Conan's Helping People

Chapter 60 Where are the mice

Chapter 60 Where are the mice

Part of the police discovered the existence of the organization and tried to figure out the situation of the organization. Gin knew about it.

Today's temporary mission also has something to do with the mouse.

The brother-in-law of the target of this mission is a member of the police, and he can get a little bit of a relationship with a high-level police officer.

And three months before this, the task target was still a clean and ordinary company executive. Although he had done some not-so-clean deeds, it was still a gray area.

Recently, the mission target has suddenly come into contact with the black forces frequently.

The intelligence personnel of the organization speculated that the target of this mission might be someone from the police. The other party wanted to follow the path of 'being threatened by the organization and forced to join the organization', lurking in the organization and providing the police with information about the organization.

So Gin immediately began to set the hook.

…The reason why I was able to chat with that brat casually during the execution of the mission is because this is not a serious mission at all, it’s just a bait to tell the police, “The sniper who left the 4649 message is here, come and catch it.” Oh'.

If that kid wasn't so energetic, we should meet in three days.

Seeing the urgent news, Gin randomly picked a lucky one out, gave the other party the code name '4649', and watched the progress at any time, to see when to throw it out, to calm down the chaos in Tokyo, and let the police temporarily think that the seven-year-old The gun sniper has been arrested.

Who knows, the target of this mission is not a police mouse at all.

As for why it is so certain, it is very simple, the model of the bug.

The bugs of the police are always those outdated and bulky models. It is absolutely impossible to be the latest bugs. If they are, then they must have nothing to do with the police.

In the past few years, the organization also had undercover agents at the top of the police, so I know very well the style of the police rats who "take the most money and buy the most outdated equipment. As for the price difference in the middle, no one knows."

If the undercover agent is still there, then the other party can directly catch the sniper with the code name '4649', without such trouble.

It's a pity that two years ago, that high-level undercover had already played GG neatly.

It wasn't because the other party was found to be an undercover agent, but because the other party stood in the wrong camp during the factional struggle and was simply kicked out of the underworld.

Now, there are only a few undercover agents organized in the police. The main reason is that they have not considered it before and need to send more undercover agents to the police.

The new undercover agent, due to the increasingly fierce factional struggles, is already full of thoughts of 'XX's boss suddenly made a subtle move to me today, is it implying that I stand in line? ' up.

Fortunately, the organization didn't use the police very much before, so it doesn't matter now.

It's just that some people in the police have noticed the organization, and neither secretly offered an olive branch to express that everyone cooperates to build Tokyo happily, nor did they react violently. What exactly does it mean?

Rat, have you infiltrated the organization yet?
Throwing this question, which represents a huge workload, out of his mind, Qin Jiu fired the last shot, turned around and walked out of the alley, and said coldly as he walked: "If the phone is louder, you will startle the snake."

"Do you think I didn't notice the bug? It's just that I had other plans, so I didn't point it out directly, but you almost alarmed the snake."

This is a fact.

To others, it doesn't matter whether you add this cynicism or explain it.

But to be reasonable to Hinata, this sentence must be added, otherwise, if the other party thinks 'Is your ability not good enough, and you didn't find the bug', it will advance to 'Your ability is not enough, why bother with me, why not me What about you? ', and the next step, the other party will be eager to try to 'control the boss'.

After reaching these stages, it would be too troublesome to suppress the other party and let the other party realize that "the boss is not allowed". Moreover, that gentleman attaches great importance to the other party, so when suppressing him, his hands are tied, and it is easy to make a cocoon.

Or pinch the signs directly.

After speaking, Gin continued to move forward, patiently waiting for Hinata's reasonable response, and also waiting for the other party to give it a try, or to suppress the idea of ​​"controlling the boss" first.

Ten seconds later, Hinata still didn't say a word, and there was silence on the other end of the phone.

Gin: "...?"

He squinted his eyes, turned on the phone page first, and found that the call had lasted for more than ten minutes, and it was around midnight now.

"Hinata is reasonable." He stated the other party's name.

There was still silence on the other end of the phone.

...Even though he just finished shooting, this brat can still fall asleep.

Gin Jiu glanced at the beating call time for the last time, hung up the phone neatly, and found that the time was indeed around midnight, which was exactly 23.59 minutes.

He clicked on the message interface and sent a message to the gentleman: [He said that this sniper mission, plus the number of times he played in the game before, was his 4649th shot. 】

After sending it, Gin Jiu edited another message, added the recording of the call for more than ten minutes, and began to explain formally.

[At 23:45, he sent me a message, and I called to confirm that he was still awake. Before midnight, he fell asleep while talking on the phone.

The mental state is normal, the mood is stable, there is no stress response, and he is very concerned about the next task. 】

It's normal to report '4649', but you have to pay attention to the other party's sleep time, and don't disturb the other party at night, Gin is a bit incomprehensible.

This is also one of the reasons why, he speculates, Hyuga Ryo and that gentleman are related by blood.

Otherwise, why did that gentleman pay so much attention to the kid's physical condition, psychological condition, and even getting along with Akemi Miyano, as well as his mood and sleep time?
The previous ones can be explained by "caring about excellent seedlings", but it is too much for that gentleman to pay attention to Hinata's reasonable emotions, pay attention to whether the other party is particularly negative or positive, and whether he has enough sleep time every day. Obvious.

This urgent news, Qin Jiu's first reaction was: Tsk.trouble.

This is a normal person's point of view.

According to the message from that gentleman, the other party's first reaction was:

'Is there any injury?It's fine if you don't have one. '

'How's the mood, are you down because of the shark?Still a little hyper?It's fine if you're not depressed, and it's normal to be a little excited, so keep following up. '

'He sleeps on time, and he will contact you tomorrow. You should finish it first and throw it out to calm the dead ghost. '

This is purely from a parent's perspective...

Thinking about it carefully, Hyuga Ryo is indeed "that gentleman", and Gin must be more vigilant when getting along with him.

Otherwise, I don’t know where I have neglected, and the other party thinks that the boss’s IQ is not good, so they will start jumping to “control the boss”. They are really sharp and bold, not afraid of failure, they can do what they want, and they are full of desire to control.

And, most importantly, when talking about today's task, although Hinata Ryo apologized outright, it was not because of 'the task required one person, and I accidentally had too many sharks', but because of 'delayed business'.

In a peaceful environment, it is also very strange to be able to develop such a thing that doesn't care about human life...or even not aware of human life at all.

It can only be said that it is the power of the blood, the genes are very good, and the concept of the strong is inherited.

Even in organizations, there are very few people who can ignore human life for granted.

Soon, there was a new message. Gin glanced down and found that the gentleman said that Hinata's explanation to him was the same as the explanation to Miyano Akemi.

He squinted.

From Hinata's reasonable point of view, how useful Miyano Akemi is is actually the same as the explanation to the boss... It should be discovered that Miyano Akemi is a transmission tool for communicating with parents.

Gin continued to read.

The message asked him to send another batch of special medicine, and he and Miyano Akemi would keep an eye on it, and let Hinata exercise reasonably, otherwise he would damage his body by performing too many tasks.

And, give Miyano Akemi a pinhole camera and install it on the brooch, and that gentleman will check and monitor regularly.

...definitely from a parent's perspective.

Gin replied: [Received. 】

  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
(End of this chapter)

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