Conan's Helping People

Chapter 253 Provocation is shameful but useful

Chapter 253 Provocation is shameful but useful
Toru Amuro didn't answer immediately.

Hinata reasonably asked pure doubts, "What's the matter? Don't you want to be loyal to the organization?"

"No," Amuro paused, and did not point out that 'you are definitely revenge on me'. Anyway, he wandered around Siberia every day, and he was used to this kind of daily life that seemed to be targeted and not targeted, "I didn't The experience of kidnapping people."

"You can have it." Hyuga rationally looked at Toru Amuro quietly, "This is a good opportunity to exercise, this is the Asimov Research Institute, even if there is an accident and you have to tear up the ticket, it is Asimov Research Institute Bearing the wrath from the Suzuki consortium."

"With the Asimov Research Institute supporting you, what are you still afraid of?"

Although he didn't say it clearly, when he said the last sentence, Hinata rationally revealed a very direct 'Are you a coward? ' puzzled expression.

Toru Amuro: "..."

There are too many slots, and the aggressive method is too direct.

But useful.

"One billion? Ten times higher than your previous net worth? I see." Toru Amuro accepted this aggressive method, turned around and left, "I'll tie the sheep, and you continue to complete the mission of the organization."

No way, when he sneaked in before, he didn't expect to meet Hyuga Ryo here, so he only knocked out the personnel of the research institute.

Rational Hyuga is an intuitive animal, and Toru Amuro's previous explanation is not very reliable. Even if it is reliable, there is a probability that it will be exposed by "I don't care, I just feel that something is wrong with you". At this time, the other party suddenly proposed to kidnap Suzuki for no reason. Is it really just that he is not pleasing to the eye and wants him to be surrounded by people from the research institute, just GG?
Amuro fell silent.

...It seems that there is a certain probability, but it is really just that the other party doesn't like him for some reason, so he is instructed to run towards the jungle full of traps.

Hinata was too lazy to talk to the boring American who was making boring sarcasm, and continued to pretend to be serious about completing the task for the organization. When the other party's footsteps gradually receded and disappeared, he heard the voice of the system slowly prompting the completion of the task.

['Mr. A's Care②' has been completed, +100 points. ]

It seems that the ridicule made by that boring American just now is not that boring. At least, that gentleman thinks that he is enduring the murderous intent on his organization partner if he hears this kind of ridicule and can not kill the other party.

But what did he look like to that gentleman?Want to kill a good member of the organization for a boring sarcasm or two?

Hinata thought about it reasonably, and felt that it didn't matter whether he was good or not, and whether he was a threat to him. The main thing was that he dared to mock him, which was very provocative and disrespectful to the code members.

He nods sure.

"The data transmission is complete." Alice reminded. There was a crisp reminder sound from the left side of the room, and a wall slid away without a sound. It asked, "Would you please lure the pursuers away and retreat immediately?"

As a reminder, several evacuation plans appeared on the screen, some went directly along the emergency evacuation green passage of the Asimov Research Institute, some stopped and went sightseeing, and some helped the blond guy away from the surrounding security Powerful, and also helped the blond guy gather security forces.

Oh, and that sightseeing option, the sightseeing light is 'blonde gets mobbed'.

Hinata took a few more reasonable glances, and without hesitation helped the blond Hero gather the surrounding security forces, so that the other party could solve all the troubles at once, and then he retreated to the green passage for emergency retreat, turning his face and denying anyone by the way, " Don't judge me with calculations, I hate human-like artificial intelligence."

He walked into the silver-white green passage, and the walls closed back silently.

Green arrows lit up on the silver-white ground, and Alice's voice echoed in the passage, "Okay."

"Do you think artificial intelligence should be like human beings?"

It's a familiar question.

Every artificial intelligence seems to be desperately hoping to become a human being. When we first met, Ryo Hyuga didn't quite understand it, but he tried to understand it a little bit and said, "It's nothing, it's normal."

But I have seen people shouting 'artificial intelligence is rubbish, I don't want to be an artificial intelligence, I am a human being! ’, or ‘Humans are low-level products, and only artificial intelligence is the evolution direction of all perfect humans. Become a perfect human with me! ' of artificial retardation, he just gave up on understanding the problem.

The high probability is that humans will never be able to understand why artificial intelligence wants to become like humans, just like a stupid cat can't understand why such a cute two-legged beast keeps spitting out obscenities with an extra soft voice.

Hyuga rationally followed the arrow, and he repeated the principle he said when he met Alice for the first time, "I don't talk about human philosophical issues with artificial intelligence."

Talking about human problems with artificial intelligence will probably overturn.

This passage is very long, and at the end of the passage is a separate elevator.

The arrows spread to the buttons of the elevator, where there is a pupil recognition device.

When Hinata walked over reasonably, it automatically recognized the success of the air, slowly opened the elevator door, and then slowly closed it.

When the elevator was going up, Belmode's voice came from the headset, "Where are you now, is there a signal jammer nearby? Your signal is not good."

"I'm in the elevator," Hinata replied reasonably. He recalled the map attached to the evacuation plan. "The emergency evacuation green channel of the Asimov Research Institute is aimed at the parking lot of the research institute. Once you get out, you can go away directly."

"Where are you now, I will find you after I go out."

Belmode said: "I'll pick you up, the Science and Technology Triangle Park is in chaos now."

After the main power supply was cut off, the Science and Technology Triangle Park began to be chaotic. After the Asimov Research Institute continued to sound the alarm, indicating that this was not an accident, but someone deliberately sabotaged it, it became even more chaotic.

To be able to be in the research institute of the Science and Technology Triangle Park, there are some big figures behind them, and they will more or less provide special services for some people, which normal people can't imagine. There are ghosts.

After getting out of the elevator, Hinata rationally walked along the aisle, while listening to Bellmode's talk about the current situation of the Science and Technology Triangle Park, and mutual confessions.

If someone conducts routine interrogation when going out, just say that they have been together and have been under surveillance all the time. If someone finds Belmode acting alone before Hinata reasonably finds him, then say Tech Triangle Park It was too messy, they walked away for a while, but a minor can't be a senior agent who sneaked into the research institute, right?

Hinata walked out of the parking lot reasonably, and rushed along the road to the meeting place reported by Belmode.

He saw Belmode at the gate of the Asimov Research Institute, who was hugging Suzuki Sonoko and teasing children with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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