Conan's Helping People

Chapter 372 Can an undercover agent be responsible for this?

Chapter 372 Can an undercover agent be responsible for this?

Are you polite?

You are rude!

Ryo Hyuga was very polite, he politely looked away, and took the initiative to meet the young woman whose eyes were not in focus, pretending that no one was talking to him.

Several police officers rushed over, "Officer Matsuda!"

Matsuda Jinpei didn't ask any more questions, he continued to lower his head to check the bomb device, then slowly let go of it, and slowly moved his hand away.

Without looking back, he said: "There are injured people here, let the medical staff come over."

Then another police officer ran out in a hurry.

The remaining few, some put down the toolbox on the spot and listed the bomb disposal tools, some turned their heads to communicate with other well-equipped bomb disposal police and asked them to come over to guard, and some looked at the unrelated people around, and they were about to put The crowd was evacuated.

The unrelated personnel around Hyuga Ryo was very polite. When the police officer wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced over, he nodded consciously, intending to do his best to help the police: leave voluntarily.

Matsuda Zhen said without raising his head: "No need here, let's evacuate the people who are farther away. By the way, remember to pay attention to other people carrying bomb devices."

He paused, looked up at Hinata Reasonable, and guessed: "The robbers should install other devices on people who are also vulnerable groups, right? Old people? Children?"


It is too obvious that they only dare to bully the disadvantaged, and a professional policeman can figure it out just by looking at it.

Shame, shame.

How can Tokyo tolerate such shameful things?How did Gin tolerate such things dangling under his nose, and even watched them come to the table for dinner?
It's like eating at the same table as a mouse.

"Well," Hinata said rationally, "four vulnerable groups with low resistance ability, and one healthy person with high resistance ability."

As the only healthy adult who can resist, the American undercover should reflect on why he was targeted by the robbers.

Flies don't bite seamless eggs, that guy must have leaked the aura of the police, which made the bullying robbers give up bullying and go up angrily.

"Hmm." Matsuda patted the young man's arm peacefully and explained the current situation in a low voice, explaining that the device is not too difficult to remove, but the lady's current physical condition is more dangerous.

It also shows that medical staff will come in soon, and you can go directly to the hospital after dismantling the device later.

After explaining to appease, he picked out a pair of scissors, then turned to ask Hinata rationale, "Are you a 'vulnerable group', or a 'high resistance'?" "

On the surface, minors are clearly a vulnerable group.

From the perspective of physical skills, Hyuga Ryo is a person with "high resistance", but whether he is "healthy" is still open to question.

Hinata is reasonable: "."

Mention 'Don't you have a bomb on you? 'Forget about the doubts, mentioning it twice is a bit too much.

Could it be that if there is a bomb in the area where he haunts, the bomb must be on him?impossible.

"There is only one bomb on this lady," Miyano Akemi blinked and said, and she pointed to the corner of the corridor where she was before, "We were there before, and we saw the robbers only in this A device was installed on the lady."

"It only took him a dozen seconds, so there should be no time to make other complicated connection devices."

High EQ: We were just out of the hostage group.

Low EQ: Lily was out of the robber's sight just now, so don't worry, he doesn't have a bomb on him.

Matsuda Jinpei immediately understood, "That's good."

He lowered his head and continued to study the bomb carefully, and then casually explained the question that no one asked, "We received an urgent notice, and we arrived in such a hurry that we don't have time to wear regular bomb disposal equipment."

"And," he picked up a red thread with scissors, and suddenly raised his voice, as if he had discovered something, "Hey, sir, are you wearing new shoes?"

The young man raised his head in a daze, but didn't realize what Matsuda Jinheita said, and didn't turn his head back immediately, so he made a dazed voice, "Huh?"

At the moment of his "ah", Matsuda Jinpei cut the red thread with scissors, and then "ah" was followed by a crisp clicking sound.

The countdown stops.

The young man looked blankly at Matsuda Jinpei who had just made a sudden sound, and then looked down at the bomb device that had stopped flashing red.


Why, why did it suddenly cut? !

"Oh, nothing, just curious." Matsuda Jinpei turned the scissors nonchalantly, and quickly removed some binding wires that were not connected to the device, "You are too nervous."

After removing the binding wire for a round, he continued to look back at the device and carefully remove the wires connected with the binding wire.

"And," Matsuda Jinhei continued what he hadn't finished before, "there are too many hostages, and none of them are wearing protective clothing."

There is a time limit for bomb disposal. Of course, it is impossible to wait until the evacuation of irrelevant hostages who are still in shock, and then let the bomb disposal police enter the field. Instead, it is urgent to seize time.

What would the hostages think if there were many hostages in the lobby of the bank, and the bomb disposal personnel were still wearing very safe protective clothing, and they would not die even if the device was triggered?
Of course, no matter how cumbersome the protective clothing is, it will only leave a whole body for the bomb disposal police, but it looks like "even if the bomb is activated, it can still protect the bomb disposal police".

The various emotions of the hostages will definitely rise 'biu', 'biu', 'biu', just like fireworks blasting into the sky at a very fast speed.

In that case, either the bomb or the hostage will blow up.

Hinata nodded reasonably, he followed the logic and stated the facts, "You are very confident in yourself."

Just played 'Whoah!' to the young male Matsuda Jinpei used the tactic of suddenly frightening and distracting the opponent's attention from the device in the hospital.

Police officers who are not confident in themselves will not be able to use this kind of beating and extremely effective method of distracting attention.

In the same way, if you are not very confident in yourself, you will not come in to dismantle the bomb at this time.

The reason for not wearing protective clothing before was very convincing, but it also vaguely ignored a question: how many casualties would occur if the bomb disposal fails when there are panicked hostages around?

This is the first question that the police who are still rushing to dismantle the bomb need to consider under such circumstances.

I'm afraid it's also the reason why Matsuda Jinpei is the only person in charge of the bomb disposal police.

Matsuda Jinpei continued to disassemble the device, and he asked in surprise, "Does Kohinata think so?"

He thought for a while and said, "That's right, I'm very confident."

As he said that, Matsuda Jinhei smiled, "What I am doing now is something that absolutely does not allow failure."

He clicked the scissors and wrote lightly: "My profession is also one of the professions with a '100% success rate'."

"In my life, I only allow one failure."

"So of course you have to be confident, confident that this time is definitely not that failure."

While saying the last sentence, Matsuda Jinpei completely detached the device from the young woman's body. He proceeded steadily, handed the bomb to the tray handed over by the police officer next to him, and changed hands again, "Success!"

If you fail once, you will die, so there will only be one failure in life.

Hinata rationally moved his eyes, and glanced thoughtfully at Matsuda Jinpei's relaxed expression.

He kind of wanted to ask: So what do you think about death?

However, the two hostage victims who had just escaped from the device were nearby, and this question was too abrupt, and it was not something that normal human beings would ask out of the blue, just like 'what's for lunch today? ' is of a different nature.

He chose to close the mic.

Matsuda Jinhei adjusted the dismantled device, and casually ordered a police officer, "Please stay here to help, the medical staff will arrive in about a minute or two."

The police officer nodded immediately.

Matsuda Jinpei turned around, "What's the matter, what question do you want to ask?"

This guy is indeed a colleague of the police dog. The back of his head seems to have eyes, and the skill level of reading air is too high, right?

Hinata shook his head rationally, he stood up, "It's nothing."

Then he gestured to the side, "I'm going to find a friend."

He nodded to Matsuda Jinpei, bid farewell politely, and then took Miyano Akemi to the original destination.

Miyano Akemi went to see Mr. Akai, she approached Ryo Hinata calmly, held Hinata Ryo's arm while walking, and said in a low voice, "Be careful."

The two adults of the Akai family are both MI6 agents, and this Mr. Akai is also likely to be an MI6 agent.

Hyuga Ryo has dealt with the FBI before, she is not afraid of the FBI, nor is she too worried about Hinata Ryo's safety, but when it comes to MI6 who has not dealt with much, the opponent is still a blood relative, so she is a little worried.

"Well," Hinata kept walking reasonably, "I know."

He walked up to the police lady who was comforting the old man in a low voice, and said, "The bomb disposal police are here."

The police lady looked up subconsciously, and she didn't show much surprise when she saw him. "Is it Officer Matsuda? I saw it. He is very iconic. I was relieved to see that it was him."

Iconicity, refers to the excellent bomb disposal technology, or the very recognizable curly hair?

"Yes." Hinata responded rationally and changed the subject, "Is this old gentleman okay? The medical staff will arrive in a few minutes."

What he asked was the old man with the device on his body, and his eyes looked at Akai Shuichi.

Before the police lady answered, Akai Hide said: "He has a heart problem, but he has the medicine with him, and he has just taken it."

"Well," Hinata asked reasonably and naturally, "Why are you here?"

Of course, people from the FBI who infiltrated the police learned about the 'Miyano Safe', so they came to sit on the sidelines.

But that cannot be said.

Akai Shuichi first looked at the police lady with obvious movements, and then answered in words that could be said in front of a 'bank employee', "I'll handle the business."

"The company often has large businesses recently, and needs to make regular deposits and transfer funds to other accounts. I am currently in charge of this matter."

Following this reason, he continued, "I have come to the bank frequently recently, and I have already met the bank specialist at the front desk."

Simple translation: The organization is in a hurry to collect money recently and needs to collect accounts and launder money, so he came back and forth to the bank to let the bank staff know him.

Re-translation: I was involved in this unfortunate bank robbery because I served the organization wholeheartedly, and I had no second thoughts about the organization.

"Really?" Hinata rationally asked back, "Gin let you handle the finances?"

This is a more delicate matter.

First of all, it is very important. The person in charge of finance can grasp the flow of funds of a part of the organization, as well as the accounts of the organization, so as to find out something reversely.

The person in charge of finances is definitely someone who is deeply trusted.

But from the other party's description, it doesn't seem like "deeply trusted, so he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility", but a bit like Gin deliberately retaliated by letting the other party run around again and again, repeating and cumbersome. Patience and time are exhausted in the procedure.

This doesn't seem to fit Gin's personality?

Akai Shuichi's expression remained unchanged, "It's that lady from New York."

He looked at Hinata reasonably, and said calmly: "Not long after I was transferred to New York, she asked me to be in charge of tax avoidance."

"Tax avoidance in New York," he said flatly and calmly, "avoid the Federal Tax Service and the FBI who came over because of the Times Square incident, and avoid taxes."

Whoa, whoa.

What does the IRS stand for?
Representing New York's 'most feared', 'most disgusting' and 'most feared' organizations.

Even the FBI trembled three times when they heard that they were going to deal with the Federal Tax Service.

In New York, being targeted by the IRS is the scariest thing, bar none.

Belmode actually asked a newcomer who had just joined the organization not long ago to be responsible for tax avoidance...

Ryo Hyuga made a brief recollection based on the keyword 'Times Square': Times Square, this guy was also at the scene, and he was staring at him silently in the coffee shop, like a human camera.

After recalling it, he understood: No wonder Belmode transferred this guy to face the Federal Taxation Bureau.

This is indeed something she can do when she is upset.

"I see." Hinata responded nonchalantly, refusing the other party's complaints and condemnation topics.

Akai Shuichi took the initiative to say, "I succeeded in 'legal tax avoidance'."

He glanced at the police lady who found that there was no room for him to speak, so he silently lowered his head to appease the old man, and calmly explained his ability and the consequences of being too good, "So I have been dealing with finances."

Wow, that's pretty cool, to be able to dodge taxes 'legally' with arrogance, and it works.

The ability is very good.

If it is only based on personal and successful tax avoidance, the ability is quite outstanding, no wonder Belmode put this guy in the financial position.

If tax avoidance is successful not only because of individuals, but also because of the power of the police...

Rounding it up, it means that the government helps to avoid taxes, which is true and legal, and it is no wonder that Belmode will hold this guy financially.

Akai Hideichi watched his subtle expression changes, and added, "I will also handle the financial products and investments under your account, so that the account can maintain a certain level of activity."

Rational Hinata: "?"

He simply recalled how much money he had in the bank card in his hand, and also briefly recalled how much private money Gin Jiu handed over.

These are all unremarkable things, similar to the face of the mission target, he has long forgotten, and only remembers rough numbers.

Hundreds of millions of dollars and yen.


Can this be handed over to an undercover agent? !
Don't mice evacuate the house?

(End of this chapter)

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