Conan's Helping People

Chapter 304 The Red and Black Reversal Part 8

As soon as he stepped into the scene of the murder, Mumu Shisan greeted him, and Kudo Shinichi continued to walk forward without stopping.

The police officer wearing a brown police uniform smiled very cheerfully, patted Shinichi Kudo on the shoulder as if in relief, and said with a smile, "Welcome back, Brother Kudo!"

Then he cut straight to the point, "This murder case is very tricky and embarrassing. I really can't find any clues, so I can only ask you."

Translate: The person who carried the secret was killed suddenly, and the confidential information was lost. I can't find out who took the information away, help, brother!

Kudo Shinichi: "..."

It was expected.

He put on his gloves first, and went to Mr. Corpse to check.

Mr. Corpse was wearing a kimono, sitting upright on the tatami like a samurai, and had already formed a body rigor. He had died three hours ago at the earliest.

There was a dark red line of blood on its neck.

Twirling the bloody thread with his hands, Kudo Shinichi put it in front of his nose and sniffed it a few times, then frowned, "It smells like bitter almonds."

The murderer smeared the poison on the sharp object, and took advantage of the dead man's relaxation of guard, so that the dead man died on the spot.

Just a little puzzled, the deceased will definitely resist, how could he maintain the original posture honestly?
Maybe the murderer helped him put it in a pose, so what is the meaning of this pose?
Kudo Shinichi stretched out his hand and turned the dead man's clenched fist slightly. He still couldn't open it, but there was a faint red mark at the end of the exposed palm, which was enough.

He checked the back of the dead man's neck again, sniffed it lightly, and found some white powder somewhere on the collar of the back, with a fragrance similar to pastry.

On the ground not far away, there is a pool of slightly deep marks and a few white porcelain particles, like tiny residues from broken bowls and dishes.

He turned his gaze again to look at the samurai sword on the ground.

It was placed in front of the corpse, so the scene of the corpse sitting upright, slightly bowing its head facing the samurai sword was formed, which was a bit like a scene of confession, as if the next second, Mr. Corpse would raise the knife and cut himself open.

There are three suspects, all standing in the corner of the room.

They are a male who looks mighty, a thin male who looks cowering, and a pale and precarious woman.

"Who stole the confidential documents?" Mu Mu Shisan lowered his voice and asked quietly after watching him check for a while.

"I know the general modus operandi." Kudo Shin glanced at the other party, did not answer this question, but focused on the case in front of him.

When he got up, he looked down at the blood-stained rubber glove, hesitated for a moment, but still didn't take it off directly.

It may be used again later, when restoring the crime process.

He scanned the three suspects with his eyes.

The tall and strong gentleman was arguing with a police officer. He was a little emotional and flushed. He was also wearing a kimono. Judging by the protruding muscles of his legs, he should have practiced martial arts.

The cowering gentleman nodded repeatedly under the police interrogation, hesitating and refusing to refute. He was wearing a business suit and uniform, the hem of the suit was a little wrinkled, and the bow tie was pulled out.

The lady was leaning against the window, her face was pale and her eyes were lowered, and she answered the police officers' inquiries in a low voice. She was wearing a white daisy kimono, a pearl necklace around her neck, and clogs as her shoes.

There was a wind blowing outside the window, blowing her hair and skirt, making her look weaker, as if she was about to fall backward at any moment, and then plunged into the pond outside the window.

Kudo Shinichi continued to shift his gaze to the door.

A police officer was waiting not far from the gate, as if waiting for someone.

He asked Mu Mushisan, "When will Hyuga Ryo arrive?"

"Ah?" Mumu Shisan gave him a surprised look, and said, "How do you know Hinata is coming later?" ! Swallowing, estimated the time, "He will arrive in 10 minutes at the latest."

Police officer Megure said 10 minutes...

Kudo Shinichi made an estimate, and quickly got the result: Hyuga Ryo will arrive in 3 minutes at the latest.

He nodded briefly, and said in a relaxed tone: "I already know the murderer and the modus operandi, so let's clean up the debris at the scene first."

"You already know?!" Officer Mu Mu was surprised at first, then thought about the key person just mentioned, and soon understood.

With Hinata reasonable, Kudo Shinichi is the ultra-fast version of Kudo Shinichi.

He actually wanted to say: Brother, the information this time is very important!Can we find the information first and then solve the case?
But he didn't dare to say it, he turned around, and followed Kudo Shinichi's understatement tone to command the scene just now, and let all irrelevant personnel withdraw, leaving only a few necessary police officers and the three suspects.

"My grandson died of homicide." Kudo Shinichi first said a certain conclusion. He estimated the time and glanced at the three suspects one by one.

"The modus operandi is very simple. The murderer just walked gently behind my grandson, and while he wasn't paying attention, strangled his neck with a special object that had been smeared with poison."

"When he subconsciously grabbed the sharp object with his hands and struggled, the sharp object scratched his neck and hands together, and left a fatal poison on the wound."

He smiled slowly, and scanned the three suspects one by one again.

The three suspects avoided his sight.

"And it doesn't take much effort to accomplish this, because the murder weapon is a very special item, and the murderer can easily complete the above actions as long as he wears gloves."

"am I right?"

"Murderer," Kudo Shinichi paused.

He was standing near the door, and everyone present couldn't help looking at him.

All of them are well-behaved kittens waiting for their owners to generously distribute cat food. They are waiting for the truth... or the activity of finding confidential information after waiting for the truth.

Kudo Shinichi raised his eyebrows. At this moment, he heard the sound of footsteps from far to near. The footsteps were so soft that they were almost inaudible.

Main characteristics of footsteps: light, very light, very light.

Kudo Shinichi had been waiting for a long time.

His smile widened, and he continued what he just said, "The murderer is——"

A voice sounded, filling the gap behind him when he paused again, and completed the identification in time with him, "My grandson's wife."

Just listening to the voice, the other party is definitely a high-spirited young man. The voice is obviously a juvenile voice, which is biased toward young children who have just passed the voice change period. It is a bit immature, but it is too cold, freezing the childishness under the ice.

Kudo Shinichi turned his head and saw the speaker.

The other party has short black hair, and the broken hair in front of the forehead is a bit long, covering part of the eyes in a mess. Of course, the owner may have done it intentionally.

The pair of green eyes glanced from the black hair, giving everyone a cold look, the owner of the eyes lowered his head again, and while changing his shoes, he took the rubber gloves that the police officer next to him graciously handed over.

Tsk, what happened to that police officer, he was almost wagging his tail like a dog.

Kudo Shinichi narrowed his eyes.

He greeted, "Brother Hinata, long time no see."

The other party may have heard that his tone was subtle, or he may not have recognized who he was at all. He only raised his head and glanced at Kudo Shinichi when he heard someone calling him, "Long time no see."

Then, that line of sight didn't stay for even a second, it only scratched Kudo Shinichi vainly, and then naturally shifted to the room behind Kudo Shinichi, staring at other people.

Hyuga rationally said without taking his eyes off: "It's the first time we meet, hello, my grandson's wife."


Kudo Shinichi maintained a friendly smile, he blinked briskly, and turned to look at my grandson's wife.

As soon as he turned his head, the other policemen, who were holding their breath and staring at him silently, rushed to look away and went to look at the weak Mrs. Grandson together, for fear that the detective would take revenge if he was too slow.

My grandson's wife was pale, she was holding on to the window, and she also looked at Hinata.

She whispered, "Is it obvious?"

Shouldn't you be asking the detective who just arrived at this sentence?

Kudo Shinichi, who inspected the scene in detail and is also a detective, has something to say.

But he could feel that what my grandson's wife asked was not about traces from the scene of the case.

Hyuga Ryo's most famous title is "God Detective", that is, a god who looks down on human beings from above and can see through the complicated thoughts of human beings.

Anyone with an unclean mind or dirty desire/desires can see everything in front of the eyes of this god as if they have no clothes on at all.

My grandson's wife asked, in Hinata's reasonable eyes, is it obvious that she wants to kill the deceased?
However, when it comes to black characters and murderers, Hinata's reasonable attitude has always been... love to answer and ignore such boring human beings.

In the past, he would not pay too much attention to the murderer at all, but would ignore the murderer and most of the police personnel, focus on the corpse, and use his unique reasoning method to solve the case:
Interact with corpses.

Yes, interact with corpses.

Rational Hinata is like being able to communicate with a dead body. Under the terrified gaze of the murderer, he will calmly recount the steps the murderer took to injure the victim, explaining where the victim was injured first, where the victim was injured, and where the fatal injury was. More forensic than forensic.

Occasionally, occasionally, he would frown and say something about the victim's feelings at that time, and then reach out and stroke the corresponding wound for about three seconds before stopping immediately.

Now, Mr. Corpse is sitting there, why is Hinata not paying attention to the corpse, but to the murderer?

Kudo Shinkan looks reasonable to Hinata.

Hinata continued to look at my grandson's wife, his expression was still extremely calm, "You didn't hide it."

"Even if there are no detectives present today, the police can still solve the case. A murder case that neither party is willing to solve is easy to solve."

A homicide where both parties were unwilling?
Kudo Shinichi restrained his smile, and he looked at my grandson's wife to observe the other's subtle expressions.

My grandson's wife's pupils were trembling slightly, and she curled up holding her fingers by the window, "You..."

Her eye sockets became moist, and her eyelashes blinked a few times frequently.

This is very typical. The detective and the murderer are in a state of subtle resonance. The detective has explained a certain core quality of the murderer, and the murderer has the feeling of "he understands me, he is touching my soul".

Kudo Shinichi: "..."

He looked at my grandson's wife with wet eyes, and then looked at Hinata Riji who was staring at each other intently, and found that both of them ignored the other police officers and another detective present, as if they were making eye contact, Or spiritual communication, or a subtle collision of momentum.

...Mr. Holmes said that when your detective is taken away by other murderers, it is better to be Moriarty properly once.

He smiled again.

Hyuga rationally stared at my grandson's wife, and asked calmly: "Do you need me to make your criminal process public?"

Before my grandson's wife answered, his green pupils flickered, as if he had already received a reply, he turned and walked towards Mr. Corpse.

When he sat down behind the corpse, my grandson's wife caught up with him after replying lightly, "I'm sorry."

Hinata reached out reasonably, held the left hand and right hand of the corpse, and moved like a puppet. "Mr. Corpse was cleaning the knife at first, and Ms. Murderer came in with afternoon tea."

The corpse still had rigor, and could only perform simple movements. It made a blunt knife-wiping movement under the control.

"He is very happy, because he has just received a mission, a mission that represents his status will be one step closer." Hinata rationally set his eyes on the back of Mr. Corpse's neck, "At this time, Miss Murder put the saucer on the Behind him, hold his shoulders."

He also put his hand on it, and touched the red bloodstain on Mr. Corpse's neck, "Then he took off the pearl necklace around his neck, and killed Mr. Corpse with that necklace and the poison on it."

"It's a very simple method without any cover-up at all. It is a long-planned and passionate murder."

Hinata raised his head reasonably, and looked at my grandson's wife, "When you guessed his real identity, you already decided to kill him."

My grandson's wife lowered her eyelashes, and she took off the pearl necklace around her neck.

The necklace should have just broken, but now it is barely tied together. Once it was untied, it could no longer maintain the shape of the necklace, and the pearls rolled down one by one, making crackling sounds when they collided on the ground.

A few pearls rolled down to Hinata's legs.

Kudo Shinichi caught those pearls with his eyes, and then turned his attention to Hyuga Ryo and my grandson's wife.

My grandson's wife opened her mouth.

Even though it was the first day we met, Hinata was reasonable but he seemed to be my grandson's wife's best friend. He could perfectly guess what my grandson's wife was thinking and what the logic of committing the crime was.

He lightly helped to explain: "That necklace, he gave it to you, you ended his life with an item with a unique meaning."

After being robbed, my grandson's wife closed her mouth again. She was silent for a few seconds before she lowered her head, closed her eyes lightly, and said, "I don't regret it."

It didn't look like the murderer was introspecting at all. According to Hinata's previous style, he would not pay attention to those murderers who knelt down and cried and confessed, let alone the murderer lady in front of him.

But Kudo Shinichi subtly discovered that Hyuga Ryo's eyes were actually brightened, the green pupils flickered again, and the curvature of the corners of the eyes also changed insignificantly.

is happy.

Kudo Shinichi: "..."

"It's because I don't understand Hyuga Ryo enough"

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