Conan's Helping People

Chapter 236 Vodka, keep rushing

Chapter 236 Vodka, keep rushing

Masami Hirota was opening the door, and when she heard the screeching sound of the car, she turned her head, just in time to see Ryo Hinata smiling.


She shifted her gaze, glanced at the car that was about to disappear on the side of the street, and then at Hyuga Ryo who was standing there smiling, and suddenly fell silent.

Didn't you still care about each other and pay attention to the task just now, a harmonious and beautiful co-workers coexist?Why did Gin suddenly get angry, and just drove away, spraying Hinata Ryo all over his car exhaust?

Moreover, Hinata's smiling expression with such an arc...

When Hinata walked towards the gate reasonably and easily, Hirota Masami made a careful distinction, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The arc is different, smaller, not the cold smile when angry.

When I first came out of the alley, I was still in a lack of interest, but now I am in a good mood.

Most likely it was related to the tasks in the organization, Masami Hirota did not ask, she turned her head to complete the last step of opening the door: reaching out and pushing the door open.

"Miss Hirota," Hinata rationally sent a message to the gentleman while bowing his head, urging him to take his collar bag away and send it to Europe in a second, while casually calling Hirota Masami and asking her about the next itinerary, "You Are you going on summer vacation?"

Masami Hirota is in college, so it's okay at night, and she has to watch the timetable when participating in organizational activities during the day. Occasionally, Hyuga Ryo will see her rushing homework or supplementing notes at home.

...Fortunately, everyone who launched the "persuade to go to school" to him was "persuaded to be promoted" backhanded by him, and now they are all working hard, especially Matsuda Jinpei.

"Huh?" Masami Hirota thought for a while before answering, "summer vacation is only a week away. Do you have any long-term tasks?"

They walked into Miyano's house together, and Hinata continued to type while bowing her head, while briskly replying: "Yes."

"I should leave for a while in the next few days and go to Europe. At that time, you should not go back to Miyano's house. It's not safe here."

Sometimes there will be some sneaky guys randomly spawned near Miyano's house. When Hyuga Ryo is around, you can clean them up easily, and treat this kind of guy as a random refreshing activity, but only when Hirota Masami is around, that kind of guy It seems that it is not just delivering food, but a little threatening.

Moreover, if you stay at Miyano's house during the summer vacation, will there really not be randomly refreshed police dogs?

"Okay." Masami Hirota thought for a while, then said hesitantly, "Then I'm going to...?"

"Should I change my location temporarily, send me tasks remotely, or stay at school and help the teacher process documents?"

If I remember correctly, aren't you a freshman?Why was he arrested by the teacher as a tool man in his freshman year?
Hinata raised her head and glanced at her rationally, and looked at the face that had no objection or any resistance.

He pondered for a while, then sent the message in his hand first, and went to open Shirley's contact information, "Wait a minute, I'll ask first."

[Have you had important tasks in recent months? ]
While waiting for a reply, he sat down on the sofa in the living room and continued to send encouraging messages to that gentleman, urging him to take his bag away as soon as possible. He didn't want to stay in this ruthless Tokyo.

It didn't take long for Shirley, who owns a whole building, to reply: [My main task is to research drugs, and generally there are no other incidental tasks. ]
[I can participate in tasks related to scientific research. ]
'What do you find me for?If it is a scientific research task, I am free and can help you. '

Hinata reasonably focused on the first message, analyzed it carefully, and belatedly realized that it was no wonder Shirley owned a huge scientific research building, and Gin's attitude was so rude.

It turned out that it wasn't that Gin had a bad temper, but that Shirley was a bit special.

Shirley has only one task, which is to research drugs, which translates to a basic salary. There is no commission for other tasks, no other happiness to speak of, and no future.

And they can happily do the task.

Hinata thought about Ginjiu's face just now, and carefully revised this sentence: And he can do the task happily.

He replied Shirley: [I'm going to Europe recently, and I can't take Miss Miyano with me, can I put her with you? ]
'Hello, I'm going out to play, can you show me my meaty bones? '

For Shirley, her own sister is definitely flesh and blood.

Sure enough, the other party replied instantly, [Yes,]
A few seconds later, another reply: [Thank you. ]
[Going to New York? ]
There were footsteps nearby, and Masami Hirota came over with a glass of ice water, nearly half of which were square ice cubes. She put the glass on the table, smiled, and silently pointed to the kitchen, signaling I went in to cook by myself, and I can call her if I need anything.

Ryo also nodded in response, then lowered her head and continued chatting with her sister, [Yes. ]
No need to thank, Miyano Akemi is Miyano Shiho's older sister. It is a very weird thing for sisters to meet and need to report to a third person. This control method is quite weird, anyway, Hinata Reasonable cannot understand.

Scientific research tasks, but as long as the researchers are intentional, they can fish in troubled waters and take slow-paced niche tasks without any sense of disobedience.

Instead of holding relatives hostage and forcing researchers to study, it is better to pack and dye black together, so that researchers want to research tasks from the bottom of their hearts, or simply wrap a layer of "justice" and "for human beings" on the outside of the research project. 's sweet coat.

Sydney replied: [New York is different from Tokyo, there are more lawbreakers with guns obliquely, you should pay more attention to safety. ]
Hyuga Ryo also replied: [Thank you. ]
He quit this message box and continued to send messages to the gentleman to encourage him.

The notification sounded on the mobile phone, Gin took out the mobile phone and glanced at it, and found that it was the message from that gentleman.

The other party sent him a message expressing approval, to the effect of the following:
'I heard from the reasonable child that you think those two guys are too dangerous, and there are shadows of other suspicious forces behind them, so you voluntarily took over them, intending to smash their teeth and hands and tame them into docile domestic animals The creature is handed over to Rational, alas, you child, why do you spoil Rationale so much? '

'Children cannot grow without going through wind and rain, and they cannot grow without formally facing various complicated situations. After I am gone and the organization encounters difficulties again, he is still so immature and young, who else can be like me? What about teaching him? '

'Oh, but I can understand your feelings. I also feel that I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. So far, it's enough. After all, he is still a child who has just grown up. He has already seen some scenes. It's time to comfort him. '

'Then I'll take Lili's kid to New York these few days, and I'll leave those two guys to you, remember not to kill him, Lili is still interested in them. '

And finally, 'But this is the last time. '

'Don't be soft-hearted next time. '

Gin: "...?"

He read the message over and over again, smoked another cigarette, and felt that he seemed to be thinking about something, but he didn't seem to think about anything. In short, he just wanted to shake the cigarette, or pick up the black-haired kid and shake it .

After pondering for a while, he first replied to the gentleman respectfully, then turned around and sent a message to Belmode.

[How is your investigation in New York going, is there anything suspicious about the guy who was hunted down by the FBI?Icewine has done its job. ]
After a while, he received a new message, but he didn't click to open it, but continued to type: [Well, check more, Icewine is very curious about his lower eyelids, and has been repeatedly touching that guy's lower eyelids when we first met eyelids. ]
This time, he received the new message a lot faster. He continued to ignore the message and sent a new message: [And the guy you raised for a while, Icewine and him for a while, feel that He doesn't look like a police officer, but the two of them have a tacit understanding. When one reaches out, the other immediately knows whether to pass a gun or shake hands. ]
As soon as he sent it, he received a new message again.

Gin didn't respond, and continued to edit the last message: [These two guys should pay special attention, Icewine likes them very much, and told me that they were very unhappy when they were going to New York, and told me to be careful when managing them. ]
The phone didn't receive any new messages, so Gin turned to read the messages he had received before, and it was roughly the same as he expected. He lit a cigarette and waited silently.

A few minutes later, he received a message, the message was very simple, only a short sentence.

[Your methods of managing people are too rough, let me do it. ]
It's really good to drive away wolves and tigers.

Gin put out the cigarette in a happy mood. He felt that the car seemed to be tilted and the speed had slowed down, so he raised his eyes, "What's wrong?"

He stared at the driver coldly, and simply repeated: "Vodka, keep going."

(End of this chapter)

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