Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 203 The first time between Gu Ye and Bibi Dong

Chapter 203 Gu Ye and Bibi Dong's First Time

Want to be Bibi Dong's man?
It seems that there is no need to refuse.

If you don't agree, you will be threatened by Bibi Dong, and your life may even be in danger.

Promise, you can become Bibi Dong's man anytime.

If another man chooses, he will definitely agree without hesitation.

After all, being able to become Bibi Dong's man is something that many men only dream of.

But Gu Ye was tangled.

Bibi Dong is one of his obsessions.

He would definitely take Bibi Dong and possess her fiercely.

But this is a goal in Gu Ye's heart.

He wants to use this to speed up the improvement of his strength, and when his strength becomes stronger, he can easily crush Bibi Dong.

Then it was time for him to attack Bibi Dong.

But now Bibi Dong actually told him.

Let him be her man.

Still unconditional.

Happiness comes too fast like a tornado.

Gu Ye was immediately stunned.

Gu Ye is a man who likes to take the initiative.What he wants is to take the initiative to take down Bibidong, not to be taken down by Bibidong!

Now he doesn't know what to say.

Seeing Gu Ye's pensive look, Bibi Dong didn't force him to answer.

After all, this incident was too sudden for a man.

But Bibi Dong believed that Gu Ye knew how to choose.

She also believes that few people in this world can resist her charm.


After Gu Ye took a long breath, he looked at Bibi Dong and said, "Your Majesty, do you have to answer?"

"What do you think?"


"I admit that His Majesty the Pope is a very outstanding woman, but also a woman who makes men all over the world crazy about it."

"The moment I saw the Pope crowning you, as a man, I was really moved."

"However, the status of the Pope is too high, and the Pope of the Wuhun Temple is too far away from the world."

"Now, His Majesty the Pope, you say that you have taken a fancy to me and let me be your man. This is really... really... I can't accept it for a while."

Gu Ye looked confused.

If someone else sees it, they will definitely hiss, and then make a big statement about hypocrisy.

They are all men, and no one knows who.

But Gu Ye is not hypocritical, he is really entangled.

Active and passive are two different things.

He still likes to take the initiative to conquer Bibi Dong.

Because it's an achievement for him.

"Since this is the case, this Pope will treat you as agreeing. Don't worry, this Pope only wants you to be my man, and it will still not have any impact on your life in the future. But what you have to do is, Ben You must be there when the Pope summons you."

When Gu Ye heard it, his heart exploded instantly.

Doesn't Bibi Dong mean to treat him like a duck and want to whore for nothing?

As a dignified man, if he agrees...wouldn't it be...
and many more!

What did Gu Ye suddenly think of?
If he agreed to Bibi Dong and became his man, wouldn't he be able to show his talents and conquer her fiercely from another aspect.

Although it was passive at first, isn't it easy to turn passive into active?

Looking at it from another angle, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

And he will leave Bibi Dong soon, wouldn't it be nice to just run away after going to Bibi Dong now.

Even if you come to Wuhundian again in the future, it is only right to live well in the present.

Gu Ye convinced himself.

He did it.

Then, Gu Ye did something that even Bibi Dong couldn't expect.

He approached directly in front of Bibi Dong, hugged Bibi Dong's slender and soft waist with one hand, supported Bibi Dong's head with the other, and kissed Bibi Dong's small mouth heavily.

Gu Ye has always been very courageous.

It can be seen from what the secret room did to Qian Renxue.

Now since Bibi Dong wants him to be her man.

This shows that Bibi Dong will not do anything to him.

Under this premise, if Gu Ye was not courageous, he wouldn't be Gu Ye.

At the moment of being kissed by Gu Ye, Bibi Dong was also stunned.

As the pope of Wuhundian, she has a noble status.

Never had Jean dared to do such an unreasonable thing to her.

She wanted Gu Ye to be her man.

But under her gift, she favored Gu Ye.

But Gu Ye dared to kiss her.

This was already challenging the majesty of Her Majesty the Pope, as the Pope, Bibi Dong would never allow it.

Subconsciously, Bibi Dong wanted to let Gu Ye know the majesty and strength of her lord Pope.

She raised her hand to slap Gu Ye onto the sofa, and then spoil Gu Ye well.

But the moment she raised her hand, Gu Ye unexpectedly grabbed Bibi Dong's hand and did something that made Bibi Dong very angry.

Her movements followed suit.

And Gu Ye also took this opportunity to enjoy Bibi Dong's amorous feelings.

Noble, majestic, graceful, domineering, all kinds of adjectives can't describe an empress like Bibi Dong.

But it is such a queen who is now being held in Gu Ye's arms, feeling the beauty that belongs to Bibi Dong.

Not long after, Gu Ye looked at Bibi Dong in front of him, his heart skipped a beat.

"You are very courageous!" Bibi Dong calmed down.

She didn't push Gu Ye away, as if she acquiesced that Gu Ye was holding her.

Gu Ye's heartbeat continued to speed up, "My lord, you are really charming, I can't help but want to surrender under your skirt."

Hearing Gu Ye's words, a smile appeared on the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth.

She actually enjoyed the moment when Gu Ye kissed her just now.

Because that feeling is wonderful, she likes it very much.

Now being hugged by Gu Ye, her words and demeanor are flattering her.

Bibi Dong was also enjoying herself physically and mentally.

She also knew that now Gu Ye had decided to be her man.

This means that Gu Ye is hers from today on.

Then, Bibi Dong glanced into the room.

And Gu Ye instantly understood what Bibi Dong meant.

He bent down, picked up Bibi Dong and walked into the room.

Suddenly being picked up by Gu Ye, Bibi Dong let out an exclamation of "Ah" like an ordinary woman.

But in the next second, she returned to normal.

As the Pope, she wanted Gu Ye to serve her.

She is also out of this idea, she must obey her own heart.

Da da! !
Light footsteps sounded.

Gu Ye carried Bibi Dong's tender body into Bibi Dong's room.

It is not far from the living room to Bibi Dong's bedroom, but to Gu Ye, this short distance is extremely long.

Because in his arms is Bibi Dong.

Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhundian.

He really can't think of it.

He came to Wuhundian less than half a month ago, and he has only seen Bibi Dong three times, and now he actually holds Bibi Dong in his arms.

Still holding her into her bedroom.

This was too sudden for Gu Ye, and he liked it too much.

He didn't know why Bibi Dong wanted him.

I don't know why Bibi Dong's mentality became like this.

But Gu Ye knew that a woman wanted a man.

What he said was the truth.

And he could see from Bibi Dong's eyes that she just wanted him.

It was the first time for Gu Ye to enter Bibi Dong's bedroom.

He stood at the door with Bibi Dong in his arms, looked at Bibi Dong's bedroom inside, and stopped.

Just after entering, Gu Ye smelled a fragrance.

It is an exclusive fragrance for women's room.

Like Bibi Dong's deodorant, it is very charming and smells good.

After Gu Ye looked at Bibi Dong's room, he looked at Bibi Dong's bed.

Bibi Dong's bed was huge, over two meters.

The quilt on the bed and the drooping weave are all lavender.

Purple is the color of grace and dignity.

It matches Bibi Dong very well.

"Why did you stop?" Bibi Dong rolled her eyes at Gu Ye and asked.

"I'm wondering if I'm dreaming now, otherwise how could I have the opportunity to come to your room, the Pope, and hold you in my arms." Gu Ye pretended to be fascinated and looked at Bibi Dong.

Bibidong was very satisfied with Gu Ye's demeanor, and ordered: "Take me to the bed with the Pope. You must serve the Pope well later, understand?"

It seemed that Bibi Dong had really changed.

She already knows how to make a man serve her.

It seems that she still enjoys the service of men.

Gu Ye smiled, walked to the side of the bed, slowly put Bibi Dong down, and kissed her at the same time.

Bibi Dong didn't refuse.

Because she already liked this feeling.

After the two kissed, the relationship became more delicate.

"Lord Pope, let me serve you well." Gu Ye seemed to have entered the role.

"Alright, don't disappoint the Pope." Bibi Dong stretched out her hand and placed it in front of Gu Ye.

Gu Ye took Bibi Dong's hand, and kissed it like a western nobleman's greeting.

Then, Gu Ye started the so-called service.

Gu Ye has his own way of dealing with women.

To deal with a noble Pope like Bibi Dong.

Gu Ye has a different set of tricks.

Come soft first and then hard, conquer Bibi Dong, it's close at hand.

Soon, in Pope Bibi Dong's bedroom, the happiness belonging to Bibi Dong and Gu Ye exploded.

At the same time, in Duo'er's room.

Duo'er supported her little face, a little sullen.

Yesterday, Gu Ye told her that he would leave today or the day after tomorrow.

Gu Ye was her master, she liked Gu Ye, so naturally she couldn't bear Gu Ye to leave.

But she also knew that Gu Ye still had an apprentice in Tiandou City, and there were other people who needed him.

No matter how reluctant she is, her master Gu Ye will still leave.

But what makes Duo'er happy is that she knows that Gu Ye will come to Wuhun Hall when she waits for the finals.

And when the time comes, maybe Gu Ye will stay with her in Wuhundian.

"Senior sister, why did the teacher call Gu Ye away again? Do they have something important?"

Duo'er looked at Hu Liena in puzzlement.

They naturally knew that Gu Ye was called away by Bibi Dong before.

But Bibi Dong also called Gu Ye a few times before.

They don't know why.

"I don't know, maybe the teacher has something important to tell Gu Ye."

Hu Liena was actually a little curious about what her teacher Bibidong asked Gu Ye to do.

And she was called to her teacher's bedroom.

Could it be that suddenly, a strange idea popped up in Hu Liena's mind.

She fell in love with Gu Ye, what kind of things would she want to do with Gu Ye?
Impossible, it should be impossible.

Hu Liena quickly eliminated this strange idea.

Although Gu Ye is very handsome, she also likes handsome men.

But her teacher should not be such a vulgar woman.

What's more, her teacher is the pope of Wuhun Temple.

Being much older than Gu Ye, it is even more impossible for the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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