Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 357 Freya's Secret Base

Chapter 357 Freya's Secret Base
"It's just a little accident, don't worry, and it's not our problem..."

The vice-principal stood guard behind the gate, blocking Frost, who wanted to rush into the laboratory angrily, and said plausibly.

How can there be no accidents in life?Fortunately, he was prudent and experienced in the world, and left behind for himself. The meteorite fragments were not obtained by Angers in Egypt, but Pompeii specially entrusted Passy to send them...

So the Gattuso family has to take the blame for this matter!
He dealt with a few words at the door, calculating the time, Passy should have run away for more than 500 meters, with a serious look on his face, he closed the door sternly:

"Okay, next, I will personally implant the alchemy matrix for Caesar. The family members are strictly forbidden to make trouble, or you will bear the consequences!"

As soon as the iron gate was closed, the vice-principal let out a sigh of relief. He could be regarded as coping with it, and then turned back to the experimental table.

Caesar's condition is much better at this time, his expression is still ferocious, but the color of madness has disappeared, and the red gold in his eyes is slowly fading.

The vice-principal looked serious, and the next step was to implant an improved version of the alchemy matrix in Caesar's body.

According to Lu Mingfei's suggestion, the improved alchemy matrix is ​​no longer for suppression, but for nourishing dragon blood.

This is an unprecedented attempt. He has only done similar experiments on Finger over the years, and the implanted alchemy matrix is ​​also suppressed. Afterwards, Finger found a way to the abyss through the serum.

"I'm about to start, Mingfei, help me out." The vice-principal whispered, and the researchers in the equipment department started shooting 360 degrees without dead ends.

They were there to learn something secretly from the vice-principal, the master alchemist, and the vice-principal himself had no objection to it. Anyway, these idiots couldn't learn the key things, but it would be great to learn some superficial things and apply them to weapon manufacturing.

Seeing how the vice-principal implanted the alchemy matrix, Lu Mingfei inexplicably remembered Er Ye's bone-scraping tattoo... Ah no, it's bone-scraping to heal wounds!
Very aptly, the vice-principal implanted a total of nine alchemy matrices. During the process, the boiling dragon's blood gradually stabilized, and Caesar's breathing became steady and long.

Although the last experiment was eight years ago, the vice-principal's hands were obviously not rusty, and at this moment they showed a sensitivity and stability that did not match the appearance.

Because the techniques of the nine alchemy matrices are almost the same, during the boring and long wait, Lu Mingfei and the members of the equipment department formed a circle and started fighting the landlord.

When the experiment was over, the vice-principal wiped the sweat from his brow, turned around to look, and suddenly became angry and kicked the nearest researcher's ass.

"What about your ethics as scientific researchers!"

The researcher who was kicked was very wronged. He was an outsider and didn't even get a card!

Although there were some minor disturbances in the process of the Nibelungen project, the general progress was very smooth. After the vice-principal walked out of the laboratory arrogantly, the family members who had been waiting outside the door hurried forward and grabbed his leather coat. If something happens to Caesar today, I have the courage to drag you into the water together.

The vice principal slapped his hand away contemptuously, and pointed to the back: "Family members can visit now, but don't blame me for not reminding you, don't disturb him, let him wake up naturally, the fusion of the alchemy matrix and the body will take some time."

Frost exclaimed: "Successful?"

The vice-principal immediately dissatisfied: "What are you talking about, what are you talking about? Can I still fail?"

Thinking of the roaring sound that came from the laboratory not long ago, Frost's face darkened, but he had to suppress his dissatisfaction, and put on a grateful face and said: "Thank you, Teacher Flamel !"

The vice-principal curled his lips, brushed past him, and muttered in a "whispered voice" without hesitation: "There is no sincerity at all."

Frost strode into the laboratory, and when he saw Lu Mingfei beside Caesar, he was shocked and alert: "Lu Mingfei, why are you here?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the old man who died in the previous life for no apparent reason.

"I'm the deputy for this experiment." Lu Mingfei knew that it was not time to wait for the boss to wake up. When chatting with him, he hooked up with the researchers from the equipment department and walked past Frost.

Frost frowned and looked at Lu Mingfei's leaving back, and came to Caesar's side after a long time.

After carefully confirming Caesar's vital signs, Frost was officially relieved.

He stared at Caesar's sleeping face for a long time, put his right hand into his trouser pocket, and pressed the send button that he had prepared, and a short message with only three words was sent instantly.

After the text message was successfully sent, Frost pulled a chair tiredly and waited beside Caesar.

Unknowingly, that naughty child really grew up. He was taller than himself, and his blond hair was as dazzling as the mane of a lion. He also sat on the position expected by himself and his family as he wished, becoming The leader of the secret party, but he still hasn't let go of his family and himself.

Although Caesar showed no resistance to the family's assistance during the meeting this morning, no one in this world knows Caesar better than Frost. He can see that the seeds of hatred are still hidden in Caesar's heart, but It is no longer as pure as it used to be, and many complicated things have been added.

He firmly believes that as long as Caesar is given a little more time, he will eventually be able to return to the embrace of the family. Maybe Caesar just lacks some opportunities to realize that the family is the opportunity for the people who love him in this world.

But time is running out, and their remaining time is running out.

The return of "Caesar's Star" confirmed the prophecy of the elders, but it also marked that there is not much time left for Caesar, and the bride plan has failed. How should they persuade Caesar to give up Chen Motong?

Or, as the head of the Chen family said, the so-called love is nothing more than the joint secretion of several hormones. They can create a noble new emperor, a girl who is obsessed with Caesar and is willing to sacrifice herself for Caesar. what?
Frost sighed.

If they want to push Caesar to the throne, they still lack a few crucial steps.



On the outskirts of Rome, in the vast alfalfa field, there is an old monastery with ancient trees in front of the gate.

This is an ancient and elegant monastery, which reveals ancient elegance inside and out, but for some reason it gives people a gloomy feeling, like a shady corner where the sun cannot shine.

In the hall, the twelve old people who were relieved of their deep sleep and seated in twelve chairs were having a simple meeting.

"Frost has sent the news that the Nibelungen plan has been successful, and Caesar has obtained the most precious inheritance from the Flamel line." The headed old man slowly glanced at everyone present.

"Honestly speaking, all of this went too smoothly." The old man sitting beside him slowly shook his head, "It went so smoothly that I was a little surprised, Angers and the others shouldn't be cooperating like this, they have fainted I noticed the abnormality of the Gattuso family."

"Yes, maybe they want to use their tricks to see what we want to do." An old man chuckled.

"That's what they want." The leader Alpha sighed, "I am very sad because we are about to lose important family members, but this is a sacrifice that we have to make for our great plan. Dedicated to three minutes of silence."

"I agree that we live for the family and die for the family. Everyone with the surname Gattuso should have this awareness."

The 3-minute silence is not short or long, but if it is crowned with false mourning, it is disgusting and contemptuous, just like vultures guarding the old and weak body of a lion, waiting for his death with silent gaze, cruel but not lost Divide his remains politely.

"Frost's sacrifice will further bring Caesar back to his heart, but how can we advance the bride plan? Frost can't do it, and Pompeii can't count on it."

"Perhaps we should consider the proposal of the Patriarch of the Chen family." Someone suggested.

"His proposal can only be used as a backup plan. Love is a very mysterious thing, not a simple secretion of hormones. Everyone here should understand that we were like Pompeii back then, looking for beautiful girls all over the world, but the accumulation of money was not enough. True love, hormone secretion is the same."

"If things come to an end, we may have to take a gamble." Alpha said silently, "We have always thought about absolute stability and tried to eliminate every unstable factor, but the development of the situation is often not as we wish. The prince is hostile to the family, and the bride we chose has disappeared, so I began to think about whether what we did was meaningful."

A long silence prevailed in the monastery.

These old people looked thoughtful, as if thinking of something.

"Perhaps... we can no longer follow the steps, and we must make a move at the most critical moment."

"But the appearance of Odin has disrupted our plans, and how credible is the plan provided by the woman who claims to be Ouroboros?" An old man questioned, "Pompeii has been restless recently, and we are facing The situation is far worse than expected, and we must move forward cautiously."

"The appearance of Odin may not be a bad thing." Alpha said in a low voice, "His minions have already found us, and we may be able to achieve a win-win situation."

"Win-win? Impossible! There can only be one new emperor in this era!"

"Before all the dust settles, we still have countless opportunities to choose." Alpha looked around the crowd, "I forgot to tell you that the one responsible for the attack on Angers this time was actually Odin's avatar who killed Frost. , only he can ensure a one-hit kill."

"What?! You have reached a covenant with Odin?" an old man exclaimed.

"It's just a temporary covenant, each takes what he needs, and we can give it up at any time." Alpha said softly, "Now what we should worry about is if we find a sacrifice like Chen Motong."

The elders fell silent, which is indeed the most important thing at the moment.

Only by finding someone who loves Caesar deeply and is willing to sacrifice himself for Caesar, can Caesar successfully pass the final ceremony and usurp the status and power of the king.

"The plan to find Chen Motong cannot be interrupted. Perhaps the situation is not as bad as we thought. Finding Chen Motong will also help improve our relationship with Caesar and let him understand the family's love for him." An old man suddenly suggested.

The people on the side nodded slowly, expressing their approval of this statement.

"Then keep searching, maybe there will be unexpected gains." Alpha said with deep eyes, "The Greenland Ice Sea, this sea area is far more mysterious than we thought."



A beach that does not exist even on the most accurate map in the world welcomed two uninvited guests today.

The young girl jumped out of the sea vigorously, her dazzling blond hair shone in the sunlight, and she was holding a young man in her hand.

She is obviously Freya, and the man in her hands is naturally Finger.

Wearing a tight tailor-made swimsuit, she casually dropped Fingal on the sand.

Fingel made a tired and dissatisfied voice: "Take it easy, little girl, why haven't you learned basic etiquette after all these years?"

Freya rolled her eyes and ignored the stubborn old man.

Of the few Dragon High Priests, Horus is notoriously pedantic and unselfish.

Freya picked up Finger and walked towards the depths of the jungle behind the beach.

"Where is this place, your secret base?" Horus raised his head and asked, he could naturally see the alchemy circle covering the entire island with his eyesight, and if he guessed correctly, it should be used as a shield.

"Hmm." Freya replied casually, with a preoccupied look.

"What's the matter, you look worried?" Horus frowned.

"Didn't you see? Frixis was refined into a corpse by that bitch." Freya said angrily, "This guy's cards are getting more and more."

Horus narrowed his eyes and said, "Have you been pestering her all these years?"

"It can't be called entanglement, it's harassment at best, that bitch is very weird!" Freya said indignantly, "Physical strength alone is above me, and there is a way to ignore words, and there is Li Wu at the side Yue that idiot."

"Who is this woman?" Horus asked puzzled.

He didn't know when and where this person came from. Judging from the battle just now, she obviously knew the dragon clan very well, and she was suspected of being involved with Odin back then.

Otherwise, where did she get the bones of Frixis?

"I don't know!" The little girl said in a bad tone, "I only know that if I hadn't run fast back then, I would have become one of the sacrifices of King Bai just like my brother!"

Horus was dumbfounded, thinking that Freya helped them probably because of the mentality that an enemy's enemy is a friend, after all, their relationship back then was far from harmonious.

After all, the little girl looked at Horus strangely: "Speaking of which, this child is your illegitimate child? Otherwise, why would you go so far for him? You didn't hesitate to ignite your soul, at least half your life was lost this time, right? "

Horus shook his head and said, "This is your Majesty's friend in this life. I'll help take care of him for a while, so why should he have an accident in my hands."

Freya's eyes widened, and she subconsciously threw Finger out, as if picking up a hot potato, she chased the guest fiercely:
"You two leave my house quickly, don't take revenge! I saved your life anyway! If I don't ask you to return the favor, don't attract him and I will thank you!"

 I'm probably a sheep......

(End of this chapter)

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