Chapter 160 Dragon Alchemy

"The side effect is..."

Xia Mu touched his chin and thought for a while: "If there is too much, like today's level, if I can't swallow it, it will explode."

Of course, not in the future.

Although he didn't have the ability to fully use the authority of the King of Bronze and Fire, he wouldn't be injured again.

"It also looks quite dangerous."

Chu Zihang nodded.

"There is an ancient blood-exploding technique in the books of the Lionheart Society. You'd better not try it, it's a point of no return."

He actually said it outright.

Xia Mu paused again before digesting the speed of his topic change.

"Brother, you...will?" He asked.

Chu Zihang pointed to his eyes: "The so-called eternal golden pupils are not a good thing."

"Why did you study then?"

"To become stronger, to know everything."

Xia Mu was silent for a while.

"Can you show me your village rain?" He raised his head.


Chu Zihang took the long knife off the bed without hesitation, and threw it over.

Xia Mu held the handle of the knife, closed his eyes, and silently felt the knife.


He suddenly opened his eyes and turned around, pulling out the village rain he had put aside: "It's almost exactly the same."

The moonlight at night shone in and reflected from the two knives, the blades were like streamers.

Xia Mu suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground, pressed the two knives together, and braced them with both hands.

"Brother, I know what you want to pursue, and I also know that it is difficult, but don't give up, it is very likely that what you are looking forward to will happen in the future..."

He looked at Chu Zihang: "I have something to do next, I hope you will keep it a secret for me."

Chu Zihang stared at him with golden pupils, his chest fluctuated: "I believe what you just said, I promise you."

"Then, don't be too surprised."

Xia Mu chuckled, his eyes focused on the two knives in his hands, and his golden pupils lit up.


A deep flame rose from his palm, enveloping the two knives.

"Jun Yan!"

Chu Zihang stood up straight.

He never thought that Jun Yan, a high-risk speech spirit, would actually see it in Xia Mu. Isn't he the most suitable pupil of the Wind King for Jun Yan? !

Xia Mu hissed mysteriously, and focused his attention on the knives. Soon, the two knives began to turn red.

Chu Zihang almost jumped to the door, locked it, and then returned to him, sitting cross-legged, without blinking his eyes.

Ever since he picked up Xia Mu from under the viaduct that day, since he learned of their similar experience, since he hinted at the possibility of his father's survival...

His gloomy life was rekindled.

Even if exploding blood shortens lifespan, at least the truth must be found.

Chu Zihang never responded to Su Xi's feelings, which is probably the reason.

He doesn't want to drag anyone down.

"I knew I should have asked Yiyi for help." Xia Mu said suddenly, with fine sweat dripping from his forehead.

"What?" Chu Zihang asked.

Xia Mu shook his head.

The Dragon Clan has two great powers that humans yearn for, spirit speech and alchemy, and alchemy, the King of Bronze and Fire is an expert among experts.

Therefore, the current Xia Mu is considered a half-expert.

Alchemy can be roughly divided into three types. Alchemy products are like the Seven Deadly Sins, alchemy matrix is ​​like an ice cellar, and alchemy creatures are like corpse guards.

What Xia Mu is practicing now is alchemy products, which is relatively simple, first use ultra-high temperature to "kill" the metal, and then reshape it.

What he regretted was that he didn't let Erika come over to "kill" him, maybe he just saved this step.

However, the two concepts may not be the same. The "kill" caused by the "judgment" may directly make the two knives completely useless.

And what he did was to regenerate the metal and make it more pure.

"My knife..."

Chu Zihang's eyelids twitched, because he saw the two village rains in Xia Mu's hands slowly melting into a ball of fiery red liquid.

This was the last thought left to him by his father, if it wasn't for Xia Mu who did this... Caesar would definitely have to fight the other party!
"It's not a big problem...don't panic..."

Xia Mu was talking, but his forehead was sweating.

Is Constantine a parallel importer? Doesn’t it mean that the regenerated 嚒 turned into a liquid? The temperature is too high?

He tried lowering the temperature, only to find that the liquid became more fluid and softer.

Chu Zihang's face turned green.

The next time he duels with Caesar, he asks Murasame, can he just say that he was melted...

"It's not a big problem..."

Xia Mu suddenly raised Jun Yan's temperature extremely rapidly, and at the same time a burgundy flame lit up.

Spiritual fire!

Meow meow, don't refine him into a sage's stone.

Probably not, there is no keel cross.

Xia Mu concentrated his mind and finally reshaped the metal. Coupled with the completely controllable spiritual fire, the prototype of Murasame soon appeared again.

When the little devil fights Herzog in the future, he can easily make alchemy weapons, which means that dragon alchemy can really make weapons on the spot as he likes.

"It's done!"

Xia Mu cheered up, and the flame went out.


Murasame suddenly inflated a circle, and the Imperial Sword turned into an Imperial Staff.

Chu Zihang stared.

Xia Mu sweated like rain: "This is unscientific... no, this is not dragon..."

"It's okay, I... I'll practice stick skills." Chu Zihang said these words with difficulty.

Xia Mu looked at him in horror: "Why are you looking at me and talking about practicing stick skills?"

A question mark floated on Chu Zihang's forehead.

"Cough, wait for me to do it again."

Xia Mu coughed dryly, and Jun Yan burned again.

This time he had experience, he did not turn off the flame so quickly, but kept the flame, first cooled and shaped it, and then let it disappear when the temperature dropped to the level of a normal flame.

The blade was like autumn water, blinding the eyes of both of them.

"Okay, see you off."

Xia Mu threw Cun Yu back.

Chu Zihang caught it accurately, his wrist sank a little at that moment, and then stabilized again.

When two knives are forged together, they will naturally become heavier, and Chu Zihang is not used to it yet.

"It feels... different."

Chu Zihang stood up, holding a knife, very handsome.

"Firstly, it is harder, and secondly, it incorporates some spiritual elements. Although it is not as good as pure spiritual combustion, and even worse than the Philosopher's Stone, the effect will superimpose if you cut it a few times with a knife, and the accumulation of minor injuries will become serious injuries." Xia Mu said.

Chu Zihang's golden pupils shone obviously: "That is to say, it will be effective even if it misses the vital point?"

"That's right." Xia Mu folded his arms, admiring his first alchemy work. Although it was built on the basis of others, it still felt a sense of accomplishment.

In the future, I can find some good metal and make something for Erika.

What weapon is she suitable for...

Xia Mu thought about it.

"Thank you."

Chu Zihang thanked him very earnestly.

"No thanks, no thanks, what weapon do you think Yiyi should use?" Xia Mu waved his hand.

Chu Zihang paused: "Spear?"

Erika has only used the ice cross gun.

Xia Mu was a little hesitant: "Handsome is handsome, but not enough to highlight the temperament..."


"not good."


"Think again."



(End of this chapter)

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