Chapter 141 Red Dragon Cub
The train was speeding in the dark night, across an oak table, Xia Mu, Erika and Professor Mance sat opposite each other.

The carriage is in an elegant European style. The walls are decorated with Victorian-style patterned wallpaper, the portholes are wrapped in solid wood, and the dark green leather sofa is embroidered with gold thread. There is no detail that is not delicate.

Both Xia Mu and Erika were asked to change into the school uniform of Kassel College.

A white shirt, a dark green suit with thin silver edges, a deep rose red scarf, and the World Tree school emblem of Kassel College embroidered on the chest pocket.

The tailors of the college had never measured their figures, but they made the clothes fit perfectly. Even Xia Mu opened the cuffs of himself and Erika, and saw the names embroidered with dark green thread inside, Shang Shanmu, Xia Riyi.

Upper Fir…

He paused for a moment before realizing that this was his official name in the eyes of others.

Since his debut under the name of Xia Mu, basically everyone has habitually called him Xia Mu, including people from Kassel Academy, except the smart housekeeper Norma.

"Come on, first sign a non-disclosure agreement."

Mance dropped a document casually, and Xia Mu signed it casually... following a process.

"Welcome to Kassel College."

Mance said something symbolic, and put away the documents.

"Psychological counselor Toyama Masashi didn't come, and I don't know if the red dragon cub is still there..."

He muttered: "In any case, there should always be a standard procedure, so it's not unprepared..."

Professor Mance walked into the rear compartment, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and searched wildly. After a while, he finally took out two safes from a hidden safe, and then took out a suitcase respectively.

"One is a real dragon scale. It's nothing to look at. The one you slaughtered is better than this one..."

"one left…"

Mance opened the second suitcase.

A cylindrical glass bottle was sent in front of Xia Mu, just like the bottle that the teacher used to hold specimens in biology class.

Xia Mu's eyes lit up.

good stuff...

Soaked in the light yellow formalin solution is a lizard-like animal, yellow and white, curled up with a slender tail, like a fetus in the womb, the long whiskers around the mouth are slowly floating in the solution, closed The way the eyes look peaceful is that of a baby.

"This is a cub of a red dragon, it's not even dead, it's just in a deep sleep state. Dragons are hard to kill, especially the noble first and second generations, oh yes, like the one you killed, even if You can destroy its body, but still cannot destroy its soul, it may wake up again."

"It's an extremely rare specimen, and usually humans can't capture dragons because dragons can detect human brain activity and either attack before humans get close, or run away," Mance said.

Xia Mu faced the red dragon cub through a half-centimeter-thick glass, its membranous wings and long whiskers fluttered in the solution, as if it was hovering in the clouds.

"Perfect, isn't it?" Mance said admiringly.

"Perfect." Xia Mu nodded.

He stared at the nictitating membrane covering the longan.

At this time.

The red dragon cub soaked in the formalin solution suddenly opened its eyes, golden eyes.

It trembled convulsively from head to tail, stretched its neck and roared at Xia Mu, and then the scorching dragon flames were ignited deep in its throat and spurted out!

It struggled to spread its wings, and was about to break through the shackles of the glass bottle.

It woke up, but with a body as big as a cat, it carried the majesty of a dragon.

Mance was dumbfounded, watching the ancient specimen come to life before their eyes.

"Again... resurrected again? Didn't Toyama Masashi say that the last time was an accident!" He stood up angrily.

But something even more frightening happened.


The glass bottle is broken...

Because Xia Mu quietly asked Erika to add a low temperature state to the outer wall of the glass bottle before Mance brought it over.

Then, with a spray of Longyan, it expands with heat and shrinks with cold...

In front of the academy gate, crowds of twos and threes were everywhere.

The two largest groups of people are clearly separated, the Student Union and the Lion Heart Club, Caesar and Chu Zihang.

The only one running around was Finger, and Lu Mingfei pushed a cart behind him.

Their one after another shouting and doubled the price made everyone re-understand the integrity of the F-rank old student Finger and his ability to lead bad new students.

The S-class Lu Mingfei obviously shunned in front of the new S-class, and was about to show up badly...

"It's 3 o'clock, won't it be late?" Caesar raised his hand and looked at Patek Philippe, frowning a little.

Just because he's standing here doesn't mean he feels inferior to Xia Mu.

He is Caesar and will not lose to anyone.

He is standing here, partly because of Li Xian Corporal, partly because of Chu Zihang.

Whoever the enemy wants, he, Caesar, is determined to get it!
"Lu Mingfei, give me that bottle of wine." Nuo Nuo seemed not to hear his words, and pointed to Lu Mingfei's cart.

"Here," Fingal did it for her, and quickly delivered it to her, and stretched out his hand, "Huicheng 1000 US dollars."


Nuonuo skillfully flicked off the bottle cap, raised her head and took a sip, letting out a comfortable cry.

Fingel wanted to say no credit, but looking at Caesar beside Nuonuo, he swallowed the sentence back.

Anyone can renege on their debts, except Caesar.

"I'm coming!"

At this moment, the students on the observation deck suddenly waved their hands and shouted.

Everyone was refreshed.

Caesar took two steps forward and walked onto the platform, followed by a group of girls in lace and white dresses.

Chu Zihang's body was as straight as a javelin, even without Caesar's flamboyant cheerleaders, he would still not be ignored by anyone.

Xia are here...

He watched the train slowly pull into the station, his immortal golden pupils were full of excitement.

Some people can be friends for life without going through too many things.

That's called compatibility.

He felt that this was the case with Xia Mu.

The students didn't get too close, leaving space for the two bosses, they just formed a circle, ready to see the legendary S-class freshmen who had been delayed in enrolling.

There is always a mystery about him, which makes them curious.


The first thing to open was not the train door, but the suddenly shattered window glass.

"Quickly open!"

Professor Mance's voice came out sharply.

But the students couldn't react, because the red shadow flying out of the car looked like a flaming roast chicken on Easter.

It's not lethal at all!
There are even female students whose first reaction is... Wow!so cute!
Until the red dragon cub spat out a mouthful of dragon flames.


Although the immature roar can't shock people's hearts, but with its noble golden pupils and scorching dragon flames, it can make everyone terrified.

"Dragon! It's a living dragon!" someone screamed.

At this time, the red dragon cub had already sprayed dragon flames at a girl's face...

(End of this chapter)

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