Wulin martial arts hegemony record

Chapter 302 Ye 3 VS Qingsong Zhenren (Continued)

Chapter 302 Ye San vs. Qingsong Zhenren (Continued)

I saw Master Qingsong holding a long sword in his right hand and a short sword in his left hand. The long sword mainly attacks and the short sword goes out to defend. One attack and one defense complement each other and move freely.

If Xue Chang saw it at this time, he would be surprised to find that what Master Qingsong used was the Wudang School's Liangyi swordsmanship.The Liangyi swordsmanship was originally used by two people together, which was exactly what Xue Chang encountered in the inn that day, but Master Qingsong studied hard for many years and experienced countless setbacks, and finally practiced the Liangyi swordsmanship of one person wielding two swords. In the end, he showed his prestige at the law conference and was promoted to protect the country.

At this moment, he has defense while attacking, while attacking while defending, Taiji produces Liangyi, Liangyi produces Sixiang, and Sixiang produces gossip... The two swords stir up the situation, resist the opponent's rapidly growing domineering, and use his own balance to fight against it. It leads to the imbalance of the opponent, thus leading the war situation into a balance of power.

Zen Master Wubei has a different view of Si Jinyu at the Excalibur Villa.

Si Jinyu's swordsmanship is elegant and brisk, like the spring breeze on the river bank, without the slightest murderous aura, making the onlookers unconsciously intoxicated by it; but Zen Master Wubei was unmoved, standing in the middle of the wooden platform, keeping the spiritual platform clear, and looking at a certain place from time to time. Stretch out a finger, and break away the soundless sword energy from across the air. This is the one-finger Zen skill known as "Shaolin's first finger".

Although Huiwu from Shaolin Dharma Academy mainly studies fingering, he is not as calm and relaxed as Zen Master Wubei. The fingers are used as the main attack, and the more flexible and varied multi-leaf fingers are sometimes added, and occasionally the flower fingers are used for melee attacks. If you want to perform these three fingering techniques, you need to have extremely profound internal strength as the basis. This shows the internal strength of this Shaolin Hui disciple.

But Jiangnan Yijian Su Mufan didn't swing the long sword recklessly like his apprentice Si Jinyu. He mainly relied on lightness kungfu and body skills to dodge the opponent's attacks. Huiwu's offensive was ferocious, but he seemed to be strolling in the courtyard, only occasionally making a move. The sword, this sword directly pointed at the opponent's weakness, forcing the opponent to defend with all his strength, thus returning all the opportunities he won before.

The battle between real person Yang Tongping and Mrs. Jingxin is different.

Master Jingxin has a solemn expression, and uses the golden top magic skill to fight with the Emei Vajra Palm. This Vajra Palm is not the powerful Vajra Palm of Shaolin Temple, but was created by the Emei Patriarch who meditated on the image of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva day and night.Emei is the Dojo of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. It is said that the appearance of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva is like a full-moon boy wearing a coffin with five Buddhas on his head, holding a vajra pestle in his right hand, and a vajra bell in his left hand. Diamond wheel, under the wheel there are five thousand elephants.The patriarch of the Emei School wishes that this palm technique will gather the power of all elephants to help them travel the world and promote Buddhism.Of course this is just an exaggeration, but it is enough to show how powerful this palm technique is.

But Daoist Yang Tongping held an ordinary wooden sword and stood in front of Master Jingxin with a peaceful mind. He practiced the Changchun Kung Fu and danced the Happy Breeze Sword. He looked like a rotten old tree, but under the storm, Like a tough green bamboo, the more it bends, the stronger its rebounding power will be.

Yang Yuanming, who was on the sidelines, watched without blinking his father on the stage displaying Qingfeng swordsmanship to his heart's content, and had a new understanding of the unique Taoism passed down by his ancestor Chen Zhuan.

At this moment, a loud roar suddenly erupted in the square. This roar came from Ye San's mouth, like thousands of people shouting in unison, it was soul-stirring.

Even though Master Qingsong was determined, he couldn't help being frustrated at this moment.

But just when he slowed down a bit, Ye San strode forward, and the iron palm carried wind and thunder towards him.

Before the palm reached his body, its majestic momentum was already pressing down like a mountain, making Qingsong Daoist suddenly feel difficult to breathe, he originally wanted to fight head-on, but now he changed his mind, the long sword deflected slightly, and stabbed obliquely at the opponent Jianjing point.

Who knew that Ye San didn't care at all, just as the long sword pierced his skin, his palm had already touched his chest.

Daoist Qingsong hastily used his dagger to block it, but it was a hasty attack after all, and the power of the opponent's palm was far stronger than before, causing his chest to feel like a heavy hammer.

But he didn't have time to slow down, because the opponent's attack came again, and his momentum seemed to increase.

Reverend Qingsong strenuously swung his long sword to block the attack, which was just an act, Ye San easily knocked him into the air, while his palm hovered over Reverend Qingsong's chest.

Master Qingsong's face was extremely ugly, he looked at the opponent's bloody shoulder, and snorted coldly: "Thanks to you being a senior who has been famous for many years, this kind of move that hurts both sides is actually used in the competition!"

Ye San said in a deep voice: "This move requires the performer to disregard life and death, ignore any difficulties, and unleash all the momentum and skill accumulated before the Iron Blood Pill Heart Palm at once, and kill the enemy's leader, so it is called 'Capture The thief first captures the king'. Ye Laomen, the leader of the iron-blooded Changhemen, used this move many times on the battlefield, killing the enemy's leader and winning the victory, but he himself was often injured a lot..."

Master Qingsong was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Poverty lost..."

Only then did Ye San put down his palm, and the redness on his face slowly faded away.

Master Qingsong asked again unwillingly: "If this trick fails, what should you do?"

"It's all done in one battle, either you will die or I will die." Ye San said firmly.

Master Qingsong was silent, he didn't even pick up the long and short swords that fell on the stage, turned around and walked off the stage.

"Ye San wins!" As soon as Long Wei said that, cheers erupted from the sidelines.

Amidst the cheers, Ye Sanqiang supported his body that was about to collapse, and his face remained calm all the time. He who had fought in the world and was used to seeing bloody storms, he sneered at the title of "Guardian Warrior" set up by Emperor Taizu, but the rebuilt Jagged Changhemen needed this title to restore his prestige in the Great Zhou Wulin, so he had to drag his aging body to fight here.

"Fan Yanghou's heroism remains the same as before, hurry up, let him go upstairs!" Emperor Taixiang said excitedly.

But Chen Zhuan saw some clues, and quickly dissuaded him: "Your Majesty, it's better to wait for Fan Yanghou to rest and recover his strength before calling him up."

After being reminded by Chen Zhuan, Emperor Taixiang noticed that Ye San was slowly walking towards the rest area under the city. His stooped and thin figure made Emperor Taixiang dumbfounded.

Dongfang Xiong's words just spoke out Taixiang Emperor's heartfelt words: "Iron Blood Pill Heart Palm is indeed the most suitable martial art for fighting on the battlefield, but it's a pity that Ye San is already old! If that Taoist Qingsong wasn't so stupid, Ye San used killing skills here. When making a move, dodge in time, I'm afraid that the old man will lose. But anyway, this Ye San deserves our attention, besides him, is there anyone else who can make this iron-blooded heart palm?"

The young man replied: "I haven't heard of it yet."

"We need to pay more attention to the Jagged Changhe Gate."

"Yes, my lord."


Another new protector of the country is born!Although this result was already expected by the martial arts spectators, everyone was excited to see two warriors defending the country in succession in just half a day. You must know that in the past 20 years, except for the one-off Except for the three national protectors named Wubei Beishi, Wunu Zen Master, and Yang Tongping Daoist (since it was at the beginning of the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the strength of the various martial arts factions had not recovered, some people thought that the titles of the country protectors obtained by these three people Inaccurate), but in the following three sessions of the conference, only one person was successfully awarded the title... Now everyone is looking forward to new good news, so that this first martial arts conference can be compared to the first session of the conference.

After the contest between Master Qingsong and Ye San, the next match between Zen Master Wusai and Si Jinyu of Excalibur Mountain Villa was decided. Although Si Jinyu's swordsmanship is excellent, but he is still young and lacks skill, the battle is getting worse and worse. In the end, the more he was suppressed by the one-finger meditation of Zen Master Wusai, he was finally defeated by tapping the acupoints.

The next loser was Shaolin Temple Huiwu. Although his attack was fierce, he could not pose a real threat to Su Mufan. On the contrary, he had to deal with every sword of Su Mufan with all his strength. Shi Zhi's martial arts consume a lot of internal energy. After the battle, the power of Su Mufan's swordsmanship gradually increased, but he was finally defeated because of lack of stamina.

The fight that lasted the longest was the one between real Yang Tongping and Mrs. Jingxin.Master Jingxin's fierce attack made Yang Tongping dance comfortably, and even Master Jingxin's display of the Emei School's unique Buddhist light did not break the leisurely artistic conception created by Master Yang. Make counterattacks to maintain balance, but never take the initiative to attack, resulting in this fight has been unable to tell the winner until the No. 2 winner of each group and the No. 1 loser of each group are all over. After a while, Long Wei intervened in the contest, announcing the end of the draw on the grounds that the contest exceeded [-] moves.

There was a commotion from the martial arts people on the sidelines. This was the first draw in the contest with the protector of the country, which meant that Shitai Jingxin needed another fight before she could reach the top.

However, they watched the two people on the stage: Master Jingxin was dripping with sweat, and Yang Tongping was really calm and calm. It was clear who was strong and who was weak, and they both had no hope for Master Jingxin's martial arts competition tomorrow.

"Renren Yang, my internal strength is almost exhausted at the end of the battle, why don't you take the initiative to attack?" Mrs. Jing Xin was not grateful for the draw, on the contrary she directly asked the doubts in her heart.

"The breeze entertains people, but does not kill people. If the old man is brave and fierce, it will violate the true meaning of this sword. It is easy to win the victory, but difficult to stick to the heart!" Yang Tongping said seriously, stroking his long beard.

Master Jing Xin savored what the other party said, respected him, and couldn't help but ask again: "What do you think is flawed in my martial arts?"

Yang Tongping covered his long beard with his hands, pondered for a moment, and said: "The master has profound internal strength and powerful palm power, which is very rare among women. If your attack was stronger just now, it would be difficult for the old man to resist, but you have already You did your best, didn't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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