Mall.

The people at the beginning were just in a hurry, but the people who rushed out from behind almost ran out.

Hinata took a reasonable glance at the crowd below, then raised his eyes and began to look around, looking for special targets that were not right.

People from the FBI and the police should also be in the nearby tall buildings. At this time, they should be looking down from the window. Now is a good time to search for them.

When turning back and retreating, you can see if Fang is inconvenient. If it is convenient, just catch a few mice to make the black-haired Hero happy... Or let the other party bite the mouse and avenge his parents?

When he scanned the side, his gaze paused.

In a bar not far away, someone was leaning on the table with a glass of wine, looking down.

That person is a person whom Hinata Ryo looks very familiar with. To put it simply, he refers to him as [lower eyelid].

The other party was still wearing a knitted hat as always, with a few strands of long black hair hanging in the air, and those eyes were coldly scanning the crowd below, as if searching for something.

It was the mysterious person being chased by the FBI. If I remember correctly, the other party's name was...

Hinata stared at the person rationally, and said the person's name, "Zhu Xingdai."

Zhu Fu Jingguang raised his head subconsciously following his gaze, "What?"

Zhu Xingda noticed the two gazes almost immediately, raised his head instantly, and cast his gaze coldly.

Then froze.

It is one of the objectives of the mission. After cleaning up the black-haired Hero, it is time to clean up Zhu Xingda on the opposite side.

Hyuga rationally shifted his gaze down a few inches, from staring at the other party to staring at the wine glass in the other party's hand.

It was a brownish transparent wine glass with a huge ice ball inside.

The ice ball reflected a little bit of broken light, which was fleeting.

Almost at the moment when the ray of light disappeared, Hyuga Ryo and Zhu Fu Jingguang spoke at the same time.

"There is a sniper." X2
Zhu Fu Jingguang immediately withdrew his gaze, picked up his coffee and drank half a sip, and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to retreat?"

"No, the target of the sniper is not us." Hyuga Ryo didn't look away, and was still looking over there, "Besides, the sniper is above us, and this is the safest place."

He caught Zhu Xingda's expression with his eyes, and found that the other party naturally looked back, as if he hadn't noticed him at all, and his expression was still the original stern template.

Just started swirling the glass, looking up from time to time to take a sip.

The opponent also noticed that there was a sniper, but they couldn't retreat immediately, so they pretended not to notice.

And when he was targeted by a sniper, he pretended not to notice him... Interesting.

"Do you know that person?" Zhu Fu Jingguang asked in a low voice, covering the lower half of his face with a coffee cup.

"The FBI smuggled a large number of members here this time just to arrest that guy." Hinata gave a reasonable and simple introduction to the opposite Zhuxing University.

Focus on science popularization'Zhu Xingda is a famous road killer. The police were helpless until he killed people related to the FBI...So the police suddenly had a burst of inspiration, came up with countless methods, and overcome countless difficulties. drove him to Tokyo'.

Living up to his high expectations, Zhu Fu Jingguang instantly understood what he meant, and subtly echoed: "When the murderer targets civilians, the police are helpless. When the murderer targets high-level figures, the police suddenly have various methods." .”

"That's... ironic."

While talking, Zhu Fu Jingguang stared at Hinata's rational side face, tentatively figured out the other party's psychology, and continued, "The group of guys who follow the wind, bully the weak and fear the hard, are much darker than us."

Contrary to his expectations, Hinata rationale did not nod in deep agreement, but gave him a surprised look, and then paused for a moment.

"Don't let hatred blind your eyes." After thinking for a moment, Hinata said rationally, "When you look at the objective facts with personal emotions, the objective facts will be distorted."

"And once distorted, it means that you can't catch all abnormal situations and survival opportunities in time."

Sooner or later it will overturn.

For example, now, the black-haired Hero is obviously caught in hatred, and actually feels that the FBI is darker than them.

... Touching the conscience that does not exist at all, Hinata Ryo cannot even say such a thing with confidence.

No matter how stereotyped it is, no matter how despised by the public, no matter how it conforms to the "open the door" in the film and television drama, FBI! ! ! "The image, that is also the red side forces.

In terms of darkness, how could it compare to an organization deeply rooted in the shadows.

However, people are inevitably biased. After being in the dark for a long time, you get used to the darkness, and you don’t feel how dark you are, and how much it scares normal people. Hinata’s rationality is quite understandable.

He didn't say too much, but simply pointed out the truth, shook his ears, and changed the subject again.

"There was gunfire."

There was a very light gunshot, and a gun with a suppressor fired.

Then came one after another of small gunshots.

There are three models of guns.

After the firearm is equipped with a silencer, it will not be silent directly, but the sound will be weakened, but the sound of the gun is still very obvious. It is mixed with the chaotic flow of people below the Mihua shopping mall, and it is blurred again. Almost to the point of silence.

Only people who often touch guns and are sensitive to guns can capture the dozen or so tiny gunshots.

Amid the sound of people and gunshots, Hinata reasonably heard a clearer and more distinct system prompt.

[Ding, the wearer of the monitor has lost his vital signs, can he recover it with one click? ]
[Ding, the monitor wearer has lost his vital signs...]

The beep sounded four times in total.

Hinata justifiably grabbed five people from Gin's subordinates and asked them to delay the time by contacting the FBI. By the way, after the police arrived, they would pour dirty water on the FBI.

Just pour dirty water according to the information on the report message, one by one.

Now, four have died in the gunfire and one is alive.

After pondering for a while, Hinata rationally reached out and touched his ears, and turned on the sound of the earrings.

He heard heavy panting, hurried footsteps, and Matsuda Jinpei's urgent voice, "Ambulance, where is the ambulance! There are survivors here!!!"


Ryo Hinata touched his ears again, shaking off the discomfort of hearing the messy sound suddenly, and continued to listen.

Samoyed is as reliable as ever, and its subordinates are also very reliable.

Even at this time, the subordinate of Gin Jiu still insisted on the previous task and poured dirty water on the FBI.

He heard a strange, trembling voice, and the other party said intermittently and with a kind of anger: "You, you not only installed bombs/bombs, but also contacted the police!"

The technique of pouring dirty water is very blunt, but there are many police officers present, leaving a thorn in their hearts is enough.

Hearing this, Hyuga Ryo immediately cut off the sound transmission of the earrings.

The voices that rang close to the ears disappeared in an instant, and turned into chaotic human voices from afar, and the gunshots from afar had long since stagnated.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhu Fu Jingguang asked.

Hinata closed his eyes rationally, and calmly admitted his own shortcomings, "For the management of my subordinates, I'm still not as good as cotton candy."

He thought for a while, "It seems to be trying to control the other party's family and children."

While he was speaking, another gunshot sounded, which was the rarer one among the three previous gunshots.

[Ding, the wearer of the monitor has lost his vital signs, do you want to take it back immediately? ]
Since the shark.

It is worthy of being the subordinate of Marshmallow Yaye.

Zhu Fu Jingguang paused for a moment, subconsciously looked at the Mihua Mall again, but he didn't know what happened, so he only glanced at it, put down his concern for the police officers, and put his thoughts in front of his eyes, "Are you thinking , Your Majesty?"

And immediately capture the key points of 'marshmallow yeah' and 'be kind and powerful, and control the family and children'.

...Marshmallow yay, is Hinata Ryo now the teacher?
With this nickname, the other party is a cute type of woman?
Almost subconsciously, Zhu Fu Jingguang recalled the appearance of that nurse, the corners of her eyes drooped slightly, and when she smiled, there was an innocent and gentle feeling.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Hinata confirmed reasonably. He propped his chin, looked at the still majestic Mihua Mall, and asked thoughtfully, "Shouldn't the family members be rewarded after the heroic death of his subordinates?"

How did marshmallows do it?

Although he had placed bombs on those people in advance and hadn't decided to keep them alive, those people didn't know that there was a backhand, and some people committed suicide.

He uses the word 'valiant' subtly, even though it doesn't fit black characters at all.

(End of this chapter)

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