Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 207 The 7-year Changes of the Cowherd World in Tokyo is 0

Chapter 207 The 70-year Changes in the Tokyo Cowherd World Are Zero

"Hunter site?"

In the office, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly turned his head, his expression filled with shock and anger, "Someone openly posted the news of the awakening of 'God' on the hunter website? Who is it!"

It was one o'clock in the afternoon. Yuan Zhisheng slept from morning to noon. Not long after he woke up, the crow brought him amazing bad news. The news of the "god"'s awakening was publicly published on the hunter website. Sheqi The secret that the eight families had guarded for many years was almost made public at once.

"The person who posted is the administrator of the Hunter website, and his id is Nido." Crow replied quickly.

Since the news of the King of the Earth and the Mountain was publicly disclosed on this website, the Snake Bajia has also been monitoring this website, but no one thought that the awakening of the "God" would also be exposed on this website.

"Nido?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned, "Bird's Nest?"

"The reverse of this word is Odin, Odin, Odin, the king of gods in Norse mythology." Sakura said suddenly.

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a while. The Nordic mythology is recognized in the field of mixed races as the closest to the history of the dragon race. Under this premise, the person behind the scene actually named himself the king of the gods?
"Could it be someone from the school?"

"The possibility is very small. The secret party has always been a staunch secrecy faction. Over the years, Kassel's executive department has traveled all over the world, trying its best to suppress the leakage of the dragon's secrets."

"Principal Angers is still at Dongdae?"


"...Sakura, help me contact Patriarch Inuyama and ask him to invite Principal Angers to have a gathering tonight on my behalf."

"Boss, are you going to consider Patriarch Inuyama's proposal and join forces with the Secret Party?" Crow asked in surprise.

"I'll wait until I finish meeting with Principal Angers." Yuan Zhisheng turned around and stood in front of the huge French window.

Outside the window, Tokyo ushered in a long-lost sunny day. The wind was sunny and sunny, but Yuan Zhisheng felt an unspeakable sense of depression.

"Crow, inform Patriarch Fumo to lead a team to focus on monitoring the foreigners at the nearest airport. Once a mixed race is discovered, it must be included in Kaguya Ji's monitoring network."

"Roger that!"

"Yasha, how is the arrest of the remaining party of the ghosts?"

"Most of them were caught by us, and the remaining small fish and shrimps are nothing to be afraid of." Yasha said carelessly.

"Don't be careless! Their lives are far more than what we collected, you have to dig out their hiding places with all your strength!" Yuan Zhisheng said in a deep voice, "Where did you detain the people you caught?"

"They were all sedated and temporarily detained in an underground warehouse of the family."

"Take me there, I want to meet them." Yuan Zhisheng said slowly.

"Boss, do you want to meet those ghosts?" Yasha asked in astonishment.

"It's not a ghost, they are also our clansmen." Yuan Zhisheng glanced at him, "Don't you understand? The secret that the family has kept for countless years has been leaked out, and now the mixed races all over the world are staring at Japan , now we not only have to face the awakening of the 'God', but also guard against the mixed-race forces in the rear, the survival of the family is at stake!"

"Boss...is it so serious?" Crow's complexion was slightly pale.

"I also hope it's not so serious." Yuan Zhisheng said softly, "Ever since I heard Patriarch Inuyama's words, I've been hesitant to cooperate with the secret party. Do you know why? The secret that the family has guarded for so many years has never been revealed. leak, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, as long as it is a secret, it will be leaked one day."

"You mean that day has come?" Crow whispered.

"No..." Yuan Zhisheng looked at the bustling city outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and said with a wry smile, "It happened more than ten years ago! The sinking of the Lenin was not accidental, but someone did it deliberately, someone as early as ten years ago I started planning God's awakening before! If this is a drama, then this drama has undoubtedly reached the critical point of the climax of the whole drama!"

"And the most terrifying thing is that we still don't know who the enemy we are facing is!"

The room was silent.

The crow took a deep breath, hesitated for a while, and said: "Boss, I don't know if you have noticed something."


"The Hellmen have been around for a long time, but the group really rose to prominence about ten years ago."

Yuan Zhisheng turned around slowly: "Are you trying to say that the behind-the-scenes mastermind of the Lenin is very likely to come from the ghosts?"

"Boss, as you said, this secret family has been guarding for so many years and has never been leaked. Why did it suddenly leak? The biggest possibility is that there is an inner ghost, and the fierce ghosts themselves are the dark side of the family. Everyone is a family in blood. .”

"I can't rule out this possibility." Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a while, "Wang Jiang is indeed the most suspicious person, but the current situation is treacherous and storms are coming, we must be more cautious. Ying, there is no news about Caesar and Chu Zihang, right? ?”


"Don't you think it's incredible? They don't understand Japanese and have no place to stay, but they disappeared quietly on the border between Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture. Not only we can't find them, but Kassel College can't find them either .We always thought that Japan was our turf, but now we can't even find two people. Let alone Lu Mingfei and Erika."

Yuan Zhisheng said in a low voice,

"It can only be said that there is still a mysterious force protecting them, and we don't even know who they are now. Everyone, I can't help but feel worried. I can't see where the future of the family is, but I vaguely know, Relying on our strength alone, I am afraid that it is no longer possible to protect Tokyo and this country. We cannot treat the safety of countless people as nothing for the sake of family pride."

"Understood!" Sakura responded with a bow, turned around and strode out of the office.

"Boss, I'll make arrangements to pick you up in the underground warehouse in 10 minutes." Yasha turned and left.

The crow was about to turn around and leave, but was suddenly stopped by Yuan Zhisheng.

"Is there any news about the Gattuso family?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

"Fujiwara Nobunosuke?" Crow scratched his head, "Not yet. Boss, why are you so obsessed with this person? Did you have any grudges before?"

Yuan Zhisheng was speechless, he could not tell the crow that you will die at the hands of this man named Fujiwara Shinnosuke in the future.

He had three dreams respectively, and the dream was the last moment of the lives of the three people.

In order to protect him, Sakura alone attracted the group of corpse guards, and finally jumped from the top of Tokyo Tower, and really withered like a cherry blossom in this season.

Yasha died in Genji Heavy Industries. The ghosts had more than just people on the family intelligence network. They also had many hidden personnel. They raided their base camp one night, trying to seize the control of Kaguya Ji, and Yasha was in Kaguya. A bomb detonated in Ye Ji's computer room, blowing herself and a dozen gunmen from the Ghost Squad to pieces.

Finally, there are crows.

Yuan Zhisheng did not see all the future clearly.

In the limited screen he saw, the crow replaced him as the head of the Japanese executive branch,

It was also in this dream that Yuan Zhisheng knew the crow's real name for the first time - Saeki Ryuji.

When the talents of the Eight Snake Family were withering, Crow, who was born on the street but served the former head of the family, was promoted to the position of acting director of the Japanese Executive Bureau. Naturally, he could no longer be called "Crow" when he sat in this position. .

"Crow, your real name is quite prestigious."

Suddenly hearing the boss boast about his original name, which he almost forgot, Crow was stunned. Did the topic change so suddenly?I really don't know what the boss is thinking.

But Yuan Zhisheng didn't want to talk any more, he waved his hand and drove this guy away from the office.

He still can't forget the beautiful image of Sakura jumping down from the Tokyo Tower with the wind, and he can't forget the "boss will be your brother again in the next life" that Yasha yelled when he detonated the bomb, and he can't forget the scene before the crow died .

Yuan Zhisheng turned his head slowly, looking at the corner of the office's floor-to-ceiling windows.

In a trance, the dream transcended reality and fell in front of his eyes.

In this office overlooking the entire Shibuya district, the crow sat slumped in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, slowly smoking a soft seven stars, the movement was very slow, even the movement of exhaling the smoke was so greedy, as if trying to Stretching the last minute of life.

And outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is the bustling commercial street in Shibuya District. Girls with deliberately blackened skin walked through the streets in short skirts and thick platform shoes. The Asahi News was broadcast on the huge screen. The crowd is surging, like a piece of flowing music.

The man who guarded the city with his life and upheld the righteousness of the family just died in the early morning of this day.

His name is Saeki Ryuji.

He inherited the young master's righteousness, even inherited some of the young master's habits, survived with difficulty and tenaciously, and guarded the city where the young master, Sakura and Yasha would never be seen again.

He was the last of the foursome.

But as long as he is still alive, the group of four will not completely disappear from this world.

Yuan Zhisheng never thought that the crow who was always making jokes by his side could become such a cool man.

Before that, what he thought was to leave the city alone, and before leaving, he would leave some property for the three of them, hand over the property to Sakura, and give Crow Yasha some living expenses every month, so that these two bastards could survive.

But he was wrong.

According to the original trajectory of fate, they have no chance.

Yasha could no longer stand side by side with the crow secretly in the corner to peep at Sakura and the young master.

He also has no chance to invite Sakura to go to the beach in France to sell sunscreen with him.

At that time, they didn't even have time to repent, and the irreversible farewell had already come.

Standing alone in front of the window, overlooking the city below, the young mafia master suddenly exuded a determination to go on despite thousands of people.

He finally made up his mind.

He has to make some changes.

In the third dream, apart from the death of the crow that surprised him the most, another person also entered his field of vision—

Lu Mingfei.

Crow's last phone call before his death was to Lu Mingfei!
Although the death of the crow was caused by Shinnosuke Fujiwara, it was also inseparable from Lu Mingfei!

Because the former was arranging an escape route for Lu Mingfei until his death.

Before this... what happened?
What kind of friendship is it that makes the crow help Lu Mingfei even if he sacrifices his life?

He is still not sure whether these three dreams are just dreams, or a real, almost predictable future.

And all this will be finally confirmed by the man named Fujiwara Shinnosuke.

He has never met Fujiwara Shinnosuke, but if this man is really like a dream, it can only mean that what he had was not a dream, but that he really saw the future.

Yuan Zhisheng slowly lit a cigarette.

in case……

only if...

If this is really not a dream, then in the trajectory of fate that should have happened, he should have died the same as Sakura and Yasha.

Lu Mingfei and others established a deep friendship with the family during this period, and it was because of this friendship that the crow helped him so much.

Is this friendship... related to Erika?

How did Lu Mingfei abduct Erika and gain her trust?
This is an unexplainable problem so far, Erika has never been close to anyone other than him, even Tachibana Masamune is no exception.

But the trust she showed in Lu Mingfei was simply incomprehensible.

No...is it really incomprehensible?
An astonishingly unreasonable conjecture emerged in Yuan Zhisheng's mind.

What if... he wasn't the only "special person"?

This assumption is very reasonable, Yuan Zhisheng has never been pretentious, but the question is, who is driving all this?
It is impossible for them to see the future for no reason. Someone must be behind the scenes to promote it. What is the purpose of the people behind the scenes?
Yuan Zhisheng suddenly shivered.

The people who wield this power... are they really human?


"Ahe, treat me to dinner?" Anger enjoyed the afternoon tea, raised his eyebrows and said casually to the other end of the phone, "Okay, but this time I'm here to invite you, the place is in the back street of Dongda University, there is a house here Ramen restaurant, Ahe, you haven’t tasted that guy’s handicraft for a long time, right? Then it’s settled, see you at ten o’clock tonight.”

He put down his phone, cleared his throat, and said to the people in front of him, "I'm treating you tonight..."

The vice-principal gave him a blank stare and said, "Okay, but you have to buy a few abalones first. Someone excused us from not preparing the ingredients the night before. This time we will prepare our own ingredients."

"Okay, I'll let someone arrange it." Ange nodded readily, "By the way, has EVA found Caesar and Chu Zihang?"

"Hey hey..." The vice principal suddenly smiled very strangely. He turned on the phone, called up the photo album, and placed it in front of Angers, "Look at your good students!"

The photo shows a scene of extravagant singing and dancing. Topless Chu Zihang sits expressionlessly among a group of women, with golden highlights on his hair. Caesar is wearing a bright purple tight suit and a leopard print shirt. Three buttons were opened, and the pectoral groove was completely exposed, with a silver necklace, a silver skull pendant, rhinestone earrings and a rhinestone ring. In addition, he actually put on makeup, and his permed blond hair hung down to cover one eye and the other The eyes are drawn with blue-purple eyeliner, the rose-colored lips are moist, and they are dotted with shiny gold leaf...

Even put on lipstick!
Angers fell silent for a moment.

He stared at the photos on his phone and pondered for a long time, his eyes were full of sorrow and anger, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore, he slammed the table angrily, and said angrily:
"Damn it! I haven't been to Tokyo for almost 70 years. The cowherds in Tokyo still wear such low-grade clothes. That's fine. After all, the Japanese have always had a crooked aesthetic. But my students can only go along with it." , Going up and down with the custom, it's really embarrassing to me! Don't they think of starting a revolution for the cowherd world that has not changed in Tokyo for 70 years!"

The vice principal was dumbfounded.

His Excellency the bishop praised sincerely: "Sure enough, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

(End of this chapter)

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