Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 204 Sakura is the best

Chapter 204 Sakura is the best
"Mr. Mei, you said that God also created a white king who is second only to himself, and there are four other monarchs?"

The vice-principal graciously poured the priest a glass of wine, and their strategy tonight was to drink it to death as long as it didn't kill them.

He and Angers took turns to fight, and seeing that victory was in sight, the priest was already flushed from drinking, and he was on the verge of falling, and was about to raise the white flag high.

it's time!

Naturally, the priest can't really fall down, otherwise they will find someone to make excuses.

The vice-principal reeked of alcohol and looked like he was about to pass out. This was a terrible victory. With the combined efforts of him and Ange, it was still only a narrow victory. The strength of this person should not be underestimated, and he did not live in vain for so many years.

"Old man, is what you just said true?"

"Alai, how could I lie to you?" The priest shook his head, speaking earnestly.

"Your Excellency, in your era, did the White King refer to Satan, or Lucifer, the Angel of Dawn? Do the Four Monarchs refer to the Four Archangels?"

As a former Christian and a talented student who graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, Angers also read the Bible thoroughly in his early years and knew this "history" well.

The mixed-races don't believe in gods. At first, they thought that these myths were the rewriting of the history of the dragon race, and the Norse mythology was the closest.

"Speaking of which, Metatron doesn't seem to be ranked among the four archangels. No wonder God is gone, and his vision is bad!" The vice-principal was heartbroken, resentful that the old man didn't make it into the top four archangels.

The priest will be stunned.It seems that I was drunk, and my mind was wandering, and I went to see God to ask for an explanation.

He suddenly came back to his senses, and said in a daze: "Who told you that the Four Great Sovereigns are equal to the Four Great Archangels?"

Angers and the vice principal looked at each other.

"You guys are stereotyped and preconceived. There are no four archangels at all. They are the product of the history and teachings of the dragon clan." Staring at the wine glasses of the two of them, it seemed that if you don't drink, I won't talk.

With grief in his eyes, the vice-principal raised the wine glass with the fearless spirit of sacrificing his life to feed a tiger, and poured it into his mouth suddenly. The movement was so violent that half of the glass of wine was spilled in the middle.When it was delivered to his mouth, he accidentally knocked his chin, and spilled half a cup again, skillfully done in one go.

Angers looked silly, how can Te Niang play like this?
Fortunately, His Excellency the priest didn't care.

He said slowly: "God did create existences equivalent to the White King and the Four Great Monarchs, but there are no so-called Four Archangels. You must have heard their names, Behemoth, Leviathan and Shitz, they represent the earth, the sea, and the sky."

The vice-principal pondered: "Aren't there only three? Where are the remaining two?"

"There are two left?" The priest smiled and said with a strange expression, "Coincidentally, the remaining two are here."

Angers and the vice-principal frowned and looked at each other. Are the other two here?Alcohol still anesthetized their brains, making them unable to turn around.

The vice-principal suddenly took a deep breath, looked at the priest with wide eyes, and whispered, "Which one of them are you always?"

Angers woke up suddenly, and he suddenly thought of something. The man in front of him claimed to be the last Semitic, and both Arabs and Jews were Semites.

The title Metatron is more in Judaism than Christianity!Most Christian churches shy away from the name Metatron because he is the angel of Judaism!

In Judaism, it is unanimously believed that Metatron is the "Prime Minister of Heaven"!
To be more direct, in Hebrew, the word "Metatron" itself represents - the little Jehovah.

The priest said drunkenly: "Oh, it's all the past, let's not talk about it."

It's just that this gesture is tantamount to admitting.

Angers and the vice-principal fell into a long silence.

What they are currently facing is the legendary White King who is second only to the Black King, and is regarded as a god-like creature by the Sheqi Bajia.

One "god" has already caused everyone to suffer and put the whole of Tokyo on the verge of destruction, but they brought another "god" from Chicago to Japan.

"If the Chicago government doesn't allocate funds to our school next year, I'll blow him up." The vice-principal expressed his attitude to Anger with a serious expression, not joking at all.

Angers silently poured him a glass of wine.

The idiot vice-principal was obviously drunk, but it was rare that what the vice-principal said hit his mind.

"There is a saying in China that the sword of the previous dynasty cannot kill the officials of this dynasty, so don't expect me to help you. I am just a historian now."

The priest seemed to see what they were thinking, and spoke slowly, raising his glass as a gesture.

Angers and the vice-principal could only raise their glasses to each other.

"That's not right." The vice-principal recalled, "Isn't there another one? You just said that the remaining two are here. One is you, and who is the other? The earth, the sky, the ocean, and so on. Bronze and fire?"

"Isn't it right here?" The priest slowly filled a glass of wine for him and said with a smile, "Didn't you see it?"

The vice-principal turned his head to look at Angers, and said solemnly: "I suspected that you, a mixed race, would join the church and convert to God's sect..."

Angers put the wine glass upside down on his head with a blank expression.

It seemed that the alcohol had still paralyzed him. As usual, even if the vice principal went offline again, Ange would tell himself to bear with him and bear with him again.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?" Angers held on to the rising drunkenness, maintained the last trace of clarity, and stared at the priest.

"Who is missing?" the priest asked without answering.

"The sky, the earth, and the ocean, if they correspond to the four great monarchs of the dragon clan, then the rest should be the king of bronze and fire." Anger said softly.

The priest nodded, and he slowly closed his eyes, filled with the thickness and majesty of history. His voice was deep and solemn, as if he was singing an ancient epic, leading the two back to the long-gone lost era.

"They found the first ray of fire in the world, held up the torches, and drove away the beasts with the glory of the flames. They built houses and forged weapons based on bronze and iron stones, and opened the prelude to endless wars."

"You really don't know... who are they?"

"Aren't the descendants of the King of Bronze and Fire sitting right in front of me?"



The hotel's top-floor presidential suite.

The priest gently kicked away the empty wine bottles piled up on the ground, and came to the huge French windows.

Behind him, the vice-principal was snoring loudly, and fell asleep drunk. Like a dead pig, Angers also half-lyed on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.

"It seems that the origin of human beings will be marked with a big question mark."

An ethereal voice sounded, and Norns walked into the room soundlessly, and stood beside the priest.

For countless years in the past, they have been side-by-side allies just like this moment.

"Did you hear that?" the priest asked suddenly, the question seemed so abrupt, but Knowns' face gradually became serious.

"Of course the world is crying."

"Human beings, it's always like this, they always show innocent cunning inadvertently. Obviously the most turbid thing is the so-called 'emotion', but the most clear and untainted thing in this world is also 'emotion'. So no matter the time After several changes, we are still imprisoned in their palms."

The priest murmured quietly.

His pupils reflected the golden light gradually rising from the sky, the majestic sunlight slowly settling down, the morning light that broke through before dawn pierced through the heavy rain clouds, and cast a faint golden rim over the whole of Tokyo. Qian Xiacai fell into the dust.

"It's really gorgeous."



This is an uphill road, surrounded by old buildings, old telephone poles, and a pile of tin trash cans piled up on the side of the road.

This street that seems to extend infinitely to the horizon, after a high slope, there is no end in sight, only the dark sky can be seen.

Lu Mingfei stood in the middle of the ramp, silently raising his head.

He seems to have returned to that rainy night again, when the bright headlights tore through the rain curtain, he stepped on the accelerator pedal fiercely, crossed the terrified Tokyo city tonight, crossed the silent mountains, and ran forward against the sea rain and wind, just to Save the girl who loves him.

But he still didn't do it.

Just like the high school speech in front of everyone, or the school culture festival where Chen Wenwen danced...

He screwed up as always.

"Brother, it seems that you have already found out."

Lu Mingze, who had disappeared for a day, stood beside him at some point. He was wearing a black suit and holding a big black umbrella. He seemed to have been waiting for him for a long, long time, just like that rainy night.

Lu Mingfei lowered his head, stared at him for a long time, and then said softly, "Whose funeral are you going to attend today?"

"Why can't it be a wedding?" Lu Mingze smiled slightly.

"Why didn't you answer my call?"

"You said, this is your girl, of course you take care of your girl yourself."

"Then why are you here now?"

"Because there are two things I want to tell you."

"……I do not want to hear."

"Really?" Lu Mingze tilted his head, "Is it because I don't want to hear it, or because I don't dare to hear it?"

Lu Mingfei was silent, Eri Yi was still sleeping soundly behind him, the heavy feeling was behind his back, but there was still a kind of fear in his heart, as if the girl behind him might leave him at any time.

"Then I won't talk about it, brother, you can see for yourself."

Lu Mingze snapped his fingers, and the thick fog enveloped them in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant.

When the fog dissipated, they were already standing in a movie theater, with white light flying in the air, and the movie started.

Lu Mingfei turned his head to look, and what he saw was an old-fashioned Japanese house.

The furnishings in the house are extremely simple. A girl in a red and white maiden costume sits at a wooden table. Her beloved toys from the past are stored in boxes, and the table is covered with countless photos.

Those photos that almost brought together the whole world were placed in front of the girl as treasures.

Lu Mingfei's heart suddenly stopped.

The girl on the screen was Erika who was sleeping soundly on his back at the moment.

"What kind of photo is it that makes her love it more than her beloved toy?" Lu Mingze's voice sounded faintly in the darkness.

The screen suddenly changed.

On the screen is a cliff facing the sea. Tens of millions of tons of seawater are surging under the cliff. The boy on the cliff is silently looking at the boundary line between the sky and the sea in the distance. The girl with long dark red hair quietly turns her head and looks at him , that pair of clear eyes that seem not to stir up dust, at this moment there is a touch of color that cannot be spoken.

Once upon a time, you would secretly look at the side face of the girl you liked in every spare time between classes. The sun fell on her face and painted a layer of gold. You couldn't help holding your breath, and the world was suddenly bright and bright.

This is the plot written in countless youth novels, but Lu Mingfei never thought that one day, there would be such a girl who would stage such an old-fashioned but immortal story by his side.


The screen turns again.

The train from afar set off a drizzle. The boy took the girl on the train and sat in the empty carriage. On the eve of the closing of the carriage door, the girl quietly clenched the corner of the boy's clothes, as if afraid that he would run away in the next moment. this train.

Fortunately, the boy seemed to be in a daze, and the train doors closed slowly.

The girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief.The hand holding the corner of the clothes was slowly sent away, she looked sideways to the outside of the car, the brightly lit iron dragon was heading towards Tokyo with the sound of the siren, and the boy who had got off the car earlier was sitting beside her.

At that time, the boy who ignored all this because he was absent-minded, now stared blankly at the girl who was worried about gains and losses on the screen.

Until the screen becomes turbulent again.

In front of the steaming hot pot, the boy lowered his hair and was texting, but when he raised his hand, he saw a note dangling in front of him.

"Who is Sakura talking to?"

"Uh." The boy scratched his head and said vaguely, "It's my younger brother. I asked him to send my uncle's family home early."

"Does Sakura have relatives in Tokyo?"

"Well...that's it." Lu Mingfei nodded.

The girl lowered her head and wrote in a swish.

"Can I treat them to a meal? I know there's a restaurant called Chateau Joel Robuchon."

The boy froze.

He tilted his head, and the girl tilted her head too. A strand of long dark red hair was hanging from her ear, and bright yellow lights were reflected in the dark red pupils.

After a long time.

The boy took out a napkin, leaned forward, and wiped the soup from the corner of his mouth for Erika.

"Next time, my uncle and his family are rushing back to China." The boy paused, "But I have a younger brother who is also in Japan, and we can have a meal with him another day."

He turned her down.

Just then the boy's cell phone vibrated again, and he lowered his head again.

Just as he bowed his head to type.

The girl put down the note, and she looked at the boy in front of her, her crimson pupils dimmed slightly, making her feel pitiful.

She turned her head slightly, and the bright light of the neon photos outside the window fell into her eyes, but her eyes were a little lost.


The screen turns again.

Under the bright lights of the shopping mall, a beautifully dressed girl is standing in front of the fitting mirror in high heels and circling, blooming her youthful vigor.

The girl who once put on high heels and toddled awkwardly like a duckling with the support of the shop assistant walked out of the aura of the runway at this moment.



Lu Mingfei closed his eyes.


Don't look at it.

"Brother, your girl has thought of you from the very beginning, what an enviable love."

When the screen slowly fell, Lu Mingze appeared next to him again, and whispered the last words——

"She knew from the beginning that your story would be a tragedy, but she still chose to fall in love with you."

Lu Mingfei's breathing stopped suddenly, his heart seemed to stop beating, his brain shut down, and the world was between black and white and color.

This girl really doesn't know what the real world is. She lives in the anime, which is a fictitious chaotic world, so her world view is also chaotic and absurd. The Celestial Organization and A-Iaws are at war. There is a village called "Konoha" in this place...

But it is precisely because of this that she will accept [Future Foretelling] more than anyone else.

Maybe for the first time she will feel that she is special, something extremely special to this world.

She used to feel that the world didn't like her, but suddenly she realized that she might not be the world's savior, just like the protagonist in every animation.

She will feel that she should do something.

The protagonist in the animation foresees the future tragedy and tries his best to find a way to happy ending in infinite badending.


She knew from the beginning that you would come.

She knows that a guy who calls himself Sakura will suddenly break into her life one day.

She also knew that the boy named Sakura would take her to many, many places, taste many, many foods, and pass by many, many scenery.

For this reason, she packed all her belongings early, and waited obediently in the wooden house in the deepest part of Genji Heavy Industries, waiting for the boy to abduct herself from the sky.

But one day she suddenly couldn't wait.

She can't wait to meet you, get to see the outside world, and run away from the family in a torrential rain.

She knows that she will meet your family in the hotel. She feels that she did not do well last time, and she has carefully prepared for this for a long time, so when she knows that there is no family dinner, she seems a little disappointed, but what she doesn't know is that no matter what you do No matter how good she is, it is impossible for that woman called aunt to accept her.

She also knows that you will take her to the cliff facing the sea.

You are slowly approaching and embracing each other under the huge sunset, but you are not in love.

So she looked at you with her head tilted on that cliff, waiting for you to say the most beautiful love words in the world.

She also knows that you will meet again under the huge crabapple tree that does not exist in Korea when you part.

The day when the crabapple flowers bloom is the time when you meet again.

The reunion is so beautiful that the days of waiting are full of hope, and the black and white world is rendered with a slightly smoky twilight.

Because she knew that you would meet, she never said "the world doesn't like me" in front of you this time.

She remembers your every word. It doesn't matter whether the world likes her or not. As long as you like her, she will win the whole world.


She knows your story will be tragic.

But she still chose to fall in love with you.



Black clouds spread across Tokyo's sky like a flat tide.

It was almost time for sunrise, but heavy rain clouds blocked the brilliance of sunrise.

The little face lying on Lu Mingfei's shoulder suddenly moved, she raised her head in a daze, and asked in a low voice if she wasn't home yet?It's so dark.

at this time.

A ray of sunlight breaking through a heavy rain cloud fell on her face.

The sunlight shone on the yellow glass of the old-fashioned buildings around this ramp, reflecting warm light, and every particle of dust in the air was golden.

The whole world became bright and warm in an instant.

The world is warm.

"Sakura is the best."

The half-dream and half-awake girl seemed to have dreamed of something, and whispered softly on the boy's shoulder.

And standing on this slope, the boy who greeted the sunrise had already burst into tears.

He thought of the postcard again—

"On April 04, go to the Tokyo Sky Tree with Sakura, the warmest place in the world is on the top of the Sky Tree."

"On 04, I went to Meiji Jingu Shrine with Sakura, where a wedding was held."

"On 04, I went to Disney with Sakura. The haunted house is scary, but with Sakura here, it's not scary."

"Sakura is the best."


Still heartbroken.

 My birthday code is until two o'clock in the morning, I'm so hardworking.

(End of this chapter)

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