Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 218 Freshly Released

Chapter 218 Freshly Released
Tachibana Masamune looked cloudy and uncertain, this was really an exciting speech.

But this still didn't convince him. He spent nearly his whole life in the barren Arctic Circle just to study the great creature "dragon".He spent more than 20 years to implement the plan left by Bondarev, and worked hard to hide his desire, just to inherit the legacy of King Bai.

Now he is very close to success, and he is about to become a unique great existence in the world. His plan is the most perfect!
Of course he knew that the White King's will would wake up. The holy skeleton is the parasite left by the White King. Although the things parasitized by it can evolve into dragons, their consciousness is also deprived. .

How could King Bai help humans?It is the supreme dragon king, and human beings are as humble as dust in its eyes.

If you want to retain your own consciousness and evolve into a dragon, you can't let it parasitize yourself. You need to use another container to parasitize the holy remains, and then exchange blood with the pregnant White King.Wang's fetal blood has the strongest activity and the weakest toxicity, it is a panacea.

This has been confirmed by the hero Siegfried.

According to the research of Snake Bajia, what Siegfried killed was not an adult dragon, but an unhatched dragon embryo. He made up himself with fetal blood and evolved into a high-level hybrid.

For this reason, he had already prepared a container for himself.

Speaking of which, this method has actually been used in human history, and it is almost the same as the smallpox back then.

In this regard, Bondarev's genius is beyond his own.

"Doctor, your genius has left a deep impression on me, but your stupidity left over from humans has also disappointed me." The voice on the other end of the phone sounded faintly again, "Then let me give you another surprise."

"Do you really think Bondarev is dead?"

"And where do you think Bondarev got this information?"

"Whether it is the secret of the White King or the king's fetal blood, ordinary people can't know it. The former has been protected by the Eight Snake Qi Families, and even the most powerful secret party among the mixed races does not know the news. Bang Dalie Where did the husband know about it? Let alone the latter."

"Those who know the lost history, besides the inheritors, also have witnesses!"

"Doctor, Bondarev is waiting for you to test the feasibility of this plan for him."

This time, Tachibana Masamune suddenly changed color.



"I have already figured out the question about Herzog, but there is still a doubt..."

Lu Mingfei was sitting in the bathtub talking on the phone with his younger brother, while Erika fell asleep in the room holding a big doll pillow.

"In all of Herzog's plans, there is another important figure, Bondarev Romanov."

"Early Herzog conducted a large number of biological experiments and human experiments to observe the activity of dragon blood. He accidentally found the half-dead body of the ancient dragon and collected a group of mixed-race children, but his ambition was still there. This kind of madman is not uncommon in history to stop at the step of using dragon blood to create super soldiers. Until he learned the secret of the White King's Sacred Relic."

"He knew the secret of the White King through Bondarev who visited Black Swan Harbor. Bondarev's understanding of dragons is far deeper than him, but where did Bondarev learn this knowledge? "

"The secret of the White King has been kept by the Sheqi Bajia. If the Sheqi Bajia didn't leak it, how did the secret get out?"

Lu Mingfei chewed on the energy bar, confused.

"It's very simple. Maybe it's not just the Snake Ba Family that inherits this history, or... the witnesses who have witnessed this history with their own eyes."

"Which one do you think it is?"

"Brother, you are a hacker who came back from a stroll in the future, shouldn't you figure out everything, why do you call me in the middle of the night to talk about this kind of thing." Lu Mingze's brisk and curious voice came from the other end of the phone .

Lu Mingfei was at a loss for words immediately, and still said in a vague tone: "Well, there will be a little indulgence in the future, and by the time I do my best to turn the tide, the overall situation will almost be settled."

"Oh!" Lu Mingze suddenly realized, "It means that when you go online, brother, the plot has come to an end, and brother, you will take the head?"

Lu Mingfei said seriously: "How can it be called head-grabbing? This is called righteous killing!"

"Bondarev Romanov, I met when I was trapped in the black swan, he is a good actor, so good that he surpasses Herzog."

Lu Mingze smiled softly,

"I haven't investigated his true identity yet, but I can tell when I think about it. A guy who holds such secrets must not be rootless. He is likely to come from a force with a long history, so long that even Know the secret of the White King. Then why did he deliberately find Herzog?"

Hearing this, Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes and said, "Because of the emperor's blood?"

"Yes, the blood of the White King is actually the food prepared by the White King for himself, and the most powerful Huang is the carrier prepared by the White King. Of course, this refers to the ancient emperor. Now, only It is not enough to be the emperor's blood, it must be a ghost that surpasses the emperor's blood."

"Generally speaking, hybrids will degenerate into deadpools when they exceed the critical blood limit. In theory, they can eventually reach the limit of 90.00% nine, and they are only one step away from transforming into pure-blooded dragons. But in reality, limited by Their bloodlines are flawed, they cannot reach the theoretical limit, unless they devour the flesh and blood of other hybrids, or the serum and flesh of dragons, they can only reach this point.”

"The so-called bloodthirsty of the Dragon Clan itself is because the Dragon Clan can strengthen their bloodline by devouring the blood of the same kind."

"Among them, Huang Special is able to exceed the critical blood limit and still maintain his own consciousness."

"But Huang is still not pure blood."

"The original emperor may be comparable to pure blood, but with the inheritance from generation to generation, the emperor's blood has long been no longer clear, and the generation of Yuan Zhisheng is still a product of genetic engineering. They are not as good as normal emperors. Not to mention compared to the ancient emperor."

"Those who are qualified to be the host of the White King must be close to the ancient emperor. If the emperor fails, then rely on ghosts. If the owner of the emperor's blood loses control and turns into a ghost... this is a genuine pure blood."

Lu Mingfei raised his eyelids slightly and said, "You mean that Erika can be compared to pure blood?"

"In terms of 'power', she is already comparable to the next generation, and even higher. She can even release the speech spirit of the [judgment] level at will, and your senior brother can't even release Jun Yan a few times before collapsing. "Lu Mingze shrugged, "The only thing she has to pay is her vitality, and her body is always eroded by dragon blood. It is simply a female saint who burns her life and fights."

Lu Mingfei looked sideways at the dark night sky outside the window, the sky tree was still dim tonight.

"So how did Bondarev know that Herzog had royal blood in his hand?"

"It's very simple, because from the very beginning, all of this was a trap, and Herzog was targeted from the beginning."

Lu Mingze lowered his voice, with uncontrollable laughter, "From the discovery of the ancient dragon corpse to the establishment of the entire research institute, all of this is within the plan of the forces represented by Bondarev. .”

Lu Mingfei frowned and said, "Is everything in plan?"


"Including Bondarev trying to kill Herzog?"

"I'm not sure about this. I haven't completely penetrated into the enemy's interior, so I can't know such details well. But I have two guesses."

"tell me the story."

"Herzog made two mistakes. The first was not so much a mistake as an accident, which always happened at the most inopportune time. Among the first batch of mixed-race children he collected, one Children are taboo existences..."

"I know you're talking about yourself." Lu Mingfei couldn't help covering his face, "But when did you become so mean?"

"Oh! I helped Xiao Yingzi revise the novel recently, and I was a little dazed." Lu Mingze on the other end of the phone scratched his head and said, "I'm not sure if Bondarev's side noticed me, but If Bondarev is standing behind the Council of Elders, then it makes sense, just like Li Wuyue treated the black king's blood obtained by the secret party, they know that fate cannot be violated, and they will be very happy See my return."

"It's really ashamed to say that we were the ones who first instilled in them the idea that fate cannot be violated, but you and I both sneered at fate."

Lu Mingze sighed hypocritically.

"No, I still believe in fate, I just don't believe in the fate that others decide for me." Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows and said, "The concept I instilled in them was not that fate cannot be violated, but that my will cannot be violated."

"Yes, yes, brother, you are the incarnation of fate, the implementer of the world's will, and the only throne to rule the world." The little devil patted his brother's butt courteously.

Lu Mingfei was stunned and said, "Why does it sound like a second grade?"

"Men are in the second grade until they die!" Lu Mingze sighed, "Recently I helped Xiao Yingzi read the manuscript, and I also got into the second grade after reading it. Speaking of which, the script of Guilty Crown has already started, in order to show my respect to my sister-in-law , I also specially wrote a song as the ending song, the name is "Forget Me Not", brother, what do you think?"

"You can also write songs?" Lu Mingfei asked in surprise, "I thought you were already outrageous by posting on Weibo."

"Hey, look at what you said! I don't know, I can spend money! Anyway, it's just me who signed it."

"What a capitalist."

"A capitalist is better than a tyrant, right?"

"Stop, stop, stop, bring the topic back to me, no matter how much you talk about it, it will get far away!"

"Oh, brother, you may not know that Herzog has almost completed his experiment more than [-] years ago. The experiment that the Presbyterian Church tried for thousands of years to achieve was only a few decades in his hands. He is indeed a Genius, and this experiment is to embed dragon genes into human genes to create hybrids." Lu Mingze said softly.

"This may be the reason why the elders decided to kill him. Or the act of 'killing him' itself is part of gaining Herzog's trust. Our dear doctor is a very suspicious man."

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment and asked, "Who is that ancient dragon in Swan Harbor?"

"Oh! Speaking of that ancient dragon, I forgot to tell you something."


"The egg of the Dragon King who was sunk into Gao Tianyuan as a sacrifice seems to have been taken away by your brother."

"...huh?" Lu Mingfei sat up suddenly, "If I remember correctly, the dragon king that sank into Gaotianyuan eroded the entire Lenin in its egg. How did my brother suppress it?"

"Sword scabbard and scabbard." Lu Mingze said casually, "Your senior brother has an artifact in hand, so why worry about a small egg. Speaking of which, this egg is the existence of 'power' in the ocean and water. the ancient dragon."

"Ocean and water?" Lu Mingfei asked in a strange tone, "Isn't that your pet?"

"There is something I want to tell you. Bronze and Fire are not the first Four Great Monarchs to wake up. Ocean and Water are. They were forced to wake up more than 100 years ago. The people who awakened them have malicious intentions. Take their eggs to wake up King Bai, the brother and sister are the most vigorous of the four monarchs, but obviously they failed, Tushou managed to escape, and Xiaoniaoyou was seriously injured in order to cover the former, and finally fled to Swan Harbor, but it was found in the end, and that's how it all started."

"...I still can't look straight at the names you've given them."

"Isn't it nice? In memory of the brothers and sisters, I specially adopted a pair of Siamese cats to remind me that I haven't forgotten them." Lu Mingze spoke eloquently.

"Recently, I feel... Tokyo seems to have a few more familiar breaths." Lu Mingfei looked out the window and murmured.

The heavy rain reduced visibility, but in his eyes, the city was still as clear as palm prints.

Word Spirit [Blood Line Knot Luo], this is a harmless word spirit, the only effect is that it is very sensitive to any bloodline reaction, and can find targets with high bloodline concentration from a huge crowd.

Originally, this spell was useless. There were not many others in Japan, except that there were many A-level hybrids. Hundreds of thousands of A-levels were scattered all over the place, and Genji Heavy Industries gathered the most.

In this land of Japan, any dead waiter who appears casually is A-level, and only the force of the Snaki Bajia can suppress this land and ensure that the secrets are not leaked out.

The secret party's monitoring scope covers the whole world, but the total number of A-level emergencies in the whole world in a year is not as much as that of the Eight Snakes in a quarter.

"It is true that some acquaintances have come, and your junior sister and the others have also arrived."

"Junior Sister is here too?" Lu Mingfei said in shock, "Shouldn't it be later? When she comes at this time, can't she only find her senior brother at the Cowherd's shop?"

"Well, don't you know what kind of temperament your junior sister is?" Lu Mingze said, "It's her nature to escape, the more you make her come later, the more she will suspect that you are doing shady things behind her back , of course she will come to catch the rape in advance."

"Oh, my poor brother—"

"Brother, I don't hear sympathy in your damn dramatic voice, I only hear full gloating."

"How could it be? I'm full of grief right now. Let people keep an eye on you. Whenever junior sister finds Gao Tianyuan, you can notify me. I just want to visit the shopkeeper too." Lu Mingfei said seriously.

"Alright! By the way, when are you going back to Heishi's mansion?"

"Come on, you can prepare for the ceremony."

"But what if Norton is disobedient?"

"Then kill again, until my old Tang returns."

"Hohohoho, it's really cruel, but this is my brother!"

"Norton is a criminal, and all criminals deserve to die. Old Tang is my friend. I have very few friends, so usually I will forgive them when they do something wrong. He should learn to make wise choices, not like the old Same."

 Hey... Let me adapt to the recent jet lag. Before, I couldn't bear to go to bed at one or two o'clock, so I decided to restore the previous jet lag, go to bed early, get up early, and write early. As a result, I slept a little bit in the past two days, 9 I woke up at 6 o'clock when I went to sleep. After coding for an hour, I went to work. Then I coded at noon. I just touched the fish again, fresh from the oven...

(End of this chapter)

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