Conan's Helping People

Chapter 369 What a pity

Chapter 369 What a pity
Banks, or the police, are very strict about safes.

Hinata walked around the room rationally, but found no side doors or normal windows, only a high window for ventilation was found on the top of the wall near the corridor, it was only about half the length of a normal human arm, Only children can go through it.

But it's too high, and children can't climb that high.

So relatively speaking, as long as the thick door blood bar is empty, the people in the room are absolutely safe.

Miyano Akemi hugged the box tightly and asked worriedly, "What's the matter, Lily?"

"Did you find anything?"

She looked at the heavy door and frowned worriedly, "Is there a bank robber outside? There is a secret police in this bank. Even if you encounter a bank robber, you shouldn't be so defenseless, right?"

There were only a few gunshots, and it was quiet outside.

And now, the police lady also went out with a gun to investigate the situation, so far no new news has come.

Hinata rationally measured the closed high window with his sight, and determined a few points where he could drop his hands to climb, and then slowly stepped back a few steps, he said relaxedly: "Ah, this, probably because, There must have been undercover agents among the bank staff and the police.”

After retreating to a certain distance, he repeatedly stepped on the spot a few times and rushed forward.

Amid Miyano Akemi's sudden exclamation, he grasped the smooth wall with his palm, and immediately rubbed it up alternately. At the same time, he kicked the wall with his feet and easily hooked the window sill.

The wall was too smooth, while Hinata reasonably hooked his fingers on the window sill, he increased the strength of his legs, pushed the soles of his feet against the wall, and looked back at Akemi Miyano, "What's wrong, is it a surprise?"

He said: "I saw the people from the organization."

"There are organized people in the lobby, and there are vehicles parked outside," Hinata Rise explained to Miyano Akemi who exclaimed, while lying on the window sill as if lying on the window, "The people outside... Forget it, that guy in the lobby is a tough guy, ten FBIs."

He paused, then added, "In a wide open space."

In a wide open space, the guy with the thickened lower eyelid probably killed ten FBIs, and he would be GG, but it must be in an 'open space', 'no crowds and buildings', and 'no companions'.

If it was a normal street battle, then the opponent would probably be able to slam the FBI a few times before slipping away, giving the FBI who was chasing him exhaust.

Miyano Akemi couldn't care less about doubts, "Is the current FBI already a power unit?" ’ At this point, she subconsciously took a few steps forward, approached the high window, looked up again, and replied dryly: “Uh, yes, it’s amazing.”

Hinata gave her a reasonable look, "I can do it too."

He pushed the window with his hands, successfully opened the high window, and saw the corridor outside.

The corridor is empty, no one is there.

He looked back at Akemi Miyano, "Did you hear what the police lady said just now?"

"Absolutely don't go out!" Miyano Akemi immediately said, "You can't open the door either, no matter who calls the door outside, as long as you don't say the password, you can't open the door."


Hinata nodded reasonably satisfied, "Don't respond, don't open the door, don't go out."

He stretched his hands out of the high window.

Miyano Akemi: "!"

Subconsciously, she took another step forward, looked at the empty window in a daze, and quickly suppressed Hinata's reasonable voice.

Calling out now might get other people's attention.

Moreover, there seems to be nothing to say.

Anxiously asking Hinata to come back rationally and return to a safe place?He is not an easy prey, but an excellent hunter.

Let Hinata be reasonably careful?
If the robbers outside are members of the organization, be careful, they should be robbers.

If the robbers outside are not members of the organization, then it is even the robbers who should be careful.

Even police officers should be careful.

No matter what the situation is outside, Hinata is not the one who should be careful. He is responsible for making others be careful, so he should be 'merciful' and 'restraint'.

She had nothing to say for a while before she said bluntly: "Then, have a good time..."

When she said this, she originally thought that more than ten seconds had passed, and the outside was quiet for more than ten seconds, and Hinata should have left.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, she heard Hinata Reasonable's voice, "Okay."

Because of her wording, the other party hesitated, "Are you coming out? 'Play'?"

go out too?
Compared with the past, being able to watch Hinata with his own eyes is much better than staying alone in the room anxious and fantasizing, but.

Akemi Miyano glanced at herself rationally, and managed to see the label above her head: [Drag].

She immediately refused, "No, I will drag you down, so let's wait here for you."

"Huh? No, you're very smart." Through the wall, Hinata said seriously, "You won't drag me down. If you want to figure it out, we can act together."

The sound insulation effect of the room is very good, the sound can only come from the high window above the wall, it seems a bit vague.

Encouraged, Miyano Akemi cheered up a bit, and then looked at herself again, she: "..."

I feel that with her skills, she can't even 'block bullets', and really only has a dragging function.

Before she hesitated to refuse again, there were a few muffled sounds of feet kicking against the wall outside, and the window was hit.

Hyuga Ryo appeared by the window again, he simply observed Miyano Akemi's expression, and went in through the window again, "Come on, you go out through the door, I'll lock the door, and then turn out the window, the door is still locked status, it will not be discovered by the police.”

His tone was a bit similar to comforting his companions when he did something bad, 'Don't worry, you won't be discovered by adults'.

Miyano Akemi was dumbfounded, she looked up at the narrow high window, then at Hinata Rigi who was tossing and turning easily, and finally said helplessly: "Okay."

"If an accident happens..." You just leave me behind.

In the middle of speaking, Miyano Akemi swallowed the words back.

This is absolutely impossible. When she encounters danger in the other party's private territory, letting the other party leave her and run away is probably equivalent to "someone attacks your territory and takes away your private property. You think about it and fight." But just run'?

This can be said for normal people. Normal people are always enduring, enduring all kinds of things for family, work, and life.

But Hinata is reasonable...

He has no concept of 'human society', nor will he be bound by various things in 'human society', and of course he will not be patient.

In his opinion, it is enough to directly bite to death the things that dare to break into his own domain. Even if he is injured, he will never allow his private property to be injured.

So after a pause, Miyano Akemi sighed and changed her words, "If an accident happens, protect me."

In the first few minutes of going out, this sentence is useless.

Because there was no one in the corridor, the whole bank was also quiet, so quiet that it was a bit quiet, which was very abnormal.

Everyone gathered in the hall.

The hostages squatted obediently, while the robbers stood fiercely.

More than ten minutes had passed since the gunshots rang out, and two bank employees were frantically packing up sacks of banknotes, and then knelt and retreated to the side in fear.

Unexpectedly, Hinata took a reasonable and serious look at the robbers, and found that none of them was the guy with the thickened mark on the lower eyelid.

Even if the robbers wore black facial coverings on their heads, other human characteristics could not be covered, such as height, body shape and walking pace, or long hair.

After looking around again, Hinata rationally found the guy with thickened lower eyelids, who was not in the group of robbers, but in the group of hostages.

He also squatted down very well, blending with the other hostages into a group of innocent people, and his eyes and wrists were wrapped with yellow tape like the other hostages.

Hinata could reasonably recognize this guy hiding in the hostage group, mainly because of his long hair and knitted hat


Ah, what's the situation?
Isn't it organized to carry out daily fund replenishment activities?
Why are members of the organization squatting obediently among the hostages, or are they the ones who can fight the most?
Although I haven't seen the skills of other members, but considering the experience in New York and what the members have seen, Hinata reasonably feels that the other party is definitely the best among the robbers.

Even if you want to send people to pretend to be hostages and break into the hostages, you can't let the most capable ones go, right?
Thinking about it, he simply typed a question mark: "?"

Then I saw the innocent guy who mixed into the hostage group move, silently struggled away from the tape on his hand, and bowed his head to be quiet again.

Another kidnapper came in with a black bag. He was smoking a cigarette, scanned the hostages fiercely, and asked in a rough voice: "How is it? Are there any dishonest guys?"

One of the kidnappers picked up the last sack of banknotes and shook his head disdainfully, "These high-class guys are all very sensible, and if they don't move, they will be obedient. They look really obedient, hahaha."

The smoking kidnapper took another puff of his cigarette and sneered, "That's too bad, we didn't get ahead, and the police surrounded us again. What should we choose?"

He walked towards the group of hostages, smoked a cigarette and looked at it for a while, then casually ordered a pregnant woman to come out, "You, that guy with a big belly, come here!"

There was an uneasy humming in the hostage crowd.

The pregnant woman's eyes, hands, and legs were all tied up. The kidnapper walked over impatiently. He opened the black bag, took out a device from it, and wrapped it neatly around the pregnant woman's body.

Hinata withdrew his gaze reasonably, and turned his head to Miyano Akemi, who was squatting vigilantly beside him, and said, "Bomb."

Miyano Akemi's already tense face became more tense, she moved her mouth and asked silently: "Aren't we going out?"

If those people are members of the organization, they should be able to go out, right?

Put a bomb on a pregnant woman... Even if the bomb doesn't blow up, the other party will be in danger.

To be a black character, yes.

But to be a black character with no bottom line, Miyano Akemi is not ready yet.

She guessed that Hinata was reasonable and did not agree to attack pregnant women, because he frowned.

"Don't go out," Hinata frowned reasonably, "That's not our person."

Miyano Akemi: "What?"

Hyuga Ryo continued to frown, he looked even more puzzled than Miyano Akemi, "Why Tokyo...are there other black guys who dare to stand up?"

He wondered, "Did I leave for too long?"

"They robbed hundreds of millions of yen at least, and Fukuzawa Yukichi was in the bag," Hinata said seriously, "I think the black guys in Tokyo should realize that Tokyo is dangerous, and they will behave honestly with their tails between their legs. .”

"Sure enough, I've been away for too long."

He said: "Gin's temper is too good, it can't be done like this."

Miyano Akemi: "..."

You and I……

Intellectually, she knew that what Hinata wanted to express was 'Where there are lions, a group of hyena cubs dare to come out for food?Shouldn't you behave like a dog with your tail between your legs? '.

But "Gin's temper is too good" was too lethal, Miyano Akemi could only remain silent for a while.

Gin's temper... is it alright?
Yes, he often laughs, but it's all bloodthirsty sneers, right?
Yes, he is very kind to the members of the organization, but if the members of the organization are even a little bit wrong, he will not hesitate to shoot and kill them, right?
Said that Gin has a good temper, and those members of the grassroots organizations in Tokyo who have seen Gin and were frightened by Gin and their legs trembled wildly agree?

Wait, sorry, if the person who said it was Hinata is reasonable, then even if he said 'Gin is just a soft-hearted guy with a little coldness on the surface', people who have heard of Icewine's reputation will nod deeply without hesitation, and say that Hinata is reasonable You are right, very right, Gin is very kind, really very kind.

Miyano Akemi was speechless for a few seconds.

She looked away in embarrassment, and nodded with difficulty, "Yes."

She tries to keep herself sane:
Rationally, with Hinata's reasonable status, Gin will definitely not treat him like other members of the organization, but will be more tolerant, respectful, and tolerant.

Then think about Hinata's reasonable frequency of doing tasks, and whether it is more likely that "Gin is frantically squeezing the boss" or "the boss is eager to clean up the territory he just acquired, and wants to pull out every thorn. It is more likely to keep belongings comfortably.

It seems reasonable to draw the conclusion that 'gin has a good temper'.

Miyano Akemi nodded again, and she said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Hinata is reasonable and observes the robbers.

The other party has already picked the fifth hostage, and just picked the American guy who squatted innocently into the hostage group.

The robber looked at the guy, and said in a particularly unhappy way: "Tsk, what's the use of being so tall, it's not a waste!"

Hinata reasonably caught the "waste" with a lot of emphasis on the end of the story, he couldn't help but look at the robber again, and made a judgment: one second.

It only takes a second, and the guy who is being chased by the FBI and can walk away calmly can kill the robber.

He stared at the robbers swearing and tying the bomb/bomb, and then walked away from the hostage group unharmed, then turned his head to Miyano Akemi with some regret, "The power of the bomb/bomb is uncertain, and it cannot be detonated directly."


Otherwise, if one shot detonates one bomb/bomb, all the bombs/bombs will explode, and the robbers who don't know each other and dare to eat at the table can go to the sky together.

(End of this chapter)

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