The paper I just wrote turned out to be true

Chapter 365 This is definitely not a dinosaur

Chapter 365 This is definitely not a dinosaur

There are more and more cracks on the dinosaur eggs.

Seeing that he was about to break free.

People stared wide-eyed, trying their best to see clearly from the blurred picture.

Lin Chen obviously felt some pain in his arms, and the two women sat on either side of him, hugging his arms, pinching Lin Chen's thigh with their fingers involuntarily.

His eyes stared straight at the screen.

He didn't dare to breathe out.

Lin Chen chuckled a few times, patted the smooth thighs of the two, and said, "There's no need to be so nervous."

The two women looked unwilling to talk to each other.

He Ying muttered, "He's coming out soon, don't talk yet."

Lin Chen was stunned.

Similar episodes have occurred elsewhere.

Some cities even broadcast live broadcasts on public screens. People walking on the road stopped, holding milk tea in their hands, and stared at the big screen blankly.

For a while, the whole world seemed to be quiet.


There was an extremely crisp sound of cracking shells.

A small piece of shattered pattern was severe, and suddenly, a black thing was exposed.

"It's the claw!"

"There really are living creatures!"

In an instant, people cheered and boiled.

Simply unimaginable.

There are really living things in the dinosaur eggs.

Many scientists watching the live broadcast showed surprise and joy.

Xu Xing opened his mouth wide.

The whole person was stunned. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes vigorously, feeling a little dazed.

He has seen many dinosaur egg fossils in his life.

Even dissected many.

But those are dead things.

As a person who has worked with dinosaurs all year round, this is the first time he has seen a live dinosaur.

Of course, Ye Gong doesn't love dragons.

Just too shocked.

Immediately afterwards, there was another broken sound.

One side of the dinosaur egg fossil has been dented a lot, and there is another black claw.

Probably because it just came out.

The claws were tightly drawn together.

Although it is a freshman, it is also very huge.

Xu Xing's face suddenly changed.

Dinosaurs are reptiles, they cannot live in water, and they are located in the deep sea. Once a small dinosaur comes out of the dinosaur egg fossil, it will be tightly pressed by the intense water pressure immediately, and then die.

Just the thought of something like this happening.

Xu Xing couldn't accept it.

At the same time, many people in the comment area began to post similar comments.

[With such a great water pressure under the sea, I am afraid that as long as he hatches, he will turn into a ball of blood. 】

[Yeah, why did you forget about this?Why not just bring him up? 】

[It's so miserable, I will be taken away as soon as I come out. 】

[The last dinosaur on the earth was killed by water. 】

Just at this time.

Odyssey Marine Company issued an announcement in the comment area: "Don't worry everyone, we have made safety preparations. Now that you see a lot of sea water, you may feel that it will hurt newborn dinosaurs. Don't worry, because we have built a huge one. The glass tank, the dinosaur eggs are currently in the whole glass tank and will not suffer any damage."

He Ying also patted her larger chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death, I thought I was really going to die."

Xie Wenxuan's beautiful eyes turned, she looked at Lin Chen and said, "You already knew?"

Lin Chen rolled his eyes.

"It's normal to think about it. There are many expert teams behind Odyssey Marine, and they must have thought about this clearly."

He Ying was stunned for a moment, then pouted and said, "Then you mean that we two are stupid!"

"Do not."

Lin Chen shook his head, he looked at Xie Wenxuan, then at He Ying, and said seriously: "People often say that being pregnant is stupid for three years, but you are not pregnant, why do you feel that your brain has become stupid? You were very smart when you were there."

Xie Wenxuan covered her mouth and laughed.

"80% of her stupidity is because of you. She doesn't think about anything all day long, except to learn to cook, and to practice yoga with you."

Xie Wenxuan's face was a little flushed, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

He Ying's cheeks turned red.

She gouged out Xie Wenxuan hard, with a look of contempt in her eyes, and said jokingly: "That's because someone is too good to last long."

Xie Wenxuan: "Hey, you old man has big breasts and big buttocks, so you are expected to have a son."

The two women began to bicker with each other.

Lin Chen is used to it.

He looked at the screen indifferently.

The entire dinosaur egg fossil instantly turned into powder, and a huge black figure rushed out, and two huge eyes appeared in front of the screen, just like when we watch a horror movie, one in red clothes The woman suddenly appeared in front of the camera, and her cheeks filled the entire lens.

The impact of this sudden action is unparalleled.

Some people who were watching the live broadcast were shocked and couldn't help but groan.

Therefore, while relieving the stimulation in the heart, people look at what comes out.

"Is this a dinosaur?"

Everyone was stunned.

Xu Xing also frowned, the thing in front of him didn't seem to be a dinosaur.

Although it has some characteristics of dinosaurs.

However, the entire body is relatively well-proportioned, unlike dinosaurs, where the torso occupies most of it.

Moreover, it is not afraid of water at all.

[Is this a dinosaur? 】

[It should be, after all, it was hatched from a dinosaur egg. 】

[Is this dinosaur mutated?Where is such a dinosaur? 】

【What kind of dinosaur can swim? 】

[This is the dragon. 】

The expert team in the control room of Odyssey Marine Company was also speechless. They had a small meeting just now to talk about the bright future. Once the little dinosaur came out, they immediately salvaged it from the bottom of the sea and carried out some biological experiments. .

Yet what comes out rips out their imaginations.

This is a bit like a dinosaur!

[Look, it doesn't even have two legs. 】

People searched for the reputation, and suddenly found that this dinosaur also had two legs on the back, which together made up four legs.

This is simply outrageous.

In people's cognition, how can there be such a situation?

It's not like it at all.

The person in charge of the Odyssey Marine Company looked at the experts and said hesitantly: "What is this thing? Why doesn't it feel like a dinosaur?"

The brains of several experts are also a little messy.

They looked at the dinosaur playing wantonly in the glass tank. Its legs were not big, and it looked like four claws. Especially the head, it had almost no reptile features, but was somewhat similar to fish.

"There are whiskers!"

said one expert in surprise.

The experts really saw the beard.

This is completely unclear, what does it have to do with dinosaurs?
Xu Xing, who was watching the live broadcast on Guixu Island, muttered, "This is definitely not a dinosaur!"

His cognitive view has been seriously challenged.

(End of this chapter)

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