Chapter 335
In the research institute, Miyano Shiho stood in front of the observation box and recorded the stage characteristics of the mouse. She looked at the dark eyes of the mouse, casually drew a picture on the notebook, and ticked a 'one'.

In a month, it will be New Years.

At that time, I will spend the New Year with Miyano Akemi... and Hinata Ryo.

This is the first time.

Recalling the previous meeting, the green eyes that were fixed on him, Miyano Shiho was a little dazed.

Blood relationship is really a very strange relationship, even though Miyano Akemi didn't tell her too much about Hinata Ryo, and didn't send her a photo of Hinata Ryo, but at the moment when her eyes met, she Instantly realized who Hinata Ryo was.

The feeling of sudden understanding is really too subtle, it is the subtlety of good emotions. The moment she saw Hinata Reasonable, it seemed that what she saw was not a blood relative who had never been remembered, but a person who was intimate with each other when she was young, and grew up. People who haven't seen each other for a while, at the first glance, they feel a mixture of strangeness and familiarity, and they become even more familiar after seeing them.

Especially those eyes, those eyes gave Miyano Shiho an urge to hold Hinata down and observe carefully.

But this behavior is too dangerous.

The footsteps of leather shoes came from the corridor outside the door, staggered and approached from far away, and Miyano Shiho came back to his senses.

She lowered her head, glanced at the unintentional scratch on the notebook, changed it into text, and continued to record the mouse's reaction after taking the drug.

Staggered outside the door, it was obvious that the footsteps of two people stopped, and the position was at the door.

There was the sound of knocking on glass.

Miyano Shiho frowned and looked sideways.

Two people stood outside the door, one was tall, with long silver hair, a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a long black trench coat, and was drinking gin.

The other was vodka. He was half a step behind gin and looked over.

Seeing her looking over, Qin Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly, knocked on the door again, and said impatiently: "Open the door."

Miyano Shiho didn't move, she tightened her fingers holding the pen, and looked at the two cold-faced mourning crows outside the door for a few seconds.

She reached out and pressed the button on the control panel next to her, opened the visual communication screen at the door, and said coldly: "The experiment has just been a third of the way, and you haven't been sterilized, so you can't enter this room."

"What's the matter?"

Yinmao's cold face reported that the mourning crow stared at her coldly, "Turn off the monitoring and recording."

The entire building of the research institute has real-time monitoring and monitoring recordings. As the person in charge, Miyano Shiho can check the monitoring of all places at any time. Apart from her, other code members also have the right to check and monitor, but the power is different.

For example, Gin, the power of Gin can only check the monitoring of most ordinary research laboratories and research laboratories below B level, which can be regarded as the group with relatively large power.

Another person who can check all the surveillance in the entire institute building at any time is that gentleman.

And, there is another person who Miyano Shiho also guesses has this power, although he didn't say it on the surface, Hinata is reasonable.

According to the regulations of the research institute, the monitoring and real-time video recording cannot be turned off no matter what happens without an order from her or that gentleman. If the monitoring of any research room is broken, it must be maintained immediately. The research institute In the event of a power outage, backup power should be used as soon as possible.

If the backup power supply is used and there is a power outage, immediately start urgently destroying all confidential information and monitoring in the research institute to deal with the enemy's attack.

Now, Gin says to turn off surveillance.

Miyano Shiho paused for a few seconds. Maintaining a cold expression, she went to control the console again, chose to turn off the monitoring function of this laboratory, entered the account password, checked the fingerprints and pupils, and finally opened the door again.

She said succinctly: "The monitoring is turned off, what's the matter?"

The monitor is turned off, it must be the gentleman who ordered it.

There are only two things worthy of that gentleman's concern and orders in New York. One is the progress of the drug. Miyano Shiho is still slowly adjusting the status of the project and trying to connect with his parents' project, which can be regarded as a stagnation of progress. , so probably not this one.

The other is the project that the gentleman ordered to study Hinata's reasonable blood composition.

These two projects were studied by Miyano Koji and Miyano Elena, and Miyano Shiho is now taking over.

Miyano Shiho speculated that the gentleman had an order for the blood research project.

"The gentleman asked you to suspend the blood project," Gin walked in, he spoke coldly, and raised his phone with the momentum of raising a gun, showing the screen of the phone, "And, all the data are destroyed. "

On the screen was the gentleman's brief order, asking Gin to go to the research institute immediately and bring the order of 'suspending the blood project and destroying the data' to Shirley.

In addition, there is another requirement: absolute confidentiality to the parties involved in the project, and details cannot be disclosed.

Of course, the parties involved in the project are Hinata reasonable.

Miyano Shiho's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said, "Got it."

"I will clean up all relevant materials and all monitoring during the research period within three days, set it to an unrecoverable state, and keep it absolutely confidential to the project parties."

"Well," Gin put away his phone, but he didn't turn around and leave. He turned his head to look at the research institute, and asked naturally, "Is it related to ice wine?"

Miyano Shiho: "?"

She was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously took a few strange glances at the natural gin.

What, what's going on?

According to Gin's previous style, the order was delivered, and she also said that she had received it. Shouldn't this guy just turn around and leave?Why don't you leave and stay and ask?
Being curious about something too much is a taboo for members of the organization.

Facing her surprised gaze, Qin Jiu's expression remained unchanged, he neither explained nor retracted the question just now, but just urged her to answer quickly with his eyes.

Miyano Shiho was a bit out of touch. She put aside the brainstorming about this task and took the time to think about why Gin asked this question.

Recollection [-]: When she first met Icewine Fate, Gin played an unimportant role...meaning that she attracted Icewine's attention not long after she appeared.

Memories [-]: Icewine spent quite a while in Tokyo, but during this period, there were no rumors of the two being seriously injured, nor any rumors of their disagreement.

There are a few more rumors in Tokyo that 'Icewine is the sharpest knife in the action team'. It can be seen that Gin's cunning means of ingratiating is actually allowing Icewine to do the task.

Recollection [-], the gentleman suddenly suspended all blood projects, and destroyed the materials and confidentiality, indicating that the organization will have more important arrangements for ice wine, such as...


After recalling the three points, Miyano Shiho instantly felt that it was only natural for Gin to ask more questions: the team he was on was about to rise, so he must be even more of a good subordinate.

She replied without changing her face: "Well, yes."

Then he found that Gin frowned and became thoughtful.

A few seconds later, the other party restrained his expression again, and still did not turn his head and leave, but reminded lightly, "Icewine is coming back."

"I know," Miyano Shiho also said indifferently, "My sister told me."

He also invited her to spend the New Year with him.

The two of them get together less often, and it is rare for them to be in the same place at the same time. It is not a matter of hesitation to celebrate the New Year together, but Hinata still has reason.

This is what Miyano Shiho cares about.

Ryo Hinata obviously doesn't know her, and what she shows is that although she is also attracted by blood, she doesn't pay much attention because she doesn't know it, and deliberately restrains herself from being attracted.

If he knew, Miyano Shiho would of course agree to "spend the New Year together", but he didn't know, then what kind of capacity would the three of them get together?
Is it an organizational colleague, or a friend relationship?

Even though there is a closer relationship, Miyano Shiho refuses to take a step back.

"Well," Gin Jiu casually walked a few steps, then said calmly again, "Are you going to celebrate the festival together?"

Miyano Shiho: "?"

Not only about tasks, but also about privacy?

It turns out that gin also pleases the boss?As expected of a subordinate who resorted to the trick of "task mission all over Tokyo".

Miyano Shiho nodded casually, "Yes."

She asked back, "What's wrong?"

Gin walked slowly in the research room, and he glanced at the little white mouse in the observation box, "I heard from Belmode that Icewine seldom did tasks in New York, and spent most of his time directing organization members."

The little white mouse in the observation box was very excited. There were no wheels for running in the box, so it started to run around the box by itself.

It looks very happy, like a little bee working hard to gather honey, which gives Gin a familiar look.

He added, "I've spoken to him a few times while on missions, and that's true."

Miyano Shiho's gaze followed him, "...and then?"

Gin's footsteps paused for a moment, and he cast a question, 'Why do you not know him so well! ' impatient eyes.

He raised his chin and gestured to the little white mouse in the observation box, "Icewine hasn't done any task for the action group for several months."

"Tokyo hasn't had a few months..." No innocent group members, police personnel, FBI agents, mission targets, or ordinary passers-by were harmed.

Gin revised the wording, "The unorganized enemy has been hurt."

"Now, a new batch of 'enemies' have grown up again."

Tokyo has always been crowded.

As he said that, Gin glanced at Shirley, and found that she was frowning slightly and still didn't understand, so he bit the cigarette butt impatiently, and pointedly pointed out, "The brat is going back to Tokyo in a few days, just came back In those few days, seeing the familiar movement, he will definitely be excited."

"I will serve the organization with 'loyalty' and 'enthusiasm', and meet all the mission goals in Tokyo."

"Before going to New York, when that guy was doing missions, he would step on my bottom line and leave one or two threatening targets and joint targets from time to time," he estimated and predicted, "This time, even if I Stepping on his bottom line request, the mission target of any mission in Tokyo, as long as you meet him..."

Gin paused again, and revised his wording, "You can end your sinful life as an enemy of the organization."

Regardless of whether the mission target is an enemy or not, if Hyuga Ryo said without changing his face, 'the mission target has a restless heart and wants to plot evil against the organization', why would he dig out his heart to see if it says 'I plot evil! 'or'I am wronged! '?


If you dare to refute, that brat will take revenge.

Miyano Shiho: "."

Her expression calmed down, she nodded, and said indifferently: "Well, the soaring death rate in Tokyo before was due to Icewine's unauthorized actions."

I get it, I get it, Gin is throwing the pot away, if you have the ability to do it face to face?Is it something that a decent person can do secretly dumping the pot while no one is around?
Gin: "..."

He took a bite of the cigarette and found that he had no desire to explain.

The main reason is that this kind of desire has been completely wiped out by that little devil's training, and there is not a drop left.

Facing Hinata's rationality, he couldn't explain it, and the explanation was just a cover-up, Gin got used to it.

He only paused for a moment, then accepted the scapegoat indifferently, "When picking up the plane, will you and Akemi Miyano go together or separately?"

He directly chose not to go.

These two guys can somewhat attract Hinata's reasonable attention. If these two guys don't go, Gin estimates that he will always pick up and deliver them that day, and personally send Hinata to reasonably solve the organization's joint task goal.

...No, absolutely not.

"Let's go together." Miyano Shiho said, and added, "It won't take too much time."

She mocked calmly, "I won't communicate with him too much, you can rest assured."

"No," Gin retorted immediately, he lowered his brows, and swept over coldly, "Since an important project is directly closed, you should have more free time?"

"Stay a little longer."

Finally, stay with Hyuga Ryo for 360 five days, and see how he brought two 'weak people' to collapse the mission objective.

"Also," he said again, "Icewine's energy is a bit strong. During the Chinese New Year, you can consider extending the holiday."

Miyano Shiho: "?"

What, what?
She looked at Gin's expression in bewilderment, and found that he was actually a little sincere, especially when he said 'the energy of ice wine is a bit strong'.

She again: "?"

"That's it." Gin Jiu glanced at the time on the clock on the wall, "You can put aside the work first, and accompany Icewine first, and try not to let him get involved in the task."

"Collectively go crazy twice in a short period of time, and the operation team in Tokyo will be unstable."

Miyano Shiho: "..."

"At three o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow," Gin Jiu said again, "see you at the airport."

He seriously warned, "Remember to arrive a few hours early, he may predict me, give me a 'surprise', and go directly to the task."

"It's very hard for him to fly, and I don't allow him to go to work as soon as he gets off the plane, do you understand?"

Miyano Shiho: "..."

To be honest, I don't really understand.

(End of this chapter)

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