Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 394 Puzzle (2)

Chapter 394 Puzzle ([-])

"Caesar, the common enemy of human beings and hybrids has been born. We need a true leader, he will be unique, possess the qualities of a king, and lead us to the final victory."

The aged Alpha spoke calmly and sincerely,

"Frost made an invitation to you, but you refused. This time, on behalf of the entire Gattuso family, and all humans and hybrids who are in danger, we extend an invitation to you again."

Caesar licked his lips. This action seemed a bit vulgar in the current situation. It should not be done by a gentleman or a leader of a family, but Caesar didn't care.

"What kind of invitation are you going to send to me, asking me to sit on the throne?"

"That's right!" Alpha's voice was full of temptation, as if the snake in the Garden of Eden said to Adam and Eve - eat the fruit of that tree, and you will stand shoulder to shoulder with God.

"The family will fully support you. When the whole world is howling in front of irresistible enemies, you will become the savior they expect, and lead mankind to raise the banner of resistance step by step. Humans and hybrids will worship you and send you Ascend to the god position, you will become a god in the true sense, and the whole world will prostrate at your feet, as long as..."

"Just?" Caesar shook his head slightly.

"As long as you are willing to pay some negligible price, accept the family to wear the crown for you."

The old man smiled gently, the sun was shining on his head, and his smile was shining in the sun, but there was no warmth in Caesar's eyes.

He was a little dazed.

In a trance, someone once whispered in his ear, saying that the family will fully support him, and he will become the emperor of the new era...

Unfortunately, that person is dead.

He died under the betrayal of his own people.

"What price do I have to pay for this crown?" Caesar whispered, his eyes were misty, as if he had fallen into the future that the old man wove for him.

"Some insignificant costs are also qualities that kings don't need." The old man's smile became more and more intense, "For example, some softness in the bottom of his heart, a real king should be iron-blooded, he will embrace victory, he has no time to mourn this The price to be paid on the road to victory is that he has to let go of his softness and make himself invulnerable."

Caesar nodded: "It does sound insignificant, and no normal person should refuse such a proposal."

The old man said softly: "Caesar, no matter what we do, we have to pay the price. This is the law of the world. Caesar, give yourself and your family a chance, and let the world belong to you."

"The world belongs to me?" Caesar suddenly laughed, "Is it mine, or the family's, or yours?"

The old man shook his head and said: "We are one, we belong to the Gattuso family, and we share everything in the family."

"Sharing?" Caesar smiled, "Kings never share with others, especially the world and power."

The smile on the old man's face froze.

"I understand what you mean." Caesar shrugged, "But I still haven't seen your sincerity. You are just talking like my uncle, but you still haven't come up with a bargaining chip that is beneficial to my heart."

"You told me over and over again that I would become the emperor of the world, wear a crown, and enter a new era..." Caesar thought for a while, "Oh, and you also repeatedly emphasized to me the family's love for me."

"But where exactly is the crown?"

Caesar stared at the old man, who was surprised to find that he couldn't read the child's eyes.

The majestic, proud and confident boy of the past seems to have really become the man they expected, but at a bad time.

It seems that Frost's death had a far greater impact on him than they expected.

They expected that Caesar would be depressed or mature overnight because of Frost's death, but it is clear that Caesar's growth rate has shown an uncontrolled astonishing increase.

Sure enough, is it a trip to Tokyo?
Alpha's heart sank.

The Tokyo party is Pompey's rebellion against the family.

The places Caesar went in his life were under the control of the family, even including the people and things he met.

They weaved stories that made Caesar "grow up" and become "confident", and the progress of Caesar's growth was completely within their control.

Even because of the sudden change in the world structure, they still have a backup method to make Caesar return to his heart and grow further, and that is Frost's death.

Even Frost's love for Caesar was part of their plan.

But Tokyo alone is not a place where they can reach out.

The Gattuso family's understanding of the Snaki Bajia is far beyond imagination, because they have kept paying attention to the doctor all year round.

Among the mixed race forces all over the world, the Saki Hachiya in Tokyo is actually a very special existence.

In the non-war period, if you want to defeat them without relying on the military, no mixed race force can do it.

Even if the secret party decides to release the monsters under the ice cellar, it still has no power to fight back before this generation's Tsukiyomi.

Therefore, the Gattuso family has no face at all in front of the Sheqi Bajia, and neither does the entire secret party.

There is only one person who has face in front of the Sheqi Bajia - Angers.

Although the Gattuso family can do many things, such as intervening in the Pentagon and mobilizing American nuclear submarines and aircraft carrier battle groups when necessary, they cannot persuade the Eight Snakes to cooperate with them without exposing the family's real tentacles.

They knew better that Dr. Herzog was not a good ally who could "talk to each other", and they were definitely not prepared to deal with him.

Knowing this, Pompey secretly pushed for Angers to transfer Caesar to Tokyo to perform the mission.

When they found out, Frost had to go to Pompeii according to the academy's institutional procedures to refuse Caesar to go to Japan, and when Percy found Pompeii in an unknown temple on the West Z Plateau, it was too late up.

And while they were still debating whether to fish Caesar out, everything was almost over.

The reason why Pompey did this was to let Caesar's growth progress break their plan.

They were very worried at first, and they were secretly wary of Caesar who had returned from Tokyo, but they were relieved when they confirmed that Caesar had not changed much after returning from Tokyo.

But now...

"At least let me see what the crown looks like first."

"I accept your invitation. I also want to ascend to the throne of the world, and I can't wait. I want to find the scum who killed my uncle, and shoot them with a shotgun like that stallion! Let them know that they offended Cato The price of the Suo family!"

Caesar paused every word, and his eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour.

The old people looked at each other for a while.

"Caesar, we can understand your desire to avenge Frost, but things must be prioritized, you need to..."

"Enough." Caesar said lightly, "The enemy of all human beings and mixed races has already appeared. You don't want me to kill Pompeii first, avenge the two dead family elders, and then put on my clothes. Crown?"

Alpha plug.

"You are always like this." Caesar frowned, "You emphasize and repeat over and over again, but you never really show it in front of me. Are you drawing a big cake for me?"

Alpha sighed: "Caesar, we hope you understand that the family has paid a huge price to keep this crown, and we must ensure that it goes to the most suitable person."

Caesar looked around and opened his arms, as if he wanted to embrace everything. He smiled confidently and said, "Isn't it me? I think I am the most suitable candidate in your expectations, but you are still hesitating because Pompeii? But I have no affection for him, and he loves me less than my uncle."

Alpha was silent for a moment, Caesar's initiative and aggressiveness exceeded his expectations, and Caesar completely grasped the initiative of the words.

He held on to the family's constant love and insisted on asking them to prove it, but he couldn't find a reasonable excuse for the delay.

"Of course we will put the crown on you with our own hands." Alpha said softly, "But before that, don't you want to know why the family chose you?"

"Isn't it because of blood?" Caesar raised his eyebrows.

The old people looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"That's right, it's because of your bloodline, but Caesar, do you really understand where the nobility of your bloodline lies?"

Caesar narrowed his eyes, he wanted to punch the old guy in the face and tell him of course it was because of his mother.

"Caesar, in fact, even within the family, some people question why the person the family has been waiting for for so many years is you." The old man said slowly, "Some people think that the spirit of speech is the embodiment of blood, and your spirit of speech [ Kama Itachi] Although it is not bad, it is far from being the strongest. The family has produced many excellent bloodlines over the years, including high-risk word spirits with a rank of 101 or higher, but they are not the people the family is waiting for. "

Caesar narrowed his eyes slightly. What he was concerned about was, where did these people who awakened the high-risk speech spirit go?
Such a person has never been heard in the family.

Could it be that it was sent to a monastery on an unnamed island?
Caesar believed that the family would firmly support the academy in sending unstable hybrids, but the premise was that these people could not belong to the Gattuso family.

"Caesar, [Sickle Weasel] is not your speech spirit, at least it is not inherited from your parents."

The old man finally revealed the final truth to him,

"Do you still remember the circumstances under which you awakened 【Kama Itachi】?"

"You should have forgotten that you used to think that it was inherited from your mother, and the price of passing it on to you was that she lost her hearing, but it is not true. You awakened after your mother lost her hearing."

"You longed to hear the voice of the world instead of your mother, and the world responded to your will."

The old man stared into Caesar's sea-blue eyes, and said affectionately: "Caesar, you are not the one chosen by the family, but the family was chosen by you. The world has chosen you, and you deserve to be on the throne of the world."

Caesar was stunned.

The old man's words made him fall into a daze, and he couldn't understand the real meaning of the other party for a while.

In his life, he has heard countless natural rhythms that ordinary people cannot hear.

As a child in the spring, he would stand for hours on end in a meadow in the foothills of the Alps, looking up at the sky and smiling like an idiot.

At this time, the stewards and servants of the Gattuso family stood not far away and whispered whether the young heir had any mental problems.

From their point of view, although this mountain plain is full of lush dandelions, it is still maddeningly monotonous. Occasionally, it is extremely beautiful, but after seeing too much, they feel that the field of vision is too monotonous and boring, but Caesar just saw it. Most of the day, until his mother came to him.

Shouldn't children like to be lively?
But they didn't know that their whispers were also heard by Caesar verbatim.

But he didn't bother with them, because it would waste his listening to the world.

He has never been keen on those small toys that can make cheerful sounds, but is interested in this meadow that only has the sound of wind.No one knew that in Caesar's ears, the mountains were full of music. The wind blew away the dandelions, and countless small umbrellas were spinning in the wind. The sound was amplified thousands of times, like church music played by an organ. , The dandelion umbrella is like the tender voice of a choir girl.

Thousands of girls sing, and the whole mountain is the resonant cavity of this invisible pipe organ, playing for one person alone!

The young Caesar stood in the middle and listened to this grand performance, which was much more interesting than those ridiculous little toys.

Caesar has been to many places since he grew up. He wrestled with the waves, fought against the rocks, and listened to the voice of the world.

"What do you mean, the world responded to my will?" Caesar whispered.

"It's literally." The old man said gently, "This is the proof of your noble blood."

Caesar stretched out his hand and called out tentatively, "Jun Yan."

However, nothing happened, which made Caesar feel a little regretful. It is recognized that Jun Yan is difficult to control, and he is most likely to accidentally injure his teammates, so Chu Zihang acted alone back then.

He looked at Alpha: "The world seems unwilling to respond to me."

The old man laughed and shook his head and said, "Caesar, it is impossible for us to let you live in the eyes of the world with such a talent. Only when you grow up and learn self-control can you freely control this power."

Caesar sighed, "What are you talking about, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"The reason why you find it ridiculous is because you have never seen the reality of this world." The old man stood up slowly.

In the past, he had to lie in a wheelchair and be picked up by a special person when he traveled, but at this moment he got up and stood in front of Caesar.

His figure is thin and tall, his skin is loose and full of age spots, he is the oldest among the people present, it is said that he is more than 300 years old, and Angers has to salute as a junior when he sees him.

"Caesar, you know who your name comes from, don't you?"

The old man bent down, stared closely at Caesar's sea-like eyes, and said softly, "Gaius Julius Caesar, your name comes from the historical Caesar the Great."

"But do you really know the life of this great emperor?"

"In 44 BC, Julius Caesar was assassinated and died. After his death, he was included in the ranks of the gods according to the Roman decree. It was also at this time that the comet known as the "Julian Star" passed the earth for the first time."

"He will live the same life as Nestor. After ascending to heaven, he will return to the sky and be listed as a star. You can welcome his soul from the stabbed body, turn him into a star, and make him a god forever. , guarding Capitolium and Froome high above the sky..."

The old man chanted softly. This is clearly the process of the ancient Roman poet Ovid recording the apotheosis of Caesar.

Then, the old man said something that shocked Caesar.

This passage comes from "Cuiyulu".

"...Ascended from the earth, descended from the sky, obtained the power above and below..."

(End of this chapter)

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