Chapter 23 Odin!

The Panamera cuts through the rain and speeds down the airport highway.

"The task has been confirmed." Chu Zihang operated the steering wheel with one hand, and handed over a tablet, "You can sign electronically on it."

Lu Mingfei muttered about the task report that the senior brother had completed, and they clearly never left or left along the way!

Could it be that the senior brother's report has already been completed before the mission officially started?
Lu Mingfei casually drew a talisman on the signature column, and returned it.

"Brother, I just asked Aunt Tong, I heard that I was the first classmate to go to your house?"

"Hmm..." Chu Zihang replied in a muffled voice.

"It's so embarrassing!" The younger brother smiled happily.


"Brother, you have never invited your classmates to your house before, has anyone invited you to their house to play?"

Chu Zihang frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Yes, but most of them I refused."

"Why did you refuse? Oh, you pretend that I didn't ask, and change the question, who invited you?" Lu Mingfei said with great interest.

"Several teammates in the basketball club invited me to a birthday party, but I declined because of something. Girls in the same class and the class next door invited me to their 16th birthday party, but I don't like lively occasions very much, so I also declined. , There are also some junior girls in the lower grades..."

Lu Mingfei raised his hand to stop his brother from recalling, with a sad face.

"Brother, I was wrong, I shouldn't have asked, you are the classic 'poor monk and noble son'!"

"Poor monk and noble son?"

"It's the kind of handsome guy in animation or movies who can instantly kill a legion of girls with just one look, but he's as unfeminine as a monk. It makes people think that a good face looks like a tyrant on him. God really doesn't like it. Open your eyes!"

Lu Mingfei sighed.

"Yes, I understand." Chu Zihang nodded.

"Brother, do you have any classmates who grew up together?" Lu Mingfei suddenly asked again, and at the end he did not forget to emphasize, "Girl!"

"No." Chu Zihang replied without thinking about it this time.

"Really? Brother, think about it again! For example, the cheerleader, the head of the dance troupe, etc.?" Lu Mingfei's unwillingness to give up seemed like he wanted to seek gossip but found nothing in the end, full of resignation.

Chu Zihang thought for a while and said, "I didn't know you at that time. If we had known each other earlier, maybe I could have taken care of you from your junior high school until now."

Lu Mingfei stared dumbfounded at his brother saying this casually, and couldn't help but make a small contribution to global warming.

He gasped.

These words are more than a sign of his boyfriend's power, once the girls from the former Shilan Middle School hear him, Lu Mingfei will probably be promoted to the top of the "Big Brother" list since junior high school!

And it has definitely been reelected until now, there is no evenly matched generation!

Having said that, if I have known my brother since junior high...

Even if it was me in the previous life, I am afraid that I will go to another path, right?

With the support of such a righteous and caring senior brother, the child who was not so weak before might embark on a path of self-confidence.

"Brother... what do you think true love looks like?"

"I don't know." Chu Zihang said expressionlessly.

Lu Mingfei raised his hand to his forehead, and sighed, "Then change the way, brother, have you ever thought about what kind of girl you will fall in love with?"

"No." Chu Zihang shook his head directly.

"The answer is so decisive?!"

"I've never thought about it that way, so I really haven't." Chu Zihang said lightly.

For a person like him who bears a blood feud, love is a luxury, so Chu Zihang has always deliberately kept a fixed distance from all girls, even his deputy Su Xi.

"So senior brother, you were never ready to fall in love with someone?" Lu Mingfei said quietly.

Chu Zihang suddenly froze.

This argument??????

", it's not that you haven't prepared for love, so it won't come! In addition to bamboo horses, there are also heavenly descendants in this world, senior brother, do you know heavenly descend? It's the kind that comes suddenly. By your side, and then in a very short period of time, it will intervene in your daily life, easily break through the barriers you built, and finally become an "angel" in your eyes, do you remember the angel I told you this afternoon?" Lu Ming Said non-suddenly excitedly.

"...An angel who gave you light?" Chu Zihang said silently.

"The angel can not only give you light and warmth, but she can also bow her head and kiss your lips." Lu Mingfei said softly.

Chu Zihang looked at his junior in silence.

He had a strange feeling, as if all the words of his junior were centered around a question, that is, was there a girl who grew up with him by his side.

Is it because he shares a dormitory with Finger, that's why his junior brother gossips like this?
But there is really no girl around me who grew up with me.

If there is such a girl, how can I forget it?

"Brother, brother, I have one last word for you." Lu Mingfei was so serious at the moment that Chu Zihang subconsciously became awed.

I saw the junior brother's expression was solemn and solemn, filled with a sacred and inviolable aura, he paused every word, as if he was sharing the biggest secret in the world with him.

"Bamboo Horse Heaven is incompatible, but if the two are combined, they will be invincible in the world. Remember, if you encounter such a situation in the future, you can just follow it, brother!"

Chu Zihang silently looked away, feeling sorry for the solemnity he showed just now.

"You have said so much, what exactly do you want to express to me?" He couldn't help asking.

"Give me a vaccination, senior brother, lest you will resist in the future!" Lu Mingfei lazily leaned on the back of the back again.


"Brother, actually..." Lu Mingfei thought for a while, and said with a serious face, "When I was young, I met a man who picked up trash, he asked me for ten yuan, and gave me a book of magical skills. After ten years of painstaking practice, I have finally achieved great success!"

Chu Zihang glanced at him, but said nothing.

"To be honest, the name of this cheat book is 'Love is Calculated'!"

Lu Mingfei's face was full of sincerity, as if he was saying, brother, you believe in me, you believe in me!

"This afternoon, I specially made a fortune for you, senior brother. Your love line will continue to rise in the next semester. In other words, senior brother, your destined peach blossom is coming!"

Chu Zihang glanced at him again, but said nothing.

"Brother, don't you believe me?!" Lu Mingfei said in shock.

Chu Zihang said expressionlessly: "Although I don't have much childhood, I still watched the Kung Fu movie."

"Ahem..." Lu Mingfei coughed loudly as if choking.

"Lu Mingfei, what kind of true love do you see?" Chu Zihang asked suddenly.

good question!
Brother, congratulations, you have learned to use my questions to fight back against me!

Lu Mingfei turned his face to look out the window, and said in silence for a long time: "Brother, this question is a bit too heavy, I need to think about it for a few days, and I will answer you when I think it over!"

"You don't like Chen Motong anymore?"

The brother's way of speaking is like a knife, always hitting the center of the topic with the shortest words, straight to the point, and with extreme force.

"Now I have full respect for my senior sister, and I have absolutely no dirty intentions to covet my senior sister's beauty!" Lu Mingfei solemnly assured, "I swear!"

Chu Zihang suddenly frowned.

Erbuxixi's younger brother still spoke in an impertinent tone.

Everyone in the school knew that Lu Mingfei, an S-level freshman, liked the girlfriend of his boss, Kaiser, but at this moment Chu Zihang could clearly feel that Lu Mingfei was not lying.

Under his seemingly serious mask is full of indecency, but his pupils are as clear as water, and there is no embarrassment and helplessness after being exposed to a little secret, but only calmness and indifference.


Probably empathy again.

"Brother, have you noticed that it's raining again?"

A sudden faint sound interrupted Chu Zihang's thoughts.

He frowned and looked out the car window, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The outside world is raining and raging.

this moment.

A sentence flashed through Chu Zihang's mind??????

Here they come!

After six years, they finally came to the door again!
Low-pitched laughter came from the stereo in the car. It was hard to tell whether it was electric noise or a CD. It was not pleasant, but grand and solemn, like an ancient bronze bell ringing!

The car door was knocked lightly.

Fear and wrath are overwhelming!
Chu Zihang's face was tense, and he gritted his teeth, as if he had poured cold water on the red-hot iron.

"Which kid stays up at night to play pranks?" The junior was stunned for a moment, then turned to look out the car window.

It???s just that the rain was too heavy, and the rainwater hit the front windshield and was swept away by the wipers. The windows had already been covered with water curtains, and I couldn???t see the scene outside. I could only vaguely see a black shadow. Roll down the car window to see which child is making a fuss.

"Sit back and don't move!" Chu Zihang shouted angrily.

He lowered his head and glanced at the speedometer, the speed was 120 kilometers per hour, just like that night, who can catch up with this rushing car and reach out to knock on the door?
Here they come!

"Senior brother..."

Chu Zihang was breathing heavily, and his voice was hoarse and hoarse. It seemed that if he didn't speak at this moment, he would never have another chance.

"No matter who you like, go to her, go after her, tell her you love her, don't wait for her to come to you, maybe she is waiting for you too! Not worthy of her, and then let go easily, handing her hand to another man! Don't even die!"

"You ask me what is the real like... There was once a man who said he could only drive, so he hoped that others would like him who could only drive. I think this is the real like, no matter what kind of person you are, Even if you are riding a tattered [-] bicycle, she will sit behind you with her arms around your waist, her hair fluttering in the wind, and her smile is like a flower..."

"You said you don't like Chen Motong anymore. I think it's good. You two are not a good match. Junior brother, you will find a better one. No... Maybe you have already found it. Senior brother blesses you in advance!"

"I heard everything you said in the toilet, but I'm sorry, I got to know you a little later. If I could do it all over again, I would really take care of you since junior high school. After all, in your eyes, senior brother is So righteous."

"Remember Junior Brother, you are the new S-rank, and you will stand on the final battlefield instead of me!"

The younger brother stared blankly at him as he finished all the above words in one go, as if his brain hadn't reacted yet.

Chu Zihang squeezed out a smile.

Six years ago, that man traded his life for his son's life on that elevated road that never ended. Today he will also use his life to protect the life of his junior brother.

The man said that when he died, the only thing left in this world would be himself, only he would live, and we would meet each other in the future, but he waited for six years, only to find out that he might really have died a long time ago ...

This man lied to himself to the end.

But I don't blame him anymore.

Because they are father and son, there is no overnight feud between father and son.

Chu Zihang took off his colored contact lenses with one hand, and threw them away casually, revealing a pair of golden pupils that were ferocious like ghosts, breathtaking.

"Junior brother, you should be able to drive, right? Listen to my signal later, as soon as I tell you to run, you drive straight away, don't stop and hesitate, let alone come to pick me up! Remember, listen to my signal!"

His voice was low and hoarse, and he slammed on the brakes!
White smoke rose from under the tires, and the wheels finally made a harsh noise due to the violent friction of the brake pads. The noise cut everything like a sharp knife!
He stopped the car, picked up the tennis bag behind him, pulled out the village rain, opened the car door and walked out.

The junior was sitting in the co-pilot seat, still looking at him expressionlessly.

"Junior brother... don't be sad for me, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, this is my war."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and smiled softly, his smile was ferocious, but there was a kind of joyful feeling of finally being relieved.

He stood in the torrential rain.

It's raining all over the sky.

Only he walks alone with a knife.

Countless black shadows rushed from all directions, their dead faces were almost the same, full of greed and thirst for flesh and blood and the living.

Chu Zihang closed the car door and walked forward, a high-pitched moan erupted from the depths of his throat, it was like a hymn from ancient times!
Yanling Junyan!
He completed the burst of blood in an instant, once, twice...even three times!

He pushed the explosive blood to the current extreme!
Tiny dragon scales drilled out from under the skin and spread all over his neck and face. The pain in his abdomen was temporarily suppressed by the secretion of adrenaline, and the golden pupils were as cold as ice.

The Junyan domain with a diameter of ten meters expanded, and the boundary just stopped in front of the front of the car.

A large amount of rainwater evaporated within ten meters, and the white water vapor rolled up, scalding the black shadow that was rushing continuously.

Chu Zihang heard the painful wailing of these monsters again.

But there was no sadness or joy in his heart.

The only thing left is to kill.

He pulled out the long knife, a layer of blazing flames surrounded the knife, and all the rainwater encountered evaporated into white mist in an instant.

He jumped up, and the blade cut through Deadpool silently. The thick and temperatureless blood evaporated under the high temperature, and the wailing sound was slower than his blade.

One, two, three...

Where the long knife passed, countless black figures were chopped down on the ground like melons and vegetables.

These black shadows can't stop his footsteps at all!
Six years ago, he was weak and weak, so he could only run away in embarrassment.

Today, six years later, he can crush them with absolute violence!

If he could go back to six years ago, this time he would not run away, he would fight side by side with that man, just like Professor Jones and his son driving a car and shooting a machine gun in the back.

Father and son are united, invincible in the world.

Under the heavy rain, where the blade passed, blood mist filled the air.

He looked angry like a diamond, and roared like a lion. He killed with all his heart and joy, as if he had vented the anger and regret accumulated in the past six years to the fullest!

Until the thunderous neighing of horses came.

The white light pierced through the rain curtain, and a horse as tall as a mountain stood in the white light!

It is covered with a heavy armor with metal patterns, and the white fur is flowing with spar-like brilliance. The eight majestic horse legs are like the brackets used by a wheeled crane to stabilize the body. The dark golden horseshoes are pressed against the ground, and the hard road surface Opened wound after wound by it, the horse's face was masked, and after each thunderous neigh, fine particles of electric light spewed from the metal nostrils on the mask.

He is here!
Chu Zihang stared at the figure on the horse.

He is still the same as before, wearing a heavy dark gold armor, rain sprinkled on it, the armor is covered with a layer of shimmer, holding a curved spear in his hand, the arc of the gun body is like the trajectory of a meteor across the sky, with On Iron Face's face, the only golden pupil illuminated the surroundings like a giant lamp.


Chu Zihang took a deep breath to get rid of the fear rising in his blood, leaving only killing intent and anger in his heart.

Golden flames flowed under the hooves of the horses, and the white steam turned into countless golden galloping horses galloping past, as if the gods were riding on the clouds.

The man on horseback didn't move forward, but His majesty slowly enveloped him, it was like a mountain was pushed in front of you.

This is Kamui!
Chu Zihang suddenly turned around and roared, "Run! Run!"

After all, he turned around and leaped high like the man in that rainy night, slashing down with a knife!

"I don't care if you are a god or a dragon, let us do the final reckoning!"

The voice of the man who had regretted it for six years was like thunder!

???If one of the senior brother and Ming Fei is a woman, how can there be other people? (dog head)

(End of this chapter)

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