Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 399 Hassai Rhine

Memories burst like bubbles.

Frissy awoke to the sound of bronze bells in the afternoon sun that day.

When he opened his eyes, he was in a pitch-black room. The flashing red light of the huge screen illuminated his face. There was no distant wind with the fragrance of flowers coming from afar, and everything in his memory was gone at this moment.

He is alone, nothing to lose.

Frissis stood up slowly, looked at the red dot on the screen, and asked, "Confirm your identity, Wuni."

A boy "jumped" out on the huge screen, his pink face was full of seriousness, giving people a lovely contrast.

"Coordinates in Copenhagen, Denmark, real name Hasse Rhine, the third seat in the Presbyterian Church, the real-time coordinates are being tracked."

"Yo, I finally found a big fish." Ouroboros leaned lazily on the edge of the door, looked at the red dot on the screen, and said with a smile, "The third seat in the Presbyterian Council, Hassai Rhine, is the original Rhine's The owner? Speaking of which, didn't you say you solved Mars? Why didn't you bring back his keel?"

"Wuni, send me the approximate address."

Frissis turned and walked towards the door without stopping, let alone talking nonsense with Uroboros.

He pushed open the door and walked out, passing Ouroboros.

Uroboros twisted a strand of hair between his fingers, looking at his leaving back with a half-smile.

I really don't know how to evaluate this ally.

The woman slowly walked to the place where Frissis was sitting before, and waved: "How far has our plan been completed?"

Countless streams of data flashed in the boy's eyes, and he got the answer in an instant.

"69%. When Mr. Frissis successfully hunts the keel of Hassai Rhine and extracts the original model of Rhine, the progress will reach 74%."

"A rhinestone actually has a 5% increase?" Uroboros raised his eyebrows.

The boy replied sternly: "The Rhine's principle is to activate all the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire in a huge area, and create a strong and unstable turbulent flow of elements to force the elements to oppress each other. When this oppression is strong enough to approach When the star's surface pressure is high, the flash melting reaction between the elements begins. This is one of the ultimate chain reactions in alchemy, and once it starts, it consumes all the elements in the area to stop."

"After calculation, analyzing the original Rhine model will greatly increase the speed at which we can analyze the essence of elements."

Uroboros said thoughtfully: "It sounds like Hassai Rhine has completely humiliated this eloquence."

"Hasai Rhine is the fourth seat of dragon alchemy, and above him are only Norton, Mars, and the high priest Hefitos." The boy said seriously, "He is a disciple of Hefitos, [Rhine ]’s blood engraving was entrusted to him before Hephatos disappeared, and he has been looking for traces of Hephatos. Strictly speaking, at least he respected his teacher and did not abandon Hephatos.”

Ouroboros had a headache and gave up the idea of ​​arguing with this artificial intelligence who liked to be more realistic.

Just hearing Rhine's principle, more than a dozen experimental models popped up in her mind, all related to elements.

The real meaning of Rhine is by no means to oppress the turbulent flow of elements to create an imbalance between elements, thereby triggering an explosion, even if the temperature at the center of the explosion point is close to the core of a star, its real value lies in the control of elements.

It's a pity that this way, you can get close to the real word spirit in the world, but it's self-destruction for these thugs.

She sighed.

Word spirit and alchemy are both known as the two great powers of the Dragon Clan, but few people know how the word spirit was born in the first place.

Every word spirit originated from Long Wen and was born in the high sky. Their original name was [Blood Source Seal], which is the power that someone inscribed in the blood of the Dragon Clan stroke by stroke.

It is similar to but not the same as the speech spirit mastered by the modern hybrids. After all, the hybrids are just the inherited power of dragon blood. Although they have obtained power from the blood, how can they compare with the original version of the speech spirit.

Even within the Dragon Clan, the first generation species can use various low-level word spirits, but there is still a significant difference from the original blood source engraving.

And every member of the Presbyterian Church is the initial controller of the high-dangerous speech spirit.

They hold the original power of speech and spirit, which is a gift from the high heavens, and it is the most significant difference between the first generation and the lower ones.

The four high priests, on the other hand, mastered the taboo words above the high danger.

Horus holds the judgment in his hand, and is in charge of the dragon law code, and executes the punishment on behalf of the heavens, and punishes all ministers.

Ofina is in charge of the oracle, responsible for daily sacrifices and conveying the oracle above the sky.

Hephatos embraces the Rhine, representing the highest achievement of alchemy under the heavens.

And finally, Frixis, who is also the first high priest, is the most special.

Ouroboros knew very well that Frixis was the closest and farthest dragon from those two.

The reason why he is recent is because within the Dragon Clan, he is the third person under the pair of brothers.

And the farthest is because as the third person, he has the only authority in the Dragon Clan that does not come from the sky, but is born with it.

It is precisely because of this that the king of the sky back then threw the mission of stopping him in front of him.

Later, the exclusive words of the four thrones, such as [Return to the Market] and [Shiva Karma Dance], were the keys of authority extracted by Frissis after splitting the authority of the two parties.

These four spirits represent the ultimate of the four elements and are one of Frixis' highest achievements.

In the history known to women, Frixis tried to thoroughly analyze the essence of the elemental sea, but the result still ended in failure, and the only results were the four ultimate word spirits.

In terms of power alone, these four spirits are undoubtedly superior to [Judgment], because they are originally [Keys] similar to [Distant Utopia], and they are used to open the gate of the elemental sea and vent its contents. of the torrent.

Frixis placed these four powers in the hands of the four monarchs, and arranged for them to be used at different times to ensure that the torrent accumulated in the elemental sea was released in time.

"How long is it until Avalon is opened next time?"

"28 days, 4 hours and 27 minutes."

"Is there another 28 days?" Ouroboros murmured, "It seems that this is the last time, and our plan is about to start."

"Ms. Uroboros, I must remind you that 28 days, 3 hours and 27 hours is not enough for us to push the progress to 100%."

"There is not so much time for you to deduce, and the plan can never be changed. What we need now is time, and it is acceptable to gamble or two to gain time."

"Understood. I will put this plan on the agenda."

"Hasai Rhine's specific coordinates have been locked?"

"It is constantly being updated. He is on the move and has sent the latest coordinates to His Royal Highness Frixis."



Denmark, Copenhagen.

This is the capital of Denmark, located in the east of Zealand, Denmark, and across the Øresund Strait from Sweden's third largest city, Malmo. It is a traditional trade and shipping center, and the wharf is bustling with people.

The rain was pouring down from the sky, and the people around were like flowing water on the street, but Chu Zihang and the man standing across the road confronting him were like two rocks in the flowing water, neither of them would retreat.

Chu Zihang's expression was serious, and he subconsciously clenched the tennis bag tightly. He smelled a dangerous aura from the man in front of him.

This is a dragon, the specific bloodline is unknown, standing across the road with an umbrella at the moment, staring at Chu Zihang and Xia Mi, it seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

Xia Mi was listening to the class with earphones on, but seeing him stop suddenly, she couldn't help taking off the earphones and looking behind him.

"Hasai Rhine..." After seeing the visitor and confirming his identity, Xia Mi's face changed slightly, and he became vigilant, "What are you doing here? Self-destruct?"

She knew the origin of this guy, Hassai Rhine, a member of the Presbyterian Church, mastered the original version of [Rhine], and was also a leader in the first generation.

The skin under the clothes had already begun to grow shield-shaped blue-black dragon scales. Chu Zihang was ready to explode at any time, but he shelved his plan because of the crowds around him.

Professor Manstein's reminder not long ago is vivid in his memory. After all, he still did not dare to reveal his identity in public.

The unexpected guest pointed to the cafe behind him, as if saying see you in the cafe.

After all, the man turned around, took the umbrella, and walked into the cafe.

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi looked at each other, and they both saw the hesitation in each other's eyes.

"Go and have a look." Chu Zihang said, "Although I don't know what medicine is sold in the other party's gourd, it seems that the hostility is very light."

"His name is Hasse Rhine, one of the members of the Presbyterian Church, and the fourth member of Dragon Clan Alchemy." Xia Mi introduced in a low voice, "I don't know why this guy is looking for us."

"Go in and have a look."

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi walked into the cafe side by side. There were no customers in the cafe. A woman in a black and white waiter's uniform at the bar was wiping the table, and there was three cups of coffee in front of Hassai Lain sitting in a corner.

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi looked at each other again, walked towards the man slowly, and sat opposite him.

"Long time no see, Yemengard." Hassai took the lead in saying in a low voice, "Is this the human being you chose? I heard that he has a very good relationship with His Majesty."

Xia Mi's eyes narrowed dangerously: "Old guy, what do you want us to do? If it's a fight, don't blame me for not reminding you, my wife is that concubine, and if you hurt her, you won't have any good fruit! "

Chu Zihang turned to look at Xia Mi speechlessly.

Hasai was also stunned for a few seconds, and seemed to be able to react, looking at Xia Mi with helplessness in his eyes.

"Maybe I should be thankful that you are still so weird."

"To make a long story short, I don't think I have much time." Hassey put the two tickets in front of them, "Board these two cruise ships, and someone will guide you to the right place."

Without waiting for Xia Mi and Chu Zihang to question, Ha Sai continued: "It's up to you whether you go or not. Even if you don't go, you will still be guided to Avalon. This is your destiny."

Chu Zihang's expression changed drastically: "Where did you say you were going? Avalon?!"

Hasse glanced at him: "It seems that you have heard of this name before, so it will be easy to handle. Listen to young people, Avalon is Odin, oh, according to the latest information from Mars, you should now Call him Loki."

"Avalon is his cage, but he is about to escape from this prison. The golden ring that once sealed him will in turn help him." Hassei paused, "But this is still not the crux of the problem, the biggest The biggest threat is not Loki, but Frixis, and Loki is the body he prepared for himself."

"Body?" Chu Zihang frowned, "What does this mean? If Odin was replaced by Loki, where did Odin go? Is he completely dead?"

"I don't know, maybe he was also imprisoned on the island, or maybe he was sleeping somewhere. But he is not the key anymore, and you don't have time to find him."

"You came here to tell us that the final battle is on this island?"

"No, there will indeed be a battle here, but it is definitely not the place for the final battle." Hasai took out a USB flash drive and pushed it in front of Chu Zihang, "I have been looking for the location of Avalon these years, and I finally found some Eyebrow, the coordinates are here, how to get in depends on your luck. Whether you can prevent Frixis from completing his rebirth is up to you."

After he finished speaking, he looked down at his watch and laughed at himself: "My time is almost up. At Frissis's speed, it is estimated that there are still 3 minutes left, which is enough for me to smoke my last cigarette."

Before Chu Zihang had time to ask what would happen on Avalon, he was shocked by Hasai's last words.

Xia Mi's pupils shrank suddenly: "What are you talking about? Frixis has locked your coordinates?!"

She got up suddenly, came to the door of the cafe, and looked at the clear sky tonight.

Hasai took out a cheap local cigarette, looked at Chu Zihang, and said lightly, "How about borrowing a fire?"

Chu Zihang hesitated for a while, but still controlled a cluster of flames between his fingers, Ha Sai came over and lit a cigarette.

"The language is good. Let me ask, as a mixed race, with Yemengjia, will there be any daily pressure?"

Obviously life and death are on the line, but the man is still calm and unhurried, asking Chu Zihang in a chatty tone, as if expressing his contempt for death.

Xia Mi turned around and roared angrily, "Are you crazy? Is it time to chat?"

Their violent quarrel caught the attention of the cafe waiter, but now Xia Mi obviously has no time to worry about others.

Once Frixis descends on this city, Hassai will undoubtedly die, and they will also be affected. The former is by no means something they can contend with!

"Young people are like this. After so many years, they still haven't learned to be prudent." Hasai sighed, and looked at Chu Zihang, "Having found such a daughter-in-law, it shouldn't be very safe on weekdays, right? If Yemengjia wants to give you I'm here to apologize for the trouble."

"Bastard! What qualifications do you have to stand in my position and apologize for me?!" Xia Mi couldn't help but angrily said.

Hassey smiled and said, "This sentence is on behalf of Ed Joe."

Ai...Dejo? !

Xia Mi fell into a daze, and the name instantly brought her back to that youthful time.

Dragons, like humans, are children born in this world. They also have childhood, and they also have existences that they regard as their parents.

Seeing Xia Mi's state, Hassai shrugged unsurprisingly, and his attention was once again on Chu Zihang.

He stood up slightly and leaned forward. The smell of smoke wafted to Chu Zihang's nose. Chu Zihang subconsciously wanted to lean back, but the man grabbed his shoulder with one hand.

Then came the voice of the man deliberately lowering his voice.

"I heard that you have a good relationship with that student named Lu Mingfei in your academy? Have you ever slept in the same bed? Is it true?"

Chu Zihang's face twitched slightly, and he didn't know how to answer the man's expectant gaze.

"What's a big man doing?" Ha Sai glanced at his watch and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm running out of time, can't I satisfy my curiosity before I die?"

Chu Zihang was shocked.

What the hell is this guy doing?

He nodded slowly.

Hassai immediately became interested, his brows and eyes curved, and he said with a low smile: "Does he snore while sleeping?"

Chu Zihang froze for a moment, then nodded again.

Junior brother sleeps more than just snoring, it's not light.

After getting the answer, Hasai smacked his mouth and clicked his tongue, his face was full of disbelief and a smile.

He took one last deep breath of the cigarette and spit it on Chu Zihang's face.

"Take care of him, young man."

He crushed the cigarette butt on the table, picked up the umbrella beside him, and walked out of the house contentedly, waving his back to them on the way, as if saying goodbye.

"Let's go, I still have 30 seconds, enough time for me to choose a geomantic treasure."

This inexplicable and sudden dragon appeared and left in a way that Chu Zihang had never thought of.

He smokes cheap local cigarettes, wears street clothes, and has an ordinary face, the kind of public face that can be forgotten at a glance. One day you pass by him and you don't even remember such a person, but he is One of the most noble existences in this world.

The only thing he deserves to be worthy of this heavy status is perhaps only his attitude, the attitude of embracing death.

Today is the victory of the staying up party!Hugs to stay up late!

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