The heavy rain was shredded by the rotor of the helicopter, and Uesugi looked more and more at the city below.

The black water still submerged nearly half of Tokyo, and Tokyo Bay no longer exists.

The tide advances from south to north, and the Ota, Meguro, Minato and Hirakawa districts have completely turned into the sea, and the coastline advances to the Shibuya district. The tide beats against the glass curtain walls of the skyscrapers, and the lonely Meiji priest stands in the On the protruding rock, the light rail of the urban railway that was originally above the ground is now level with the sea. The train stops on the light rail, as if being supported by sea water.

The Tokyo in Nocturne is reminiscent of a giant whale stranded on the beach, weeping weakly that humans cannot understand.

It looks like the god who created Night Shovel wanted to turn the city into the sea.

Uesugi lowered his head more, holding a photo in his hand.

In the photo, two boys climbed on a small agricultural helicopter to take pictures. The older one was wearing flying earphones, and he smiled aggressively, while the younger one was leaning against the cabin door, with round cheeks in the air. In the setting sun, there is still a little baby fat, and the two boys are as handsome as girls.

This photo was handed over to him by Inuyama Heto. As for where Aga came from, Uesugi Koshi has some guesses.

He really deserves to be his son, and he really looks like him.

"My lord, we are here!" The driver's voice came from the headset.

Uesugi put away the photos more carefully, grabbed the travel bag, and prepared to go to the final battlefield.

He suddenly saw someone waving to them on the street below. When he took a closer look, it was a man and a woman. Their faces were obscured by the rain, but the figure of the woman was somewhat familiar.

Uesugi narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked the driver to put down the hanging ladder, temporarily stranded in the air, and then he himself jumped down.

"Master Yue?! It's you!" An exclamation came, "I'm Kiritani Kazuto, do you remember me?"

"Kiriya-kun, why are you still here at this time?" Uesugi Yue laughed heartily, "Are you planning to take Asuka and take this opportunity to elope together?"

The boy was a little embarrassed and said: "Asuka was trapped in the dormitory earlier. After I picked her up, I found that everyone in the school had already evacuated. We had no choice but to wade out."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know, let's go to a higher place for now, I heard that the airport is full now." The boy said helplessly.

Uesugi Yue noticed that the girl named Asuka was hiding behind Kiritani Kazuto, holding his arm tightly.

Great, is this youth?

Uesugi Yue couldn't help thinking, and wondered if there were such girls around his two sons.

"Get on the helicopter and ask the pilot to take you to a high place. Don't worry, Tokyo will not be destroyed tonight."

Uesugi Yue pushed the two of them towards the hanging ladder dropped by the helicopter.

"Girl, the boys who are still with you at this time should not let you down."

He blinked at Mr. Tong Gu, and quietly sent an assist.

Kiritani-kun climbed into the cockpit and pulled Asuka into the cockpit. Only then did they realize that Uesugi Koshi was still staying in place.

"Master Yue! Aren't you going?"

Uesugi Yue just smiled, he gestured to the cockpit, and the helicopter started to lift and headed for the distance.

He stood in the sea water that had reached his calf, exhaled slowly, and turned his head to look at the end of the street.

He slowly closed his eyes, allowing all his five senses to focus on hearing. The sound of rain beating on the tiles gradually became clearer. Roar.

He deciphered Kari's voice from the sound of wind and rain.

The ground shook slightly, heavy footsteps came from the shadows not far away, and the sound of metal rubbing rattled in the dark.

Uesugi opened his eyes more, opened the travel bag, pulled out the Tang-like swords inside one by one, and stood in front of him.

The cyan ancient knife formed steel thorns, and the turbulent sea split against the blade.

That old fellow Angers is right, tonight is the day when Nocturnal Food comes to Tokyo, the gate he has been guarding will become a passage for wild beasts to have fun, he must guard this gate, otherwise countless little lovers like Mr. I'm going to die in hell.

Speaking of which, he regretted that he had such a bad attitude towards Yuan Zhisheng that day.

If he had known that Yuan Zhisheng was his son earlier, he might have said a few words about life to Yuan Zhisheng in a roundabout way.

Isn't that the role of the role of Dad?
Pass on the insights learned in a lifetime to your children, so that they can avoid detours.

It's a pity that there are always no ifs in life, and Uesugi thought more regretfully that he could not pass on his understanding of the past few decades to Yuan Zhisheng.

Fortunately, Yuan Zhisheng seemed to have learned something from him that night.

Uesugi Yue silently pulled out the ancient knife named Daprajna Changguang, cut open his finger, dripped two drops of blood into the seawater under his feet, and used it as bait for fishing, and then pulled out another handle with his right hand from in front of him. The knife hangs in the sea.

He immediately cut off the passage of the living and the dead in the middle of the street with a horizontal knife.

The sound of footsteps hidden in the wind and rain, and the sound of swords rubbing are getting closer.

Uesugi raised his head more, his face was calm, but his thoughts drifted to the distance, killing the last time.


He shouldn't have told Yuan Zhisheng that imperial blood is a curse.

Although he really thought so.

Master Yue suddenly regretted it in his heart. He really wanted to call that bastard right now and scold him a few words at the end. It would be great if he could wake up.

As for warm words or something, that's not suitable for him.

Master Yue raised his hand and scratched his hair, and sighed for no reason. It turned out that he thought of Asuka next to Mr. Tong Gu.

He used to stand in Kiritani-kun's standpoint, thinking that youth is really beautiful, but now he stands in Asuka's father's standpoint, and thinks he's a fucking bastard, the cabbage that has been raised for nearly 20 years has been given to a pig.

It's okay, it's okay, after all, I have seen it, and I even ate the ramen I cooked myself, but what is the punishment game after drinking?Who the hell taught her these things, it seems that he taught his daughter to be bad!
Uesugi gritted his teeth more and more, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

The hand holding the ancient knife was a little itchy, and I really wanted to chop someone up with a knife.

Dense figures appeared in the shadows in front of the street, filling every inch of the street. This group of bloodthirsty monsters came smelling the blood of Uesugi Koshi. Alluring, especially pure royal blood.

Uesugi Yue suddenly let go of the ancient knife in his right hand, reached into his collar, and took out the photo.

He looked softly at the two boys in the photo, and gently brushed the younger boy with his fingers.

It's a pity I couldn't see you alone.

He lowered his head in the wind and rain, and the hunters in front charged him with roars!
Uesugi carefully put the photo in his trouser pocket, raised his head to face the surging group of corpse guards, his keel was instantly opened, and he swung a knife with both hands to draw a circle.

He used the blade to draw a perfect circle, and the arc left by the blade was red and shiny, like the red line left by a quick wave after lighting the incense stick.

While the shimmering circle looks more like the Sun during a total solar eclipse, the Moon temporarily occludes the dazzling star, but its bright corona still radiates from around the Moon's shadow.

Uesugi Yue stood solemnly in the center of this round of black sun, chanting ancient mantras in his mouth, and the power of the word spirit began to forcibly modify the rules of the elements in the field. At this moment, he seemed to be standing like a Buddha statue in the flowing clouds and flames , extremely quiet, the huge halo behind him soared.

Word spirit·Hei Ri, in the "Bronze and Fire" series of word spirits, this word spirit even surpassed Chu Zihang's Jun Yan.

Compared with the dazzling flame of Junyan, the blackness of the black sun is closer to death. It never erupts, but burns everything silently.

A few seconds later, the effect of the black sun appeared. The red and black sun formed a super vacuum, and the super vacuum produced an amazing suction force. The black sun devoured the air endlessly, setting off a hurricane that exceeded level [-], and the entire street All the hunting groups were affected by the wind. They were carried by the strong wind and flew into the field of the black sun. Before they reached Uesugi Koshi, they were already ignited by the high temperature.

He walked forward at a leisurely pace, rushing towards the hunting herd, every blade light could cut through a large piece of burned red bones, smashing them into pieces.

This is a battle of crushing opponents purely with strength, destroying the dead and sweeping away the invincible.

Standing here, he is like a man guarding the gate, and no one can open it.

At this moment, he seemed to be the projection of the god of death in the world, burying everything as he wished.

There were hundreds of hunters pulled towards him by the black sun, and the overwhelming snake-like bodies rushed in front of Uesugi Koshi, and then these snake bodies all fell apart in front of him without exception.

Uesugi roared as he slashed and slashed, the sound was like a giant dragon, the Tang-like sword was burned into red, and every swing of the knife was a dazzling fire.

He roared and pushed forward, and with his own strength, he forced back countless hunters who ran out of the gate!

The black sun is gradually dimming, as if no matter how bright the sun shines, there will be a moment when the curtain will end.

But even without the black sun, Uesugi Yue still ran amok among the hunting group.

The double knives turned and chopped off the hunters who rushed to him. These Tang-shaped swords were obviously alchemy weapons. When cutting hunting's bones, glaring sparks splashed, as if an electric welding rod was cutting steel.

Every time the blade became blunt, Uesugi Koshi discarded the two swords and pulled out a new ancient sword.

When the battle was insane, Uesugi Yue tore off the shirt that had already rotted into strips, revealing the back with dragon and sunrise tattoos. His whole body was steaming and his muscles were well defined.

Like a giant humanoid dragon, he stood firmly in front of the hunting group, instead of taking half a step back, he began to push forward instead.

Uesugi Yue suddenly slammed his knife to the ground, and a circle of water one person high spread in all directions. The impact was so strong that even the kari who surrounded them were knocked back.

His back was injured, and he was scratched open by the sneak attacking hunting group. The breath of imperial blood made the hunting group even more excited.

The hunting group stood upright again with their long tails, and let out a cry like a baby. They shouldn't have the emotion of fear, but at this moment, it seemed that the majesty of a superior came, and they seemed to be shocked by Uesugi Koshi's strength. Even though they were stimulated by the emperor's blood and held rusty swords in their hands, they all lingered in the distance.

Uesugi let out a breath more slowly, knowing that only now would he have a chance to catch his breath.

He threw away the old knife whose edge had become serrated, and replaced it with a new sword.

He randomly grabbed two handfuls of hair, and muttered: "Speaking of which, shouldn't father and son fight side by side at such an important moment in the movie?"

Well, if I guessed correctly, Yuan Zhisheng should be fighting somewhere in Tokyo now, rounding it up can be regarded as father and son fighting side by side.

Suddenly there were footsteps behind him.

The footsteps were so gentle, not like a hunting sound.

"Who?!" Uesugi turned his head sharply.

What came into his eyes was a slightly delicate and feminine face, but the owner of this face was actually a man.

This face overlapped with the slightly immature boy in the photo at a certain moment.

It's so beautiful, I think it will be very attractive to girls, right?
This was the first thought that came to Uesugi Koshi's mind.

Where did I seem to have seen him?
This was the second thought that followed.

The good memory of Huangxue reminded him of the last meeting with the man.

On that rainy night when he parted from Angers, he rode a bicycle slowly past the man, and the man's eyes met him through the heavy rain.

At that time, the man's eyes were shining. He thought it was the rain reflecting the street lamps, but he never thought that it would be tears.

Think about how big this city called Tokyo is, 1300 million people live in this city, the crowds are like a sea, and the stream is endless. In the past many years, three people, father and son, shuttled between different streets in the same city, But the flow of people separated them. They may have passed each other, but they never realized each other's existence.

But they finally met.

A young man with brows and eyes stood behind him with a smile. He didn't say anything, but his smile was so gentle, and his watery eyes seemed to say everything.

It was a complex emotion that had been accumulated for countless years, and it was hard to express it, but it became clear at the moment of eye contact.

Uesugi looked at the handsome big boy in front of him.

It's really like when he was young, just as handsome and attractive...

In a trance.

Uesugi Yue seemed to see his young self, that weak self standing in the place of Yuan Zhinv, while his chess master father stood at his current position, looking at the young him with a complicated expression.

Space-time dislocation alternates.

Did the old chess master think of him in the same way?
They didn't say anything, but Uesugi Yue was suddenly full of joy, his body and mind were transparent, he was excited like never before, his blood was surging, his shriveled muscles filled up, he became young as if he had gone through the flow of time, his slightly bent waist quietly straightened Now, the sweat-stained muscles are clearly defined, and the naked upper body is steaming, showing the unique red color of young people.

He is like a young man in full bloom and high ambitions. At this time, what are the mere corpse guards? He is not afraid of thousands of troops.

He felt that he had become an invincible general on the ancient battlefield.

But the next moment he became the father playing horse riding games with his son.

The boy rode on the man's back waving a wooden knife and shouted "Drive", and the man crawled around the room in the direction his son's wooden knife pointed.

The wooden knife points.

Righteously, the world is invincible.

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