Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 361 Mars and Frixis

Chapter 361 Mars and Frixis
A bright blue light beam fell on the center of the round table, and in the light beam stood a little girl with golden hair, her skin was crystal clear and almost transparent, and her long golden hair hung down her waist.

She locked on to the unexpected visitor who broke into the room, with countless data streams rushing past her eyes, as if she was scanning and checking the identity of the person in front of her.

In the beam of light, it was clearly visible that the dust was flying chaotically, passing over her slender body without hindrance.

"Fu Jin", an artificial intelligence that belongs exclusively to the Presbyterian Church, is one of the core centers of the Hunter website, or she is equal to half of the Hunter website.

The reason why the Presbyterian Church gave her the title of "Fujin" is because she is also a special artificial intelligence built with living spirit technology. In terms of technology, she is at the same level as Kassel's EVA. The combination of modern technology, and her original personality comes from a special undead - Fu Jin.

"Sorry, I don't know who you are, but it has been confirmed that you do not have permission to visit here, please log out immediately."

The girl's expression was calm, without ups and downs, and her words were equally indifferent without adding any emotion. She just quietly looked at the same expressionless man at the round table.

The man's face, as imposing as an ancient figurine, lifted up slightly, partly illuminated by the bluish light.

He sat in the dark, with his legs gracefully crossed, glanced at the huge round table and the huge hall, finally looked at Fu Jin who was in mid-air, and said indifferently: "How long will it take you to complete the data transfer and completely Clean up what's left here."

He seemed to be well aware of some of the girls' little moves in private.

The girl in the beam answered him with silence.

"I know your background, do you mind changing to another master?" The man asked in a calm tone, but there was no intention of discussing it, as if it had already become a fact after he said it.

At this moment, the data flow in the girl's eyes in the light beam stopped.

"I'm sorry, I'm connecting you to a remote conversation... Please wait a moment... The visitor is Your Excellency Mars."

A huge green microphone symbol appeared in mid-air, and the girl stepped back slowly, leaving the stage for Lord Mars who was about to connect.

The man's expression couldn't tell whether he was surprised or had expected it, or it didn't matter at all.

Soon, a handsome but somewhat mean face appeared in mid-air.

"Hey, friend, are you interested in getting to know each other?"

The face leaning in front of the camera was suddenly pressed down by a hand, revealing the somewhat speechless Mars behind him.

The Lord finally appeared.

Two old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time are separated by thousands of miles and look at each other through modern technology.

"Long time no see, Frixis, or did you give yourself a new name?" Mars took a rare deep breath with a serious look on his face.

The man said indifferently: "Although I have stepped down from the throne, it doesn't mean that you can look at me, Mars, how can I forgive you for overtaking?"

"Arrogance?" Mars couldn't help laughing, "I'm a little relieved to see you are still the same as before. Frixis, no matter how long you wear the crown, a monkey will still be a monkey and will never become a real tiger." .”

"I know this, the crown of the monkey!"

Some strange mosaic was inserted into the picture for an instant, and then suppressed again in an instant.

"Sorry, it's my fault for not managing well." Mars apologized.

The man had no intention of judging the farce. He said calmly: "Among all the people, only you are still unwilling to accept the reality. Your stubbornness and persistence make me unable to understand."

"Don't expect to understand each other. It's normal for each other to have misunderstandings, just like we still don't know what kind of epilepsy you suddenly had back then." Mars said briskly, "Frisis, tell me why you came here. .”

The man clasped his hands and said lightly: "The new century does not need the Presbyterian Church, let alone the disobedient Rebel Alliance."

"So, you are going to exterminate us?" Mars squinted, "Just with you now? Let me guess, you must have mastered the hiding places of most of us, or even everyone, but if If you don't go out yourself, how can you destroy and capture us?"

"You can also choose to surrender, I still retain the kindness I showed you back then." The man said softly.

"Thank you, but let's put away your kindness." Mars sneered, "You are not qualified to show kindness to us, Frixis, have their praises made you completely lost yourself?"

"Praise?" The man shook his head and said, "I never ascended to the throne by so-called praise and support, I relied on absolute strength."

"Absolute strength? Your Majesty didn't need to confer any four monarchs to balance the power of all parties."

When he said this, Mars monitored every inch of the man's expression and eyes through Fu Jin's full monitoring at the scene.

There are many theories about the true intention of Frixis to enshrine the four monarchs in the past, such as alleviating internal contradictions and conflicts of the dragon clan, and checking and balancing the elders...

In the end, they even learned an astonishing secret, the four monarchs were still the "warehouse" where Frissis stored his authority.

But even so, Mars still thinks it's not just that.

Frissis must have other secrets.

"You don't need to try to provoke me, it's meaningless." The man said lightly, "Mars, the new cycle point is coming, surrender to me, and you will have a chance."

Mars laughed back angrily: "Instead of submitting to you, why don't we kowtow to His Majesty to admit our mistakes? We didn't bow our heads back then, and we won't bow our heads in front of you today!"

"Because he won't forgive you." The man said quietly for the first time, "Mars, you are a smart person, and a smart person should know when to do what, just like now, I am sitting here, It means I'm in control of the situation."

"Control the situation?" Mars said coldly, "Even if you control our base camp and take action yourself, how many of us do you want to catch by yourself? How much time do you have to play this game of catching people, and how much time do you have?" Can you be so confident that His Majesty will not catch any clues along the way? Of course he will not forgive our betrayal, but what about you? If he has hatred, then he must hate you a thousand times more than me!"

Every word of Mars was as cold as a blade, as if he wanted to break away the deepest fear in the man's heart. It was the innate awe of all sources. He didn't believe that Frissis had just forgotten it.

And the man seemed to have really been awakened by him to hide the fear hidden in his heart, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Mars looked coldly at Frixis on the screen, but his heart was full of doubts. Did he really feel the fear of His Majesty?

No, as far as that Frissian's character is concerned, even if he is bluffing, he will never let his weak side be exposed to the public.

"Why does he hate me?" Frixis looked up to himself, and those golden golden pupils were shining with brilliance that even Mars looked at at this moment.

"If he really has such a boring mood, then he should also be grateful to me, because I have done what he desires."

"You still don't understand anything."

"The one who knows him best in this world is neither you nor Ned Hogg, but me."

Frixis closed his eyes slowly, and there were emotional fluctuations in his voice: "Everything I have done is what he knows but dare not bear! He is a coward, and a coward is not qualified to lead the Dragon Clan, so he must start from Come down from the throne! What he dare not do, I will do, and the responsibility he dare not bear, I will bear for him. So, why does he hate me?"

"Mars, I have given you thousands of years, but you still seem to get nothing. Where have you spent these thousands of years? Research on how to make money, how to carve up the world, and how to enjoy yourself?"

At that moment, Frixis showed disappointment in his emotionless eyes.

"Perhaps that woman is right. I can't find a fellow traveler in such a big dragon clan."

Mars raised his eyebrows coldly: "Are you so sure that your path is right? Tell me, where is the reason why you have been crazy like a lunatic for thousands of years?"

"It's right next to us, but you idiots can't see anything." The man leaned back slightly, leaned on the back of the chair, his eyelids slightly closed, "Mars, is there enough time?"

"That's enough, thank you for your cooperation, allowing Fu Jin to buy enough time to evacuate." Mars said with a blank expression.

"You're welcome, this is a reward for finding me in time." The man let out a breath slowly, "Then from now on, the hunting begins, run for your life as much as you can, and find the safest place in the world, where There is a ray of hope for you."

Mars didn't speak again.

The projection in mid-air was cut off after a few flashes.

I don't know when the bright blue light beam also disappeared, and the hall fell into a complete dead silence and desolation.

Only the man was left sitting alone at the round table, quietly listening to the sound of the seconds in his ear.

I don't know how long after that.

He got up.

The Nibelung under his feet began to disintegrate the moment he stepped up.



"Thank you very much for your help, Your Excellency Mars—your dear little assistant, Fu Jin."

Looking at the last font that appeared on the phone screen, Mars silently turned his hands away and put away the phone.

He looked at Pompei, who was carrying his new friend on his back, and said slightly sadly: "Pompeii, my friend, I'm sorry, we have come to the moment of parting."

"Oh, my God, damn it, I didn't expect the parting to come so quickly." Pompey also showed heartache, and reached out his hand to grab Mars very reluctantly.

"Okay, stop acting, little bastard." Mars' expression changed, and he said coldly, "You heard the situation just now, it's very serious, so serious that I have to run for my life."

Pompey was surprised and said, "Didn't you leave him a little sun in the Nibelungen?"

"That can only be regarded as a greeting." Mars spread his hands, "For Frisis, who once ascended the supreme position, a few more little suns will not cause much harm. To be honest, it is the most headache for me now. What’s worse is that we don’t know how much information Frixis has about us, but one thing is for sure, he must have grasped our whereabouts through some channel. Kim's falling into a deep sleep requires the approval of half of the members, so I'm in a hurry to gather people for a meeting right now."

"What's next?" Pompey asked with concern.

"Next step? Run for your life, I don't believe this guy can update our location in real time."

"If I'm not mistaken, the Frixis you're talking about should be the Nidhogg I know?" Pompey asked.


"So, with his means, is it really difficult to find you?" Pompeii tentatively asked.

Mars was silent for a while, and said: "If he has no scruples about the human world, spreads his dragon body, and hunts us down with words like [Blood Knot Luo], then half of us will be easily found by him, but he It is impossible to ignore the human world, otherwise it would not be hidden until now, let alone His Majesty has awakened."

"Sounds like good news." Pompeii narrowed his eyes, "But has he really recovered to the point where he can easily hunt you down?"

"I also have doubts about this." Mars said without hesitation, "I tried him twice before, but he didn't show his feet. He lost his eggs and his former dragon body. I also doubt whether he is still alive. I have some strength left."

"I have a good suggestion. A single chopstick can be broken easily, but if dozens of pairs of chopsticks are piled up together, anyone has to weigh it. I think he was deliberately threatening you to disperse and run away, so that you will lose your compatriots." If you don't have the courage of the enemy, you may try to fight him head-on." Pompeii said seriously.

Mars looked at this guy strangely for a few seconds, shook his head and said, "This is indeed a good proposal, and your analysis makes sense, but it is unrealistic to achieve it."

"Honestly, the years we've lived... have been so comfortable."

Thinking of this, Mars couldn't help sighing.

"Thousands of years without enemies and without competitors, we have also been subtly assimilated by human society. Some of us are not worthy of being called dragons in other aspects except blood. In the words of you humans Said it was... businessman? It seems to be the word."

"You can't expect a group of merchants to go to the battlefield, and they'll be fine if they don't backstab you."

"Your analysis and suggestions are good, but the possibility of realizing them is very low."

Mars patted him on the shoulder, and said goodbye: "I hope we will have a chance to meet again next time, entertain this Mr. Odin Pendragon for me, and take good care of your family. I doubt Frixis I have been watching you all the time, after all, you have his eggs in your hands."

Watching Mars spread his dragon wings and flutter away, Pompeii patted his new friend on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Hey, Mr. Opan, your old enemy has awakened, what do you want to say? ?"

The man lying on his shoulder opened his eyes and said coldly: "He has never really died, and his cunning is the only thing I have ever seen in my life."

Seeing that his new friend was generous with his words, Pompeii lifted his spirits and asked, "Do you think the elders will kill the dragon this time?"

"If Frixis is really ready, at least half of the elders will die." The man paused, "Mars said just now that your family has his eggs in your hands? What's going on? "

After Pompey briefly explained the reason, the man was silent for a while, and said, "There is no doubt that you are all his bait."

(End of this chapter)

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