Chapter 345

"Who is Mozi?"

"Mozi was a sage in ancient China. He was the founder of Mohism. He put forward the views of "universal love" and "non-aggression".

In ancient times, China had a very bright period, when various theories sprang up, affecting China today, that is, a hundred schools of thought contended during the Warring States period. "An expert said slowly.

Others can't veto this glorious history of Huaxia.

Then a question arose.

Why is there a statue of Mozi here?

Doubts arose in everyone's mind.

The person in charge of the joint investigation team quickly said: "Look at the other statues, what do you remember?"

"This statue."


".Recognized as "Legalist Pioneer", "Sage Teacher", "Chinese Civilization Protector", and "China's First Prime Minister."

"what about this?"

"Sun Tzu, Sun Wu, the military thinker of the Wu State at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, whose military book "Sun Tzu's Art of War" was widely studied by military academies around the world"


The faces of the people changed slightly. Everyone was familiar with this character, and they would learn about Sun Tzu in every military class.

Everyone's throats twitched, and they couldn't help swallowing saliva.



"He was the founder and main representative of the Taoist school, and was said to be the master of Confucius"

There are many experts in the joint investigation team, so almost everyone can recognize it.

There are many characters here.

Including Guanzi, Laozi, Confucius, Yanzi, Sunzi, Fan Li, Bian Que, Yin Wen, Liezi, Zhuangzi, Tian Pian, Huang Lao, Yangzi, Deng Xi, Gongsun Longzi, Huizi, Guiguzi, Zhang Yi, Su Qin, Sun Bin, Pang Juan , Mencius, Mozi, Gaozi, Shang Yang, Shen Buhai, Shenzi, Xu Xing, Zou Yan, Xunzi... and many other figures.

They are all leaders of various schools of thought.

And the most important point.

All Chinese celebrities.

After everyone looked at all the statues, they were all silent. They didn't say a word, and they couldn't say anything.

How to say?
What can be said?
Now it can be made clear that Guixu Island is definitely related to Huaxia, and the relationship is very close.

Not so close! ! !

After a long time, an expert said in a hoarse voice: "This temple enshrines hundreds of schools of thought, which shows that the people on the island also respect them very much, and they can use Chinese characters. The residents on the island probably also use Chinese characters. Chinese character."

"It should be like this." Someone echoed.

In the air, the rapid breathing of the experts could be heard. Some were trembling all over, while others were dry, dumbfounded, and stunned.

The head of the joint investigation team broke the tranquility.

"What should I do?"

Yeah, what to do next.

Some of the team is not an expert, but a relatively important person. His eyes flickered, exuding a strange expression, and he said in a low voice, "Why not, just destroy it directly."

"They don't know anyway."

As soon as the words fell, an expert jumped out and said, "No, absolutely not."

"This is a cultural heritage belonging to mankind. It is very important and must not be destroyed for our own selfishness, otherwise we will become sinners."

Scattered voices echoed from the investigation team.

"If the news here spreads to the outside world, the impact will be huge."

"The things that have happened in various places in recent years have faint shadows of China. Their influence in the world has steadily increased. If the things here are revealed again, it will be a wedding dress for them. In the eyes of others, they Wouldn't it be superior to others?"

The important person said through gritted teeth.

He will absolutely not allow this to happen.

They are the masters.

Even if the two sides stand on the same line, it is absolutely not allowed.

If the people of the world know that the Chinese civilization is the orthodox civilization, it is passed down in one continuous line with the prehistoric civilization.

Wouldn't the status of the two parties be subverted?

"No, absolutely not."

Some experts did not say anything, and they also agreed to destroy.

This has been done many times.

I don't feel bad this time.

"Even if this place is destroyed, it is very likely that evidence can be found in other places, so it will not help." The opposing experts changed their minds and tried to persuade them.

Everyone frowned slightly.

This is a problem.

Now Huaxia's investigation team is in other places, and they may have found evidence.

Just when everyone was tangled.

Suddenly, a message came from outside.

The Huaxia team is also here.

"How did they come here?"

Everyone was a little surprised. After all, the scope of investigation between the two is far away, and Huaxia came here. Somewhat beyond their imagination.

Among the crowd, an expert's eyes flickered, he let out a sigh of relief, and turned off the cell phone in his pocket.

Still a sensible expert.

Wang Weiping quickly led people in, cast a glance at the joint investigation team, and then immediately looked at the surrounding statues. He winked at the experts behind him, and went forward to greet the joint investigation team.

Other domestic experts stepped aside and began to look it up.

When they saw the statue for the first time.

There was an elderly expert whose body was sluggish for a moment, and his eyes were instantly moist and two lines of tears flowed out.

Domestic experts easily identified the characters in the statue, and spoke their names softly, as if calling.

Their pace slowly quickened.

Start from left to right.

The experts of the joint investigation team who were watching looked a little ugly, and now there is no chance at all.

Wang Weiping also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I waited for someone to come quickly.

He looked at the experts he had brought with him, all of them looked excited, teary, and didn't pay attention to their image at all, just like children.

"It appears to be true."

"It is really a statue of the sages of various schools of thought."

He took a deep breath, looked slowly at the statues around him, and his expression became more and more humble and respectful. These are the sages of China!
Because of them.

Only then did China shape today's China.

They are all celebrities and historical figures.

The data of Wang Weiping and others were also quickly sent back to China. After Lin Chen saw it, his calm face also changed.


He looked at the information with some surprise.

It was clearly written about Mu Continent, but how did it come true? The style of painting is getting a little bit wrong.

What is going on here?

How could there be hundreds of schools of thought on Guixu Island?
Even if the people of Wanqu communicate with Qin Shihuang, it is impossible to enshrine the statues of various schools of thought!

The water here is a bit deep.

The hundred schools of thought can be described as the essence of Chinese traditional culture, deeply engraved in the bones of the nation.

"My God!"

Professor Huang said in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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