Chapter 94
"Wu Pengfei, you and I will do it together. How about inviting some small characters to play first?"

Tang Xuan's aura was no longer concealed. The peak soul king at level 54 was no less inferior. Wu Pengfei's cultivation attracted countless eyes as soon as he was exposed, and his words made those ordinary students under the top five seeds change their faces.

"Your suggestion is very good, I agree!"

Wu Pengfei shook the spear in his hand and let out a long roar, and quickly rushed towards the nearest small team of three. Tang Xuan was not idle, and quickly launched the second soul skill - Gengjin Power, intertwining countless golden threads with his hands, as if Like a web of spider silk, it shoots rapidly, entangles and intertwines, and spreads out continuously.

"This soul skill is very interesting. As long as it has enough control ability, it is equivalent to countless soul skills being used by him like this, but it has revealed extraordinary power."

Qing Haishan on the stage watched Tang Xuan's golden threads spread continuously to clear the field, and his eyes flashed with admiration. Some soul skills may not be top-notch, but they can exert extraordinary power in the right hands.

Gold threads swept across the field, and after being tangled into a web, with Tang Xuan's position as the center, the golden threads tangled like spider webs, constantly compressing the cruising space of many opponents.

"Why is this thing so weird, it can't be broken at all!"

A soul sect exploded with all its soul power, but it only slightly swayed a little golden thread, and it was impossible to break this thread-like thing at all.

The realm of Gengjin's power to transform into silk, the metal nature originally pursued the ultimate single-body attack, and the power of piercing the surface is astonishing, but Tang Xuan had a strange idea, drawing gold threads infinitely to form this sword thread into a web, the sharpness is reduced but also Take advantage of its silky flexibility.

The golden thread looks slender but is actually full of toughness, and its attack power is not weak. This 45th-level soul sect almost broke out with all its strength to force it open a little.

The original single-body attack was used by Tang Xuan as a group attack technique. Most of the high-level soul sects in the field can only barely protect themselves, and their actions are greatly restricted.

"This weird thing is interesting!"

Wu Pengfei's soul power shook, and he flew towards the two soul sects in the other direction. This golden thread was a big trouble for those soul sects, but it was nothing to him who was also the soul king. If there are too many of them, maybe.

"You follow behind me, and everyone goes to deal with him together."

Bai Cheng from Class [-] of Xingluo stared at Tang Xuan's position, and suddenly exchanged glances with Bei Lai, who was in the same class. The two burst out their soul power at the same time and called for the hands gathered around them to attack together. The target was of course Tang Xuan.

The two of them originally planned to fight each other to determine the winner, but now Tang Xuan came up with such a suggestion, which made them feel the crisis and also saw hope. As long as Tang Xuan was eliminated, the two of them would not need to fight again. Worry about other things.

"It's a good idea, but I really thought my trick was so easy to resolve."

A series of mysterious golden threads were broken by Bei Ling and Bai Cheng. The two brought nine soul sects from the direction of the two of them to besiege Tang Xuan. Tang Xuan was not nervous when he saw this scene, but just quietly Watching them approach.

The khaki and off-white soul power blasted away the silk screen barrier in front of Tang Xuan at the same time, and Bei Ling and Bai Cheng rushed to Tang Xuan's position at the same time.

"It's more interesting!"

Tang Xuan kicked Bei Lai's fist, and then kicked out again, hitting Bai Cheng's chest, making his kicked body stand still quickly, just when Tang Xuan was about to explode and fly him away, A scorching heat came from the side, and he used his strength to spin and land on the ground.

"Although his strange soul ability is not weak, it is metallic after all, and there is still a way to resolve the burst of fire attribute soul power."

A voice echoed in the field, and Han Xian, covered in flame armor, approached, holding a ball of crimson flames in his hand, "Brother Tang, I actually wanted to fight with you a long time ago!"

"Han Xian, stop talking nonsense and join hands together. Otherwise, neither of us will be his opponent one-on-one, and we will only be defeated one by one in the end."

While Bei Lai was speaking, he and Bai Cheng stood beside Han Xian, with the faces of the three soul sects who were at least 48, and the atmosphere in the field suddenly soared to an extremely enthusiastic level.

"These three guys joined forces?"

The golden thread in Tang Xuan's hand retracted, while Wu Pengfei on one side slowly retracted his spear. Just a moment ago, at least twenty soul sects were cleared out of the field by them, and now the situation has basically become clear.

Han Xian, Bai Cheng, and Bei Lai, each of the three hilltops, gathered four or five helpers. Apart from them, only Tang Xuan, Yang Xiao, Yi Fengxing, Wu Pengfei, and the other five soul sects who were in a group were still present. barely supported.

Now Han Xian, Bai Cheng, and Bei Lai chose to deal with Tang Xuan, Yi Fengcheng and Yang Xiao's unclear attitude was just a gesture of self-protection, and the five remaining high-level soul sects were dissatisfied with Tang Xuan's behavior just now, so they did not join in. It's not bad to enter the lower stone.

As for Wu Pengfei, regardless of the fact that he teamed up with Tang Xuan just now, in fact, the two have not had much friendship at all for many years, and they joined forces only because they want to reduce competitors, and if there are too many people, once he, the strongest, is caught fire It will be dangerous.

In this case, it would be good if he didn't fall into the stone.

"You two help me contain him!"

The Martial Soul Chiyan in Han Xian's hand began to change shape, forming two fire whips entangled with each other like snakes.

Bai Cheng and Bei Lai looked at each other and shot immediately, but they both kept their minds alert. They were also competitors with each other, so of course they had to be careful of being kicked out.

"You two don't see enough!"

While protecting Xiang Xian'er, Tang Xuan dealt with the siege of a dozen high-level soul sects and two peak soul sects, but he was still so comfortable that the attacks of Bei Ling and Bai Cheng were easily blocked by him with his ultimate giant soldiers .

And Tang Xuan's sledgehammer would seriously injure a soul sect almost every time it erupted.

That's right, Tang Xuan didn't set his main target on Bai Cheng and Bei Lai.After all, these two were also peak-level soul sects, and both of them possessed high-level martial souls. Tang Xuan would have to spend some hands and feet to deal with them one-on-one, and at this time, it would be easy for him to be besieged and concentrated.

But these soul sects around level 41 are different. The gap of nearly one level makes Tang Xuan not need much effort to beat them, and even an ordinary soul power attack will make these people flustered for a while.

Just when Tang Xuan was about to send off another fire-attributed level 43 soul sect, suddenly two scarlet fire arcs came, followed by more flame attacks. It was Han Xian, who had been waiting for so long Finally made another move.

The crimson fire in his hand surrounds his body, like two spiritual red snakes, running up and down to protect them.

After Han Xian made the shot, the flames kept chasing Tang Xuan's footsteps, and at the same time he used body skills to walk closer to Tang Xuan. The red flames spun at high speed, forming a spiral flame cone only the size of a palm.

"Brother Tang, you are a well-known alchemist in the academy, so you can be regarded as half a student of the alchemy department. I think you have heard of this alchemy technique. Today I will use this unique method of the alchemy department Beat you!"

The flame thorn cone in Han Xian's hand twirled wildly, circles of crimson wind patterns exuded heat like a whirlpool, while he himself stretched out his hands and feet, and went straight to Tang Xuan's vitals.

What he said before was not completely nonsense, but some of his real thoughts. Since Tang Xuan came to the Xingluo Royal Academy, Elder Huo of the Alchemy Department seemed to pay more attention to him, a student who is not a major in alchemy.

This made Han Xian, who was originally a high-profile student in the Alchemy Department, a little unhappy. He knew Elder Huo's status in the Xingluo Royal Academy, and he wanted to really get the mantle from his disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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