Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 167 Gu Ye and Liu 2 Long Forest Live a Shameless Life

Chapter 167 Gu Ye and Liu Erlong Forest Live a Shameless Life

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the spirit beast on the ground, finally killed it, and began to absorb the spirit ring.

Her teacher said it was suitable for her, and it must be suitable.

It is impossible for an ordinary soul master's fourth soul ring to absorb ten thousand years.

But Zhu Zhuqing is no longer an ordinary soul master, and a ten thousand year soul ring is not a problem for her.

When Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu and others saw Zhu Zhuqing absorbing the fourth ten thousand year spirit ring, they didn't understand why at first, but when Zhu Zhuqing successfully absorbed it, their faces were full of surprise.

Only at this moment did they realize that Zhu Zhuqing was the real evildoer.

Only with the same monstrous teacher can there be the same monstrous disciples.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing's soul ring had been absorbed into his body, and his soul power had directly broken through from level 42 to level [-].

The moment the absorption was successful, Zhu Zhuqing walked up to Gu Ye and said happily, "Teacher, I succeeded."

"Well done." Gu Ye patted Zhu Zhuqing's little head in satisfaction.

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong Jiangzhu and the others hurriedly gathered around and asked Zhu Zhuqing what the fourth soul skill was.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at his teacher, and after getting the teacher's confirmation, he said: "My fourth soul skill is called Void Flash, a combination of Void and Blink."

Void can be immune to dodging physical attacks, while flash can allow her to do all-round surprise attacks, and flash can also achieve a floating effect.

The reason why her soul skill is called False Flash is because once she activates this soul skill, both Flash and Void are activated at the same time.

In other words, the consumption will also be great.

She wouldn't use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

After Zhu Zhuqing's fourth soul skill was finished, Xiao Wu was a little surprised.

Because Zhu Zhuqing's abilities are somewhat similar to hers.

No, it should be that the ability of this soul beast is somewhat similar to hers.

"Okay, now that Zhuqing and Rongrong have obtained their soul rings, this trip to the Sunset Forest is almost over. Today we will send you out of the Sunset Forest, and then the seven of you will rush back to Lanba Academy to continue your cultivation. And Erlong and I still need to find her soul beast."

As soon as Gu Ye's words came out, Zhu Zhuqing said quickly: "Teacher, I want to go with you and contribute my strength."

"That's right, Teacher Erlong, if we are here, we will definitely be able to help you." Ning Rongrong also said.

She is now the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul, with a strong auxiliary ability, she will definitely be able to help Gu Ye and Liu Erlong.

But Gu Ye refused.

Although Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong could help Gu Ye.

But the soul beasts that Gu Ye and Liu Erlong wanted to hunt were very powerful, so they couldn't be distracted by taking care of Zhu Zhuqing and the others, and it was for their own good to let them go.

In the end, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong sent Zhu Zhuqing and his party of seven out of the Sunset Forest, and sent them back to the academy.

Sunset Forest is not far from Tiandou City, the seven of them will not encounter any danger when they go back, and Gu Ye and his party don't have to worry about it.

After sending the seven people away, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong went deep into the Sunset Forest again.

Liu Erlong is now an eightieth-level seven-ring soul saint, and his strength is very strong.

Gu Ye is now a level 57 soul king, with systems and surgical space, electromagnetic capabilities, etc., and his strength is not weak.

But their hunting target this time is more than 7 years old.

There are such spirit beasts in the Sunset Forest, but they must be in the depths of the Sunset Forest. With the strength of Gu Ye and Liu Erlong, they must use special means to kill soul beasts that are more than 7 years old.

When Gu Ye came to Sunset Forest, he exchanged powerful potions from the system for him to use.

As long as they met a suitable soul beast for Liu Erlong, neither of them worried that they would not be able to hunt and kill them.

"Second Dragon, there are no soul beasts suitable for you out there, now we will go straight into the Sunset Forest."

"it is good."

The two moved very conveniently and quickly.

After going deep into the sunset forest, I encountered more ten-thousand-year soul beasts.

But none of them are suitable for Liu Erlong.

Her martial spirit is Yanlong, and the suitable spirit beast for her is at least a sub-dragon species, and it is best to have the thunder and fire attribute.

Obviously not so easy to find.

After searching for a few days.

In a cave, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong built a bonfire, leaned together to warm up food and started eating.

The two of them have been busy looking for soul beasts for the past few days, and their bodies are also a little messy.

Liu Erlong felt that his body was sticky at this time, looked at Gu Ye and said, "Gu Ye, I want to wash my body, you can go with me."

"Well, good." Gu Ye agreed without hesitation.

It was late now, and he remembered that there was a lake near the cave.

He has been running around in the sunset forest for the past few days, and he really needs to be cleaned.

Moreover, she was accompanied by the beauty Liu Erlong.

Under the dark night, before the bright moon, the two of them bathe together in the water, how wonderful it is.

Then Gu Ye and Liu Erlong walked out of the cave and came to the lakeside.

The lake is not very deep, and the bright moon is reflected on the lake, which is crystal clear.

Just now Liu Erlong only thought about cleaning well, but when he got to the lakeside, he remembered that Gu Ye was still there.

Although she and Gu Ye had already been married, it was still a bit shy to go down with him like this.

But Gu Ye didn't think about it that much, he really wanted to have a good wash.

Now it was dead of night, and they were still in the forest. There was silence around them, except for the chirping of insects.

He took off his clothes directly and planned to wash in the water.

It can be seen that Liu Erlong has been slow to move, and he said a little funny: "Erlong, there are only two of us here, there is nothing to be shy about."

As Gu Ye said, he went directly to Liu Erlong and helped her take off her clothes.

Liu Erlong looked down, his face blushed, but he didn't reject Gu Ye.

Soon, Liu Erlong's spring appeared in Gu Ye's eyes.

Gu Ye picked up Liu Erlong and walked into the water.

"Gu Ye..." Liu Erlong called softly, afraid of falling off and hugging Gu Ye's neck tightly.

After stepping into the water, the coolness hit, Liu Erlong quickly hugged Gu Ye's body tightly.

And Gu Ye hugged Liu Erlong's soft and delicate body, feeling distracted for a while.

In the past two days, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong encountered many soul beasts that were tens of thousands of years old, and also had many battles.

Also accumulated a lot of hostility in the body.

Now the lonely man and the widow are alone in the lake, and it is still in an extremely quiet and special environment, which can always stimulate people's unlimited desires.

Liu Erlong looked at the man in front of him, and his heart was also moved.

"Gu Ye, I want to try... with you" Liu Erlong exhaled and looked at Gu Ye eagerly.

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you." Gu Ye already understood what Liu Erlong meant.

She was just embarrassed to say it out, as a man, Gu Ye naturally needed to help Liu Erlong.

He lightly kissed Liu Erlong's plump little mouth, and unconsciously told Liu Erlong to complete her work.


The originally calm surface of the lake gradually stirred up waves.

On the second day, in the cave, Gu Ye felt refreshed after waking up.

In the past few days, the hostility caused by the killing has also dissipated.

Similarly, Liu Erlong also had a happy face.

After the two had breakfast, they continued to search for the soul beast.

boom! !

Not long after walking, there was a sudden roar from a valley in front of him.

Hearing the movement, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong looked at each other, quickly hid their breath, lowered their bodies and walked towards the valley where the movement came from.

After a while, I knew what was making the noise.

Two soul beasts.

Judging from the body size and the burst of soul power, the soul beasts with a age of at least 6 years are colliding and attacking, and it seems that it is a battle of life and death.

One is a lizard-like soul beast, over ten meters in size, covered in layers of hard armor.

A spirit beast like a millipede, with several hands and feet under its feet like extremely sharp spears, constantly attacking the lizard spirit beast.

There are two soul beasts, one is a lizard monster, which belongs to the defensive type of soul beast, and one thousand-legged poisonous beast belongs to the offensive type of soul beast.

One shield and one spear, one attack and one defense, the only way to tell the winner is to fight a life-and-death battle.

But now, the two soul beasts obviously did so.

"Second Dragon, if you're lucky, you might be able to pick up a benefit for nothing."

"What do you mean?" Liu Erlong looked at the two soul beasts fighting to the death, and suddenly understood what Gu Ye meant.

"These two soul beasts are both over 6 years old. The higher the age, the higher the probability of the soul bone exploding. If we are lucky, we may have unexpected gains when the two soul beasts decide the winner. .”

After hearing this, Liu Erlong's eyes lit up.

But it depends on whether they have that luck.

Then, after Gu Ye and Liu Erlong hid, they looked at the two soul beasts seriously, waiting for the opportunity.

But these two soul beasts got bigger and more intense, and the violent movement attracted many onlookers.

There are dozens of 1-year-old and 2-year-old ones, and several 5-[-]-year-old ones.

These soul beasts surrounded the valley, obviously waiting for the winner of these two days of soul beasts.

Among the soul beast clan, in order to improve their strength, besides cultivating the aura of heaven and earth, there is another way to devour the flesh and blood of powerful soul beasts.

Now there are dozens of soul beasts over ten thousand years around, and it is obvious that they are also paying attention to these two soul beasts.

When Gu Ye and Liu Erlong, who were hiding, saw more and more spirit beasts around them, they felt bad.

If this continues, there will be more and more soul beasts, but it will endanger their safety.

But leaving at this time is obviously impossible.

No way, the two could only hide their aura and continue to hide, waiting for the two soul beasts to decide the winner.

Thousand-legged Poison Ran's pair of spear-like hands and feet went straight down, and the scales on the lizard monster's body were extremely hard, directly resisting it.

There was a sound of gold and stone cracking, and the two soul beasts instantly retreated because of their strong stamina.

There is no winner or loser.

But just when the two soul beasts were about to wrestle together again.


A sound resembling a dragon's cry came from the air, and it lasted for a long time.

As soon as this voice sounded, a group of ten thousand year spirit beasts watching around the valley ran away in a panic and didn't even stop.

The Thousand-legged Poison Ran and the Lizard Demon Worm, who were about to fight again, also stopped and looked into the sky.

Similarly, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong also looked over.

A flying soul beast with a size of seven or eight meters.

The head of this soul beast is in the shape of a triangle. On the triangle-shaped head, the pair of blue eyes seem to be able to emit terrifying thunder and lightning, which is breathtaking.

And the most special thing about this soul beast is the pair of blue wings.

"Gu Ye, this is the Blue Winged Thunder Dragon."

Liu Erlong looked at the spirit beast in the air, and after a cry of surprise, he quickly pulled Gu Ye to lower his body to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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