Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 371 Carrying the Weight of the World

Some say there are two stages of death.

The first stage is medical death. Your heart stops beating. The hospital issues a death notice, declaring that you have lost all vital signs from a medical point of view. Relatives and friends will bury you and shed tears for you at the funeral. , mourning the days when you were here, and every once in a while I will come to your grave to say a few words and drink two glasses of wine.

The second stage is that no one will go to your grave to send a bouquet of flowers, and no one will occasionally think of your appearance after dinner. Those memories you have been slowly polished by time. When this world The remaining "memories" related to you have all disappeared, and even the photos in front of the tomb have been blurred by the wind and rain into a ball of light and shadow. Who can prove that you existed?
This is the real meaning of death.

But what about when a person is alive?

The key to deciding whether a person is himself or not is memory or identity card?

If a guy originally named Lu Mingfei lost all memories related to "Lu Mingfei", can he still be called Lu Mingfei?
This is the source of Lu Mingfei's question to Edjo earlier.

Sometimes he thinks about whether he and he are one. In fact, it just confirms Edjo's previous guess. He is worried about whether he is "himself" and whether "himself" is himself.

He knew it was wrong, and he shouldn't doubt their oneness, but when he found that he had lost certain key memories, he was also a little confused.

He didn't know if it was another self deliberately concealing it, or if the long time caused him to lose this part of his memory.

Lu Mingfei went to see Big Brother specifically, and used all 36 tricks, but this guy pretended to be deaf and dumb and played deep, let alone say a word, without even lifting his eyelids.

Lu Mingfei could only look at the ocean and sigh.

However, since he received the courier today, the memory that seemed to be frozen in the extremely cold underground broke through layers of ice and rocks, and emerged in his ears.

He heard a familiar voice sounding like flowing water after thousands of years. The man knelt under the bright sky, talking about the scenery in the distance. He tried hard to see the man's appearance, but it was like a layer of fog The hazy white mist rising from the sky makes it hard to see clearly, but I can only hear "myself" calling him Smith, the guy Edjo just mentioned...

And at this moment, after listening to Edjo's confession, an inexplicable sadness filled the air. He could hear the sadness and the extremely complicated feelings in Edjo's words, but he didn't know how to respond for a while. .

Under Edjo's peaceful and gentle gaze, more and more turbulent tides gushed out from the depths of his memory, filling every corner of his heart, so soft yet heavy, slowly submerging him.

He suddenly felt tired from the heart, as if the loneliness and sadness accumulated for countless years burst out at this moment, his ears were full of the sound of water, he was submerged by the turbulent and gentle water, and kept falling into the dark water bottom, endless.

Until the melodious sound of wind chimes came from above, and the faint sunlight fell into the bottom of the water along with the opened gate of the bronze temple.

He opened his eyes again, but he was already in the hall. The dust raised in the air was clearly visible under the sunlight. The golden sunlight filled the hall from above, but it did not bring any warmth, and it was still empty and cold. , only the wind chimes above the head jingle.

A woman wearing a veil came from afar, pushed open the heavy door, and whispered to him that it had been a long time.

But he didn't pay attention to it, he just cast his gaze behind the woman, that was the world outside the door.

His gaze followed the sound of wind chimes all the way, passing through hills and plains, as if he had reached the end of the world at a glance, seeing mountains, rivers and rivers.

"Drawing the ground as a prison, imprisoning yourself in this deserted palace, is this your consciousness as a king?"

Under the golden sunlight, the woman uttered these mocking words in a toneless tone from a distance away from a large hall.

But Lu Mingfei discovered that that "he" still ignored the masked woman.

He sat quietly on the throne, propped his face with one hand, and looked at the sky outside the door calmly, as if the woman who came from afar in his eyes was far inferior to the one revealed in his eyes after the door opened. Momentary scenery.

At that moment, Lu Mingfei felt the weight of the sky, from the top of his head down, and his soul and body were suppressed on the throne together.

Every strand of golden sunlight in the air seemed to be the heaviest thing in the world, making him almost bow his head.

He raised his head slowly to see clearly what was hanging above his head. Only then did he realize that what was hanging above his head was not the sun disc, but an illusory sea.

The water waves rippling above the bronze temple, refracting the colorful sunlight, but pressing on his head like a solid body.

This illusory sea held him down on this lonely throne.

Or rather...

With his own strength, he alone shouldered this vast and rootless illusory sea!

"Suppress the entire sea of ​​elements alone. Looking at ancient history, you are the second person. Considering your inherited will, it is not inappropriate to say that you are No. 1. But you inherited the original will, but you chose this A road with no hope in sight, should I call you stupid, or respect your stubbornness?"

The woman walked forward slowly, and the wind chimes hanging above her head swayed slightly in the sunlight.

"I told you on the first day you and I met that the catastrophe of reincarnation cannot be eliminated. Even if you try your best, you can only delay the date of the return of the elemental sea."

"All you can really do is let your people meet death in the joy of a feast."

"But you not only hide the truth from your people, this even includes your younger brother. You know better than anyone that you can't save everyone, but you still insist. It seems that you You love them so much, but in fact you have never had a heart-to-heart relationship with them, and the distance between you and them is wider than the distance between the sky and the sea."

"You just sat in this cold hall and let them divide up the power of the world. For them, you have already become a symbol of coldness on the throne of the gods. Do you believe that even if you die, the world is still turning around for them? But It’s a new god.”

"They need God, not you."

In a trance, Lu Mingfei felt that he had completely overlapped with another him.

At this moment, an empty but majestic will washed over his brain, he looked at the distance quietly, and the voice of the woman in his ear gradually became clear.

But no matter how much she mocked, he couldn't arouse the slightest interest.

He didn't care about everything the woman said, he was indifferent to it, and his resolution had nothing to do with anyone but his own will.

What he wants to do, no one in this world can stop him.

But inexplicably... At this moment, he himself didn't know what he was insisting on.

Maybe they know it but don't want to admit it, or they really don't know.

He remained silent from beginning to end, ignoring the woman who broke into the room.

"You can't carry it on your shoulders forever, let alone save the whole world by yourself. How long do you have to resist?"

"That is all sin and the source of all evil. It is a false flower born in all evil. How absurd is it that you want to bear it alone?"

The woman's cold voice echoed in the hall, like questioning and comforting,
"Let it go, with your current personality, even the calamity of reincarnation can't consume your soul, so why bother to resist, you can't stop the return of the sea of ​​elements, this is the calamity of destiny. But at least you can still take your brother lived to the next epoch,"

Also this moment.

He suddenly turned his gaze to the woman, and a golden light surged in his eyes.

It seems that the woman's words have touched a certain bottom line that cannot be touched.

[Destined Tribulation]?
He thought, what absurd thing, dare to name it as destiny?

On the highest throne in this world.

The ancient monarch stood up slowly, and his movements were extremely slow, as if every tiny movement of a scale was at the price of resisting the entire world.

The majesty that is as high as the sky and embraces everything in the world radiates to the sky, the earth and the ocean, and sprinkles every corner of the world.

The sky vibrated like a drum, and the sound of the rushing tide came from above the head. The originally calm illusory sea suddenly set off raging waves, as if it might break through the final boundary at any time, surging and overturning the fragile world.

At this moment, there was a grayish white that represented death.

The sky, the earth, the ocean, everything has fallen into a frozen state, and time has also stopped at this moment.

And in this world where everything is covered in gray and white.

Only the figure standing on the throne is still colorful, overlooking the world.

The huge pale dragon wings slowly spread out behind him, the dragon wings covered the sky, and the shadows they cast enveloped the land and the ocean, as if he wanted to protect the world under the dragon wings with his own power, resisting the turbulent waves that were about to pour down tide.

He is alone against the fate that hangs over the world, and no one can stand by his side on this path.

But after all, he couldn't shelter the whole world under the dragon's wings.

He silently looked at the place beyond the reach of the dragon wings in the distance, and thought for a long time, until the sound of the sea tide was rolling like thunder, he slowly closed his eyes.

The veiled woman stands behind him, watching his back against the world with a quiet gaze.

In the end, he slowly put away his pale dragon wings, sat down again in silence, and continued to endure the endless loneliness and the weight of the whole world.

He failed again.

At the end of everything, he listened carefully, and seemed to hear the echo of the distant mountains when the wind chimes returned.

He tilted his head slightly.

The sky light fell on his face, it was the colorful sunlight refracted by the illusory sea, just like this great hall, there was no warmth at all, only the glare of false things.

He silently raised his right hand, the most intense fire element in the world gathered here, pulled away from the illusory sea above his head and fell, blooming countless bright lines, interweaving into a round of illusory sun disc.

He flicked his fingers slightly, sparks splashed in all directions, and the sun disc intertwined with fire elements shattered and disillusioned in an instant.

What is fragile is like this world, what is illusory is like the sea water above your head.

Maybe fakes... will always be fakes.

He thought so.

But he still didn't let go.

Exactly... what is destiny?


Lu Mingfei opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was Edjo, whose eyes were as warm and peaceful as water.

In the short moment just now, he saw the truth that someone was finally willing to let him see, and also gained insight into many absurd things.

"Ed Joe, what do you mean by destiny?"

he asked suddenly.

Edjo was slightly stunned, and after deliberating for a moment, he said: "That is the trajectory of everything in the world, from birth to death."

Lu Mingfei sat across from him, and said in a low voice: "You said that I never talked to you, but why did you ever talk to me? Today, no, from the time I met you to today, the most I have heard from you is Good words, it is the last joke you made with me today. You never talked to me like this before. You put me on the highest throne, regarded me as the supreme monarch, and shortened the distance between us, but And expect me to take the initiative to talk to you.”

Edjo's lips twitched, and he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just quietly listening to His Majesty's attitude.

"Maybe we are indeed not a qualified monarch, but you are not qualified courtiers either. This is the first time for everyone. It is normal to think that there are some things that are not good."

"You said that you are a little sad, but you are also happy, which makes me a little sad."

"I really don't need anyone to support me in my life, but it doesn't mean that you should die quietly in a corner of the world."

"I will not invite any of you to my future weddings, but I will not turn away any uninvited guests."

Lu Mingfei looked at him deeply,
"You just said that destiny is the trajectory of all things from birth to death, but I hope all of you can figure out one thing, so that all of you can live in this world..."

"it's me."

"Not that shitty fate."

In Lu Mingfei's pupils, there was a violent golden surge, like an angry spring thunder, but it disappeared quickly. He lowered his eyes slightly, and adjusted himself in a short silence.

"Overall, I am very happy to see you today."

"I'll pretend I didn't see you today. There seems to be very few old guys like you left. Since you're still alive, don't rush to die. I'll let you see what you want...the truth."

Lu Mingfei got up slowly, pulled Eri Yi beside him, and left a last sentence.

"The taste of tiramisu is not bad. It seems that you have indeed integrated into human life."

He took Eri Yi and strode past Edjo and walked out of this spacious living room.

He walked quickly, as if he was running away from something.

And behind them, Edjo sat blankly in his original position. He didn't get up to see His Majesty off, and he didn't even look back at His Majesty's leaving figure. Instead, he raised his head slowly in a daze, and looked at the blurred and dreamy lights outside the window. .

At this moment, he felt that the tidal sound belonging to the sea of ​​elements was getting closer and closer to his ears...

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