Conan's Helping People

Chapter 258 Insomnia?

Chapter 258 Insomnia?
Rational Hinata: "?"

What is Gin saying?baffling.

The message he sent was clearly asking... Wait.

Combined with the previous words, Qin Jiu's reply suddenly became inexplicable.

Rational Hinata: "..."

He moved his eyes to look at the tablet, and found that the two guys were progressing very well, so he pressed the phone button and replied simply: [? 】

[The premise is wrong, I never hated you. 】Qin Jiu replied again, and thoughtfully expanded and defended, 【I didn't send you any difficult tasks on purpose. 】

Then he asked again, 【Are you recalling the process of doing the task yourself? 】

Rational Hinata: "."

Is the important premise 'disgusting' or 'making things difficult'?No, it's clearly an 'extremely crazy member of the organization'!
He asked back: [Am I crazy? 】

Why did Gin think that the message he sent was referring to himself?Could it be that he has an extraordinarily insolent style?
Impossible, he is obviously a super good subordinate, super good colleague, and super good boss.

It's super fast when doing tasks, and it's super fast when it comes to fighting enemies. It also often reflects on what it does to check for omissions and make up for gaps. How could it be crazy.

A few minutes later, Gin replied: [Don't be arrogant. 】

It took a few minutes to reply, either hesitating, or hesitating, or just hesitating.

Qin Jiu may also realize that he hesitated for too long, and sent another message to explain: [I am doing a task. 】

Then came a phone call.

Hyuga rationally looked at the vibrating mobile phone quietly, and calmly picked up the phone.

There was the whistling wind on the other end of the phone, as well as the sound of tires of cars speeding past rubbing against the ground. It should be near the viaduct.

"Good noon," Qin Jiu said indifferently, and then simply calculated the time, "It's almost eleven o'clock over there?"

The layout of this room is similar to that of Miyano's house. It is all white, except for a bookshelf and some sports tools.

Amidst the sound of running water, he first sent a message to Gin, "I met Hiro when I was doing the mission, and the message just now refers to Hiro."

Then calmly said: "You can start to defend yourself."

Gin: "..."

"Sorry, I thought you were referring to yourself." Gin apologized bluntly, and explained in a flat tone, "You said in the message 'his ability is outstanding', I thought you were referring to the most outstanding one."

This is true.

With good reasons, Hinata rationally pulled the water with his hand, causing the sound of the water to change, and then ignored it with one eye closed, and focused on the key point, "What task are you doing?"

It is noon in Tokyo time now, and the kind of missions that connect with the mission target are usually in the evening, when the sky is a little dark, and transactions are carried out in dark places.

At this time, what Gin should be doing is cleaning up?
"I found a new mouse," Gin Jiu said, "I'm waiting for him at his transfer location."

Why are there mice again?

Hyuga rationally swallowed this sentence back, and suddenly heard a burst of panicked footsteps approaching quickly, followed by the sound of a large bunch of keys colliding with metal and the sound of frantically opening the door.

Gin's voice suddenly became colder, "That guy is here."

At the same time as the voice fell, there was a sharp gunshot over there, which overlapped with the gunshot from the tablet in the bedroom, forming an accent effect. Hinata sighed rationally, and put his phone on the sink. Come on, start washing.

After the gunshot, there was the sound of human being injured, and the mouse wailed in disbelief: "You, why are you here?!"

There were also the sound of the car door closing quickly, and after that, the sound of vodka being pressed down was heard.

"Boss, this guy has no documents on him, nor in his car."

Not in the body, not in the car, where else?Already handed over to other guys?

Gin frowned, he kept his right hand holding the phone unchanged, and asked coldly amidst the sound of water flowing from the phone, "Where are the files?"

"What, what file?" The mouse crawled a few times on the ground, just now the shot hit the guy's thigh, cut off the guy's ability to escape, and probably hit the artery, so there was a steady stream of blood Come out, leaving trails of blood on the dry ground.

The guy was still struggling to die, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Bermode has transferred a group of members to New York, have you met them?" Gin asked on the phone first, then changed his tone with a frown, and said coldly, "Hand over the documents and contacts, I can spare your life."

On the mobile phone, Hinata rationally responded in a somewhat casual manner, "I've seen it, what's the matter?"

The response was quick, the articulation was very clear, and it didn't look like he was washing up at all.

The traitor on the ground looked at him with fear, as if looking at a lunatic, "...I really don't know what it is!"

No tears without seeing the coffin.

Qin Jiu raised his gun, and just in case, he asked first, "Are you sleepy?"

Wouldn't it be possible that Hyuga Ryo would fall asleep in the pool as soon as he fired a shot?

When he fired the first shot, he didn't think so much. He heard the sound of Hyuga Ryo's washing up, and he reacted again, clearly realizing that Hinata Ryo is not in Tokyo now, but in New York, which is already late at night.

"I'm not sleepy, I'm awake now," Hinata's clear voice came again from the other end of the phone, and then there was a pause for a moment, with the sound of gargling water, "I might suffer from insomnia later."


Gin stared at the traitor, raised his hand to aim at the opponent's right hand, and shot directly. Amid the sudden screams of human beings, he lightly helped to make suggestions, "Are you still in Tokyo with the time difference? The time difference between New York and Tokyo is very long. If you are big, you need to adjust as soon as possible and get enough sleep."

"Bermode has sleeping pills."

Then he asked the traitor succinctly, "Document, contact person."

"...the document, the document is really not with me!" The traitor said in horror, he wailed and covered his right hand, and tried to wriggle on the ground, trying to climb to the back of the car.

"No," Hinata retorted casually, and the sound of running water stopped, "It's too dangerous to take sleeping pills in strange places."


He paused and did not continue.

"Besides, your drug resistance is low. You took sleeping pills and fell asleep longer than normal people." Qin Jiu answered, he raised his hand again, and fired without blinking.

This time, the bullet hit was not the traitor, but the land on the side of the traitor, almost brushing past the opponent's body, the opponent stopped wriggling immediately, and looked over in cold sweat.

Gin asked in a flat tone: "Who did you give the document to?"

The traitor's face turned even paler, and he let out several breaths.

Bang bang bang gunshots came from the phone. At first the distance was a little far away, but then it suddenly got closer, almost close to the phone. Gin tilted his ear, "What are you doing?"

After finishing speaking, he fired again without changing his expression, "Say."

"...!" The traitor gritted his teeth and struggled for a moment, then said in a low voice, "I don't know the specific origins of that group of people, but they should not be cops."

Still defending.

Gin Jiu fired impatiently, and slammed the guy again, "Get to the point."

"It feels like you're interrogating me." Hinata gave a simple evaluation, "I'm looking at the mission recorder, and those group members are simply..."

He thought for a while, since Gin just said that 'Bermod transferred some guys from Tokyo to New York', which means that the members of the organization were most likely under Gin's hands before, so it's like talking about yin and yang.

So I tried to euphemistically say: "It made me deeply aware of the diversity of human species."

Then he immediately comforted him, "However, his escape ability is good, and his obedience to orders is also good. He is indeed a guy from Tokyo."

The ability to escape is good, referring to the first unknown guy, even though most of the bullets missed, and he was pinched back and forth, and was injured, but he had a strong desire to survive.

The good obedience is also a boast. Most of the members of the organization will be startled immediately when they hear him turn on the mic. After they react, all the living people will obey his orders. The difference is only the delay time.

As for disobeying orders...that doesn't count as 'everyone alive'.

"I'm only in charge of the action team." Gin Jiu explained, he shot suddenly, and shot the ground next to the traitor again, repeating what he just said, "Say."


"They...they gave me this," he gritted his teeth, untied his belt with his good left hand, and pulled out a bag of white powder from his pants. "We met in the library, that's all I know."

Vodka took the package of powder, he opened the package, took a handful out and inspected it, and after checking it quickly, he looked up with a relaxed face, "Brother, it's the real thing."

No wonder this guy said that he was definitely not a note, and a note would not trade with this kind of thing. Only people in black organizations or gray areas would use this kind of best-selling compensation to pay.

If it's not a note, the trouble level of the matter will be downgraded.

Qin Jiu's brows loosened, "The meeting place, the appearance and characteristics of the contact person, and your password."

He heard an unfamiliar voice that was obviously lowered from the other end of the phone, "It's close to the mission goal."

A few seconds later, Hinata rationally said casually: "There are people at seven o'clock, shoot."

Then, the other party sharply said: "Real goods? Guns? Black and white drugs?"

It's about gin.

"White medicine." Gin replied, frowning again, "Are you guiding other members of the organization to do tasks?"

It's not right to be willing to give up the task instead of making a clear timetable and picking fruits one by one with extreme protection!
"Yes," Hyuga Ryo also replied, he said casually, "so I'm sober now."

"In the case of white medicine, the other side is the black side? How do you plan to deal with it?"

Of course, first find out the situation of that force, how many members of the organization, which line is the white drug channel, what kind of backstage is standing behind it, and what is their purpose of buying the bottom members of the organization.

Taking all these into consideration, after the evaluation, you can directly eradicate those guys, replace them all with members of the organization, and take over that channel.

Of course, the premise is that the channel is worth taking over.

If it's not worth it, just clean it all up.

However, the black forces that can come to provoke the organization generally have no well-informed information channels, and the forces behind them are not strong enough, so no one warns them what to do and what not to do.

The business is usually small and small, and the channel related to white drugs will be small and unstable, but it can be dealt with directly.

Before answering, Gin weighed the tone of Hinata's reasonable question.

Very careless, very calm and cold, colder than usual.

Even among black characters, attitudes towards white drugs are polarized.

He first asked slowly: "Do you hate white smoke medicine?"

The voice that came first was Hinata's voice guiding the mission reasonably, "Let's replenish the ammunition first, there are many people ahead."

Then came the answering voice, "Hateful."

Gin's brows twitched.

"That kind of drug can easily put human beings into uncontrollable emotions, and there are also sequelae such as human hallucinations." Hinata rationally said slowly, Gin was not in front of him, he couldn't see his expression, but he could imagine him Calm expression.

"The most important thing is that it is not a one-time drug." He said clearly, "Once taken, it will remain in the body forever."

"Even if you are awake, your hands will shake, which will have a great impact on snipers. You must make greater and greater efforts to accurately hit the target when your hands are constantly shaking."

This description...

For humans, taking white drugs and excessive drinking alcohol will indeed cause sequelae of hand tremors.

And for a sniper, once his hand shakes, it means he is useless.

Hyuga Ryo is a sniper, a sniper with excellent ability and boldness.

Gin narrowed his eyes, he didn't answer right away, but pondered over and over again the few words Hinata said rationally.

There was another bang bang bang on the other end of the phone, even more lively than the previous few times. Gin Jiu could tell that at least a dozen people were in a gunfight.

He looked down at the traitor. Vodka squatted in front of the traitor, patiently listening to the traitor's information about the trader.

Not finished yet.

"The white drug has a great impact on snipers," Qin Jiu said lightly. "In the early stage, snipers can take it before shooting to stabilize their state, but that's just the initial state."

As the time of taking the medicine increases, even after taking the medicine, the hands will still tremble violently.

Hinata is right in saying that once a sniper is exposed to this kind of thing, he is a waste.

and so.

Qin Jiu suddenly asked: "How do you know?"

"How do you know so clearly the consequences of taking the white drug for an excellent sniper?"

The exchange of vodka and the traitor was coming to an end.

He raised his hand and shot directly.

The bullet brushed vodka's cheek and hit the traitor's head with precision.

The sound on the other end of the phone was still bang bang bang, and there were human wailing sounds from time to time.

After a few seconds, the gunfire stopped.

The strange voice sounded again, "The invasion was successful, huh."

Gin waited patiently for a moment, "Icewine, how do you know..."

The voice also waited patiently for a moment, then asked in doubt, "Icewine?"

Not answering at the same time?

Gin slowly moved away from the phone, staring at the one that showed that it was in a call.

Rationally speaking, he should be very puzzled now, wondering why Hyuga Ryo suddenly became silent.

From an emotional point of view, if the other party suddenly becomes silent when asked a key question, he should have a very bad premonition.


Provided that the guy didn't suddenly go silent on the phone over and over again.

This is, insomnia?
 The time is wrong_(:з)∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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