Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 316 Attacked

Chapter 316 Attacked
What is crueler than the truth that "the Ashkenazi hybrids are descendants of the Black King, so they were attacked and killed back then" is that "the Ashkenazi hybrids who are descendants of the Black King have been kept in captivity as leeks and cut off. One crop after another."

And if it was the latter, what did the other party want, a large number of dragon blood from the blood of the Black King?Or is it a high-quality Black King blood descendant itself?
Fingel held his breath subconsciously, and the image of Yuan Zhisheng's brother appeared in his mind.

Emperor? !

Are they waiting for the royal blood from the blood of the black king to appear? !
As soon as this guess appeared in his mind, Fingel's consciousness seemed to explode, like the first thunder of a waking sting, he thought of many things in an instant, and he was sure that the answer was probably nine out of ten.

Among the German mixed race back then, who was the imperial blood that the other party had been waiting for for many years?

Fingel can only think of one person—the founder of the Lionheart Society, the eldest son of the Cassel family, he is also known as a peerless genius, one of the best dragon slayers in history, but he is about to reach the top On the eve of the secret party, it was attacked by dragons.

Menech Cassel, the name has too many prefixes. During his lifetime, the secret party was almost shrouded in the brilliance of him alone. After his death, the person chosen by him inherited his will and stood at the end The front line has never retreated for a hundred years.

"I'm going to make a call."

Fingel suddenly stood up and walked outside the house.



Chu Zihang gently stirred the coffee in the cup, and the ice cubes in the cup jingled with the stirring of the spoon.

His gaze didn't fall on the junior brother opposite, but turned to the side, on the two girls sitting by the window.

The summer sun slanted into the house through the floor-to-ceiling windows. They sat by the window, with their elbows resting on the table. Xia Mi flipped through a photo album, and the pages flipped. Erika sometimes pointed to the photo album and said in surprise that she and Sakura has been there, and Xia Mi is um, um, ok, ok, I know that you two are sneaking around, so why don't you take us with you...

The iced coffee in the cup on the table is covered with a layer of water vapor through the cup wall, and the sunlight diffuses through the glass cup.

Soft English songs linger in the cafe, and everything is quiet, like a fairy tale.

Chu Zihang originally wanted to discuss some issues with his junior, but he suddenly gave up.

Sometimes he reflects on his gains and losses over the years, and he feels that his biggest improvement in the past two years is learning to read the atmosphere.

At least on this sunny summer afternoon in the cafe, he didn't want to think about other problems.

Chu Zihang slowly raised his coffee cup and took a sip. The bitterness of the coffee spread in his mouth. He sat there quietly, turning his head from time to time to look at the bright and dark trees outside the window, and the sun gradually setting in the sky. Sometimes looking at the girl with the high ponytail, the girl will "coincidentally" look up at him and wink at him. Every time at this time, they can't help but smile knowingly, and their eyes are intertwined in the cafe in the afternoon...

The younger brother was sitting opposite him, with a notebook open in front of him, and he was typing on the keyboard thoughtfully facing the screen, as if he was writing something, Chu Zihang glanced at it inadvertently, and only saw a line of words——

"...It turns out that many times, when you are with the person you like, you don't want to say anything for a moment, just sit there, and feel the unspeakable tranquility and atmosphere in silence..."

Chu Zihang was thoughtful.

At least this afternoon, it was indeed quiet.

When the sky was dyed crimson at dusk, and the sea of ​​clouds surrounded by layers of fire, the message from Caesar was transmitted to Chu Zihang's cell phone.

Lu Mingfei moved his fingers like flying, and finally ended with a sudden hit of the Enter key, which can be regarded as making up for the update after more than half a year.

Chu Zihang glanced at the information on the screen, and handed it to his junior brother.

"Caesar is here, let's go."

After reading the text message, Lu Mingfei closed his notebook, turned his head to look for Erika and Xia Mi, and saw two girls sleeping face to face on the table.

A strand of thin hair on Xia Mi's forehead fluctuated with her breath, and Eri Yi slept soundly, her eyes narrowed into crescents, and she didn't know what she dreamed of.

Chu Zihang got up and walked to Xia Mi's side, leaning over to wake up the sleeping girl, Eri Yi beside him also got up rubbing her eyes, stretched lazily, and still stared at Lu Mingfei with some misty eyes .

"Let's go, the local tyrant is gone!" Lu Mingfei grinned, and stretched out his hand to pick up Eiliyi.

Xia Mi also stretched, got up and stretched his muscles and bones, bouncing around and said: "Come on! After beating the local tyrants, we can divide the land!"

"Speaking of which, is Senior Brother Caesar alone today?" Xia Mi suddenly turned around, looking at the culprit who caused all this with a playful expression.

Lu Mingfei laughed dryly, and then said with a serious face: "Junior Sister, don't provoke discord, I am absolutely loyal to the boss!"

Xia Mi snorted and said, "That's not true, I sent my brother out to be a bodyguard. What exactly do you want Chen Motong to find in the Arctic Circle?"

While speaking, a group of people had already left the cafe and walked on the twilight-shrouded boulevard.

Erika had never been very interested in their topics, but when she heard the name Chen Motong, she turned her head curiously. After all, this was her first roommate in her life.

And when he thought of Senior Sister and Ling, Lu Mingfei also had a headache. This was actually the little devil's suggestion.

According to Norns and the priest, the restart of the world is often accompanied by absolute destruction. The violent movement of the continental plate will overturn all traces of the surface, and the world will return to its original state...

This is the restart of the world, and the earth has experienced four such restarts.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to leave any prehistoric relics in this situation. Even if there are, they will be buried tens of thousands of meters underground with the movement of the earth's crust, which is an area that humans have not yet been able to touch.

Human beings understand the sun more thoroughly than they understand the interior of the planet under their feet.

But Lu Mingze put forward a different opinion. There are indeed no prehistoric relics left on the surface, but don't forget where they first saw Norns...

The broken space they named Nibelungen may still contain prehistoric secrets, and it happened that he accidentally discovered some clues in the past years, and perhaps Chen Motong, who is good at profiling, can find the key .

The senior sister's profile is very close to "backtracking". This is an ability corresponding to Qilan's "prophet". The incarnation of theocracy, even if the blood concentration is low, is also eligible to compete for the position of high priest, the rarest of which is "backtracking".

[Prophet] is still in the list of words and spiritual sequences, but "backtracking" is completely out of this category. This is a characteristic determined by the nature of the innate soul, and it is an infinite magnification of a certain super-intuitive feeling.

Lu Mingze jokingly said that her senior sister had chosen the wrong profession, and that a person with this talent should become an archaeologist instead of a detective in Tokyo. It is too easy to become famous.

Lu Mingfei thought for a while and had to agree with him, and then told his senior sister about certain things.

Chen Motong thought about it all night after listening, and then resolutely decided to go to the Arctic Circle.

While she was skeptical about what Lu Mingfei said, she also had a strong curiosity in her heart, and decided to find out.

And because they were worried that she would not be safe alone, they successively sent Fingel's team, Zero, and even Fenlier not long ago.

The reason why Fenrir was added was because in Zero's last information report, they seemed to have encountered some bizarre things. To ensure safety, he asked Fenrir to take care of them.

And there has not been any news from there so far, I don't know what happened, but with Fenlier, it is enough to protect the safety of Zero and Senior Sister.

"There may still be clues to Black Swan Harbor hidden there. Senior sister's ability is very good at finding clues. In addition, there may be a prehistoric relic in the Arctic Circle. To find and explore that relic, senior sister's ability is needed." Lu Ming Not simply explained.

Xia Mi said softly: "Senior Sister Nuonuo's ability is 'backtracking', right?"


"Senior brother, there are not many existences with the ability of 'backtracking' in history." Xia Mi whispered.

Lu Mingfei recalled: "It's true that there are not many, it seems like there are only two?"

"'Backtracking' can decipher prehistoric relics? Brother, you mean... the relics of the previous solar periods, right?" Xia Mi asked.

"I'm not sure, but it should be."

Xia Mi was silent for a moment, and said with a gloomy gaze: "Then, is it possible that the second generation Nid Hogg used this ability to find prehistoric relics and obtain knowledge beyond our era?"

The sound of rustling forest leaves under the night wind suddenly disappeared, Lu Mingfei raised his feet hanging in the air, and the endless chirping of cicadas was also taken away from this world.

The world seemed to stand still.

Lu Mingfei slowly withdrew his feet and looked up at the magnificent sunset.


Interesting guess.

There are only two people who have mastered "backtracking" in history, and they both entered the priesthood as high priests. One of them unfortunately died in a civil war, and the other was the second highest priest after him and Lu Mingze. Denid Hogg.

The latter can become the highest high priest of the temple of priests, partly because of the unique "backtracking" ability at the beginning.

Later, another pure-blooded dragon mastered the retrospective ability at the beginning of its birth. He joined the Priest Hall since he was a child, and was once trained as his successor, but unfortunately died in a civil war later.

That guy... Is it possible to use "backtracking" to master secrets and knowledge that do not belong to this era?
The last battle between him and Lu Mingze back then actually contained a mystery that still cannot be explained.

Lu Mingfei faintly sensed that the end of all this may be more profound than he thought, involving a longer past.

And all of this... Did the little devil notice it?
The silence continued, Lu Mingfei suddenly turned around and said: "Don't think about it, waste your brain, just ask him in front of him another day."

Xia Mi chuckled.

The coagulation time suddenly returned to normal.

The dense red clouds dyed the afterglow of the setting sun, and the figures of the four people walking under the street trees were elongated obliquely. They strolled on the street where the setting sun was shining, Xia Mi waved his small fist and said that he had drunk a cup of black coffee since morning until now. Intestine, Brother Caesar must be brutally slaughtered later, Chu Zihang wondered, didn’t you eat two train meals on the train, Xia Mi didn’t speak, and beat him fiercely with his small fist...

Eliyi pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes crooked.

The sycamore trees not far away have been in this college in the past few decades, casting a shade on the ground. They stop here, recording every bit of what happened in this school, and witnessing the coming and going of students or Bad or good years.

Lu Mingfei raised his head with a smile, facing the setting sun projected from between the leaves of the sycamore trees, his face was covered with a layer of drunken twilight sunlight.

This is exactly the life he yearns for.

It's just that this kind of leisure doesn't last long, and he has to solve some obstacles that lie in it.



The helicopter flew across the sky like a giant black bird, and below was the endless desert, and the strong wind left snake-like folds on the sand.

Angers grabbed the cabin door and leaned over to look down.

"Principal, I have your call!" The driver Hui reported in the headset.

"Connected." Ange said lightly.

"Hello? It's Fingel? I'm over Egypt now... What did you say?!" Anger frowned violently.

The helicopter trembled violently, and the sound of heavy machine gun fire came from below. Angers grabbed the cabin door tightly to prevent himself from being thrown out of the plane.

"what happened?"

"Principal! We are under attack! The wing is damaged, we are going to make an emergency landing!" the pilot yelled.

"Crash landing?" Ange poked his head out of the cabin and quickly glanced down. The time zero was turned on synchronously. The dense gunfire sounded like a sudden extinguishment and slowed down as quickly as the slow-moving bullets passed by him. "

Anger was silent for a second, turned around and squeezed the driver away, and quickly sent a message to Norma. He just pulled the driver up and jumped out of the cabin, but the corner of his eye was suddenly caught by the sky on the right. A figure attracts.

Angers turned his head in astonishment, and followed the figure covered in golden light.

It was a figure riding an eight-legged horse, the mask on his face was quiet and majestic, he was wearing a dark blue cloak, and the black crow on his shoulders closed his eyes tightly.

"Odin." Anger said softly, he finally met this long-known king of the gods.

The existence that suddenly appeared in front of him had all the factors that Odin should have, but Ange didn't feel that the other party looked like the majestic king of the gods in the legend, but like a puppet.

He did sit on the eight-legged steed Sleipnis, and broke into Angers' domain with great majesty. With a light lift of the horse's hoof, he broke Angers' time zero in one fell swoop, but the strong decaying aura on his body, And the bandages scattered from under the armor like a shroud, but they all tell that the Odin in front of him is definitely not the real body.

Under Odin's gaze, Angers put on a parachute for the pilot with a calm expression, and kicked him out of the plane.

He could sense that Odin was coming for him.

"Odin, why did you come?" Anger asked loudly, the call between him and Fingel had not been hung up until now, and he was trying to get more information.

But the puppet sitting on the eight-legged horse seemed to be insane. He just slowly pulled out his spear and aimed at the helicopter under Angers.

This scene caused Ange's pupils to constrict suddenly, why... wasn't he aiming at himself?
 this is from yesterday
(End of this chapter)

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