Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 302 The Truth Under the Ice Sea

Chapter 302 The Truth Under the Ice Sea
"Your deputy?" Henkel twitched his eyebrows and said, "Didn't he sink under the sea of ​​ice?"

"...It's my deputy in the news department." Fingel sighed, "Sheriff Henkel, did you hurt your head this time?"

Henkel coughed dryly, with a calm expression on his face.

"Sorry, we still haven't found the location of 'Prince' all these years."

"It's okay, he must still be alive, I can still smell the rancid smell on his body. If he is dead, how can I cut him into pieces with my own hands?"

Fingel's voice was low, and he changed from his usual routine, and said the most vicious words in an extremely indifferent voice.

Henkel shook his head and said: "Actually, sometimes, I don't really understand that your hatred for the 'Prince' is far higher than the hatred for the Kassel School Board. The Prince did set a trap for you, but it is true that you Aren’t those who pushed into the abyss the members of the school board? Is there any secret that you are hiding and haven’t told me so far?”

Fingel remained silent, but his breathing gradually became heavier and thicker.

"At least, you can tell me whether you have dived or not?" Henkel whispered.

"If I didn't dive, how would I know that they were locked in the diving bell forever, sealed under the sea of ​​ice?" Fingel said in a low voice.

Henkel frowned and said, "Are you the only survivor in the six-member team?"

"Yes... EVA should have survived, but she gave her life to me." Fingel said hoarsely.

Henkel thought for a while in silence, "I remember that Schneider also went down and was seriously injured by a dragon attack. You six were also attacked by dragons?"

"There are no dragons!" Fingel paused word by word, and finally revealed the biggest secret of these years, "The one who attacked us was not a newly hatched dragon! Nor was it a dragon attendant like Samson! It was a hybrid. He has been following us like a ghost, and finally dived with us, and after confirming that the eggs have not hatched, he launched a surprise attack on us!"

Henkel said in horror: "You mean, someone has been following you all the time?! He lurks beside you, and even dives with you, until he confirms that the eggs have not hatched before attacking you brazenly?!"

"Yes! What Schneider saw was the newly hatched egg, and the battle between us was over at that time!" Fingel said coldly, "The six of us entered three metal diving bells, and that person hid in the The top of a diving bell, he dived with us, cut the safety line connecting the diving bell and the icebreaker, and finally used the word spirit Jiuying to attack us! When we lost the ability to resist, the guy personally Woke up the unhatched eggs."

Henkel was silent for a long time before slowly saying: "With your bloodline and ability at the time, did you not even realize that someone was lurking beside you?"

"Yes, not only me, but even EVA didn't notice it. Her observation of subtle things is far better than mine, but that guy is really like a ghost." Fingel whispered.

"Is it possible that it is the Word Spirit·Mingzhao?" Henkel pondered, "But just now you said that he cast the Word Spirit·Nine Infants? I remember that this Word Spirit is almost invincible underwater, no wonder you were also defeated .”

"He was like an assassin, he attacked us at the perfect time, and my teammates lost their fighting power in an instant." Fingel took a deep breath.

"What else happened?" Han Gao asked seriously, "What else happened that made you want to smash the 'Prince' to ashes?"

This time Fingal was silent for a long time, he filled the last bullet, and the sound of the bullet being loaded was very clear in the room.

The cold voice was accompanied by the sound of the bullet being loaded, and he suppressed his voice, as if suppressing his own revenge.

"He said to us through the communication channel of my teammates at the end-'Prince' pays the highest respect to all the sacrifices."

"We are the sacrifices hatched by that egg!"

"...I see." Henkel sighed, "No wonder you hate him so much. The awakening of some dragons requires excellent blood as sacrifices. It seems that the one you encountered is like this."

"Unknowingly, after so many years, the hatred in my heart has not only not been extinguished but has become more and more vigorous. I feel that I can finally understand the mood of Principal Angers." Fingel said quietly, "Although I have not found him, I have not found him. Don't worry, I know that sooner or later he will show his feet again, and he may even have blatantly appeared in front of me, but I haven't discovered his true identity yet."

"Have you ever doubted the members of the school board in Kassel?" Henkel asked suddenly.

If the other party's purpose is to attract the elite blood descendants of Kassel College and use their flesh and blood as sacrifices to hatch the egg, then what role does the school board of directors play in forcing Fingel and others to dive? Role?
"Of course, I still doubt them." Fingel whispered, "Mr. Henkel, have you noticed? The war has already begun, and Kassel has been involved in the war since the summer mourning 100 years ago." The vortex, and your North American hybrids are also involved now. Not long ago, the Japanese hybrids officially entered the game. If it weren't for us, Herzog alone would be enough to abolish the entire Japanese hybrids. Someone has been hiding in the dark, yes Every hybrid force on the surface sticks out their fangs, they are very smart, they target the elite backbone and leaders, remove these people, and the rest are mobs."

"I've noticed it too. And if it were me, I would not only try to wipe out all the leaders and all the outstanding blood descendants who have the qualifications to become leaders, but I would also send people to infiltrate these forces, plant my people in them, and secretly Help him rise step by step." Henkel said slowly.

"Yes, kill the outstanding blood descendants, and then install our people to lead the rest of the mob. After careful study, it can be found that the reason why Herzog was able to control the power of the Eight Snake Qi Clans was because the secret party was completely disabled. They lost the Japanese mixed race, and they lost the emperor's leadership. This situation forced them to believe in an outsider who claimed to be on the Sanjia and brought the emperor's blood to the family. It's not that the Snake Hachijia did not doubt it, they did not You have to choose." Fingel said calmly.

Henkel sighed suddenly: "But the Dragon Clan shouldn't be like this. How can the Dragon Clan be such a sinister villain like Herzog? They are never known for their schemes, and they are used to breaking the situation with violence no matter what they face. No need to plan, It is enough to crush all enemies in a dignified manner, and it is never dragons who are good at using conspiracy, but humans."

"Perhaps you are right. Our enemies are not only dragons, but also humans." Fingel said quietly, "For example, the senior Friedrich von Roon who seriously injured you not long ago."

Henkel was silent for a while, then sighed again: "Why do you feel that the situation is on the verge of the worst?"

"It's always been like this. It's just that our enemies don't show up. They just sit in the dark and watch us coldly. They don't make a move until the critical moment. A move is fatal." Fingel paused word by word, "Everything now Mysteries all point to one place - the Hunter website."

"Hunter website..." Henkel said, "We have not been able to find out the background of this website platform until now. The technology it uses is very special, almost involving different servers around the world, and some servers are located in underground military facilities in Northern Europe , and one is located in the financial center of Shanghai, where data flows between servers at a high speed. You can say that the network moves like a ghost on the Internet, with footprints all over the entire Internet system. We can't dig out its roots. As far as I know, Kassel This happened to me too…”

Fingel said softly, "Maybe it's not moving."

Henkel raised his head suddenly, his eyes frightened and said: "What are you talking about?"

"Not long ago, when the college was busy with the Snaki Hachika, I asked EVA to secretly observe the flow of the hunter website server. As I thought, the other party seemed to know that we had no time to take action. We were busy with disaster relief in Japan. At that time, the people behind the hunter website took the opportunity to release a large number of trading tasks, and EVA took this opportunity to confirm the location of the other party's three servers."

"Which three?!" Henkel propped himself up unconsciously, and said with piercing eyes.

Fingel paused every word, and said with a murderous look: "The first location is Chicago, USA! The second location is Denmark, and the third location...is in the Memory Marine Mining Company!"

"Memory, memory? No, why is this name so familiar to me?" Henkel frowned, and suddenly raised his head, "Is it the marine mining company in the ice sea?!"

"A few hours after the icy sea incident, the college used diving robots to explore again, but even the fish disappeared quietly in the icy sea, and we could not find the slightest trace. We explored the seabed and did not find embryos or copper pillars. Everything we experienced was just a nightmare, and the dream dissipated when we woke up. A few years later, an ocean mining company found rich manganese nodules on the seabed and built an offshore mining platform. Today there are thousands of ocean miners At work, nothing paranormal happened, we thought it was over for a while...and the name of the company is Memory!"



"In Norse mythology, there are always two crows on Odin's shoulders. They perch on Odin's shoulders, whisper to him, and report to him the secrets of the world, so everything can't escape Odin's eyes and ears. The names of the two crows are Fokkin and Wuny."

A lazy female voice sounded along with the splashing water.

"You mean, although Odin is sealed, he has two loyal subordinates helping him collect information and handle trivial matters?" Chu Zihang asked the woman on the phone.

They are now on a speedboat, riding the wind and waves, heading for Chicago.

Chu Zihang controlled the direction of the speedboat with one hand, and connected the call from Norns with the other.

"You know your enemy very well." Knowns praised, "The next thing is to get a prize for guessing correctly. Their names have another meaning. What are they?"

"Fokkin's name means 'thought' and Wuni means 'memory'."

Chu Zihang couldn't be bothered. He had already turned all kinds of legends about Odin upside down and kept them in his mind, which naturally included these two ravens who monitored the world in the legends.

"What kind of reward does Xiao Zihang want? Warming the bed is also possible, but you have to get Xiao Mizi away first." The female thief's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Sir, you don't want to break up with your girlfriend, do you?" ?”

"Is the mummy the target of Odin's shot this time, or is the mummy actually a trap set by him, and the real target is the dragon?" Chu Zihang asked bluntly, ignoring the woman's trickery.

"Hmm... Based on what I know about him, there's a high probability it's the latter."

"You're not sure either?" Chu Zihang raised his eyebrows when he heard Knowns' tone.

"Please, you can do anything when you are an old lady. Although my old lady is really awesome, she is not so good at knowing Odin's movements. The previous generation of Odin was able to unite with the dragon clan to overthrow the rule of the second generation of black kings. What is it? He will not lose to any hero you know. Although this generation of Odin is not as bold and stylish as his brother, he is also famous for his insidiousness and cunning, and he never makes money-losing deals. Look down on him It will only bring you remorse."

It was rare for Knowns to be serious, and he taught Chu Zihang a serious lesson in a serious tone.

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment. Although he was not used to the other party's seriousness, he knew that the other party was really warning him.

He also noticed that his mentality seemed to have been "raised" badly, perhaps because he had been sheltered under the wings of his junior for a long time, and he had forgotten what kind of enemy there was.

"You called just to talk about this?" Chu Zihang adjusted his mentality and asked.

"Cough, I have something to ask you." Knowns cleared his throat, and immediately said with confidence, "The intelligence organization under me accidentally went down a while ago, and it seems to have entered the field of vision of your secret party. Please help to clear it, Under the cover, you know that the old lady made these things for you, and when the old lady returns home, these things will still fall into your hands in the end."

Chu Zihang frowned, "Your intelligence organization?"

"Well, why don't you think my information fell from the sky?" Nunes said casually, "The organization's base is in Denmark, come and have fun when you have time, and I have something for you by the way."


Chu Zihang instantly recalled the hunter named Jiang Liu. The other party mentioned that he had obtained a strange scabbard and gemstones in the missions he had completed, and they were finally sent to Denmark.

If he guessed correctly, the scabbard should be [Utopia], and the gem...is the last link missing from this alchemy set.

"I will try my best." Chu Zihang said slowly, "But I can't make a guarantee on this matter. I don't have much say in the secret party."

"Hmph...it will be high soon." Knowns said mysteriously.

"What do you mean?" Chu Zihang asked puzzled.

"The Secret Party is a gigantic monster. Although it is indeed almost leaking into a sieve, its potential power should not be underestimated. This refers to the power that can pry the human world." Knowns chuckled, "Recently All ghosts and monsters are starting to move. Assassination of assassination and usurper of the throne are nothing more than seizing power. The big reshuffle is about to begin, and no one wants to leave before the big reshuffle. Only those who hold on to power and power will be qualified to protect their loved ones and compete for more things in the ensuing turmoil.”

"I know you're not interested in power and power, kid, but sometimes you can't help it. If you don't fight, someone else will."

"If you don't want to become a burden to your junior brother, you must have enough power to speak, and it just so happens that, as far as I know, the Beowulf family where your cheap adoptive father belongs to is also planning to move the ass that hasn't been moved in decades. , ready to enter."

Chu Zihang's heart was shaken, and Knowns' words vaguely made him see a big world full of ups and downs.

He couldn't help but think of Tokyo that night. The city was full of wailing. Facing the disaster that could easily overthrow the entire Tokyo, and even the whole of Japan, the whole city was running for their lives, but the only ones who really escaped from that country were the "big shots" at the highest levels of power.

They were bystanders and saviors that night, but one day they will become players in the game, just like those ordinary people who are waiting for the dawn to rise.

In order to avoid such an ending, they must work hard to master more power. At that time, whether they choose to protect the people around them or cut off the source of disaster for the people around them, it is up to them to choose.

"Noens... do they want to become the masters of the world, or do they want to overthrow the world?" Chu Zihang asked facing the sea breeze.

The night is deep, the sound of the waves echoes between the sky and the earth, and the boundless night clouds falling in the distance are magnificent and magnificent that no one can describe.

Knowns gave him an answer softly.

"Some people just want to live, some people want to live better, some people want to fulfill the lofty ideals inherited from generation to generation, some people want to achieve their ambitions that have lasted thousands of years, and some people want to see the world The end of the world, the starry sky on the other side, returning to the lost homeland in my memory..."

"And no matter what they are for and where they are going, they will not mind sacrificing the whole world to achieve their wishes."

"Just as the wheel of history never stops the process of twisting and moving forward because of the crying and roaring of some people."

"This world has always been like this."

After a silence as long as this long night, Chu Zihang said softly: "It has always been like this, is it right?"

"Our world has never been about right and wrong," Knowns replied.

"Only about power?" Chu Zihang asked.

There was an uncontrollable low laughter from the other end of the phone, and there was sincere appreciation and comfort in the laughter.

"Since you can realize this step, why don't you stand in front of those people and ask them yourself?"

"If I had the chance, I would."

 The past two days have been very busy and numb. The epidemic has become serious. Another senior of mine has been "sealed". There are only three people in the department. The manager is the busiest after daily sharing. We are relatively relaxed. Now I have to take over the other A senior's job, learning and doing it at the same time, it's really numb, I really want to be sealed! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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