National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 537 Invest 100 Billion Amethyst, Summon Shihei Rakshasa!

Chapter 537 Invest 100 Billion Amethyst, Summon Shihei Rakshasa!
"In addition to the God of Drought's help, there are also Yin soldiers from the underworld! The Yin soldiers have also contributed a lot. I think you have noticed the shadow soldiers in Renjia Town! Ordinary people don't see Yin soldiers. If you see Yin soldiers, you may be scared." I have been seriously ill, but now is a very important moment, the Yin soldiers are ordered by the underworld to come to this world to help me destroy the zombie king!"

"So, this time, the person who has contributed the most is not me, but the underworld soldiers and the god of drought!"

Uncle Jiu, who was sitting on the high platform in the square, was very angry in his dantian, and his voice was loud and powerful.

He does have the credit.

But the person who deserves the most credit is definitely not him!

Uncle Jiu's words were so soul-stirring, and even the people present felt their heads buzzing.

They also believed Uncle Jiu's words.

Believe it completely, no doubts.

Because recently.

Many people in Renjia Town have indeed noticed an unusual scene.

That is a soldier wearing black armor and holding a long knife, walking around Renjia Town.

At first, they thought it was a mistake, but later they were sure that many people had seen it.

If they were afraid, they would think that ghosts were causing trouble, which frightened many people, and even made them sick.

But now.

Recalling their performance in the past, it is really ridiculous, and it is too ironic.

Those are not ghosts that harm people, but soldiers from the underworld!

The ghost soldiers sent by the underworld to come to the world!
The Underworld actually exists, it turns out that none of this is superstition!
Between heaven and earth, there are really gods!

The gods may be looking down on them from a corner!

The more I think about it, the faces of many people who have done bad things are as pale as paper, and the whole body is crumbling.

in a blink.

The silence technique of the people in the front row has no effect, but they are all able to speak.

"Uncle Jiu, you are truly a living Bodhisattva who saves the suffering!"

"Uncle Jiu, we really missed you in the past. We thought you were a charlatan. You know, we were so wrong!"

"Uncle Jiu, can you talk about ghosts? We understand zombies, but what is this ghost?"


As soon as they were able to speak, they became active again, and what's more, they kowtowed to Uncle Jiu like garlic.

"Get up, don't kowtow, I can't bear it."

Uncle Jiu said quickly.

His words are also quite useful.

Those people who kowtowed didn't make things difficult for Uncle Jiu, and quickly stood up from the ground.

"Ghosts are ominous things. Eighteen disasters such as poverty, sorrow, decline, disaster, pain, sickness and death are all in one body! So, ghosts, don't get close to them!"

"Ghost is a general concept. It can't be explained clearly in a few words. According to our understanding, ghosts are the souls left by people after death."

"If you starve to death and accumulate resentment, you will become a starving ghost. If you hang yourself to death and accumulate resentment, you will become a hanged ghost..."


Uncle Jiu conducted some simple science popularization, which also gave the people of Renjia Town a deeper understanding of ghosts.

after that.

The worship ceremony begins.

Sheet after sheet of mahogany has been placed on the high platform.

Various animals are placed on the mahogany long table.

Among them, there are five animals.

Divided into whole pig, whole chicken, whole sheep, whole cow, whole fish!
In addition, there are all kinds of fruits, as well as a variety of drinks.

And, there were one unlit candle after another on the mahogany long table.

Uncle Jiu seemed to want to show off his skills, and also seemed to want to make the people respect the gods more, but he saw a word softly uttered from his mouth, "Get up!"

This statement came out.

The mahogany sword held by Uncle Jiu burst into flames.

The flame seemed to have spirituality, and it actually danced back and forth on the candle lead on the long mahogany table.

Take a breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.


It's just ten breaths of time.

A total of eighteen candles were actually lit by themselves.


All of a sudden, the people were amazed, but they didn't expect Uncle Jiu's methods to be really extraordinary.

Uncle Jiu is so powerful.

Not to mention those underworld soldiers and heavenly gods who can kill them!
For a time, the common people respected and feared the Yin soldiers and gods, and they also believed in them more.

Many people are like devout believers, kneeling on the ground, bowing to the heaven and earth, and even bowing to the ghosts and gods in the sky and the earth!
The worship ceremony is still going on in an orderly manner.

Uncle Jiu offered three cups of tea in person, dedicated the tea to the God of Drought, and even more so to the Yin God of the Underworld and the Immortals of Heaven!
Afterwards, incense was burned to greet the gods, and a large number of lucky gold papers were burned.

Before I knew it, I had reached the last step.

this step.

Uncle Jiu was getting up his clothes and knelt on the ground himself.

But you can see him holding a scripture in his hand.

The scriptures are full of strange words.

This is a scripture that worships the gods!
"Maoshan disciple Lin Jiu, pray to the gods to bless the people of Renjia Town with good luck and good health. Free from zombies and ghosts..."

Uncle Jiu muttered something.

He said so.

The people present were also moved.

It is to worship the gods.

Uncle Jiu cared about the people of their Renjia Town, not about himself.

For such a worship ceremony, Ye Xiao waited quietly on the second floor of Yuelai Inn.

Sitting on the second floor, he can see through the window that the square of Renjia Town is densely packed with people, large groups of people.

Roughly estimated, the number of common people may have reached more than 2!

Even more than 3 people!
And these common people also imitated Uncle Jiu, kneeling on the ground with pious faces.

Today they no longer believe in Western learning.

What kind of bullshit is Western learning, it's all a fool.

He also said that there are no gods in this world!
But Uncle Nine said it all.

There are gods on the ground.

There are gods of drought, soldiers of the underworld, and gods of heaven...

Since then, Ye Xiao has gained a huge amount of power of faith.

[Congratulations to the host, gaining 1 point of power of faith]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining 2 point of power of faith]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining 1 point of power of faith]


[Congratulations to the host, gaining 4 point of power of faith]


The collection of the power of faith also made him feel very good, but it was also a bit unexpected.

This Power of Faith is not only 1 point, sometimes it can collect 2 points, 3 points, 4 points.

In this regard, he also communicated with the system.

[The power of faith obtained from each person is not static. As long as the other party believes in the existence of ghosts and gods, the more power of faith will be obtained. In addition, the power of faith is also related to other factors such as status and identity]

The system's reply is also the reason why Ye Xiao gradually showed a sense of enlightenment on his face.

In layman's terms, the common people may not have believed in ghosts and gods before, but now, they have already trusted them, and what's more, they have become fanatical.


In less than ten minutes.

Ye Xiao actually collected a full [-] points of power of faith.

Moreover, the power of faith is still rising wildly!

This made Ye Xiao feel a burst of excitement, and he wished that Uncle Jiu would worship the gods for a longer period of time.

He could understand.

The power of faith can always be obtained from a person.

Keep plucking wool, keep plucking, keep cool!

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart, but a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

At this very moment.

A striking system message appeared in his field of vision.

[Silver Level Investment World [Zombie] Open 100 billion amethyst quota to the host! 】


For a moment, Ye Xiao couldn't help but froze, as if the surprise came too suddenly.

This suddenly allows for follow-up shots!

Without hesitation!

He directly made a follow-up investment of [Zombie] 100 billion amethysts!
Maybe it's someone else, and you might hesitate.

But hesitation is impossible for him.

If you want to get rich quickly, you have to follow up!

Chasing investment is able to survive better in this investment world!
[Congratulations to the host, successfully chasing [Zombie] investment stock Ye Ze's 100 billion Amethyst! 】

A system message appears.

Accompanied by many, many message prompts.

[Currently the host can collect the power of faith in several counties such as Zhang County, Li County, and Cheng County]

[1000 points of power of faith can summon 1 Rakshasa from the underworld]

[With 1000 points of power of faith, you can summon 1 Hell Yaksha]

[With 10 points of power of faith, one of the eight generals of Yasha can be summoned]

[With 10 points of power of faith, one of the ten Rakshasa girls can be summoned]

[1000 million points of power of faith can summon the eight masters of the underworld]

[1000 million points of power of faith can summon the Eight Immortals of Heaven]

[In the future, the more Amethyst you invest, the more characters you can summon]

all of a sudden.

Ye Xiao's eyes glowed golden.

He was actually able to summon the eighth master of the underworld.

This is the eighth master of the underworld.

How could he not know.

Difu Baye is an abbreviation.

The third master and the fourth master bull head horse noodles!
Seven masters and eight masters are black and white!

Five masters and six masters, Jinjia and Yinsuo, also known as Master Shagger and Master Suo, according to Ye Xiao's understanding, these two are seniors with impermanence in black and white, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Just to summon this Underworld Ba Ye needs to collect a full 1000 million Faith Power.

This... the task is too dangerous!
However, thinking that the scope of his ability to collect power of faith has been expanded, he can also collect it in counties such as Zhang County and Li County around Renjia Town.

According to his rough calculations.

The combined population of these counties one after another is at least one or two million, and it may even be more.

As long as they all believe in the existence of ghosts and gods.



Ye Xiao subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

At that time.

He must be able to obtain a large amount of unimaginable power of faith.

At that time, the eighth master of the underworld will not be able to summon him easily.

As for the Eight Immortals of Heaven.

He is also very familiar.

Isn't it the eight Taoist gods widely circulated in folklore.

Tieguai Li, Zhang Guolao, Lu Dongbin, He Xiangu and so on.

"I don't know which side is better, the Eight Immortals of the Heavenly Court or the Eighth Master of the Underworld?"

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes and thought.

And when he noticed the power of faith he currently possesses.

But he suddenly widened his eyes.

Originally, the Power of Faith he possessed was only more than 4 points.

But now.

But it soared to more than 8 points all of a sudden!

Do not!
It's already reached [-] points!

This is definitely inseparable from the expansion of the scope of collecting the power of faith.

At this time, he was also thinking in his heart whether to summon an Eighth Yaksha General or a Ten Rakshasa Girl.

Both of them should also be quite powerful ghost gods.

I don't know how many grades it is definitely stronger than Yinbing.

But compared to the eighth master of the underworld, it is still a little bit worse.

However, Ye Xiao was not in a hurry to call.

Another half hour or so passed.

This ceremony of worshiping the gods was also announced to be over.

But even though Uncle Jiu announced the end, the people still knelt down on the ground devoutly.

They all seem to have woken up.

Today, the world has become beyond recognition.

Only the gods can protect them!
And Ye Xiao's Power of Faith points also rose to more than 12 points.

Although there is still a rise in the future, the magnitude of the rise is not as violent as before.

"Fathers and folks, it's getting late, you all go back quickly! Let's go! Let's go!"

Uncle Jiu persuaded him.

"Uncle Jiu, don't worry! Don't worry!"

"We still want to worship the gods in this world!"

"God bless, bless our family to spend this life safely!"


The people are still praying for the blessing of the gods.

The world has made them feel insecure.

Some common people have already begun to discuss the construction of temples.

Better to build a dry temple!

Do not!
It's the Nuba Temple!

Obviously, in their eyes, the image of the God of Drought has been completely subverted, and has become a living Bodhisattva who saves suffering.

Uncle Jiu was still leading Wencai and Qiusheng in Renjia Town to arrange some formations.

It seems that they also want to use the power of the formation to protect the safety of Renjia Town.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, has taken the lead and returned to Yizhuang.

He is ready to use the power of faith.

With 10 points of power of faith, first summon a Ten Rakshasa girl!
Summoning him is also considered.

Next, I will go to Lijia Town with Uncle Jiu to deal with those zombies.

He did not summon a bodyguard to protect him.

How can this work!
You know this world is dangerous.

Not to mention the zombie king, it's just a small zombie, Ye Xiaoruo might not be able to deal with it himself.

Not to mention.

In addition to zombies, there are also those horrible and difficult ghosts one after another!
No longer hesitate.

Ye Xiao directly spent 10 points of power of faith to summon!

A graceful, charming and beautiful figure of a beautiful woman appeared in Ye Xiao's field of vision.

The beautiful woman, wearing a black dress, with long black hair hanging down her shoulders, looks truly unparalleled in charm.

For a while, Ye Xiao inevitably took a few more glances.

Then, he had a question mark on his face.

Is this one of the ten Rakshasa girls?
This doesn't seem like much of a fight.

As for Luo Sha, he also had some impressions.

The male Rakshasa are all extremely ugly, like evil spirits.

The female Rakshasa are all beautiful and charming.

"I give a black rakshasa girl to pay homage to the lord."

Shi Hei Rakshasa saluted Ye Xiao respectfully, her beautiful and mature face was always smiling.

"Shihei Rakshasa?"

Ye Xiao was confused.

"I am one of the ten Rakshasa girls who protect the "Lotus Sutra", named Shihei Rakshasa."

The beautiful woman explained patiently.

Only then did Ye Xiao show a suddenly realized expression.

However, he was a little uncertain about the combat power of this Shihei Rakshasa.

"Can you handle the zombie king?"

Simply, he also asked directly, without hiding it.

The summoned characters are 100% loyal to him.

"My lord, the little zombie king, if there are not ten thousand in my hands, there will be eight thousand. On the contrary, I am no match for those ancient zombie kings. If I meet them, I will take the lord and flee far away."

The beautiful woman replied, she seemed to be able to see Ye Xiao's thoughts.

"Do you know the ancient Zombie King?"

Ye Xiao looked a little surprised.

"Of course I know, and I also sensed the remnants of the ancient Zombie King's aura around here."

The beautiful woman said with a serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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