National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 559 Hard work pays off, let it see the light of day again!

Chapter 559 Hard work pays off, let it see the light of day again!

After a long time, Ye Xiao let out a long breath.

He didn't understand.

It was at this moment.


In the sky outside Yizhuang, there was not only a heavy rainstorm, but also bursts of thunder, but one could see lightning and thunder in the sky, and lightning flashed across the sky from time to time.

With such thunder, Ye Xiao was calm.

But Ren Tingting, who was cleaning up the sanitation of Yizhuang, turned pale with fright.

She curled up into a ball in fear, looking very pitiful.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao couldn't help saying, "Compared with zombie ghosts, do you think this thunder is scary?"

He said so.

Ren Tingting's swarthy eyes couldn't help but turn again and again, only to feel that Ye Xiao's words really made sense after listening carefully.

Those zombies with green faces and fangs, hideous faces, and ghosts that elude people and kill people invisible are the most terrifying.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye."

The fear on Ren Tingting's pretty face eased a lot, she also stood up straight and thanked Ye Xiao.

"No need, you're a smart girl."

Ye Xiao said casually, and a meaningful look flickered in his eyes.

As he said.

Ren Tingting is really smart.

But it's just staying in Yizhuang all the time.

Look at the entire Renjia Town.

Where is the safest place?
It belongs to Yizhuang!

It was also because of this that Ren Tingting put down her figure to stay at the Yizhuang, and even helped clean up every now and then, and at the same time, she was also the maid of the Shihei Rakshasa.

She also didn't say much, and quietly stepped aside, as if she was afraid of disturbing Ye Xiao's thoughts.

"If this Xuanyuan Arrow has been hidden by someone, then this person must understand the power of Xuanyuan Arrow, but why would he hide it? What is the purpose? Could this Xuanyuan Arrow be a double-edged sword? The benefits are astonishing if you use it right, but if you use it wrong, it will cause misfortune, and even kill yourself?"

Ye Xiao began to calculate and guess.

Immediately afterwards, he asked Uncle Jiu about the legend about Xuanyuanjian's Ren family town.

"Those who got the Xuanyuan Arrow, don't they all have a smooth journey and get promoted step by step?"

A question popped up in Ye Xiao's mouth.

"According to the legends of Renjia Town, those people have indeed been promoted step by step. With their unparalleled archery skills, they have been appreciated and reused, but they all have one thing in common, that is, their lifespan is short and not long!"

Uncle Jiu frowned and began to think about it, before speaking slowly.

While speaking, his eyes lit up, "If someone in Renjia Town has obtained this Xuanyuan Arrow by accident, that person is very likely to have a short lifespan. If we use this to start and track it down, maybe we can gain something! "

"Uncle Nine, you and I really have the same thoughts!"

Ye Xiao also had a happy look on his face.


Uncle Nine directly led Ye Xiao to rummaging through boxes and cabinets, just to find a roster.

It's not Yizhuang, it's a morgue.

But every corpse of the deceased is registered in Yizhuang.

In general, the other party's age of death, cause of death, etc. are also recorded.

Although the records are not particularly detailed, they are very helpful and valuable to Ye Xiao and Uncle Jiu.

It's just a blink of an eye.

In an old wooden cabinet, Uncle Jiu took out a list of rosters.

These rosters were held in his palms, as if he was holding a piece of treasure.

"This list of the deceased has been recorded in the past ten years."

Uncle Jiu explained.

"it is good!"

Ye Xiao nodded.

The two began to carefully read the roster page after page.

Zhang Miao, female, aged 25, died of drowning after accidentally falling into the water.

Li Jing, male, 50 years old, tripped over a stone, fell on his head, bled profusely and died.

Wang Er, male, seven years old, was weak and sick since he was a child, and later developed dyspnea and even went into shock, and died after rescue failed.


In the process of reading, Ye Xiao also saw all kinds of ways to die.

Or they were stumbled and died by a stone, or they were smashed to the ground by a stone and died of blood, and some people died of drowning or fire.

Wait, in short, there are really many ways to die.

However, Ye Xiao didn't see any clues from these ways of death.


He continued to flip through the roster in his hand, his eyes were still so engrossed, without any distraction.

Now it has reached the point of urgency.

Whether it is life or death, I am afraid we will have to watch it this time.

Other than that, Ye Xiao really had no other choice.

So many people have been sent to look for it.

They also found all kinds of arrows, but in the end, they were all wrong.

This Xuanyuan Arrow is really hidden too deep.

A little later.

Ye Xiao's gaze stayed on a person on the list of the dead.

Tielong, male, aged 40, died of a strange disease.

"Uncle Nine, what strange disease is this iron dragon suffering from?"

Ye Xiao pointed to the roster of the deceased, and also wanted to ask Uncle Jiu if he had any impression of Tie Long, the deceased.

For a while, Uncle Jiu stared at Tie Long's name and began to fall into deep thought.

Suddenly, a series of memories flooded his mind.

"If it's someone else, after all these years, Uncle Jiu may not be impressed. But this Tielong is different. Tielong is a hunter in the village, and his archery skills are not bad. He can always hunt many prey. This It also made his family live a happy life, but one day, Tie Long stopped hunting and stayed at home because it was said that he was sick."

"And later, when I saw Tie Long again, he had already become a cold corpse. There was no injury on the whole body, which was very strange and unimaginable. But Tie Long died, and the place of death was very strange."

Uncle Jiu began to speak slowly.

Speaking of this past event, he also felt that it was very mysterious and bizarre.

But now, thinking about Xuanyuan Arrow can make mortals possess unparalleled archery skills.

And this iron dragon also has that kind of archery, does it mean... the Xuanyuan arrow fell into the hands of the iron dragon?

The more he thought about it, Uncle Jiu's eyes became brighter.

He felt as if he understood something.

"Ye Ze, could it be that this iron dragon has obtained Xuanyuan Arrow before, and it is because of this Xuanyuan Arrow that he has such a strange disease?"

Uncle Jiu's face was full of joy, and he felt that all hardships are rewarding.

Is it finally time to find another magical weapon of the Yellow Emperor in ancient mythology——Xuanyuan Arrow?

"I'm afraid that's the case. Xuanyuanjian, this kind of magic weapon, if a mortal wants to control it, he will definitely have to pay a price. And this price is likely to be his lifespan! And Tielong obviously even if he has Xuanyuanjian, he can't control it. Fully exerting the ability of the Xuanyuan Arrow can only be used for hunting at most. Maybe Tie Long never expected that he got the Xuanyuan Arrow!"

Ye Xiao expressed his inner guess.

When it comes to this point.

He is absolutely sure.

Xuanyuan Arrow was captured by Tie Long.

On the spot, the two hit it off immediately, without the slightest hesitation, put on the rain-proof rain gear made of coir grass, and a coarse cloth umbrella, and hurried out.

"Tap Tap!"

The two of them stepped on the road, and a lot of rain was splashed on the road, which splashed on their legs and feet.

But the two were still moving forward quickly in the rain.

Things could not be delayed any longer.

It was also thanks to Uncle Jiu who knew the way, so the journey went very smoothly.

Even, during the conversation with Uncle Jiu, Ye Xiao learned more about Tielong.

For example, Tielong also has a son Tieniu.

Tieniu is a rickshaw driver with brute strength and a very sincere and honest man.

To this, Ye Xiao nodded in agreement.

He has met Tieniu, he is indeed a tall guy, but he is very honest.

And in such a world where people cannibalize, honest people can never take advantage of it or take advantage of it.

That's it.

Tieniu can only be a rickshaw driver pulling a cart.

Tieniu is a typical low-level commoner.

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

About a stick of incense time passed.

Uncle Jiu finally led Ye Xiao to the door of a private house.

Taking a closer look, he could see this private house, the door was a bit old and dilapidated, even the roof Ye Xiao guessed that it might leak rain.

Tieniu's life is really unsatisfactory!

Ye Xiao sighed in his heart.

"Dong dong!"

Ye Xiao didn't think too much, and knocked on the door lightly.

I just knocked on the door several times, but didn't see any movement.

no one there?
He frowned slightly.

Also at this time.

The old wooden door creaked open.

In an instant, an old man with white hair and a kind face came into his field of vision.

The old man was also holding an umbrella in his hand, but the umbrella had a few small holes, which also caused a lot of rain on her body.

"Ma'am, use my umbrella to cover the rain. I'm so sorry to bother you."

Ye Xiao apologized, and quickly used his umbrella to cover the old lady in front of her from the rain.

It also shows respect for the old and love for the young.

Even Uncle Jiu showed an apologetic look.

"You guys are too polite."

The old lady had white hair and sunken eye sockets. After noticing Uncle Jiu's figure with her pair of jet-black eyes, she also showed a very excited look, "Master Exorcist, please come inside, quickly please come inside."

Ye Xiao and Uncle Jiu nodded heavily.

Not long after, the two also walked into this private house, but they could also see that the private house was really dilapidated.

But even so, living there is still not a problem.

"Exorcist Daoist, and this gentleman, if there is any place where the hospitality is not good, I hope you will forgive me."

The old lady showed a very polite side, and she looked at Uncle Jiu with more and more excited eyes.

But Ye Xiao could tell that this old lady was definitely a person who believed in ghosts and gods.

Let's just say that there are many gods and ghosts pasted on the walls of this house.

"Ma'am, we came here to tell you something important."

Uncle Jiu said with a serious expression, "This matter is related to the life and death of everyone in Renjia Town!"


The old lady couldn't help being startled, but she didn't expect that something big would happen in Renjia Town again.

She exclaimed all over her face, but she soon calmed down.

She lived to be 70 to [-] years old.

She is content with living to this age, and she has long taken life and death very lightly.

The only thing that worries her is her grandson Tieniu, who still doesn't have a daughter-in-law, which really makes her worry to death.


The conditions of their house.

Too bad, too bad.

A dilapidated house, no land, and which parents would marry their daughter to their Tieniu?
Thinking of this, the old lady felt a pain in her heart.

Uncle Jiu also briefly told the old lady about Xuanyuanjian in an easy-to-understand way.

"Old lady, do you remember, did your son Tie Long get something extraordinary back then?"

Uncle Jiu asked solemnly, but his mood was uneasy.

If this thread is broken.

I'm afraid I have to search again, and I don't know how much time I will waste.

But now a crisis looms.

What time do they have to waste!
"Sure enough, it's that thing! It's that thing! It killed the old woman's son! The old woman told him back then that that thing is very extraordinary, and it is simply not something that ordinary people like us can have. But he just doesn't want it. Listen, I thought I got some good treasure, I thought I had some great luck. But in the end, I died, I died!"

Suddenly, an expression of enlightenment surged on the old lady's wrinkled old face.


At this moment, she finally came to her senses.

Back then, why was her son Tie Long's death so bizarre.

It must have something to do with that!
This time.

Ye Xiao and Uncle Jiu couldn't help but look at each other.

Hard work pays off, and finally a breakthrough has been made!

"Grandma, where is that thing?"

Ye Xiao and Uncle Jiu said in unison.

"Exorcist Daoist, and this gentleman, that kind of thing is very unclean! Even if you get it, the old woman's son will die in ignorance, because it seems to be alive, sucking human blood..."

In the old lady's small round eyes, frightened eyes kept flickering, as if she was also very afraid of that thing.


She still said that thing, she had already hidden it.

Originally, she planned to bring it into the coffin.

But now, if only it can save Renjiazhen, then... it can only be taken out and let it see the light of day again!

Soon, the old lady took out a wine jar.

The top of the wine jar is wrapped with a thick layer of coarse cloth.


The old lady slowly unwrapped the thick cloth strips on the wine jar, her movements were very slow, and her eyes were very disturbed, but she still bit her teeth that were about to fall out, and took all the thick cloth strips off the top of the wine jar with a cruel heart .


Ye Xiao and Uncle Jiu didn't see anything hidden in the wine jar.

It was pitch black, they couldn't see anything, they couldn't see anything at all.

The old lady also stretched out a pair of experienced hands, ready to reach into the wine jar to get that weird thing.

"Ma'am, is there any danger?"

Ye Xiao hurriedly asked with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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