Chapter 373
The staff of the building were amazed, not knowing where the eyes of the young couple came from, Lu Mingfei and Eriyi ran out of the building, and after a few turns, they got rid of the security guards who shouted to stop behind them.

In the early morning of summer, the warm wind in Chicago is gentle, and the edge of the emerald green forest leaves reflects the cool golden sunlight. A few birds skimmed the forest leaves at low altitude, fluttered their wings, and flew into the white flowing clouds.

Morning joggers wearing earphones on the street nodded in a friendly way as they passed by them. The shops on both sides began to enter the business mode, and the rich aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from the bakery. Eriyi dragged Lu Mingfei into the shop. After entering the bakery, a few minutes later, one person was holding a bag of bread and a bottle of fresh milk, walking along the sidewalk intertwined with dense tree shade, feeling indescribably clean and at ease.

Lu Mingfei's cell phone rang suddenly, he held the milk bottle in one hand and the bag containing the bread, and answered the call with one hand.

"Hello? Well, it's okay. The enemy has already run away. We searched for a while and then retreated without any results. Okay, you can inform the school."

"Us? Oh, Erika and I will patrol the city again, maybe we can find clues of the enemy."

"Don't worry about us, don't worry, it's not us who need to worry, but the people of Chicago."

"Okok, we will pay attention. By the way, do you know what are the more famous scenic spots in Chicago? I suspect that the enemy may have hidden in the crowd. It is necessary to investigate!"

After hanging up the phone, it didn't take long for Lu Mingfei to receive the "Chicago Travel Must-Read Handbook" from the Permanent Commissioner in Chicago.

He was just about to sit on a bench by the side of the road and study the manual when an email was sent from EVA.

In the email was a video, followed by four words written in bold red fonts—urgent.

Lu Mingfei thumped in his heart. Knowing that the one-day trip to Chicago would be in vain, he reluctantly clicked on the video, wanting to see what it was that made the school mark it as urgent.

He clicked on the video, the video was dark, and the screen was still shaking, just like some damn horror monster movies, in order to create a tense atmosphere and save costs, the screen was dark and shaking, the audience couldn't even see the content clearly, just I feel dizzy, let alone the tense atmosphere. The monster fighting scene that was originally a mess of killings has also turned into a squirming line in a dark picture.

Lu Mingfei frowned and endured the camera shake for 1 minute, before resolutely fast-forwarding.

During the period, the person who shot this video could clearly hear the low-pitched exclamation. Although Lu Mingfei didn't understand which language it was, judging from his tone, he must be a C-language master with a very high content .

Why did EVA post this video...

As soon as this idea popped into Lu Mingfei's mind, the video suddenly lit up with a fiery fire, illuminating the dark night sky.

This is……

The strong fire elements gathered in midair, reflecting a ferocious and sacred figure. The slender figure stood in the air, with its wings spread out behind it, showing a sacred cross shape.

The scorching sun manifested behind him, he seemed to be standing in the sunrise, the morning light broke through the blockade of eternal night, he was as sacred as a seraphim with wings on his back, and as ferocious as a devil with dragon wings on his back.

The exclamation that kept ringing out in the video was silent at this moment, and the picture kept shaking, allowing viewers to fully imagine that the person who shot the video was trembling in panic.


Lu Mingfei whispered.

At the moment when the sun manifested and broke through the night, he saw the face of the Dragon Clan in the video, confirming his identity.

Mars is also a member of the Presbyterian Church, one of the priests of the past, he is an ancient man of the bronze and fire lineage, and he is the uncle of Norton and Constantine in terms of seniority.

What made him so irrational that he exposed his figure in front of humans, and even made this video circulated?

Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered the conversation with Edjo last night, during which he guessed part of the true meaning of Edjo appearing in front of him.

Edjo deliberately exposed the relevant location in Chicago, and managed to invite him here, just to use his hand to fight Frissis.

But until the end, Frixis was absent from the city.

He sat on the rooftop all night yesterday, except for recalling and thinking, he was just waiting for Frissis.

But Frixis didn't find Ed Joe in Chicago, so who did he find?

Lu Mingfei stared at the video closely.

Maybe the answer is right around the corner.

Mars's caution is not inferior to Edjo's. With their level of caution, if Frissis finds them all, then all members of the Presbyterian Church may have been locked by Frissis.

This is in line with what he saw in his last life, where he didn't meet any members of the Presbyterian Church.

If all the members of the Presbyterian Church were sent to sleep in advance by Frissis, then all this would make sense, but... there is still one problem.

The Black King he saw in the previous life was not Frissus, but a human being who usurped Frissian authority like Herzog.

The screen suddenly flickered and became extremely unstable. The fiery red sun disk hanging behind Mars suddenly burst, and the fire was pushed in all directions, burning everything in its reach, forming a field of boiling fire elements.

Someone walked slowly from the sea of ​​flames against the domain released by Mars. Behind him, the jet-black dragon wings blended perfectly with the night, and the splashing fire light illuminated the black dragon scales.

Upon seeing this scene, all speculations were thoroughly confirmed.

Lu Mingfei sighed, Frissis did not come to Chicago, but found Mars's place.

With Frixis' ability, Mars has almost no hope of survival without any special preparations these years.

What follows in the video is a war beyond the scope of human cognition. The two sides shuttle through the clouds at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and the people on the ground can only see lightning—and illuminate the gap between the dark clouds again and again. , and in Lu Mingfei's eyes, every collision is surrounded by turbulent elements. Mars' strength has grown a lot in these years.

That's the end of the video.

Lu Mingfei doesn't know what will happen next, what about the person who took this video, he only cares about two things now, the first is the life and death of Mars, and the second is whether this video has entered human society, It was still intercepted by EVA in time.

He turned off the video, and sat on a bench by the roadside with Erika.

EVA's phone rang right on time.

"Senior Sister, did you call from this phone card?"

"I saw you and Eriyi sitting down through the surveillance on the roadside. You have watched the video. The worst thing is that this video has been quickly circulated on the Internet through Facebook. We fulfilled the confidentiality clause in the first place , but unfortunately the effect is not good, this video has entered the official level, and the United States, France, Britain and other countries have set up task forces to investigate the matter thoroughly."

EVA's voice is the same as before, even in the face of such a bad situation, her voice is still cold.

Lu Mingfei scratched his head: "Didn't you use Fengou's method?"

"The news department's method is indeed effective, but this matter is not something that can be fooled around." EVA said, "I still have a press conference here, you can watch it."

The second video was quickly sent to Lu Mingfei's mobile phone via email.

Lu Mingfei clicked on the second video, and it was indeed a company's press conference as EVA said.

"Memory...isn't this the marine mining company located in the ice sea that Fingel has targeted?" Lu Mingfei quickly noticed.

"Yes, that's the company." EVA's voice did not fluctuate. "At present, we have confirmed that we have completely lost contact with the team heading to the Greenland Ice Sea, and all members have lost contact. This press conference was yesterday."

Lu Mingfei's face turned ugly, but he didn't say anything, and continued to watch the video with the progress bar.

EVA was very considerate and added Chinese subtitles for him. The protagonist of the press conference was a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

A huge monster whose body cannot be described in words.

It does not belong to any kind of creature in human biology, but it exists in human mythology, that is—giant dragon.

Lu Mingfei looked coldly at the young man in the video who passionately introduced this discovery destined to be engraved in history to the reporters.

This was a completely unexpected move. Over the years, both the Secret Party and the Dragon Clan have been guarding the secrets of the Dragon Clan in their own ways, and never let the secrets of the Dragon Clan be exposed to the human world.

But this moment.

Someone exposed this secret to the public, and it was completely displayed in the eyes of the world.

Lu Mingfei didn't know what the other party wanted to achieve through this method, but he knew clearly that this would cause an uproar in the world.

The secret party at this moment, as well as the mixed race organizations around the world, are probably suffering from a deep headache at this moment.

If the previous video was just suspicion, then this press conference has completely exposed the secrets of the Dragon Clan to the eyes of governments.

In today's human society, the strongest armed organizations have never been organizations of mixed blood, but governments of various countries.

Lu Mingfei had to admit that if the other party's purpose was to disrupt their plans and cause them trouble, then they had already succeeded.

The governments of various countries who know the secrets of the Dragon Clan will not discover the secret party and other mixed-race forces so quickly, but Lu Mingfei does not believe that the other party will stop there.

And as soon as this move is made, the current school must have become a mess, and the veterans are probably shocked and angry at the moment.

As for Headmaster Angers...

Lu Mingfei thought for a while. Judging from his communication with Principal Angers not long ago, the old man had already anticipated this scene in advance, but he didn't know if he had thought of a way to face this situation.

Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

Which side is this organization on?frisis?
Frissis is taking all the power built up by the Presbyterian Church over the years through annexation. He has no need to reveal the secret. When he fully grasps the power of the Presbyterian Church, this power alone will not destroy human civilization. , It is easy to plunge the world into three wars, he only needs to wait for human beings to kill each other, and exposing the secrets of the dragon clan will only make the governments of various countries vigilant.

So Lu Mingfei didn't think it was Frixis' handwriting.

So is it Odin?It's possible.

The method used to drive the Qing Dynasty to deal with the Lionheart Society was partly Odin's handwriting. Now it is just a repetition of the old trick. Through this method, he can easily drag all the mixed-race forces into the quagmire, making it difficult for them to move. Human civilization It will no longer be their backing, but will be their enemy.

"Senior sister, can't you find any clues about who is behind the scenes?"

"There is no way for the time being. The levels we can find are just ordinary people, and it is obviously impossible to be the mastermind behind the scenes."

Just as Lu Mingfei was about to say something, an incoming phone call made his eyes narrow, and he said in a low voice, "I need to answer a phone call, please, Senior Sister, temporarily block all surveillance on me."


It seems to be very lively today, the phone note is "Father".

"Hey, what can I do for you, try to keep the story short, the situation on my side is a bit chaotic." Lu Mingfei sighed.

The priest's voice sounded, not as gentle and elegant as before, but rather dignified.

"I know that the situation on your side is not very good. I can tell you exactly that Ouroboros made the move."

"Ouroboros..." Lu Mingfei twitched his brows, "You mentioned earlier, the survivors of your time?"

"Yes, it's her. She has always been afraid that the world will not be chaotic." The priest sighed, "Only she can do this kind of thing, you have to be prepared, she will do more than just give human civilization a dragon corpse." .”

"Haven't you already sealed her?" Lu Mingfei frowned, "Based on what you know about her, what exactly does she want to do? Target the mixed-race forces headed by the secret party, or do you want to attack me?"

"Unfortunately, she escaped." The priest's voice was extremely low. "It's all wrong. Based on what I know about her, her target is probably neither the secret party, nor you, nor the dragon clan, but human beings!"

The unexpected answer made Lu Mingfei startled, and repeated: "Humans? You mean that her purpose of doing this is not to target us, but to target humans?"

The priest said in a complicated tone:
"Remember what I told you before, among me, Norns, and Ouroboros, she is the craziest. We usually don't interfere with the progress of the civilization of the times, but she is different. The purpose of her survival is completely different from ours. .We carry the last wish of the world, I am the 'witness', Norns is the 'watcher', and we have not yet figured out the last wish she inherited."

"The fourth solar period is because of her nonsense, which caused the reincarnation calamity to be advanced by a full 100 years!"

"It's no surprise that she did anything. The only thing she has cared about over the years is the reincarnation disaster. If there is anything else to say, it is the 'protagonist' of the current era."

"She has a particularly awkward attitude towards the existence of 'life', and believes that low-level life is not worthy of living on this planet. The low level here does not refer to the level of life in general, but the height of spirit."

"And also related to her birth."

(End of this chapter)

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