Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 158 Gu Ye Renxue in the secret room, the prelude to the dissolution of Shrek 7 monsters

Chapter 158 Gu Ye Qian Renxue in the Chamber of Secrets, the Prelude to the Disbandment of the Shrek Seven Monsters

Ning Rongrong didn't ask Gu Ye to help her martial soul to watch it before, because she was still hesitating at that time, and she was a little speechless.

After all, Gu Ye has already helped her make a small steamed bun into a big bun, and she will always be embarrassed if Gu Ye is asked to help her make her tower bigger.

But now, for Xiao Wu's safety, she had to speak out.

"Rongrong, explain the matter clearly to Dad, what is the matter that can make the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School evolve?" Ning Fengzhi asked eagerly.

"Father, I can say yes, but you must promise me not to hurt Xiao Wu, otherwise I won't tell you."


Ning Rongrong's words made Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo hesitate.

One is that 10-year-old soul beasts must explode the soul bones, and the other is to solve the defect of the Qibao Liuli Pagoda's martial soul. Ning Fengzhi wants both.

But now he had to choose one.

Seeing his daughter standing in front of him, Ning Fengzhi thought about it, and decided to temporarily give up hunting Xiao Wu.

"Rongrong, I promise you, don't attack her yet." Ning Fengzhi pointed at Xiao Wu.

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi had said everything, Jian Dou Luo Chen could only give up temporarily.

After Xiao Wu heard it, the feeling of the rest of her life emerged spontaneously.

She looked at Ning Rongrong gratefully.

"Rongrong, you can talk to Dad now."

"Hmm." Ning Rongrong nodded, "The secret to transforming the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul lies in Gu Ye."

As soon as Ning Rongrong's words came out, Yu Xiaogang, Flender, Xiao Wu and others were shocked.

Then they thought of Gu Ye's ability to cure Wuhun defects, and instantly understood.

As for Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo Chenxin, when he heard his daughter mention Gu Ye, he also thought of the Gu Ye that Xue Qinghe had mentioned before.

After further questioning, Ning Fengzhi realized how powerful Gu Ye was.

After Ning Fengzhi knew what could turn the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda's martial soul, he looked at Sword Douluo sympathetically.

And Jian Douluo also understood what Ning Fengzhi meant.

He looked at Xiao Wu instantly.

But just when Sword Douluo Chen wanted to make a move, his face suddenly changed.

He looked out of the door with a solemn expression, "Fengzhi, I'm going out for a while, you stay here first."

After speaking, Jian Douluo gave Ning Fengzhi a sound transmission of soul power and walked out of the door.

Soon he saw a sloppy figure not far away.

This person is exactly Tang Hao who has been guarding Tang San's side.

"You can't touch her."

Tang Hao just said a few words coldly, appearing extremely domineering.

Jian Dou Luo Chen looked at the man in front of him heartily, with respect in his eyes but not fear of him.

"A 10-year-old soul beast, you should know how attractive it is. With your current strength, you can't stop me."

"I think I can." Tang Hao said a few words abruptly, staring straight at Sword Dou Luo Chenxin.

Chen Xin looked at Tang Hao, Tang Hao also looked at Chen Xin, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

In the end, the two of them did not know what agreement they had reached, and the sword fighter Luo Chenxin gave up hunting Xiao Wu and walked back to the training room.

And Tang Hao disappeared again.

"Uncle Jian, how's it going?" Seeing Chen Xin coming in, Ning Fengzhi asked.

Jian Douluo shook his head and signaled to go back and talk again.

And they also gave up hunting Xiao Wu.

But Xiaowu's identity as a soul beast has been exposed, and it is obviously inappropriate to stay in Tiandou Royal Academy.

Therefore, the prelude to the disbandment of the Shrek Seven Monsters has already begun.

In Xueqinghe's residence, in the secret room, on the bed, Qian Renxue seemed to be exhausted, hugging Gu Ye and lying on his chest.


She took a long breath, and her whole body came alive.

Gu Ye lovingly touched Qian Renxue's ruddy face, and said, "I will be the man behind you from now on, do you agree?"

Qian Renxue raised her head and looked at Gu Ye, her eyes were complicated.

Just now she wanted to take revenge on Guye, but who knew that the revenge failed and she was retaliated instead.

Well now, she was once again conquered by Gu Ye.

"I said, I can only make you my man if you beat me."

Qian Renxue seemed to be very entangled in the matter of being able to defeat her.

Even if they had sex with Gu Ye twice, they were still in the same place, the same secret room, and the same bed.

But she still had to have Gu Ye defeat her before agreeing.

"But I have already defeated you just now, and counting the last time, I have already defeated you twice." Gu Ye said with a smirk.

Qian Renxue didn't seem to like joking very much, she raised her head and looked at Gu Ye seriously, "I said before, if you want to be my man, there is only one way, defeat me, and use your strength."

"I, Qian Renxue, once said that unless a man beats me in this life, I will consider being his woman."

"But you, Gu Ye, forcibly possessed me."

"If I didn't know that you are very talented and powerful, and have the potential to defeat me, I would have killed you long ago."

Qian Renxue said bitterly.

And Gu Ye understood after listening.

After understanding why Tang San only defeated Qian Renxue in the original book, Qian Renxue would have Tang San in her heart.

I understand why the last time he slept with Qian Renxue in the secret room, but Qian Renxue didn't send anyone to kill him.

I also understand that in the future, he can really become Qian Renxue's man.

Because for him, defeating Qian Renxue was not difficult.

Whether it's on the bed or your own strength.

"Qian Renxue, guess what strength I am now?" Gu Ye said flatly.

"Soul King."

"Wrong, I am now a level 57 soul king."

"Level 57!"

Qian Renxue looked at Gu Ye in disbelief.

The last time I met Gu Ye in Star Dou Great Forest, Gu Ye broke through level [-] to hunt for the fifth soul ring. It has only been less than three months now, how could Gu Ye break through so fast.

But after Gu Ye released his soul power, Qian Renxue was stunned.

Gu Ye actually reached level 57.

This increase in speed is too scary.

"If you want me to defeat you, I can do it now, and if I defeat you with the strength of the soul king, does it prove that I can be your man?"

"I'll talk about it after you beat me." Qian Renxue didn't seem to want to talk about this topic, and instead said, "You haven't told me yet, why do you know about me?"

"This..." Gu Ye hesitated.

"Why, is there anything you can't say?" Qian Renxue looked at Gu Ye slightly angrily.

She had already confessed to Gu Ye that she would not harm him, not to mention that she had had two bed contacts with Gu Ye now, so it could be regarded as half a relationship between a man and a woman.

She just wanted to know how Gu Ye knew her so well, is this all right?
Gu Ye saw that Qian Renxue was a little angry, sighed, and said: "Actually, I knew you were a woman when I met you in Suotuo City. Then I asked someone to check the matter, and I guessed you after this investigation." Your identity, and the person who checked you is from the Spirit Hall, and now he is being used by the proud Pope Bibi Dong, and he is a student of the Spirit Hall Academy."

Gu Ye's words were of course just nonsense, but in order to convince Qian Renxue, he also revealed some truth.

As the young master of the Spirit Hall, Qian Renxue has always been hidden, but there are still many people in the Hall of Spirits who know of her existence.

Now that Gu Ye said this, she really thought about who among the Wuhun could be instructed by Gu Ye.

And she found that Gu Ye knew a lot more.

Knowing this, she didn't ask any further questions.

At this time, Gu Ye thought of Kadan and the matter of the Barak Kingdom, and said, "Do you know the matter of the Barak Kingdom?"


As soon as this was mentioned, Qian Renxue thought of Xuehong.

Now that Xuehong has returned to the capital of Balak, soon after the death of the king of Balak Kingdom, she will be able to push Xuehong up.

But what did Gu Ye ask this for?
Qian Renxue looked at Gu Ye puzzled.

Seeing this, Gu Ye pondered for a moment and said, "You want to push Xuehong to the throne, and then you want to control him, right?"

"you know!"

"Of course, this matter can be seen without guessing, but I suggest you change to another person. Xuehong is not suitable."

"Change someone else, who?"



"Yes, it's her."

Gu Ye analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Xuehong's superiority and Kadan's superiority. The most important point is that Kadan is his man.

And Xuehong is an outsider, even though he is a waste, he still has betrayal.

After talking, Qian Renxue had heard a lot, but she could hear a little bit more about the relationship between Gu Ye and Kadan.

When I met Gu Ye and Kadan Qian Renxue when I went to the Star Dou Forest, I suspected that Gu Ye and Kadan had an affair.

Now that Gu Ye said this, she still wanted to push a woman like Kadan to be the king. She was [-]% sure that Gu Ye and Kadan had an affair.

Thinking of this, she instantly lost the idea of ​​chatting.

"The matter of Xuehong's ascension has already been decided, so you don't need to talk about it."

At this moment, Qian Renxue looked like an angry little daughter-in-law, and turned her back to Gu Ye after she finished speaking.

Seeing this, Gu Ye scolded himself secretly, for being too anxious.

When not to mention another woman on the bed with Qian Renxue, it was a mistake, it was a mistake.

But it's also good for Xuehong to be in the top position.

In this way, Kadan is the queen. After she becomes the queen, she can use this status to win over the officials and win the hearts of the people. Just wait for Xuehong to have an accident and die naturally.

As for Kadan's safety, Gu Ye is not worried.

Now that Kadan is the soul king, his speed of improvement is very fast, and with Yan Xi, the soul sage, by his side, his safety is not a problem.

Half an hour later, Gu and Qian Renxue walked out of the secret room and came to the room.

When she came out, Qian Renxue had already changed back to Xue Qinghe's appearance.

Now he feels sticky all over his body, and he wants to take a bath as soon as he comes out of the room, but Gu Ye naturally wants to send him away.

Gu Ye didn't intend to stay any longer, but before leaving, he looked at Xue Qinghe and said seriously:
"You set a time, when the time comes, I will seriously defeat you and be the man in front of you and behind you."

"I will tell you when the time comes." Qian Renxue said abruptly.

"Okay, then I'll be there anytime."

"Xue'er, I will be your man in the future."

Gu Ye said domineeringly before leaving Xueqinghe Palace.

Seeing Gu Ye leaving, Xue Qinghe snorted proudly, walked into the bathroom, and began to bathe beautifully.

She was so crazy in the secret room just now.

Crazy like never before in this life.

She did it all to make Gu Ye repay double, but she was still defeated by Gu Ye later.

Now she has to take a good bath to relieve the fatigue in front and back.

(End of this chapter)

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