Conan's Helping People

Chapter 385 The Red and Black Reversal Part 4

Chapter 385 Red and Black Reversal Extra Fourteen
There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that Mr. Cafe didn't stay silent for too long this time, and a voice came from the phone.

The bad news is that, in addition to the sound of clenched fists, there is a "beep-beep-beep" notification sound from the mobile phone that the other party has hung up.

Rational Hinata: "?"

Is there a problem with your hand or mobile phone?

How come the rye whiskey ran away as soon as it was guessed? !Sure enough, he is a guy who doesn't talk about martial arts!
Hinata didn't understand rationally, but was greatly shocked.

He called back immediately.

There was only one reminder beep on the phone, then it stopped abruptly again, and the other party hung up immediately.


He dialed again.

The opponent hangs up in seconds again.


When Hinata frowned seriously and was about to call back for the third time immediately, his phone vibrated, and a message appeared: [I will let you remember me. ]
Rational Hinata: "?"

If you guessed right, remember it!
Remember, remember, don't read it, really remember it.

He stuffed the rose branch back into the book tower, and reminded the other party earnestly and politely: [Mr. Rye, you have not fulfilled the agreement. 】

If you guess right, just run away, tell me why Miyano Elena might be injured!

After the message was sent, Hinata stared at the phone rationally.

The phone didn't move at all, and the polite reminder message seemed to have disappeared. This was the beginning.

After about 20 seconds, the phone buzzed and vibrated.

A reminder that a new message was received popped up, and Hinata immediately grabbed the phone and clicked in.

Then, another notification that a new message was received popped up.

A third message received pops up.

The phone continued to vibrate, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh articles popped up.

Hinata was a little confused.

Do you have to explain so many items?Is the other party typing so fast? Are all the black personnel fully equipped with hand speed skills?

The new messages one after another blocked the contents of the messages, and when the phone stopped vibrating, he saw the contents of those consecutive messages.


The neat […] filled the screen of the phone, Hinata rationally pressed the up button several times before seeing the message he sent earlier.


what happened?

He sent a question mark.

About a minute later, there was a new message notification from the mobile phone. The good news is that there was only one notification, and the other party did not swipe the screen again.

Hinata rationally clicks in to check the new information.

[As a punishment for losing the game, within an hour, you will meet someone you don't want to see. 】

People who don't want to see?
Hinata rationally held the phone and thought for a while.

Is there anyone he doesn't want to see?Overly active police dogs?

No, it's the 'person' I don't want to see.

Before he finished thinking, he caught the sound of footsteps going upstairs.

The footsteps were very light, not the sound of high heels, but the sound of soft flat shoes stepping on the stairs.

After going up to the second floor, the owner of the footsteps came towards this side.

Hinata raised his head reasonably, stared at the closed door for a few seconds, put away his phone, and started to move quickly.

——Clean up the 'eyes' in your room.

One in the book tower, one above the incandescent lamp, one behind the window sill decoration, one under the desk, one on each side of the bedside table, and so on.

When the footsteps stopped at the door, he just caught No. 13's eye stuck in the narrow gap with his finger, which was a pinhole camera.

There was a knock on the door.

He threw the pinhole camera under the bed, along with the other 'eyes' he had just caught, and pulled the sheet down a bit to block the 'eyes' view as much as possible.

The room was a bit cleaner and barely tolerable.

When the footsteps sounded hesitant to leave, Hinata rationally clapped her hands and opened the door.

It's Miyano Shiho.

She was wearing a white uniform, and it looked like she had just returned from a part-time job in the laboratory. At this time, the expression on her face did not fluctuate much, and she still had a faint expression, holding a cup of hot milk in her hand.

When Hinata just opened the door, her eyelashes were drooping, and her mouth was slightly pursed, as if she was in a trance. When she heard the door opening, she raised her eyes in astonishment, "Hey, have you finished your bath?"


I was playing a game with a boring guy and didn't have time.

For a moment, Hinata rationally had the urge to close the door and shrink back, change clothes quickly, and pretend that he had taken a bath obediently.

However, seeing that Miyano Shiho was obviously absent-minded and didn't notice the expression of something wrong with his clothes, Hinata rationally restrained his instinctive reaction, so as not to report himself and let the other party find out that something was wrong.

He closed the door a little smaller, allowing the door to block more of his body, and changed the subject nonchalantly, "What's the matter, is the research in the laboratory stuck again?"

Miyano Shiho's complexion was subtle, she frowned, then relaxed quickly, and raised the milk cup as if nothing had happened, "Don't change the subject, I brought a cup of hot water over, drink it quickly, and go to bed early today."

You seem to be changing the subject too.

Hinata glanced at her reasonably, but didn't delve into it. He reached out to catch the annoying milk cup habitually, and took the daily tasks sent by his warm sister by the way.

Then pause just before touching the glass of milk.

Wait, the younger sister who didn't bounce back and made people feel extra comforted and warm hasn't sent out the task yet.

Seems a little less proactive this time?
Hinata rationally withdrew her hand abruptly, and began to falsely refuse, "No."

As long as she falsely refuses, the younger sister will exude warmth like the sun and send out daily tasks of ten points.

But unexpectedly, Miyano Shiho didn't send out the task. She was taken aback for a moment, and obediently took the milk cup back.

Rational Hinata: "?"

He looked down at the milk cup that had been taken away, then at Miyano Shiho, and slowly made a question mark.

What's going on, there's something wrong with Miyano Shiho. In the past, she was a staunch supporter of 'Don't Say No to Milk'. Why did she withdraw it this time? !
"What's wrong?" Miyano Shiho touched his short hair uncomfortably under his condemning gaze.

"It's nothing," Hyuga Ryo usually doesn't meddle in his family's private affairs, but now that it affects his points, he strictly faces Miyano Shiho's problems, "What's wrong with you, what's on your mind?"

If you have something on your mind, just say it!

Later, he found out that Miyano Shiho was really, really wrong. Under normal circumstances, even if the other party had some concerns, he would only reply that he and his classmates got along well, and there were no accidents, and the part-time job was progressing smoothly, etc. If there are no surprises.

But now, Miyano Shiho actually hesitated.

She lowered her head, reached out to touch the back of her neck uncomfortably, and said with some hesitation: "Brother..."

Rational Hinata: "..."

brother, brother? !

He blinked quickly a few times.

Oops, it's a very, very serious problem, there's something wrong with this Miyano Shiho!
In different situations and moods, Miyano Shiho will call Hinata Ryo as 'Hinata Ryo! ', 'Reasonable', most of the time they are called 'Lily', and very rarely they are called 'Hyuga'.

However, she seldom called 'brother', especially after she was promoted to junior high school, she never called this title again.

Now, she calls this title again, not the kind of "I wish brother xxxxx" when praying at the shrine, but really calling Hinata reasonable.

Hinata reasonably let go of the door, stretched out both hands to hold the glass of milk, and said seriously: "Please tell me."

Miyano Shiho rolled his eyes.

As for the sudden explosion from the resting state that seems to have exhausted the social blue bar and is recovering blood, she just called a name that she doesn't often call, and she reacted so strongly, directly bouncing from the state of being bored and resting and flicking her tail Get up and sit straight up.

I always feel that being seen by some black personnel will put Dark Shark's plan on the agenda as soon as possible.

"If," she said, "if I were in imminent danger, would you help me?"

This is a question with only one answer, Hinata rationale didn't answer right away, but thought about it, and seriously reflected, "I'm sorry, is it because I usually act like 'my family members will stand by when they are in danger'? "

If the 'family' is randomly replaced by other existences, then this issue is still controversial, but it is not other existences, but 'family'.

The question now is why Miyano Shiho would ask such a question, is he too out of touch with ordinary people, too ruthless?
"No, it's just that I encountered a problem and wanted to ask for your opinion, and I'm asking you hypothetically." Miyano Shiho said immediately.

"If, if my strength is not enough to protect the person I want to protect..." She hesitated for a few seconds, then continued to ask, her eyes lowered to look at the milk glass, "But there is a change, as long as you give up properly If you have something, you can protect the people you want to protect."

"Would you agree?"

Let go of some... factions.

This is a very cost-effective deal, just abandoning some intangible things can protect the people who want to protect, so before coming up, Miyano Shiho has already made a decision, and now she is asking, she just wants to get a "consent" approval.

Hyuga Ryo would definitely agree, and Miyano Shiho, who knew him well, could be sure of this.

Others might hesitate, but when Hinata heard about the deal reasonably, he would definitely agree without hesitation even for a second. For him, most of the things that humans would care about, he would not care about.

But he cares about his family.

However, after thinking about Hinata Ryo's inexplicable insistence on justice, Miyano Shiho raised his head slightly, and glanced at Hinata Ryo who hadn't spoken for a long time.

She saw the pensive expression on the other side.

Hinata reasonably confirms, "You want to protect someone and feel like you can't do it in your own strength."

"It just so happens that an opportunity appears in front of you at this time, allowing you to have the power to protect the other party, right?"

Miyano Shiho nodded.

Almost the moment she nodded, Hinata rationally said without hesitation: "I don't agree."


Wait, do you disagree?
Miyano Shiho looked over in surprise.

"If you mean giving up something and gaining the power to protect others, you don't mean giving up unnaturalness and asking me for help," he said, "then no."

……Eh? ? ?

Miyano Shiho was startled when he got a reply that he didn't expect at all.

"If the person you like is isolated," Hinata said rationally and seriously, he thought for a while, and added reluctantly, "or the experimental project has reached a deadlock."

What can make Miyano Shiho feel a sense of "protection" must be the other person's silent extra favorite, right?
Otherwise, apart from family members, who else is worth protecting?

He said seriously and sincerely: "You can tell me, and I will help him answer his doubts."

Miyano Shiho: "..."

Miyano Shiho and the sincere, inexplicably caring, and very well-behaved Hinata looked at each other, and she suddenly fell silent.

Wait, what the other party said was 'help solve the problem', right?Why did she see the message 'I'm going to get rid of that guy now, that guy doesn't need protection anymore! '.

She remained silent.

Hinata observed her expression reasonably and cautiously, and found that she had no intention of speaking at all, so he tentatively retreated, "Don't you want to tell me?"

He recalled Miyano Elena's handling of him in usual times and exercised strangely, "It's because our relationship has become estranged, and you don't like me anymore, so you don't want to tell me?"

Then make some changes where appropriate, such as changing 'stupid' to smart, "Or do you think I'm a smart guy and don't want to tell me?"

Miyano Shiho again: "..."

She said blankly: "The repeat check rate is too high, you are not allowed to use what your mother told you."

"It's not about having someone you like, it's about the game!" Miyano Shiho said nonsense confidently with a cold face, "The game level has branches, and if we want to get rid of all the infected, we have to give up some survivors appropriately, so I hesitated."

"Now I've decided to get rid of all the infected in the first week, and protect all the survivors in the second week."

Is that so?
Miyano Shiho has never lied to him. She is a perfect little sister who is kind, generous, and quiet. She is not at all like the villainous sister who sneaks back and surprises Hinata for a lifetime, so he is a little skeptical.

It is true that Miyano Shiho has hardly ever lied to his family, and it is the first time he knows that he has been swayed by Hinata's reasonable and calm "I will never admit it until I am caught, and I will never admit it even if I am caught. Anyway, toilet paper is not me. Tear it up! 'Skill.

She calmly let out a barking voice that wasn't guilty at all, urging, "Drink the milk quickly, wait a minute."

"Your clothes," Miyano Shiho slowly looked at Ryo Hinata's somewhat wet clothes, "You haven't..." Haven't taken a shower yet?

Hinata rationally picked up the milk and took a few sips, he swallowed quickly, and then quickly handed the cup to Miyano Shiho, "I'm done drinking, thank you."

He took a step back towards the door.

After discovering the opponent's trick, Miyano Shiho became more calm and composed, "You really..."

"By the way, is anyone here at home today?" Hinata interrupted the opponent's skills reasonably.

Miyano Shiho paused, and instantly recalled the blond member of the organization and what he said to her with a smile.

The dragon who monopolizes the treasure is about to die, and soon, the gem will shine unattended, and countless brave men will come to seize the treasure.

They would hurt Hinata justifiably.

If you want to protect Hinata reasonably, you must have the ability.

She looked away unnaturally, temporarily let go of Hinata's rational tail, "Uh, yes."

"I am not very sure."

"So that's it," Hinata rationally nodded deeply, "I see, I'm going to wash up now, good night."

The door is closed.

Miyano Shiho: "..."

Then wouldn't this glass of milk be completely useless now!
She sighed calmly, turned her head and was about to walk towards the stairs, paused when she turned around, turned around and walked towards the window not far away, then pushed the window open, and turned on the light above the window.

From the outside of Miyano's house, the window and the window of Ryo Hinata's room were juxtaposed.

This is a guiding light.

"If you want to have the power to protect, you have to give up something," Miyano Shiho let out a breath slowly, she looked at the milk cup that was half left in her hand, and remembered that she was responsible for delivering it and supervising Hyuga The person who drank it reasonably, "You think so too, so you made that choice? Sister."

If you choose to join the person who controls the entire Tokyo, you can protect your family.

Miyano Shiho chose 'Agree'.

(End of this chapter)

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