Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 77 Professor Romanti (3)

Chapter 77 Professor Romanti ([-])
"what are you guys saying?"

Chu Zihang hung up the phone, walked out, and looked at the terrified junior in doubt.

Lu Mingfei swallowed, and cast a sympathetic look at Chu Zihang.

"What's wrong?" Chu Zihang frowned.

Why is the junior brother looking at him with pity and sympathy in his eyes?
"Senior brother...you will have a hard life in the future, let alone cheating, I'm afraid it will be useless if you sneak out to drink together in the middle of the night." Lu Mingfei sighed.

Chu Zihang didn't respond.

Although he didn't know what Lu Mingfei was talking nonsense, but he thought it was not a good thing, so he decided to keep ignoring it.

He gradually mastered the method of dealing with his junior, either choking him to death with a powerful counterattack, or ignoring him directly, tried and tested repeatedly.

"I have contacted the school, and the support team closest to us will arrive in two hours, and they will send us directly to the branch campus."

"Jiang Liu is temporarily being detained by the branch campus, and the executive department will send professionals to investigate his details."

"Take a rest, I will be on guard, and the support team will arrive later."



The vehicle is driving fast, the trees next to it are getting thinner, and the left and right scenes are passing by quickly.

Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi sat in the back seat, and Chu Zihang sat in the co-pilot seat.

The two people by the window poked their heads out of the car window, one left and one right, and through the sparse bushes, a deep blue lake loomed behind the trees, as if flickering with clear skylight.

"Junior sister, camera camera!"

"I'm shooting, I'm shooting! You have to trust Master Xia!"

The yelling of juniors and juniors could be clearly heard from the back seat.

Chu Zihang rubbed the center of his brows wearily, thinking that if there hadn't been the attack last night, this time might really be a summer outing.

The vehicle started to climb the slope, and the sunlight pierced through the trees and cast light spots on the ground. A large area of ​​sunlight bypassed the angle covered by the ceiling above the vehicle's head, and fell on Chu Zihang's legs in the front row. It was warm, as if walking on the central garden street. Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, the weather is sunny and mild.

The small town is hidden at the end of the path covered by the jungle, running along a street called "Flower Street".

This is a small town hidden in the mountains, the weather is light and the wind is breezy. With a long history, the architectural style of the town has gone through a long time, but it is not much different from the appearance recorded on the postcard.

Today, this small town has completely become the "headquarters" of Kassel College in the UK.

The vehicle eventually stopped at the gate of the school in the center of the town.

A blond middle-aged woman had been waiting at the door for a long time.

"Welcome to the three commissioners. I am the person in charge of the branch campus. You can call me Professor Romanti." The blond middle-aged woman extended her hand with a warm smile and shook hands with the three people who got off the car one by one.

"You are the school's newest S-level Lu Mingfei?" Romanti gave Lu Mingfei a meaningful look, and smiled, "The school hasn't had an S-level student for a long time, and the last S-level student dates back to 40 years Before, so we are all looking forward to your performance, although your freshman report card is unbearable to look at, but your performance at the auction has refreshed our opinion of you, and the S-grade rating is well-deserved."

Lu Mingfei scratched his head in embarrassment: "The professor is too polite!"

"Then let's go in. I've prepared some special snacks for everyone." Romanti turned around with a smile and led the way for everyone.

"This time I invite you to come here mainly to be a witness for the 3E exam. There are many new students this time, far more than in previous years. There are many outstanding children from mixed-race families. This is all thanks to you."

Professor Romanti turned around and smiled at Lu Mingfei.

"The school does not exclude members of mixed-race families, because what the school longs for is a leader. Someone who can gather all the strengths will surely convince fellow travelers along the way and turn them into followers. Maybe this person will be you .”

After that, without waiting for Lu Mingfei's response, she turned her head to look at Chu Zihang again, and said kindly, "Schneider and I are old friends, but I have often heard him mention you on the phone in the past two years."

Chu Zihang nodded slightly, and said concisely: "Hello, the professor said that you are one of his few friends."

"You are excellent, but you are like a lone wolf. You lack the courage to become a wolf king. You will become a sharp knife, a knife without a handle. But you must be careful, don't Burned to ashes by the fire I ignited."

Only then did Lu Mingfei and the others notice that Professor Romanti's pupils had turned golden.

Of course, she could not be putting pressure on them by igniting the golden pupils, but she used the spirit of speech!
Romanti turned her head to look at Xia Mi, and said with a smile, "What a beautiful child, all the gods will envy your beauty."

When Professor Romanti turned around to lead the way again, Chu Zihang whispered to the two people around him: "Professor Romanti's words are prophets."

Both Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi were surprised.

The former did not expect that besides Qilan, the leaders of the British branch campuses were also the owners of the Prophet.

As Lu Mingze said, the Prophet is a very special language spirit. It does not belong to the four element systems of earth, water, wind and fire, nor does it belong to the spirit system. It is independent.

Lu Mingfei could actually master the Word Spirit Prophet by ordering Longwen, but he would not do so.

Because what he hates the most... is spying on fate!
If Time is a ruthless woman, then Destiny is a capricious bastard.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Mingze said that those who spy on fate often die as a result of being fooled by fate.

According to Lu Mingze, the fact that Odin was still trapped in Avalon after ascending to the supreme position was a trick of fate, or the price.

Because the golden ring and the crown of annihilation were worn on him at the same time.

Lu Mingfei didn't think that Professor Romanti could use the prophet to peek out any great secrets from him. Firstly, the prophet has great limitations, and secondly, the personality gap between them is even greater.

Lu Mingfei clasped his hands on the back of his head, and walked lazily in the open-air corridor.

Xia Mi and Chu Zihang walked behind him side by side.

Xia Mi kept fiddling with his camera, and Chu Zihang followed slowly, his eyes a little absent-minded, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Jingle Bell--"

The school bell rang suddenly.

The students poured out of the classroom one after another, nodded and greeted Professor Romanti as they passed the corridor, and then looked curiously at the three Asians following the professor.

Among this group of juniors and juniors, Lu Mingfei even saw two familiar faces.



Lu Mingfei touched his nose, feeling a little surprised.

The former is one of the school's belles in the future. The hereditary Countess's title makes her the focus of the school with only B-level blood. After all, a beautiful girl will attract attention everywhere.

The latter... will be the next head of the dance troupe of the student union and the assistant to the chairman, who will be the secretary of Chairman Lu in the future.

If I remember correctly, Victoria is two years younger than me, and I will have to wait until next year to enter school.

And Isabella was a class younger than herself, and entered in the same batch as Xia Mi.

But isn't Isabella Hispanic?Why is there a branch campus in the UK?
Of course, this is not the point. After seeing his old friend again, Lu Mingfei felt a little joy in his heart, but he was not ready to go forward to say hello.

(End of this chapter)

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