League: I'm a really bad player

Chapter 54 You are amazing, you are lofty! (4000)

Chapter 54 You are amazing, you are lofty! (4000)
After completing this wave of kills, the worst loss is not the mid laner, but the jungler.

xx people are dizzy.

It's fine if you can't catch the second level, he's dead!
This is a lot of fun.

You must know that the jungler's second-level catch is a risky thing, even if you catch it, you will fall behind in the wild.

What's more, he is dead.

By the time he started clearing the wild again, Xiaopeng's Leopard Girl was no longer a human being, and he went straight to level four against level two.

The field exploded!
"This wave of xx is dead and the wild area collapsed."

The commentator sighed.

"How to play this?"

Yes, xx also wants to ask, how to play this?
Now he has to worry about walking in his own wild area, for fear that a leopard girl will rush out at a corner and kill him.

For the middle lane, it is natural that we can no longer pay attention to it.

Because of this, Knight was having a hard time.

As mentioned above, Zhuang Nan's laning style switching is very flexible. After gaining the advantage, his style of play is to fight on the face.

you knight?It's okay, I'm Zhuang Nan.

However, he moves well, and Knight is reluctant to consume it a few times, and he doesn't dare to go first with his E skill.

But fortunately, Zhuang Nan didn't ignite, so knight can be regarded as a bit of capital.

However, if it continues like this, the taste is still wrong!

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and something happened on the way down.

Although loken and ben are not particularly strong, they are still a bit hypocritical when facing gala and mark.

He was double-called in the lane, and the corner of Guo Hao's mouth twitched as he watched.

bsyy is a little worried,

"Brother Hao, the disadvantage is a bit big."

Guo Hao rolled his eyes,
"I know."

Zhuang Nan still controlled the line and pushed slowly, and stood carelessly beside the pawn line, not worried about being caught at all.

This is the principle he has always pursued. Heroes who play crazy will play crazy effects.

After more than five minutes of game time, Xiaopeng's leopard girl card clicked and controlled the first little dragon.

For Xiaopeng, after the mid-field advantage, his aggressive factor is also constantly rising, and the aggressiveness in the middle directly leads him to become aggressive.

At this time, xx is ready to catch Ah Le once.

His style of play is simple.

Now that I've already exploded in wild farming, I might as well forget about wild farming.

The self-explosive play style of directly incarnating Xiangguo, went to the top road at the most unlikely time for the jungler to go.

"he came!"

There was tension in Ah Le's voice, but he was not flustered.

Because just behind him, Zhuang Nan's Daomei was in sight.

"My God, when did Daomei come here?"

The commentator was puzzled.

Knight had signaled, but xx had no choice but to take the risk.

If the rhythm is not turned on, DMO can directly kill TOP by virtue of the mid-field advantage.

Knight gritted his teeth and let go of a wave of pawns in the middle lane, and also came to the top lane.

Three catch two!
"Xiaopeng, go to Yuexia, I will be on the way."

Zhuang Nan's tone was still calm, Xiaopeng nodded involuntarily, ready to attack the next lane.

Zhuang Nan didn't intend to kill people in this wave, his purpose was just to keep A Le.

So here comes the question, do you dare to go to TOP?
Knight is passive, xx is active.

xx, dare!

Looking at the two people under the tower, xx launched a desperate attack!

A Le tried to move to escape, but failed.

He was picked to fly!

But Zhuang Nan missed, because the pawn line under the tower gave him room to move.

The knight sends a hypnotic bubble to keep up with the control!
"Have the opportunity!"

xx ecstasy!

However, at the next moment, Zhuang Nan started to fight back.

Although Dao Mei is not yet level six, it doesn't mean he can't save Ale.

He adjusted his position while the blade impact was constantly refreshing, and his W skill, Dance of Breaking, suddenly charged!
Stand behind Daomei!
Jess and Zoe's subsequent output was all blocked by Zhuang Nan's knife girl!

At this time, the Dance of Distance Breaking has not removed the 50% reduction of AP damage. The result is that even after eating 69 brother's EQ and Zoe's super long-distance flying star, Daomei still has no damage. die.

A Le's eyes were full of tears.

Although Brother Nan loves K-heads and blood-sucking soldiers, he is still a good boy!
Jian Ji wakes up from her sleep, QW slows down the prince.

The speed of Zhuang Nan's e-skill Biwing Double Blades is still outrageous. After the deceleration, the prince's position was predicted by him, and the double Q won the head.

Ale: ...Forget it.

If Zhuang Nan doesn't come this time, he will die, so the head will be used as travel expenses.


xx couldn't help but hammered the table.

The director was keenly aware of it, and immediately cut the screen.

Suddenly, a large number of question marks appeared on the barrage.


"Can't afford it?"

"XX laughed at me to death, can this also hit the table?"

The commentary in front of the commentary stand is also frowning,
"This wave of xx is caught too reluctantly, there is no chance at all, sword girl can't die at all, Ale even didn't hand in W at the first time."

bsyy in the audience is also frowning, he whispered,
"xx is in a hurry."

As the head coach, he has enough understanding of xx.

Being killed at the second level has already affected his judgment, making him very impatient.

"This one goes a little far."

He exhaled.

While fighting on the top lane, the bottom lane has been completed tower jumping.

Although the life-saving ability of the TOP bot lane group is not bad, Xiaopeng is not in a hurry at all. He goes around first and then puts pressure on him. Knowing that the upper and middle fields will not come, he is completely relaxed.
The current bottom road is an isolated island!
This is also the biggest feature of TOP this season. The bottom lane team can easily lose touch with the middle and field teams.

You can't see anything when you are in an advantage, but once you are in a disadvantage, it will be particularly glaring.

Normally speaking, the top lane is big, and the bottom lane team without double summons should directly retreat to the second tower, but loken and ben still retain a little bit of luck.

In professional games, this kind of mentality is unacceptable.

With such pressure from Xiaopeng, Ben soon couldn't hold back.

When Leopard Girl watched the line of soldiers being pushed into the defense tower and then jumped in directly from behind the tower, Ben didn't even pay attention to Xiaopeng's details and didn't touch anyone.

He directly attacked W Leopard Girl, wanting to fight back.

A triumphant smile appeared on Xiaopeng's face.

There is nothing more to say next, it is not enough for TOP to break out in the bottom lane, Leopard Girl has no resistance to the tower, and the bull head handed in W.

Mark's Luo naturally went up to carry two without any scruples.

At this time, gala and Xiaopeng made up for the output, and Xiaopeng got a double kill.

This has been communicated, and Leopard Girl, who can walk sideways in the wild, takes two more heads, and xx has lost the ownership of the wild.


Looking at this scene, xx was about to grit his teeth, the enemy jungler was 2/0, and he was 0/2.

Who can stand this?
"It's okay, fight back, the prince will do anything."

Knight comforted him vaguely, but xx couldn't help complaining.

"Can it hold up in the wild?"

Yes, there is indeed nothing wrong with your mid lane, 0/0/0.

But I'm 0/2!

You are amazing, you are arrogant!

I was the one who got kicked after the game.

I just want to step up to super god step by step, instead of being scolded after the 0/2 fight like now!

The game time is seven minutes and 40 seconds.

This is a very sensitive time point, there are still 20 seconds before the canyon vanguard is refreshed, logically speaking, it should be assembled to prepare for the little dragon group.

After finally calming down, xx made a choice,


He has a reason, and serious people know that he can't take it.

"Don't go loken, let's just pull it from the front, 369, pull!"

xx's calculation is pretty good, if the opponent wants to play the vanguard, then the bot lane team will come.

If you don't come from the opposite side, can't you eat a floor or two for nothing?

This is the stop loss.

But xx obviously underestimated the current operating level of DMO.

Remember one sentence, a team with a tactical thinking in the mid laner, his operational level must not be bad.

"Gala don't come, just help me."

Zhuang Nan said lightly.

Do you want to eat the plating for free?
Go dream.

Not only that, but the moment he saw the prince and Zoe in his vision, he didn't hesitate.

"Ionia, high spirits are immortal!"

Daomei shouted!
R flashes, the team is on!

"Sister Dao is here!"

xx never expected that the two sides just met on this side of the canyon, and the knife girl on the opposite side suddenly rushed over as if she had lost her nerve.

But Zhuang Nan has enough confidence, because at this time, he has already made a ruin!
The sword girl's skill traits made it impossible for him to drop many soldiers, plus two heads, Zoe's layer of tapi and a little blood from Ah Le.

Polite Le: your mother
Even though it was only at this point in time, he took out the first broken piece!
A dilapidated sword girl and a non-dilapidated sword girl are two heroes.

In fact, in all competition areas today, Zhuang Nan is still the first dilapidated sword girl, and it is not too much to say that the founder of dilapidated sword girl.

However, the commentary was still skeptical.

"Sword girl is the first to do rundown? Is it really possible?"

"Zhuangnan's knife girl seems to understand it differently from us."

In fact, that's the reason for the times.

The Daomei dilapidated fire is not only because the dilapidated is strong, but the bigger reason is that the three phases are completely useless.

After the introduction of the s11 myth equipment system in later generations, the three phases in the warrior myth are the most useless.

Although the advancing saboteur has been weakened into a stagnant saboteur, his attributes are still excellent.

Needless to say, coughing up blood is still the best choice for many top singles groups, the darling of Sword Demon.

The Sacred Separator once created the Divine Separation Alliance single-handedly. At its peak, it was not much weaker than the former Heiqie.

Only three phases. . .

Pull in pull.

Dogs are not out.

In this case, the first piece of Daomei naturally became dilapidated.

However, although in s9, the Yaoguang equipment headed by the three phases is not so hip, but the dilapidated super output ability can still surpass the three phases by a lot.

The moment Daomei rushed in, Knight reacted very quickly, spotting his second-stage E mixed with R skills, and handed over Flash without hesitation.


Zhuang Nan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help boasting.

Then Q passed through the prince's position and landed on Zoe, took a sip in ruins, and chased Kuang a.

Zoe's blood volume drop is exaggerated!

Q broke AA, just two a's, and Zoe was going to die!
The knights are all dizzy, what kind of harm is this?

What's even more exaggerated is that his Conqueror is about to be fully stacked!

He pursed his lips, and Zooey pulled back while making the final game,

Zoe's E was not shot.

He originally planned to drag for a while before making a move, but he was slowed down and couldn't move at all, and he would be slashed after two more slashes!

The dilapidated output was really beyond his imagination.

After seeing Zhuang Nan's Ping A and shaking, the E skill finally made a move!
Then in the next instant, Zhuang Nan used the Q skill without hesitation to put his Q into cooldown, avoiding the E.

Receiving a knife with a backhand, A second w charge.

In the next moment, knight made the final struggle, and the R skill displacement wanted to escape the last knife, because the prince had come over and was about to knock Zhuangnan into the air.

He still has a chance to live!

It's a pity that W made up the final output and completed the kill!

Just kidding, reacting to Zhuang Nanbi?
Zoe's E shot was very fast, but Zhuang Nan's reaction was just that exaggerated.

A professional player who loves assassins, never underestimate his reaction.

But what about the knight having a problem?

It doesn't seem to be either.

It is already exaggerated that he can dodge the E mixed in R, and quite a few people in other professional mid laners can't react.

It can only be said that the superior sword girl is like this, and the hand of Ionia is not in vain.

The prince just got an E, and watched the passive girl Dao chase her out and hack Zoe to death in front of him.

In the end, even if he knocked Daomei away, the charged W still emptied Zoe's blood volume.

AD didn't come!
"My God, this wave of Zhuang Nanchong is too ruthless, did he just wash away the knight?"

The commentator couldn't believe his eyes.

Brother 69's Jess came up with the hammer, but Xiaopeng and Ale also supported him!
The sword girl triggered by the conqueror is getting more and more fierce!
Brother 69's equipment is not enough to instantly kill this sword girl who is almost full of blood after killing Zoe.

In the end, the team battle was three for one.

Although Daomei was terminated, all TOP Nakanosuke died in battle, and only brother 69 escaped.

Although Brother 69 won Zhuang Nan's head, the situation became more and more divided.

Xiaopeng controls Pioneer and cooperates with Ale to demolish Zhongyi Tower.

The economy leads by 8, [-] minutes!

The worst thing is not that the single person in the middle is fat, Jian Ji has also taken off with two heads in this wave!
With such a big disadvantage, the remaining time is garbage time.

Brother 69's Jess said something, and the effect is not bad.

But he is a person who likes to rush, otherwise he would not keep the Bible.

"You have such an advantage, Jess, you fight like this, are you worthy of the advantage your teammates have created for you?"

He rushes, DMO is even more capable of rushing!
It's true that Jian Ji Dao Mei is 8 too good in teamwork, but that's based on the fact that there is no gap in equipment.

After taking the lead, Jian Ji and Dao Mei can completely rush forward.

Similarly, at 18 minutes, with the second canyon pioneer that was let go by TOP, DMO began to go to the high ground.

Zhuang Nan got out of the way again!
The sword girl who cooperated with A Le directly rushed TOP to pieces.

Ben's bull head can't drive Jian Ji at all, because Jian Ji W.

However, he opened Zhuangnan, and Zhuangnan's W can also resist a lot of output.

There is no solution to double punch formation!
Verus made a big move to keep people, and Luo entered the field for the second time.

The perfect team battle is over!

At 21 minutes and 36 seconds of game time, DMO pushed down TOP's base.

One to zero lead!

Linglong Tower!
If it hadn't been for Zhuang Nan's death in battle, this might have been a zero seal.

Some teams died within 8 minutes and had to wait until more than 20 minutes before being buried.

And the barrage also started to tease.

"Zhuang Nan sent all the heads of DMO, he still can't forget TOP!"

"Wooooow, I'm crying to death!"

"Almost got zero seals, the gap between the two teams is so big?"

Zhuang Nan stood up, looked at the complex eyes of the opposite knight and smiled slightly.

Knight froze for a moment, and also showed an embarrassed smile.

After all, what enmity can there be between professional players?

(End of this chapter)

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