Conan's Helping People

Chapter 213 Chapter 204

Chapter 213 2 I'm Troubling You
Gin: "..."

It's very strange, even if he didn't look down at Hyuga Ryo's phone screen, he could instantly guess what strange things Hinata Ryo sent.

Maybe it's because Hinata Ryo's current expression is too "bright and righteous, good Bianmu", and he almost put a note on his face saying "I'm very good, I didn't cause trouble", and then proudly bit the sofa, but also confidently Saying that this is not causing destruction, but attacking the villains who have eroded the master's will.

It may also be that Hyuga Ryo's attitude in answering the conversation just now was too perfunctory, but now he is too serious.

Or the sound of pressing the keys is too cheerful, and when you hear it, you are making trouble.

Or the other party just shook their hair secretly, so the density of dog hair in the car suddenly increased, filling every breath, so much that it was uncomfortable.

Gin endured it for a while, and still sneered: "You are typing faster and faster."

It's getting worse and worse.

Belmode's natural surprise, 'Isn't it teasing you? ' appeared in his mind for a second, and was pushed back by him again.

He glanced at Hinata's reasonable attire, and began to show concern in other ways, "There are so many police officers in Mihua Shopping Mall, are you still showing off with this face, because you are afraid that others will not remember you?"

"What?" The other party was surprised, subconsciously reached out to touch his face, and then loaded the template for organizing the language for a few seconds, "I wore a mask when I went, but I forgot to take it when I retreated. But there is a hat covering the face, and everyone else I’m looking at the Mihua mall, it’s all right.”

Then there is monitoring.

When he sneered and was about to speak, the other party continued to add: "I asked Hiro to break the monitoring in advance."

Okay, but there are witnesses...

"When ordering a drink, I didn't take off my mask. The location I chose was in the corner, with green plants blocking other people's sight."

The other party continued to add, and then gave a quick sizing look, and then fell into deep thought, "You don't usually pretend, do you? No matter what mission you have?"

"Black Porsche, black long windbreaker and hat, long white fur..." The other party changed his mouth naturally, "It's so difficult to take care of. Did you see that dog outside? I guess it won't take a bath obediently."

He continued to answer the previous words with a natural expression, "Long black windbreaker and hat, long silver hair, your features are very conspicuous, right?"


Don't think that if you can re-speak naturally, other people will not be able to understand what you want to say at the beginning.

Gin recalled that a long time ago, Bellmode approached him to file a complaint, reporting that Hinata reasonably called him 'silver-haired cat'.

Two bad guys working together.

But not treating some guys as adults, but simply labeling them as animals, sometimes it does work wonders.

It is very different to be provoked triumphantly by someone, and to be provoked triumphantly by a border shepherd, and it is even more different from being provoked triumphantly by one of the leaders.

He stared at Hinata for a few seconds, moved his eyes, and glanced at the car window behind the black-haired kid. He only caught a white afterimage, but he didn't see clearly the innocent and poor dog leader who was pulled out casually as a shield for wrong words what kind.

But he can clearly see the innocent guy in front of him.

Sneering again, Qin Jiu said lightly: "If you want to raise a long-haired cat, you can go home to raise it obediently, don't touch other cats and dogs with owners during the mission, and if you are bitten back, I will take you to get vaccinated. "

The guy who pretended to be innocent started to pretend to be contemplative again.

A few seconds later, the other party simply pointed out, "What's wrong with Hero?"

"He has connections with other black organizations?"

The point of that sentence is too obvious and explicit. What is "other cats and dogs with owners", isn't it just saying that the black-haired Hero is from another organization?
However, what other black forces in Tokyo can compete with the organization?

Hyuga rationally recalled briefly, trying to find the organization's competitors from the process of easily chopping vegetables, and by the way, whether he offended the competitors too much, and whether he could change jobs and run away in the future.

No fruit.

In addition to the organization, among the series of tasks that Hinata reasonably does, it is true that everyone is blackened, but there are basically no big black hands behind the scenes, otherwise they will not be directly dealt with by the organization.

So... what about the official power?police? FBI?Or some other special department?
Hinata thought about it, and slowly ruled out this option.

Although, although the black-haired Hero is the kind of person who looks gentle, he is also the kind of person who gets along very gently.

However, the opponent's bones are black.

Which police officer will comfort the members of the organization, telling him not to worry about being reprimanded by his superiors for being too competent, and to go home quickly?
Which police officer would shoot directly under the nose of the code member, trying to kill the victim, just to show his ability?

Is this a police officer?
……and many more.

Hinata reasonably paused his thoughts, first eliminated his personal emotional factors, and then made the most basic definitions of these two things: 'remind the criminal to retreat' and 'kill the victim/hostage first'.

He understood, "People from the FBI?"

This is definitely something the FBI can do!
Or deduct the 'FBI' and replace it with the New York police. In short, it is indeed something they can do, and it is true that even if they do it, it will not surprise others too much.
"I don't know." Gin glanced over, and said bluntly, "Bermode said that he has a shadow of police training on him. You can discuss this matter with her in detail."

He looked at Hinata reasonably, and asked in a normal tone, "What are you going to do?"

"I plan." Hinata moved his eyeballs reasonably and looked at the past.

First of all, Gin said that Hiro was a police officer, but he didn't know which police department the other party belonged to.

Secondly, it was Belmode who put forward this point of view.

Although Belmode is indeed a very reliable member of the code name, but how to say, in some things, she does make people wonder, 'Is she not playing tricks? '.

Finally, Gin had an affair with Hero before.

To sum it up, it's almost blatantly 'yes, I'm just looking for someone to put a head on that guy's head, directly turning him into a dead man, and completely ending the grievance'.

Under Gin's sight, Hinata rationally stated this conclusion slowly.

Gin raised his eyebrows, "So, what are you going to do?"

The black-haired Hero was taken away by Belmode, and was set as a designated task by that gentleman.

Rounding it up, Hinata is reasonable to snatch people from Belmode... Oops, why is the sense of perfunctory and tidying up people getting stronger and stronger, Belmode will be the kind of person who was robbed, a little unhappy Now, just make small means of people?

Using himself to judge others, Hinata touched his conscience rationally, and found that if it were him, he would use countless small tricks to deceive people without hesitation.

The sense of sight is getting stronger and stronger.

"I plan to do nothing." Hinata said reasonably.

"Bermod will find out, do you think she won't report to that gentleman?" He continued calmly, "No matter where he is from, my task is to subdue him."

To subdue the loyalty of an organization member is to subdue, and to subdue the loyalty of a police officer is to subdue.

There is no difference in difficulty between the two. Anyway, Hyuga Ryo intends to coax Zao in a simple and rough way. If he can't be coaxed, he will hit a few more sticks and continue coaxing.

And, most importantly.

Hinata continued rationally: "No matter where he is from, as long as he doesn't want to be exposed/exposed, he will obediently stay in the organization, obey the orders of his superiors, and use him normally."

If it is exposed/exposed, then deal with it directly. Anyway, Hinata is not very good for his senses.

This is not such a serious and worthy of attention.

It was Gin who reminded him so seriously several times.

Hyuga rationally looked at the gin again, politely swallowed 'Are you throwing a scapegoat', and then said nonchalantly: "I also hate traitors. After finishing the task, if he has second thoughts, I will Give him to you to play with."

Focus: finish the task.

Again, Hinata is not interested in provoking his boss until he has figured out the context of his new boss.

So, intellectually, Ryo Hyuga wanted to say 'what?Suspected of the police?It just collapsed! ’, but emotionally, he can only euphemistically say, ‘If he is really a traitor, you will have an extra teething toy’.

...How does it feel that reason and emotion have been exchanged.

"A black cat is a white cat, and the one that can catch mice is a good cat?" Qin Jiu frowned, "I know."

Then change the subject, "Be careful recently, apart from the batch from Mihua Mall, there are still a batch of FBI in Tokyo. They will negotiate with the police in the future, and they may take the opportunity to retaliate against you."

After all, after the negotiation, it's time to go back. It will be difficult to come back next time. If you want revenge, you have to do it this time.

"Then it's all cleaned up." Hinata answered reasonably and easily. He thought for a while, and then continued to say relaxedly, "If he is suspected to be someone from the FBI, then on the day of his sniping, I will keep an eye on the surroundings and catch suspicious people in the crowd. The guy was also picked out and cleaned up together."

Anyway, no matter who they are, if they want to continue to survive in the organization, they have to call the FBI.

Qin Jiu took a deep look at him, and replied lightly again, "En."

"I don't know when they will negotiate." Hinata continued to appease, "I'm free during this time, do you want to do the task together?"

It's not 'I'll do the task for you' or 'I want to do the task', it's 'do the task together', right?

He continued his efforts and continued: "On the day the FBI is repatriated, you can also come to watch the mission. If there is any change in Hero, you can help me clean him up."

'Exchange tasks'.

Gin didn't immediately refute, but reminded lightly, "If you want to publicly snipe and imitate others, they may not necessarily announce the information about the repatriation of FBI members, but may send them back privately or let them continue to stay in Tokyo. "

If Shiro is a member of the FBI or the Tokyo police, it is impossible to realize the plan of quietly waiting for the police to publicly condemn the FBI's smuggling behavior, then repatriate them, and then let Shiro go to snipe.

Unless there is someone within the police to support, stand on the highest point of morality and interests, and most importantly, the faction, madly support the 'public repatriation of the FBI'.

He looked at Hyuga Ryo, and Hinata Ryo also looked at him.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Hyuga rationally got a hint smoothly, and tentatively said: "Then..."

"I'll give you a list later, and you have to contact them yourself." Gin said bluntly, paused again, and reminded again, "Belmode's apparent identity is a celebrity, and her main activities are in New York, I also often go to Washington, and I am an old rival with the FBI."

Got it, you can also cheat from Belmode.

Hinata continued rationally: "Then, what tasks are you going to do later?"

Matsuda Jinpei walked out of the work unit.

He was still wearing the casual clothes he had on the previous mission, but he took off his hat, his curly hair was no longer covered, and he also put on sunglasses again, with his hands in the same empty pockets.

The matter of the Mihua Mall is really too big, and the FBI is also involved.

So, without even returning to the office, Matsuda Jinhei was called away by his boss and took a vacation.

It's pretty good that the Wang Wang brigade has made great contributions and made great achievements.

... This case is really too complicated, and the person who tipped the news is still a mysterious person, who doesn't know the identity and position of the other party.

Due to some well-known workplace rules that cannot be written into regulations, at least until the negotiation between the police and the FBI is completed, Matsuda Jinpei can stay at home and have a 'comfortable' holiday, and some colleagues can also rub him Take a break near his house and keep an eye on him.

Well, by the way.

His mobile phone was also legally confiscated, and the technical department has already stepped up to decipher the message of the mysterious number.

The red light on the sidewalk was on, Matsuda Jinhei stopped, and stood lazily by the side of the road, not restraining himself from slipping into contemplative thoughts.

The black organization, the FBI, the mysterious message...these three are intertwined, gradually weaving into a white mist, which made his brows furrowed.

There is a place for manual operation next to the traffic light, which can be adjusted from red to green. He only glanced at it, and then continued to stare at the black and white zebra crossing in thought.

Someone next to him looked at him strangely, thinking that there was something wrong with him, so he quickly changed the red light to green and hurried across the road.

Matsuda Jinpei walked nonchalantly and followed suit.

There were colleagues following him behind him, so it was a bit obvious, but he didn't care either.

He looked around, and suddenly remembered that Hyuga Ryo was squatting on the side of the road that day, so he turned the corner and walked towards the intersection that day.

After walking for about 3 minutes, he saw the intersection and traffic lights that day from a distance.

It's a pity that Hinata Reasonable and Samoyed have not been refreshed at this refresh point for the time being, nor have other dogs been refreshed... Instead, a curly-haired police dog on vacation has been refreshed.


He coughed a few times, covered his mouth with the back of his hand, so as not to frighten his colleagues who were staring at him nervously, and laughed out of nowhere at the end of the incident, it was really a criminal, let’s forget it .

Then, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps, and subconsciously turned his head.

The two colleagues who had just been hiding in the distance and staring at him quietly were running wildly, with anxious expressions on their faces.

The moment they met his gaze, they showed expressions of relief at the same time, much like a fish-monster who arrived at the arrest scene a little too late and found that the prisoner hadn't slipped away.

Matsuda Jinpei: "?"

"Officer Matsuda!!!" One of the colleagues was still on the phone, not sure if he was attacking him or the other end of the phone with his voice, "Message, new message!"

"That number has sent a new message, saying that there is a bomb in the tropical park!"

"She asked you to solve it by name!"

Matsuda Jinpei: "?"

Another colleague ran wildly while holding up his mobile phone, as if checking messages.

He rushed to the front of Matsuda's battle plane, and the man held the phone upside down in front of him, and asked him to read the message on the phone screen.

[I just made a bomb/bomb. The buyer wants to make a deal with the black forces. It is said that if the deal fails, he will be silenced, so he wants to get someone to be buried with him.

He brought a small black suitcase and planned to randomly place it somewhere in the tropical park. If the countdown to the bomb/bomb ends and he hasn’t gone to stop it, it means that he is dead, and the bomb/bomb will be stopped by no one. Explodes/explodes the moment the countdown ends.

Sorry to trouble you, Officer Matsuda. ]
Matsuda Jinpei: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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