Conan's Helping People

Chapter 301 What's wrong with the child? She's definitely homesick

That gentleman: "..."

He and Hinata, who was listening to the story carefully, looked at each other reasonably, then fell silent again, then changed the subject and said, "Do you care about the liquid I'm infusing now?"

Hinata moved his eyes reasonably, looking at the red liquid quietly flowing into the opponent's body, "I'm not very curious."

Not much interest.

"It is," the gentleman moved his hand, "a man's blood."

Isn't that obvious?

Hinata raised his head reasonably and glanced at him, then nodded seriously, "Well, that's how it is."

The gentleman said: "Human blood types are divided into many types. There are common blood types A, B, or O, and there are also some so-called one-in-a-million special blood types."

"When people with different blood types receive blood transfusions, they can only receive blood from a few specific blood types, and some special blood types are universal blood types, which can be transfused to any blood type." He paused for a while.

"The liquid in this blood bag," Hinata rationally asked a meaningless question that was just used to answer the question, "is it that kind of universal blood type?"

Then he asked again, "Are you ischemic?"

That's a little strange, what kind of disease will cause the human body to be ischemic, and blood transfusions are required for treatment from time to time?
There are many diseases that require blood transfusion, but there are very few diseases that require regular blood transfusion every day.

"No," the gentleman shook his head, "I don't transfuse blood to supplement the body's blood, but this blood has a special effect."

special role?
Hinata frowned reasonably, he heard the other party's calm voice.

"It will give me a new life."

Get a new life...?
He continued to stare at the bright red line, watching it flow quietly into the old and feeble arm.

If this kind of thing can give people a new life, then why does that gentleman still look like an old man?
"It's only temporary," the other party added, and pondered for a while, "and there are conditions and a price."

"In the beginning, I only needed to take the diluted version orally, and I could feel a wonderful feeling that my body was gradually being filled with vitality."

That was shortly after the incident in the laboratory where all the staff died, when the researchers were studying why the only surviving Hinata Reason could survive in that deadly environment, they accidentally discovered that his blood analysis results were abnormal, which was different from that of normal people. Blood is different.

So I experimented with white mice, and found that it is really different from ordinary people, and has a special effect.

After a little white mouse licked the blood, it squeaked for a while, and then became lively and excited after a while.

The researcher confirmed that it was not dead, and tentatively put it back into the cage to observe whether other mice would have any violent reactions. They found that the mouse could easily squeeze other mice away and snatch food, even if the other mice The number is five or six times as much.

So the researchers paid more attention and reported directly to the gentleman.

After several experiments on mice and experiments voluntarily accepted by members of the organization, it was finally determined that Hinata Reasonable’s blood seemed to contain a kind of vitality, which would cheer up all people and animals who took that blood, as if it was harmless like stimulants.

But it cannot be injected directly, it can only be taken orally.

During the experiment, there was a step of group control. The same amount of blood was injected into the mice through oral administration and injection respectively. There were no signs of alarming in the former, except that the mice were sometimes overly excited.

In the latter, when too much blood was injected, some mice died suddenly for unknown reasons.

While researching here, the gentleman fell ill.

It's not a serious illness, just a very common, common cold and fever.

But for an old and frail centenarian, a cold and fever are common, minor ailments that can be easily ignored?

No, it was a disease that could easily take that gentleman's life if he didn't pay attention.

After many experiments, and reasonable contact with Hinata two or three times, after seeing him with his own eyes, the gentleman decided to take the diluted blood himself.

When he took it for the first time, he only took a very small amount, but after the initial discomfort and physical rejection, he obviously felt stronger and stronger, as if he had suddenly returned to his youth Same.

The feeling of being powerless due to old age and sickness is also directly shaken away, like walking from thick water to the shore, the body suddenly lightens, there is a feeling of breaking free from the shackles of old age, and even the appearance is much younger , Wrinkles are also reduced.

Most importantly, the results of the physical examination are also gratifying good results.

The gentleman was ecstatic about it.

That's just the beginning.

His greedy eyes fell on the owner of these bloods. This child is really incredible. He gave this child a code name: 'Icewine'.

The child was an unexpected surprise, a miracle that fell from the sky.

Although he didn't get the longevity he dreamed of, this level of 'new birth' had already made that gentleman very happy.

During that time, the atmosphere of the organization was relaxed and pleasant.

It was also during that time that the organization even communicated with another black force. It was a black organization whose cadres were code-named animals. Their purpose was to find a gemstone that could make people live forever.

That gem has an apt name: 'Pandora's Stone'.

Pandora is a character in Greek mythology. She is a woman made of clay. She has incredible alluring charm and is very famous.One box she mastered was even more famous than herself, and it was Pandora's Box.

That gem is the Pandora's box that tempts human beings. Whether it can make people live forever, turn people into inhuman monsters, or just a false legend at all, the gentleman doesn't care much.

He already has his own dazzling gem, which has a better-sounding and more appropriate name than Pandora's Stone, Icewine.

Is there any better name than the code name he personally chose?No.

When cooperating with that organization, that gentleman has a somewhat superior attitude: while you are still scratching around like helpless gophers, I have already reached out and touched 'eternal life', which is only one step away .

Then, when everything was going in a good direction, things suddenly took a turn for the worse, and his physical condition suddenly deteriorated, even weaker than before.

This is the price.

It will be reborn, but there is a time limit. After time, the physical condition will become worse than before.

After experiencing that feeling of health, that gentleman certainly couldn't give up. He resolutely chose to continue taking the diluted blood, and began to stare at those talented researchers from the outside world.

It was at that time that the invitation was extended to Miyano and his wife.

In the documents left over from the previous laboratory, it was stated that the biological mother of this dazzling gem was Miyano Elena.

He sent Koji Miyano to study medicine, and let Elena Miyano study the blood of this dazzling gem.

Miyano Elena... Gong, Ye, Ai, Lian, Na.

Success is also with her, and failure is also with her.

"Later," the gentleman closed his eyes for a moment, suppressing the sudden anger, "the effect of oral administration of blood thinner gradually became less effective, so I had no choice but to take oral administration of blood without adding any liquid."

This kind of anger is venting anger.

There is the anger of being extremely weak now, and the anger of being forced to let Hinata leave the organization reasonably and 'return' to a normal family. There is also the anger of Mrs. Miyano who dared to contact the police, not afraid that she might be dealt with directly.

"Later," he said, "the effect of oral administration also weakened, so we had to choose intravenous injection."

"I've had injections every month for the last few is the second time."

It sounds weird, morbid, and wacky.

Hinata rationally moved her head, and replied seriously, "Oh."

He didn't look up to see the gentleman's expression, and continued to stare at the red line of blood.

The frequency of injections has increased, from several months to twice a day. Does that mean that when the injections are required to barely maintain life, it is time for the gentleman to die?

The other party rubbed his black hair with the palm of his hand, probably because he said a long series of words, but only got a cold reply, so he was a little angry, did not continue to speak, but fell silent.

The atmosphere also inexplicably softened and warmed up. Hinata took a reasonable sniff of the inexplicably like family hugging each other for warmth, and found out the reason for this illusion: the gentleman was gently touching his stroking his hair.

He moved his arm lying on the opponent's leg, thought for a while, and said something meaningful, "It sounds bad, haven't you thought about stopping it?"

The gentleman continued to touch his black hair, and said calmly: "It can't be stopped."

Who wants to stop once they have a taste of youth and health?
Hinata reasonably responded slowly, "So that's the case, then there's nothing I can do."

He felt the hand on his head slow down, and the other party seemed to be hesitating.

The gentleman didn't hesitate anymore, and said softly, "This is your blood."


Hinata looked up reasonably slowly, and repeated in doubt, "My blood?"

"Yes," the gentleman reaffirmed, "is your blood."

However, Ryo Hinata has never had a hobby of donating blood regularly, and the blood that needs to be transfused into the human body also has certain requirements for freshness. The blood that the gentleman is injecting now must be the blood of the past few days, and he has not bled in the past few days.

……and many more.

The medical technology of the organization is great. This body could be created ten years ago. If there are still things like his hematopoietic cells in the tissue, it is true that his blood can be produced without him knowing. .

He reacted, and then slowly, slowly responded.

So the question is, can blood transfusion be given between immediate family members?
The blood cannot be transfused directly, but the blood can be processed and then transfused.

After thinking for a while, Hinata rationally responded again, "Yes."

He was a little disappointed.

It's a pity that immediate family members can have blood transfusions. Otherwise, in addition to "Mr. Hinata has black eyes, Mrs. Hinata has red eyes, and Mr. Little Hinata has green eyes", you can also add the presence of that gentleman to this thought-provoking sentence.

The strength of that hand increased a little, not only touching, but also began to rub his hair.

The owner of the hand was extraordinarily kind, and his tone was softer, "Is there anything you want to ask?"

I want to ask where is the father of this body, anyway, it is definitely not you.jpg
Hinata shook her head rationally, "No."

The hand tightened again, then let go.

The gentleman couldn't help frowning, and quickly let go. He asked a question in a gentle tone, "Since I don't have anything to ask... How old do you think I am this year?"

This is a question that Belmode has asked.

It turns out that Belmode was trying to figure it out before!Or a well-intentioned question with a vague answer!

Hyuga Ryo immediately perked up, and he made a rough calculation.

Known: Belmode is four or five as big as him.

Also known: Belmode called that gentleman his father.

After thinking about it, he calmly said the correct answer, "Six or seven as big as me?"

The gentleman laughed happily, reached out to touch the black hair under his hand again, and then ruthlessly denied the answer, "No."

Rational Hinata: "?"

Just ask if you don't understand, you sick guys like to ask mysteriously 'How old do you think I am', and then laugh happily when the answerer makes a wrong answer?
Is your happiness that simple?

He glanced at the gentleman.

The other party restrained his smile a little, and gave a vague answer just like Belmode, "It's not just six or seven your size, but it's close."

That is eight or nine his age?

Hinata thought about it rationally, and he wanted to ask the other party if he knew how old he was, not 17 years old, but those years when he greeted humanoid objects from a distance.

However, since the gentleman was dying, he didn't bother to bother with the other party, so he just glanced at the blood line a few more times and asked.

"How long before you die?"

This is a very serious question, and the gentleman did not answer it immediately.

Hinata rationally glanced at the other party again, and found that the other party's smile was only a little bit left.

Hey, why don't you smile and be happy?

It seems that although that gentleman's happiness is very simple, it is very short-lived.

"...One or two years," the other party actually answered, but the tone was very reluctant, "I can last for another year or two."

"Don't worry, I won't leave the burden to you until you are independent."

No, in a year or two, this guy just dropped the biggest burden.

Does this guy care about the feelings of the next leader facing the protagonist?
No, no, this guy only cares about his own happiness.

Alas, poor Samoyed.

Hinata rationally let out a sincere sigh, and pretended that he was sighing because he heard that 'father' was dying soon, and asked again: "Where do you plan to die?"

That gentleman: "..."

The gentleman first translated the question: Are you going to die in New York and stay here for a year or two?
Fortunately, although it is still a bit irritating, it is not as irritating as it was before the translation. It can be understood that the child is homesick, not that the child is saying 'die quickly, it is a long time in a year or two'.

He replied, "No, I don't plan to stay in New York for a year or two. The recent time is quite special, so I have to stay here forever."

Then he pondered again, "Do you want to go back to Tokyo?"

He wasn't sure if Hinata would deny it sincerely, saying that he didn't want to go back to Tokyo, but wanted him to die quickly.

And according to Hinata's reasonable personality...

The gentleman made a brief analysis, and felt that when he was impatient, Hinata's tolerance for human social behavior was 0, and it was normal for him to pierce his heart abruptly.

Right now, Hyuga Ryo is a state of impatience.

The gentleman then moved his finger, paused for only a second, and immediately banned Hinata's reasonable right to answer, and gave a guarantee directly as 'the child is homesick', "In November, at the end of November at the latest, we will Back to Tokyo."

That's still months away.

Hinata reasonably responded slowly.

"At the end of October, I will take you to meet a few people." The gentleman said again, "Our partner."

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