National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 115 Sui Dynasty Singer Wang Bo

Chapter 115 Sui Dynasty Singer Wang Bo
After that, the students also learned about Dou Jiande's uprising!

The reason for Dou Jiande's uprising is also very simple, he can't survive.

The world is in turmoil, years of wars, and the lives of the people are too hard.

Du Fuwei's uprising is also somewhat similar.

The world is in chaos, the fallen grass becomes bandits, in order to survive, they can only revolt!

This uprising after another has only one purpose.

All to overthrow the Sui Dynasty.

This cruel Great Sui is unpopular!

"Da Sui, maybe it is really going to perish!"

Zhang Guofei sighed softly.

It seems that under Yang Jian's rule, the Great Sui was flourishing, step by step towards prosperity and revival, in his mind.

But how long has passed in the blink of an eye.

Da Sui, a giant, has actually reached the point where he is dying of illness.

It's about to fall!
"The only thing to blame is Yang Guang, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, who is so ambitious and overjoyed!"

"Isn't it just digging the Grand Canal and conquering Goguryeo three times? Isn't that a waste of money and people?"

"Yang Guang wants to be an emperor through the ages, and wants to establish the Sui Dynasty as the world's hegemony, but his series of actions are too fast."

"Yes! If we slowed down a bit, the Sui Dynasty would not have fallen to the point it is now! It only took about seven years to build the Grand Canal. If it took 20 or 30 years, would it still waste money and people? ?”


The students couldn't help feeling sorry for Yang Guang.

Up to now.

They also have understood.

The end of the Sui Dynasty is not far away.

How many years can it last?

Five years?

ten years?

or longer?
But even so, the Sui Dynasty has been overwhelmed, and the situation of subjugation seems to have become a settlement.

"There is one thing, I don't know if you have noticed. The Sui Dynasty is not only full of soldiers and horses, but also plagues of insects, plagues, droughts and floods, etc. All kinds of natural disasters continue. This may be the use of The power of rare card species."

Zhang Guofei looked serious.

This matter is the result of his analysis.

There may be investors who want to push the Great Sui and speed up the demise of the Great Sui!

All the students stared wide-eyed, with an expression of disbelief on their faces.

Needless to say, after Zhang Guofei reminded them, they all felt that there were continuous natural disasters in the Great Sui Dynasty, which was indeed a bit strange.

And listen to what Zhang Guofei said.

This is clearly because some investors have used rare card types.

"Number 88 Day Penalty Card."

Zhang Guofei showed the effect of this rare card and explained, "Some time ago, there was an investment in the Great Sui Guoyun. Therefore, the purpose of investors who use this rare card is very simple. Absolutely It is to hasten the demise of the Sui Dynasty!"

Number - 88
Name - Heavenly Punishment Card
Explanation——All kinds of disasters such as plagues, locusts, droughts and floods will happen to the forces under the character of the investment stock, and the effect will last for half a year or a year.

In connection with Zhang Guofei's words, the students all showed regretful expressions on their faces.

They are regretting why they didn't invest in Great Sui Guoyun!
"Da Sui Guoyun's investment has been closed. I really missed it. I missed the great opportunity to earn Hongjing!"

The students all had annoyed expressions on their faces.

Natural disasters continue, this is the 88-day penalty card being used by people.

Ye Xiao's expression was slightly startled, and he was also surprised that some investors would use such a rare card to accelerate the destruction of Da Sui.

Thinking about it, Tai Sui will be destroyed soon, and he will be rewarded soon.

50 Hongjing invested in Da Sui Xiang Guoyun for 30-40 years, how much return will it bring him then?

Millions of red crystals, or tens of millions of red crystals.

Or hundreds of millions of red crystals?

Ye Xiao's eyes burst into anticipation.

It's getting closer and closer to the end of get out of class.

The students also expressed the things that have puzzled them for a long time.

This kind of peasant uprising has initiators.

So, who will be the first uprising of the peasants in the Sui Dynasty?
Where is the sacred place that ignited the flame of this uprising?

"The person who raised the anti-Sui banner for the first time is called Wang Bo. He is also barely considered a popular stock, but it is only a hot spot for a while. Because according to the usual experience, the first uprising is the peak at the beginning, and it will grow stronger in the future. , It’s very difficult. To put it bluntly, the first uprising person can’t achieve great things.”

Zhang Guofei spoke out the information he had.

His words also made the students nod in unison.

They still remember the last time they invested in the world "Yuan Mo".

Fang Guozhen, who turned against Yuan for the first time, took the lead in rushing into popular investment stocks.

But what about the back.

Fang Guozhen is only the overlord of the sea, and has no other great achievements.

As for competing for the world?
There was nothing to do with Fang Guozhen at all.

At the request of the students, Zhang Guofei also started to observe Wang Bo.

[Writing Observation Wang Bo, consumes 1 red crystal]

【Wang Bo is so tired】

【Wang Bo is about to collapse from exhaustion】

【Wang Bo is angry, he will not be able to live anymore】

【Wang Bo Uprising】

"This Wang Bo is tired? What are you doing?"

Some students couldn't help but have some unhealthy thoughts in their minds.

They all felt that Wang Bo was tired because of working day and night and playing songs every night.

Not only the boys in the class thought of this, but also the girls thought of this, which also made many girls' fair faces flush with blush.

Zhang Guofei, on the other hand, had a dark face, but it was not easy to buy anything, so he could only continue to control the national system.

[Video observation of Wang Bo, consumes 10 red crystals]

【Sui Dynasty singer Wang Bo】

In an instant, the students were in a daze.

How did Wang Bo become a singer?

Isn't he in rebellion?
"The title of this system is really confusing."

The students were bewildered, with doubts written all over their faces.

Even Zhang Guofei did not conduct a video observation of Wang Bo.

Therefore, he was also at a loss as to Wang Bo's situation.

What is this situation?

Ye Xiao had the same reaction as the students.

What kind of trouble are the singers of the Sui Dynasty going to make?

Did the Sui Dynasty have singers?
He has a weird expression on his face.

【Video playback】

"Bang dang! Bang dang!"

As soon as the video was played, everyone saw a famous craftsman making warships one after another.

Wang Bo is one of them.

He was working while soaking in the water, holding a big hammer to hammer and strengthen the bottom of the warship, also to make the bottom of the warship stronger.


He was very tired, gasping for breath after breath, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans kept coming out.

Not only Wang Bo was tired, but the rest of the craftsmen were about to faint.

They have been working all day and all night.

"These warships are all needed by His Majesty, and you mud-legged ones have to be made. If there is a slight mistake, your life will be lost."

An officer was patrolling back and forth, also holding a long whip in his hand, as if to see if there were any lazy craftsmen, and he was still talking in a cold voice with that loud voice.

He showed a very mean side.

His words were heard in the ears of the craftsmen, which also made these craftsmen very uncomfortable.

But the craftsmen didn't dare to resist, they could only work hard like old scalpers.

In order to make these warships, they went all out!

A craftsman fell down next to Wang Bo. This man Wang Bo knew was his fellow villager Wang Wu.

"Wang Wu, are you okay?"

Wang Bo quickly put down his work and wanted to go up to check.


The officer had a cold expression, and he slammed the whip on Wang Bo's back.

On the spot, a long scar appeared on Wang Bo's back.

There is really no room for effort in this official post.


After being whipped like this, Wang Bo felt the burning pain on his back coming quickly, and his whole body couldn't help shivering.

"Go back to work!"

The official sent a warning look to Wang Bo.

Wang Bo gritted his teeth and went back silently.

"Reverse! You are against!"

The students who saw this scene were very anxious, thinking that Wang Bo would revolt as soon as possible.

Look at the hateful and mean face of the official, it is completely treating these craftsmen present as animals.

"You said that there are so many officials at the scene, how can Wang Bo rebel? Are you courting death?"

Zhang Guofei said something angrily.

All the students showed embarrassment on their faces.

that night.

Wang Bo also knew one thing.

His fellow craftsman Wang Wu died.

In the next few days.

The craftsmen who worked exhausted many people.

Wang Bo is also plotting secretly, he wants to rebel!

He united everyone to fight against it!

this day.

It's still the official.

It's the artisans who do the work.


Wang Bo suddenly let out a loud shout, his eyes flashing fiercely.

He took the lead.

With all his strength, a big hammer directly hit the officer's head.


The official was unprepared, and his head was bleeding from fright.

The rest of the officials are still looking listless, guarding these craftsmen to work, such a life is too boring, it would be more interesting to listen to those little ladies singing.


Wang Bo's sudden violent behavior stunned the officials.

Before the officials could react.

Each craftsman also took the initiative to take up the big hammer in his hand as a weapon.

They can't survive these useless days!
"Looking for death! Looking for death!"

Soon, the officials who reacted also attacked the craftsmen.

"Puff! Puff!"

It is not an exaggeration to describe the whole scene as a river of blood.

A famous official fell, and many craftsmen also fell.

The officials began to be afraid.

But in the eyes of the craftsmen, there was no emotion of fear at all.

They understand.

It is a capital offense for them to kill officials.

They have no way out!
On that day, the craftsmen paid a heavy price to kill all the officials.

It is also because these official missions are too weak.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for craftsmen to get it so easily.

Daye seven years, March.

Wang Bo gathered craftsmen and ordinary people who were unwilling to be oppressed by the Sui Dynasty, and sounded the clarion call for an uprising!Also fired the first shot of the Sui Dynasty uprising!
On the same day, Wang Bo even created a song "Death Song of Wuxiang Liaodong Wave"!
This song basically means Uprising!rebel!To be able to survive!Only then can we have a bright future and be able to eat meat and drink!
at a rally.

Wang Bo created another song.

"To resist soldiers and elections, every family gathers iron tools, gathers iron to make knives, and kills all corrupt officials."

It was sung with rich voice and emotion, and the insurgents listened very raptly.

On the other hand, the students who watched this video were surprised, "It's really Wang Bo, the singer of the Sui Dynasty! He went to the uprising. This is simply a wrong line of work. He should be a singer."

In just a few months.

Wang Bo gathered tens of thousands of people!
The many times of encirclement and suppression by the officials and troops of the Sui Dynasty all ended in failure!
"Wang Bo, is this really going to work?"

The students' faces were filled with astonishment. It was clear that the men led by Wang Bo had been winning against the Sui army.

This should be a sign that something will happen, right?


Da Sui took action again.

This time, send Zhang Xutuo to lead troops to conquer Wang Bo!

The camera picture is directed to Zhang Xutuo.

This is a well-dressed, mature-looking middle-aged man.

He was sipping a sip of tea in the mansion, glanced at the imperial court's order document, and then turned his gaze back.

"Wang Bo and his ilk are not to be feared."

His expression was indifferent, as if he didn't take Wang Bo seriously at all, and his eyes were closed tightly, as if he was thinking about something important.

【The video is played】

"That's the end? Can this Xu Tuo really handle Wang Bo?"

"Not to be afraid? Isn't this tone too rampant!"

"Is Zhang Xutuo self-confident or conceited?"

"It's nothing to be afraid of even before the fight has started. Does this mean that you think you will win?"


The students pointed at Zhang Xutuo, it was nothing more than Zhang Xutuo's last act of coercion, which was really unbearable.

Totally overconfident.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this time, the bell for the end of get out of class had already rang.

Zhang Guofei didn't say much and left the classroom directly.

He has no habit of procrastinating.

Ye Xiao is worried about Wang Bo's future.

Zhang Xutuo is a top general of the Sui Dynasty, as long as he makes a move, Wang Bo will definitely lose.

Want to win?

impossible things!

that night.

Ye Xiao didn't practice hard, he needed to rest even if he was tired.

Combining work and rest is the right way.

After resting at home for a while, Ye Xiao also wandered around the streets of Longdu.

You can see scenes of people flowing everywhere, and the continuous flow of various vehicles also blocks the road to the point where it can't get through.

In addition, you can also see the cries of various vendors.

There are more groups of young people on the street, talking and laughing, showing a carefree appearance.

"Life is so beautiful, there is no need to have too much pressure."

Ye Xiao muttered to himself.

He can even see projections about the universal system everywhere.

The projected places are nothing less than the intelligence news of the investment world "Da Sui"!

Before he knew it, he went for a walk to Longdu Park.

Although there are many outdoor facilities for children to play in Longdu Park, most of them are investors.

They discussed the investment world "Da Sui".

(End of this chapter)

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