Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 261 The Beginning of the Catastrophe

The ancient bronze temple after Akira Sakurai left.

Lu Mingfei sat on the steps and looked around slowly. It was empty, not to mention entertainment activities, and there was no one talking, only the magnificent murals carved on the walls.

He took out a stone from nowhere and aimed it at the wind chimes hanging in the air.

In an instant, it was as if a stone fell into the center of the lake, spreading layers of ripples, and all the wind chimes hanging on it were awakened from their long sleep, making ding-ding-dong-dong sounds.

They have been sleeping in this windless bronze temple for thousands of years, and they are awakened by someone today, swaying scramblingly.

The melodious and crisp sound of wind chimes just echoed in the majestic and magnificent bronze hall, lingering for a long time.

Lu Mingfei slowly lay down on his back, closed his eyes, and listened to the notes from the ancient times falling into his ears.

It's ridiculous.

Until now, he still imagined how the guys on the throne spent the past few thousand years.

Just staying here for a day, he felt like a year.

There is no wind here, and the wind chimes hanging in the air have been silent for thousands of years.

How on earth did this guy endure such long, dull, lifeless hours?
Lu Mingfei tried to imagine.

In those years, the majestic and immortal bronze temple stood in the gap of time, and the lonely man sat on the supreme throne. He couldn't see the neon lights shining under the night sky, and naturally he couldn't see the sky light of the four seasons, and couldn't feel the night wind. The softness of blowing on the face, no one would open their hands to hug him silently, even the only wind chime remained silent for a long time.

He will always be accompanied by this great hall that will not receive an echo.

It's really... lonely.



The giant machinery shook the sky in the Tama River area, and the birds circled in the sky, but they dared not land on the branches.

Within a radius of several kilometers, every tree branch was vibrating at the same frequency.

Yuan Zhisheng stood in the red water up to his knees, silently smoking a cigarette.

In front of him, the super excavator emits a high-frequency noise of 170 decibels. In this environment, construction workers must wear anti-noise headphones, otherwise the loud noise will destroy their eardrums.

The giant equipment shaped like a cannonball advances along the track, the huge super-tungsten carbide drill bit rotates at high speed, the hard rock strata collapses layer by layer in front of it, and the dense stone chips like a sandstorm fly in the tunnel.

"Sound wave detection, and finally confirm how far we are from Akagigawa." Shio Miyamoto on the front line ordered.

"About five meters!" The engineer in front shouted in return, "We are about to break through the last rock layer!"

Shio Miyamoto glanced at his watch, turned around and reported to Yuan Zhisheng.

"Let's get started, we don't have much time to waste, God is already waking up, we must kill her as soon as possible." Yuan Zhisheng said lightly.

"Obey!" Shio Miyamoto turned around and ordered loudly: "Start the final excavation!"

"Master, please confirm the guard work around the area." Shio Miyamoto bowed.

"Okay." Yuan Zhisheng turned around bluntly, and walked out of the tunnel.

He turned on the wired walkie-talkie. There is no wireless signal at all in the depth of this one-kilometer-long tunnel, and he can only communicate with the outside world through the wired walkie-talkie.

"Patriarch Ryoma, we are only five meters away from the Well of Skeletons. The last moment is here. Are you ready?" He connected to Genichiro Ryoma's channel.

"Everything is normal outside, this area is under our control, please rest assured!" Genichiro Ryoma's deep voice came from the intercom.

At present, there is only one simple road that can reach Hongjing. Genichiro Ryoma and 250 soldiers of the Air Self-Defense Force have controlled this road and set up strong roadblocks.

If someone tried to approach Red Well from the sky, the Air Self-Defense Force's Stinger anti-aircraft missiles would shoot him down.

In addition, there is a squadron of F-35 fighter jets at the Kisarazu base 2 kilometers away, which can provide fire support to Hongjing at any time, and the Camela radar monitors the entire area at all times.

If the demons tried to attack Hongjing, they could only try to break through the dense forest, and the ninjas of the Fuma family had been waiting in the depths of the dense forest for a long time.

Today's ninjas no longer completely rely on ninja swords and shurikens to fight. They are good at using high-tech traps and laser monitoring equipment. People began to cut their throats one by one.

The family almost put most of the main force on Hongjing's side, and those who went to Shinjuku were all mixed races drawn from major gangs. In addition, Kanto and Kansai were also used as cover on the way to Shinjuku.

This time the family is putting all their eggs in one basket. As long as they kill the gods, even if the demons win the battlefield in Shinjuku, they can turn around and regain the situation bit by bit.

"Miyamoto-kun! The results of the second sound wave detection have come out," the engineer's voice came from the headset, "The rock formation is still five meters thick from the Akakigawa River, but the noise data in the rock formation is very strange! Please come and have a look. !"

Shio Miyamoto frowned and came to the console, the data had already been transmitted to the screen.

Noisy data appears as a violently jittery line.This is obviously not caused by a slight earthquake, the amplitude is too uniform, it seems to be caused by some kind of artificial machinery.

Engineers intercepted another line of sound, compared it with the noise data, and found that the two lines basically matched.

"The sound wave curve of our roadheader is used for comparison." The engineer looked into Shio Miyamoto's eyes.

Shio Miyamoto understood immediately.

In addition to them, there is another super boring machine digging in the rock formation. No wonder there have been strange rock formation noises following them for several days.

There were originally two super tunnel boring machines in Japan!

The answer is obvious, the other excavator is in the hands of the ghosts, and they are doing the same thing as the Sheqi Bajia!

As long as the tunnel mouth of the Sheqi Bajia is blown up, the water of Chigui River and the gods in it will flow to the tunnel dug by the fierce ghosts.

They've apparently been preparing to capture the god in another subterranean space nearby.

What a perfect plan, Miyamoto Shihiro was shocked.

How complete is the information that General Wang has to dare to lay out such a plan? That man has considered almost all factors, and he knows the progress of the family's plan like the back of his hand!
Shio Miyamoto suddenly became alert. Could it be that there is a ghost in the family? !
He looked around in an instant, his eyes swept over the colleagues around him, and he felt that everyone was suspicious at this moment.

He quickly calmed himself down, and tried his best to capture every detail of the scene. They were at the last moment, and if the ghosts wanted to sabotage, now was the last chance.

He looked back towards the entrance of the tunnel, and found that the elders were already walking back. He felt at ease, as long as the elders were here, the plan of the ghosts would not succeed.

The moment he turned around, a cold light suddenly appeared in his mind, cutting towards his neck.

It was a fire-fighting tool, held in the hands of a staff member guarding the excavator. At the same moment, a sharp screwdriver pierced the back of Shio Miyamoto's assistant, and blood spurted out wantonly.

The killing was in full swing. Several people on the working platform had their heads broken by heavy hammers or their throats were locked by pliers. The engineering personnel were divided into two factions in an instant, one was the murderers and the other was the killed.

At a critical moment, the assistant who was pierced into the back of the heart by the screwdriver suddenly pushed Shio Miyamoto, pushing him away from the trajectory of the axe.

Shio Miyamoto didn't care about his image, and rolled three times on the ground before turning over. The assistant had already fallen to the ground, and the staff member holding the ax looked grim and rushed towards him!

Sure enough, there were also Wang Jiang's men and horses in the research room, but he knew it too late, and the backlash from the ghosts came.

"court death!"

The thunderous anger came, far exceeding everyone's expectations. The patriarch who was [-] meters away almost rushed into the battlefield in the blink of an eye. In a blink of an eye, the heads of the traitors flew up one by one, and blood splashed on the faces of the survivors.

Shio Miyamoto stood calmly on the spot. Seeing that the head of the family had ended the battle in a flash, he started to run towards the excavator.

The driver had been stabbed into the brain along the eyes with a screwdriver by a traitor just now, and now he is the only one left here who can drive this super excavator.

He shouted while running: "Master! The demons are afraid! They are afraid that we will open the well ahead of time! We are racing against the clock!"

Shio Miyamoto jumped onto the huge four-person-high device, threw himself on the console, and said without looking back, "Please lead everyone out of the tunnel!"

Yuan Zhisheng's face was shocked. Now that there are traitors, even the survivors cannot trust 100%. It is natural to keep people away from the excavator, but leading everyone out of the tunnel is not just for this reason!

"I will adjust the fuel valve and increase the power temporarily. Parents, please organize people to evacuate the tunnel as soon as possible!"

Shio Miyamoto's plan is very simple, at all costs to open the well of corpses in the shortest possible time, pour [-] tons of mercury into it, and detonate the thermite incendiary bomb.

But hastily opening the well of bones meant that he himself would not be able to evacuate in time!
This means that he will be washed into the red well by the water of Chigui River, and die with God!
"Everyone! I predict that the well of corpses will be opened in 6 minutes. You came here with the intention of dying, and we will naturally not be far behind! In this war, even if you want to die, you must wait until the end!"

Shio Miyamoto turned his head for the last time before boarding the cockpit, and paused every word, as if a fire was burning in his pupils.

Yuan Zhisheng's heart was hit hard, he stretched out his hand to keep the Patriarch Miyamoto, but suddenly found that he couldn't speak at all.

This is war. Someone dies every minute, every second. That person may be someone you have never met, or someone who is very important to you. Death is always so fair.

"Everyone evacuate!" Yuan Zhisheng turned around and roared.

When Yuan Zhisheng stood on the lifting platform, there was a thunderous roar from the red well beside him. He knew that the passage of mercury in the red well had been opened, and the silver mercury was hitting the wall of the well, shattering into countless pieces of silver. beads.

As the lifting platform rose, Yuan Zhisheng soon came to the top of the red well, which was a huge vertical well with a surface area of ​​about one square kilometer, enough to hold the water of an underground lake.

Five thousand tons of mercury is nothing compared to the capacity of an underground lake, but after mixing with the stagnant water at the bottom of the well, it forms a mercury soup that is fatal to dragons.

There was no one on the construction platform, and the engineers seemed to have fled.

Yuan Zhisheng took the walkie-talkie with a blank expression: "Patriarch Fengmo, tell your subordinates to take down any staff members who are fleeing outwards as soon as possible. Patriarch Longma, report the surrounding situation!"

"Report to everyone, there is no abnormality in the surrounding area, and the ghosts don't seem to have any plans to attack."

"The offensive has already begun, and there is an internal rebellion in Yanliu Research Institute." Yuan Zhisheng said coldly, "Tell your people to be careful around, and don't let go of any suspicious situations!"


Yuan Zhisheng put down the walkie-talkie and stood alone on the edge of the mouth of the well.

The mercury had been poured out, and the thermite incendiary bombs on the slings were lowered close to the surface.

6 minutes is fleeting.

There was an incredible loud sound in the tunnel, as if a dragon was roaring inside, and the hot and humid wind rushed out of the tunnel. Ten seconds later, the super boring machine weighing dozens of tons was pushed out by a torrent, hitting On the opposite wall of the well.

Shio Miyamoto succeeded!
He opened the well of skeletons, and the moment the vibration stopped, someone's cheers could be heard faintly in the tunnel.

When the last rock wall was broken and the overwhelming red water was about to engulf him, the man was raising his arms and shouting, celebrating the impending death of the god.

He was obviously a civil servant, but when he died, he looked like a madman.

The water of the Akaki River was foaming, and it rushed out of the tunnel, turning into a huge waterfall.

As they speculated, God transformed the ecological environment of Chiguichuan, turning the well of corpses that was originally used to imprison it into a womb that bred it, and various dragon subspecies acted as its guards.

There were silver-blue shimmers in the turbulent red water, which were tens of thousands of Pterodon vipers, and python-like shadows also flashed in the blood-red waterfall.

These dragon subspecies make all kinds of sounds, none of which belong to the world, as if they are opening the gates of hell.

Countless dragon subspecies fell into the silver water with the bloody waterfall. At that moment, there was a louder roar, which was angry and mournful.

Tens of thousands, millions of creatures struggled in the water mixed with mercury, but the surface of the water was 80 meters away from the mouth of the well. They could not fail to jump up, but they just hit the wall of the well in vain, struggling before dying.

This was a pure massacre, but Yuan Zhisheng did not soften his heart in the slightest, instead he was very grateful.

If these monsters are allowed to enter the human world, it will be a catastrophe.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at those snake-like dragon-like creatures writhing at the bottom of the well, mercury spots spread rapidly on their scales and white bellies, and they would die in extreme pain.

The manhole covers reinforced by steel and composite materials are slowly closing, which means that the final time is coming.

Yuan Zhisheng took a deep breath, but did not leave here.

Soon, there was a huge earthquake under his feet, as if thousands of mad dragons were rolling at the bottom of the well, almost collapsing the wall of the well, shaking violently like an earthquake.

This is the thermite incendiary bomb exploded.

When it exploded, it was like a volcanic eruption. Thousands of flames rushed from the bottom of the well to the sky, and swept across the air, shaped like flowers.

The temperature inside the red well instantly rose to 3000 degrees Celsius, which is half the surface temperature of the sun. At this high temperature, mercury not only vaporized but also plasmaized. Welling out, the explosion had completely destroyed the manhole cover.

Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Shio Miyamoto's calculations were correct. For the dragon subspecies, the mercury plus thermite incendiary bomb is a deadly poisonous gas, and all creatures that fall into the bottom of the well with the red water will die.

This vigorous poisoning lasted for more than an hour, until the movement at the bottom of the well gradually slowed down.

Yuan Zhisheng picked up the walkie-talkie again, and said in a hoarse voice: "The final finishing work."

When the image of the bottom of the red well appeared in front of him, countless corpses covered with mercury spots piled up in front of him.

Biological experts from the Rock Flow Research Institute have repeatedly checked the bones and determined that there are no survivors.

These creatures are beyond the imagination of any painter. The characteristics of reptiles, mammals and fish will appear on the same individual. There are large blind eels with a body length of more than two meters, but they have evolved to be as strong as a liger. Some creatures are shaped like giant pythons, but their spines are split and they grow multiple heads. Everything is just like what Masamune Tachibana said about the cave in Swan Harbor that was closed many years ago. Organisms mutate collectively, showing chaotic evolution.

But biologists failed to discern the gods from the dead creatures.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't have time to think about the role of dragon's blood in the evolution of creatures. He was trying to search for the embryo of a god.

But in the end they couldn't find anything.

Yuan Zhisheng slammed his fist hard on the console, and everyone fell silent.

His complexion was ugly, he didn't find the embryo that was suspected to be a god, so naturally he couldn't confirm that the god was dead.

"Everyone! We have been notified by the Meteorological Bureau that the current atmospheric and geological conditions are completely out of control. Some kind of force is causing stress in the formation. The earth's crust has sunk by more than half a meter in the past hour, and another hundred meters. A level tsunami is approaching Tokyo, and it is estimated that within the next hour, one-third of Tokyo will be submerged!"

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