Chapter 334 Nose
The three major buildings of the school-Hall of Valor, Odin Hall and Church.

Among them, the Odin Hall was destroyed due to some special reasons after the ice cellar explosion last year. Afterwards, it ushered in renovation. After the renovation, the Odin Hall was officially renamed, and all students and school staff were solicited for a new name in the school forum.

And finally...

"I heard that you are very popular in the academy, and you even have a club of fans. They call themselves the 'Hot Team'. From the perspective of the people in the Heat Team, it doesn't matter whether there is a school board or not. With a spiritual leader like you, extermination of the dragon clan is no problem... Now it seems that this rumor is not wrong."

This building, originally named "Odin Hall", has now been officially renamed "Anger Hall".

The old man in a wheelchair leaning on crutches squinted his eyes and smiled, revealing the few remaining teeth in his mouth.

His old teeth have all fallen out, and his face is full of age spots, but he is also the only few remaining seniors in the secret party who can talk about their seniority with Angers and Beowulf.

"This is ridiculous praise." An old guy was lying on the hospital bed, smoking a cigar, while being humble and polite, his eyebrows were beaming.

The old man turned his head and looked at Anger's appearance and laughed dumbfoundedly: "It seems that you have been doing well these years. To be honest, I was worried a long time ago that you would live in endless hatred, lose yourself, and become a vengeful Beast. But looking at it now, the school you set up with your own hands and the students you recruited saved you, which is pretty good."

The old man looked at Angers and said with emphasis: "You have been redeemed from them, I think it's very good."

Angers was silent.

The old man in front of him was a member of the Presbyterian Church in the same age as Viscount Charlotte, Marquis Gambet and others. It was his unconditional support that year that Angers could grow rapidly after the mourning of summer and sit firmly. The position of the leader of the secret party.

"Why are you here today?" Ange asked softly.

"I'm not here to see you, I'm here to see the next generation you have chosen." The old man slowly shook his head and said, "Beowulf is gathering people, he didn't come to this meeting, but he is doing war Prepare, he said that the person he selected will represent him at this meeting, so what about you, Angers?"

The old man sighed, "Before you know it, it's time for your generation to retire."

"And you are still healthy and healthy." Angers smiled. "Many people envy me that I am still alive and kicking at this age, but they don't know that you are still alive."

Uncharacteristically, the old man fell silent.

It was not until a long time later that he said quietly: "You still doubt me, don't you, Angers?"

Anger said softly: "You supported me to take the position of leader of the secret party back then. I am very grateful to you, but you have been avoiding me all these years. When are you going to hide the answer to that question?"

The old man was silent for a while, and said: "I didn't lie to you, I really didn't receive the eggs from Menek and the others, it's because you don't want to believe me."

"But you were the one who took care of Lord Mayek back then." Angers slowly exhaled a puff of cigar, staring at the old man through the smoke.

"Mayek is indeed carrying a black handbag, but there is nothing in it." The old man said calmly, "According to your story, Mayek who left early is more like a bait, and the real egg must be in Charlotte." and Gambet in their hands."

"But they are all dead." Angers whispered, "and Menech clearly said that he sent the eggs out."

The old man looked deeply at Angers: "Stop clinging to this past that has become a mystery, you should look forward, your goal is being achieved step by step, this is a good thing, it's time to let go of the past."

Angers was silent for a moment, then said softly: "Do you know 'parasitic'?"

After observing the obvious turmoil in the old man's expression, Anger knew that the other party knew the meaning of this word.

"I survived this trip, and I got some important information. The eggs sent out that night were indeed intercepted, but what they got was just a corpse, and the noble soul in the eggs had already escaped."

Angers paused word by word.

The old man's brows were gradually furrowed: "Can you guarantee the authenticity of this news?"

"So what if it's real?" Anger asked back, "If it's true, it means that the black king in the egg escaped that night, and it may be in the form of parasitism."

The old man stared blankly at the newly built "Angers Hall", without speaking for a long time.

"The other side thinks that there is a high possibility that I am the host." Anger once again threw out a shocking piece of information.

But the old man was uncharacteristically not shocked or frightened, he shook his head calmly and said: "After you survived, we conducted a thorough internal and external inspection of you, and I can tell you with certainty that you were not parasitized by dragons. "

Angers frowned and said, "Is there a method in the secret party that can thoroughly investigate a person's spirit, or soul?"

"We don't have it, but someone does." The old man said softly.

"Who?" Angers said in a deep voice, he suddenly discovered that the secret party, or the old man in front of him still had some secrets that he didn't know until now.

"The mentor of the previous generation Flamel."

Angers frowned, he didn't expect this answer.

"I never heard Leonardo talk about it."

"The previous generation of Flamel mentors died too suddenly." The old man sighed, "Some things may not have been entrusted to this generation of Flamel mentors."

Anger's heart moved: "How did the previous generation of Flamel mentors die?"

The old man was silent for a while, then suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Ange, have you ever thought that if the Black King hadn't been parasitic on you, who would he have chosen?"

"What do you want to say?"

"The servant of Flamel's tutor from the previous generation said... he saw a man who looked like Menek haunting around the house before his master's accident." The old man said in a low voice.

The corners of Ange's eyes twitched, and his breathing suddenly became rapid: "You never told me about this."

"Because we are not sure." The old man smiled wryly. "The servant went mad and committed suicide not long after. There was no surveillance at that time, and we couldn't verify it at all."

"In fact... those people also suspected Menek." Angers said with a blank expression, "but the problem is, when I crawled out of the cellar the next day, I saw Menek's fragmented body. When I stepped forward, his body shattered into quicksand."

"Ange, do you know about snake sloughing?" the old man said quietly.

Angers stared.

"If Menech is really parasitized by the Black King, then he is very likely to usher in a subversive transformation in a short period of time. In theory, it is possible to leave a remnant in this situation." The old man explained, " What you see may not be Menek, it may just be the remnants of his new life."

Angers stood there in a daze, unable to digest the news for a while.

What is the truth?


The conference hall deep in the Hall of Valor.

In the center is a long and simple mahogany table, engraved with patterns of angels and dragons and snakes. On the wall are portraits of secret party leaders. The last one is the founder and first member of the Lionheart Society. Long Menek Cassel.

The old people in black sat at the table with their backs straight.

Most of them are very old, as if dug out of a grave, and the dresses on their bodies also seem to be dug out of a grave, with top hats, it feels like a gathering of gentlemen in the era of Sherlock Holmes.

"Haven't had a meeting like this in years, Mr. Vanderbilt."

"Yes, Mr. Turing, the last time I remember it was 1961."

"I thought you were dead, but I saw your unpleasant face again."

"It's a pity that you didn't get what you wanted, but Mr. Plank didn't survive the millennium, and I remember you didn't like him either."

"Don't I like him? It's been too long and I can't remember clearly. Well, Mr. Flamel, good evening, you are still so young, it's really enviable."

The vice-principal was busy blowing kisses with Elizabeth and the girl. Hearing the sound, he turned his head, looked at each other's outfits, shrugged and said, "If my mental age is eternal, then you should have been buried in the ground long ago."

All the elders silently looked at his attire, all speechless.

Wearing a bright red Hawaiian shirt that doesn't cover his big belly, a pink Hawaiian lei around his neck and flip flops, he looks like he just got on a plane from Hawaii.

After finishing the interaction with the girl, the vice-principal turned around, looked at the portraits of past leaders hanging on the wall, and said in a regretful tone:
"I'm sorry, everyone, we won't be able to add another portrait to this wall in the short term, although I personally think this wall is too empty, and it must be just right to paste Angers' portrait..."

If someone else had teased the sacred and solemn portraits on the wall in front of the elders, he would have been cleared out of the secret party long ago, but he is the mentor of Flamel, and all the mentors of Flamel have been the chief of the secret party. Alchemist.

If Master Flamel said that he only knew a little bit of alchemy, then other alchemy masters would just kneel down and say that the alchemy is so small that they don't know it.

A simple example can illustrate the achievements of Teacher Flamel in alchemy. There is a huge alchemy matrix buried in the basement of this academy, which is running all the time. Its function is to amplify Teacher Flamel's own "discipline "Yan Ling.

Just like now, with the alchemy matrix formed by mentor Flamel, one person suppressed all the elders present, and failed to use the spirit of speech here.

"Mr. Flamel, where is Angers?" Someone said, "Shouldn't he come out to meet us? According to the medical examination report just obtained, he seems to be healthier than before going to Egypt. We think Know if this is a self-directed and self-acted drama, or he really almost hangs by a thread."

The vice-principal sitting at the head of the conference table shook his head, and said with a serious expression: "You got the wrong report. Although Angers is not dead, it is almost the same. Now the Marquis of Gambet is sending the white-haired man to the black-haired man."

A group of people were speechless at the shamelessness of Flamel's mentor, and were also shocked by the arrival of the Marquis Gambet. The people who spoke just now fell silent.

The current Marquis Gambet is the younger brother of the Marquis Gambet of the previous generation, and the only person who is still alive in the previous Presbyterian Church. He is the elder of everyone present.

"Mr. Flamel, it's almost time. Should we start?" A moment later, someone suggested, "Since Angers is about to die, we should elect a new leader this time."

The vice-principal cheered up and said: "Good proposal, I recommend Leonardo to be the new leader of the secret party, who agrees?"

Don't tell me, someone really raised their hand, but when they noticed that everyone was staring at him silently, this one couldn't help but put down his hand in embarrassment.

"I really have no sense of humor." Seeing the silence, the vice-principal couldn't help shrugging. He looked up at the clock and said slowly, "No rush, there is still some time before the appointed time. Our protagonist tonight hasn't appeared yet."

The elders looked at each other, and their expressions suddenly became subtle.

Before electing a new leader, they do have two important things to do...

"I heard that the Bajia of Sheqi has rebelled." Someone suddenly spoke up, questioning, "The secret party never forgives traitors, why are we accepting the Bajia of Sheqi here today?"

Needle dropping could be heard in the conference hall, no one responded to him, but everyone looked at the vice principal.

The vice principal shrugged and said, "Because we can't beat the Sheqi Bajia."

"How can the secret party not be able to defeat the former Japanese branch of the Sheqi Bajia?" the person who spoke earlier said displeased.

The vice-principal glanced at the clock, thinking that the person who should come was about to come, he said casually: "Miss Margot said very well, I support with both hands and feet that the Margot family form a death squad, take the lead in attacking Tokyo, liberate All of Japan."

Known as Miss Margot, the old woman who was already gray-haired froze in place.

She looked around the audience, and the "allies" who had been covenant with each other before all lowered their eyebrows and looked down, making her cursing inwardly that none of them could be trusted!
"If we indulge the Sheqi Bajia today, what should we do if other branches follow suit in the future?" Ms. Mag said solemnly, "We can't let this kind of behavior happen! Mr. Frost, what do you think? "

Frost stared at the tea in his hand and seemed to be counting the number of leaves in it, ignoring her intention at all
The vice-principal agreed, "I think what Ms. Margot said is right, and I also think that Sheqi Bajia cannot be forgiven just like that! It just so happens that the spokesperson of the Sheqi Bajia is coming soon, and I will trouble Ms. Margot to teach her a lesson later." her."

Some people who knew the inside story suddenly looked strange, thinking that they didn't know who they were calling for a family not long ago, and this tone became really fast.

Ms. Margot frowned and looked at Frost.

I don't know why this guy is so uncharacteristically quiet today, he has always been the protagonist in the meeting.

Frost suddenly raised his head, and everyone looked up in the direction of the corridor.

There were footsteps and brisk and loose voices of discussion coming from this direction.

There was silence around the long table, and they silently looked in the direction of the corridor, curious about the person who was about to appear.

The vice-principal applauded: "Hey, our young people are here, old guys, please smile and don't scare them."

The door at the end of the corridor was slowly pushed open.

The first person to walk in was Cesar Gattuso, who had hair that was as bright as gold, eyes that were blue in the sea, and a charming and brilliant smile.

Frost, who saw Caesar's appearance, couldn't help but look a little ugly. Today will be a sacred meeting, but Caesar is dressed like he just came out of a nightclub.

Walking side by side with Caesar was Chu Zihang, who was expressionless but always lit with golden pupils.

Before he came, he took off his colored contact lenses, and the moment his ancient golden pupils looked at each other, he gave everyone present a "surprise".

They have heard of the reputation of "golden pupils that never go out", but this is the first time they meet, many people choose to avoid it for a moment, and then ignite the golden pupils in shock and anger, not to be outdone with the young people Look at each other.

But they seemed to be just an appetizer tonight. Chu Zihang walked to the seat reserved for the Beowulf family, and Caesar sat lazily beside his uncle.

The one who walked into the conference hall next was a middle-aged man with an ordinary face who would never be found among the crowd.

With a faint smile on his face, he looked around the meeting hall and apologized: "I'm sorry everyone, the meeting may have to be postponed for a few minutes."

Some people recognized him, while others didn't know his identity.

"Why did you appear here? This is not a court where you run amok, Heisen Cassel." Some people questioned that he should not appear here.

The vice-principal asked loudly, "Hey, little guy, why is the meeting postponed?"

Heisen leaned slightly to show his respect to the vice-principal himself, and then smiled with impeccable etiquette: "My employer is delayed due to certain things, please be patient. They won't be here, tonight's The meeting will be overshadowed."

"Hmph, Heisen, who is your employer who actually asked all of us to wait for him?" The vice-principal snorted coldly, seeming very dissatisfied.

And the veterans who knew the relationship between the two were full of faces, "I just want to see you two sing together."

"One of my employers is the younger sister of the current patriarch of the Sheqi Bajia, who will attend the meeting on behalf of the Sheqi Bajia. The other has dedicated decades of silent dedication to the operation of Kassel College, The last school manager who has never exercised his power." Hai Sen looked around the audience and smiled, "Gentlemen, the latter's behavior is worthy of our admiration, isn't it?"

"Why did they delay?" A senior asked suddenly.

"Hmm." Hai Sen looked down at his watch, raised his head and said with a bright smile, "They are looking for ants."

The whole place was silent.

"Looking for... ants?"

"Yes, sir, you heard me right. After all, there are quite a lot of ants tonight." Heisen suddenly turned around, "Oh, gentlemen, I think our protagonist tonight is here."

Hai Sen, who was standing at the door, took the initiative to open the door, and waited by the door like a waiter.

The elders quietly ignited the golden pupils, and locked the position of the gate with sharp eyes. The dark conference hall was illuminated by the golden pupils.

Then, they saw a girl with an exquisite face and a queen-like majesty walking in slowly.

She scanned the audience, her icy eyes fell on everyone, and everyone couldn't help but feel a chill the moment they looked at her, as if as the girl stepped in, a fresh and cold breath engulfed the wind. The snow swept from outside the door, making people shudder.

There is no doubt that this is the coercion of the blood!

This young woman from the Snake Ba Family has a bloodline that stands tall and proudly above all of them!
And there was another person who walked in arm in arm with the girl. He was the last school manager?
Has the Sheqi Bajia teamed up with the last school manager?

Everyone had this thought and the same curiosity in their hearts. Their eyes moved to look at the man's face, and then they all saw a pair of eyes as deep as a black hole...


(End of this chapter)

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