Chapter 361 Mutant Dinosaur
The request of Xu Xing and other dinosaur scientists posed a difficult problem for the research.

Because diving is not a very easy task, it requires very high physical fitness.

Although these experts who work with scientific research have some experience in field exploration, their physical fitness is still not enough.

Therefore, their request was not immediately agreed to.

But after a lot of discussion.

In the end, under strong demands, they agreed to their request.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong.

They successfully reached the depths of the sea, and through the windows made of special glass, they witnessed countless dinosaur corpses.

The eyes of every expert are shining, and they utter a word of emotion from time to time.

This scene is really too spectacular.

Xu Xing was even more excited. With so many dinosaurs, there must be new species appearing.

The last time dinosaurs were discovered on a large scale was a long time ago, and he didn't catch up.

At the end of 1979, when the Sichuan Southwest Mining Area under the Sichuan Provincial Petroleum Administration Bureau built a parking lot here, a large number of dinosaur bone fossils were exposed.

In the excavated area of ​​thousands of square meters, hundreds of fossil skeletons of dinosaurs and other vertebrates have been obtained, ranging from aquatic cartilaginous fishes to outstanding terrestrial reptiles.

Only the identified and named dinosaur fossils amount to 12 genera and 12 species, among which 9 new genera and 12 new species.

As for the number of dinosaurs in front of him, there are hundreds or even more at a glance.

There are bound to be new discoveries.

Xu Xing looked at the group of dinosaurs in the deep sea and felt a little heartbroken. Many dinosaurs were severely damaged due to various factors, which greatly reduced the research effect.

If not in a submarine.

He really wanted to go forward and carefully protect them one by one.

Unfortunately, there is no power.

Experts from other countries suddenly said: "Professor Xu, your point of view is correct. The dinosaurs we saw are indeed different, and they seem to have mutated."

Many dinosaur species have been discovered all over the world, most of which have been classified, including almost all dinosaur species.

However, these dinosaurs in front of them are extremely special.

At first glance, it looks quite normal.

But as long as you observe carefully, you can find some special places. For example, a dinosaur 100 meters ahead of everyone has horns on its nose. According to this feature, it can be judged to be a ceratosaurus.

The horns of this Ceratosaurus are very large. Generally speaking, in male Ceratosaurus, their position can be determined according to the size of the horns.Whoever has the biggest horn will be the leader of the group.

Studies have proved that horns are only for viewing.
However, this Ceratosaurus has a row of huge bone plates on its back and a dangerous tail with four spikes on it. Judging from these characteristics, it can be classified as a stegosaurus.

Therefore, the dinosaur in front of them seemed to have mutated, possessing both the characteristics of Ceratosaurus and Stegosaurus. It was extremely strange. They had never seen such a weird dinosaur.

Not just this one.

Most of the dinosaurs they saw were like this. Not only did they have the characteristics of one type of dinosaur, but some even had the characteristics of three types of dinosaurs.

There are also characteristics of herbivorous dinosaurs and carnivorous dinosaurs that are fused together.

All kinds of evidence show.

These dinosaurs are different from those found all over the world, and can be collectively referred to as mutant dinosaurs.

Dinosaur experts have reached a consensus.

"And how did it cause it?"

As an expert in the study of dinosaurs, Xu Xing is very clear that dinosaurs that survived in ancient times must have adapted to nature and survived by being able to maintain themselves.

The dinosaurs in front of us have various physical characteristics fused together, some of which are fundamentally contradictory, and it is almost difficult to live in nature, let alone reproduce.

If there is one.

Can be explained by heredity and variation.

But there are too many dinosaurs, almost all of them are mutant dinosaurs, and they all eventually become giants. When they reached adulthood, they did not lose their lives when they were weak.

An expert said hesitantly.

"There are two possibilities."

"The first possibility is that it is affected by genes. Before birth, or in dinosaur eggs, genes have changed, which eventually leads to the occurrence of overall traits."

"The second possibility is an acquired factor."

"During the growth of these dinosaurs, they were also affected, such as radiation and so on, which caused changes and changed their growth path."


Xu Xing looked away, nodded and said softly: "If it's the second possibility, then they may have come into contact with a powerful object, and there must be unaffected dinosaurs."

They looked at almost all the dinosaurs.

And a rough estimate was made that there were more than 600 dinosaurs. Xu Xing pointed out that they can be divided into several major groups of dinosaurs. If dinosaurs with similar characteristics are gathered together, the species of dinosaurs can also be roughly identified.

Of course, these are all observed with the naked eye and are not very reliable.

The entire diving process took almost two days before they returned to the surface.

Through the large amount of data collected, dinosaur experts quickly formed reports one after another, and applied for sponsorship and support from international and various countries to salvage as many dinosaur carcasses as possible for research.

"Excuse me, what's the point of studying dinosaurs?"

In a conference room, the inspection team is asking questions to experts. They have approved the budget. If salvage is to be carried out, the amount of money spent will be astronomical. If the value is not high and there is no return, no one is willing to invest.

Xu Xing thought for a while and replied calmly.

"First and foremost, to study paleontology is to study ourselves."

"All the paleontology we humans study have been with our human ancestors for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, tens of millions of years, and hundreds of millions of years.

Maybe they never met our ancestors at that time, but at a certain point in time, they co-existed with our ancestors on the earth at that time.

1 million years ago, the ancestors of human beings were small animals like the weasel, who were good at climbing trees, ate insects, and came out at night.Dinosaurs were in full bloom, flowering angiosperms and true birds had appeared, and humans' mammalian relatives were already somewhat diverse.

If it were not for the meteorite impact at the end of the Cretaceous period, it may still be the age of dinosaurs, not the age of mammals and birds.
Although we only exist today, our ancestors have existed for billions of years since the birth of life.

The existence, evolution and extinction of various creatures in various eras may have more or less affected the evolution of human ancestors at that time.

One of the reasons for studying paleontology is to restore the original appearance of the interaction of various factors in the ecosystem at that time. Perhaps the change of one of the factors promoted the evolution of human ancestors at that time.”

(End of this chapter)

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