National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 637 Annual Salary Ten Thousand, This Is Impossible!

Chapter 637 An annual salary of one million, this is impossible!
The next day, in the morning.

Yang Jian talked to Ye Xiao about this.

"The risk is too great. This method is not 100% successful. If you fail, you will really die."

Ye Xiao's expression was serious. According to the original route, Yang Jian's method would surely succeed.

But right now, his appearance has caused wave after wave of butterfly effect.

The hell knows.

This time it will work.

In case Yang Jian fails.

All he lacked was a golden thigh.

"It's a gamble of life."

Yang Jian took a deep breath, and also decided not to use human skin paper for the time being.

Even if you want to use it, you have to wait until it is absolutely necessary.

Then the two also discussed, first take away Wang Yue's ghost rope.

Just two hours later.

In Wang Yue, who is quite famous in Dachang City, the ghost rope has been taken away by Yang Jian.

Yang Jian, who was sitting in that Bentley luxury car, looked at the ghost rope wrapped in layers of gold foil and felt that all this was too easy.

"I also blame Wang Yue for being unlucky. He actually broke a leg and an arm in the Ghost Moon incident. Wang Yue must have met a werewolf."

Recalling Wang Yue's miserable appearance, Ye Xiao sighed.

"Well, we took the ghost rope and sent her on her way."

Yang Jian nodded, and also called Team Liu Jianming.

There is only one order.

It's time for the Rose Bar to close down. By the way, find someone to collect Wang Yue's body!

Waiting for Liu Jianming to respond.

Yang Jian hung up the phone directly.

Now, he is the person in charge of Dachang City, and the power in his hands is really not small.

But also his responsibility is great.

For example, in the Ghost Moon incident, if he hadn't become the person in charge of Dachang City, he wouldn't have bothered to run around to deal with werewolves.

That is to say, in the ghost moon incident, he used too much power of ghosts.

The current situation is so bad.

"Ye Xiao, let's set off for the plane tomorrow morning and head to Ling Town, Zhong'an City!"

Yang Jian suggested.

He couldn't wait any longer.

He must find his third ghost as soon as possible.

Then try to drive.

This way he can live longer.

Otherwise, in his current situation.

He can only live less than half a year at most.

If he continues to use Li Gui's ability, his lifespan will only be three months!
Ye Xiao nodded in agreement, he saw that Yang Jian's situation was not optimistic.

Another morning.

After Yang Jian arranged a series of things in Dachang City, he drove to Dachang City Airport with Ye Xiao, and the driver of the Bentley luxury car was Jiang Yan.

Fortunately, the ghost moon incident was resolved in a very short period of time, otherwise the Dachang City Airport would have already been paralyzed.

"Yang Jian, can I go with you too..."

Jiang Yan and Yang Jian have had many, many skin-to-skin kisses, and she also acted like a baby, and her voice was pleading.

Yang Jian, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, said two words expressionlessly.



Jiang Yan snorted softly, feeling sulking because she was alone.

The whole journey took just over 10 minutes, and we arrived at Dachang Airport.

At the entrances of various passages in Dachang City Airport, people can be seen coming and going, and there are many tourists.

Although the ghost moon incident occurred in Dachang City before, the official response has long been made.

The scarlet color of Luna is an astronomical phenomenon.

In Dachang City, many people died because of atavism.

Now, atavism has been successfully broken by domestic medical scientists.

This kind of statement is overwhelming, and it is gradually accepted by people.

But even so.

In the past two days.

There are still countless people scrambling to get out of Dachang City.

They don't want to stay in Dachang City any longer.

In other words, the housing prices in the center of Dachang City, where land is very expensive, are all at 10,000+ per square meter.

But now, it is falling again and again.

Today, the housing price in the city center has dropped to [-] per square meter, but no one wants it.

"Use my funds to buy all the properties for sale in Dachang City."

Yang Jian also ordered that right now he has nearly 300 to [-] billion in cash, and it is not bad to use this cash to invest in real estate.

It is said that real estate prices have been plummeting all the time.

"Yang Jian, this is not good, now this..."

Jiang Yan objected a little, is it appropriate to invest so much money in real estate?

"Remember - you are my employee, and employees should obey the boss's orders."

Yang Jian's attitude was tough.

Staff? !
I gave you my whole body!

Still an employee!

Jiang Yan had the urge to curse, but she didn't dare to curse, she could only grit her teeth and say, "Well, I know what to do, and I will become a good employee."

After a blink of an eye.

Yang Jian and Ye Xiao carried their suitcases and went straight to the airport.

Due to their special identities, they did not take the normal channel, but the green channel.

The procedures required for the green channel are very simple. There is no need for an ID card at all, and you don't even need an air ticket. You only need to perform face recognition, and you can pass if the recognition is successful.

"Gentlemen, here are your boarding passes."

A beautiful young woman in blue overalls holds two boarding passes.

And her attitude towards Ye Xiao and Yang Jian also appeared to be respectful, after all, these two are top VIP guests in front of her, and she must not offend them.

Once offended, she might lose her job.

Ye Xiao and Yang Jian boarded flight A9831 after receiving their respective boarding passes.

The flight number is from Dachang City to Zhong'an City.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them were already sitting in the first-class cabin, they had packed their suitcases, and they were waiting for the plane to take off.

Yang Jian even contacted the operator Liu Xiaoyu.

"Does Yang Jian have any orders?"

Liu Xiaoyu's attitude towards Yang Jian was more respectful than before.

"How is my mother these days?"

Yang Jian's tone softened a lot, and it could be seen that he cared about his mother very much.

"Yang Jian, don't worry about this. Your mother has been assigned to work in Ping'an Daxia, Dajing City. This job is easy and not tiring, the pay is good, and the work is hardly done. For the family members of the ghost master, the headquarters Absolutely will not treat you badly!"

What Liu Xiaoyu said was swearing.

Hearing what she said, Yang Jian also drew a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Have you found the ancestral house surnamed Luo in Lingzhen, Zhong'an City?"

He asked another question.

The surname is Luo Zuzhai.

It was the purpose of his trip.

The third ghost revealed by Ye Xiao is in the basement of the Luozu house.

When this question was asked, Yang Jian felt a little uneasy, if he was caught first.

Then, they don't have to go to Ling Town, Zhong'an City!

"About this matter, Yang Jian, I am also planning to tell you. Our people have found several people surnamed Luo, and they all have ancestral houses. However, which one is the ancestral house you are looking for? You went there yourself."

Liu Xiaoyu's tone seemed a bit embarrassed.

Yang Jian named Dao Yao as Luo Zuzhai.

However, in Ling Town, Zhong'an City, there are many residents surnamed Luo, and they all have ancestral houses.

This made Liu Xiaoyu a little troubled.

Faced with such a question, Yang Jian's expression was also stunned.

But he also subconsciously turned his gaze to Ye Xiao.

"Luo Yong, is his ancestral house still there? Has it been demolished or destroyed?"

A name had already popped up in Ye Xiao's mind, and he also asked.

Yang Jian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he also started talking to Liu Xiaoyu.

Once talked, but also learned.

Luo Yong is a native of the countryside.

At first it was doing farm work at home.

But nowadays, doing farm work can make money.

Therefore, Luo Yong has also been working outside these years and accumulated a fortune.

And this sum of money is now going to be used by Luo Yong to rebuild the dilapidated ancestral house.

"Yes, this is Luo Yong."

Ye Xiao's eyes brightened.

Hearing this, Yang Jian also quickly explained, "Liu Xiaoyu, buy Luo Yong's ancestral house! This task is entrusted to you! It should be possible, right?"

"It can be done."

Liu Xiaoyu didn't hesitate at all, just bought an old ancestral house that had been in disrepair for a long time, which was too simple and too easy for the ghost master headquarters with huge energy.

However, she was also a little curious about Yang Jian's purpose in buying such an ancestral house?
She shouldn't have asked, and she must not ask more.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Jian had hung up the phone.

Shortly after.

The flight starts.

There are also several more passengers in the first class.

These passengers are either beautiful women who are very well-dressed, or successful people in suits and leather shoes, not to mention business owners with big bellies and a little fat body.

These people all showed a very extraordinary temperament, and their clothes were also very expensive.

In comparison, Ye Xiao and Yang Jian's clothes are very casual and ordinary.

"Two little brothers, this money can't be spent indiscriminately. The price of a first-class ticket is more than 3000 per ticket. It's not a small burden for you."

Among them, a well-dressed man in a suit spoke slowly in the tone of an elder scolding a younger generation.

Yang Jian didn't pay attention to the other party, and just let him go as a fart.

Ye Xiao didn't respond, but was thinking about how to help Yang Jian control the third ghost. He could see that Yang Jian's situation was getting worse every day.

If he experienced a few more supernatural events and used the power of the ghost, Yang Jian might not survive two or three months.

Li Kai, the man in the suit, also had an ugly expression on his face.

Anyway, he is also a successful person who has achieved something.

But the two guys in front of them who didn't have full hair didn't even pay attention to him.

"My name is Li Kai, and I am currently the manager of a real estate company in Dachang City. I wonder where the two little brothers are employed?"

Li Kai, the man in the suit, continued, with a proud expression on his face as he spoke.

Recently, he was promoted to the position of manager of the company, which made him feel high-spirited.

Even, as long as his real estate company's business is doing well.

In the future, maybe as long as he accumulates enough connections.

He can also start his own company and be his own boss!

The future is expected!

His future is also a bright road!
Yang Jian frowned slightly, feeling that the fly beside his ear was a bit annoying.

"Li Kai, a little achievement, why are you so proud? Is the real estate manager amazing? How much is the annual salary?"

It was Ye Xiao who spoke and waved to Yang Jian.

Therefore, there is no need to bother Yang Jian to deal with such bedbugs, and let him deal with them.

"Small achievements? Little brother, are you kidding me? As a real estate manager, I start with a monthly salary of at least [-] yuan. If the year-end bonus and a series of incentive subsidies are included, the annual salary will be at least one million! One million annual salary Is that a small achievement?"

Li Kai, a man in a suit, turned cold, and stared at Ye Xiao coldly.

The rest of the first-class passengers on the side listened and nodded frequently. They seemed to approve of Li Kai.

million annual salary.

This is really remarkable.

At least, looking at the whole country, there are at most three or four people out of 1 people who can reach an annual salary of one million.


Unexpectedly, Ye Xiao smiled, and his smile was very bright.

"why are you laughing?"

Li Kai, a man in a suit, frowned.

Others also felt a little baffled.

Could it be... that this unattractive young man has an annual salary of one million?
This is impossible!

This young man looks quite young, only in his early 20s, I am afraid, he is still a student, maybe he has just entered college, or he is still a senior in high school.

"Laughing at your ignorance, how dare you show off your annual salary of one million! I'm afraid, in this first-class cabin, your annual salary is the lowest."

Ye Xiao shrugged helplessly.

Minimum annual salary? !

Li Kai, a man in a suit, had a cold expression on his face, he didn't believe it.

"Beauty, what is your annual salary?"

Ye Xiao asked about the exquisitely dressed beauty.

"My annual salary is not high, only tens of millions."

The beauty said modestly.


The people in the first class around were a little surprised. This beauty's annual salary is tens of millions.

This is impossible!
But they always felt that this beauty looked familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

Soon, some first-class passengers recognized the beauty's identity——it was Miss Zhou, a very popular female game anchor.

"Being an anchor has to pay a lot of taxes. I can earn 5000 million yuan, but it's only [-] million yuan in my hands."

Sister Zhou added another sentence.

Almost everyone in the first class was stunned.

Soon, everyone was reporting their own annual salary.

The owner of the business has an annual salary of more than one billion yuan, and has several trading companies under his banner.

There is also a maturely dressed woman in her thirties who runs a cosmetics company with good sales on the Internet and an annual salary of tens of millions.

And a domestic football player with an annual salary of more than 3000 million.


Everyone's annual salary is more than 500 million, no matter how bad it is, it is [-] million.

This time.

Li Kai, the man in the suit, suffered quite a blow, his entire face turned green.

Even when Yang Jian saw such a scene, he put on a happy expression.

"It's their annual salary that is higher than mine, but what about you? What about you? I don't believe your annual salary is more than one million!"

But soon, Li Kai, the man in a suit, regained his composure. He couldn't compare to others, but it was impossible for him to compare to this brat in front of him.

"Compared to me, wash up and go to sleep!"

Ye Xiao was speechless, too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly lit up the mobile bank deposit.

More than 200 billion deposits.

The zero after zero made Li Kai, the man in the suit, dazzled.

"A lot of zeros... a lot of zeros..."

After staring at Ye Xiao's mobile phone screen for a long time, Li Kai, a man in a suit, blurted out, "This is impossible! You have more than 200 billion deposits? This is definitely a P picture! Fake! Fake!"

(End of this chapter)

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