The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 425 Five Lines of Absolute Immortal Sword Formation

Chapter 425 Five Elements Absolute Immortal Sword Formation

When it reappeared, it had already come to another space.

Look up.

It was the scorching sun.

The mountains and rivers below stretch into the distance.

Lush and lush forests cover every corner as far as the eye can see.

Just looking at the surface, there is no difference between this place and the outside world.

Feel carefully.

Can't help showing surprise.

The concentration of aura here is hardly inferior to that of Maoshan Spirit World's "Tortoise Sleeping Place".

Xu Rui turned around, and the entire space was about three hundred miles in diameter.

Although it is not too big, it is enough for his personal dojo.

And in the future, with the growth of the Kongming Treasure Tree, this space can continue to grow and become larger.


With a 'thud' in my heart, I urged Dunguang to search the cave for a few laps but found nothing, and finally gave up.

The innate spiritual species 'flame sycamore' he had originally planted in the cave was directly absorbed and refined by the 'kongming treasure tree'.

Shaking his head annoyed.

"If I knew it, I would have moved it out first."

But fortunately, he didn't transplant the colorful heart pomegranate in, otherwise it would be even more distressing.

After calming down, Xu Rui took out the Dragon Slaying Sword.

After holding it, my heart moved.

The next moment, he appeared in Qinglin Juzhong in Maoshan Spirit World.

Putting away the Dragon Slaying Sword, Xu Rui could still clearly sense the existence of the 'King Ming Treasure Tree'.

"It was a big surprise."

Being able to sense the Kongming Treasure Tree meant that he could enter and leave the Maoshan spirit world without the need for the Dragon Slaying Sword.

With a gesture of his hand, a green leaf flew out of nothingness and landed in his palm.

This is the leaf of the 'Kongming Treasure Tree'.

It is also a road sign for entering and exiting the 'Kongming Treasure Tree Cave'.

After Xu Rui integrated the leaves into Qinglinju, he walked into the Kongming cave without using the dragon sword, and then transferred from the Kongming cave to the present world.

After success, I tried the other way around, and after I was still successful, I was really relieved and laughed excitedly.

In the future, he will be able to go back and forth between the present world and the spiritual world at any time without the need for luck in the spiritual world, which greatly improves the convenience.

After calming down, feel it carefully.

There is still no movement in the ghost blowing lamp world, and it is obviously still in a sealed state.

Without the original Qingyun Cave, Xu Rui rebuilt a house similar to Qinglinju, named "Qingyunju" and placed it in the cave behind the original Elephant Trunk Nest for Xu Buzhou and Qingsnake to live in and protect his own. parents.

Only then did he return to the Maoshan Spirit World.

After settling them down, Xu Rui began to organize his family property.

Transplant the Yitian white vines in the dojo of the Modu into the cave, and at the same time, transfer all kinds of books in Qinglin Juli, Taiyi Yinyang furnace, Dushan Dayuhai and other spiritual artifacts, as well as various important treasures including the seven-colored heart pomegranate. All the things are transferred to the cave.

The 'Kongming Treasure Tree Cave' that exists in the turbulent flow of the void is far superior to the former Qingyun Cave and Qinglinju in terms of privacy and security.

From now on, this will be my base camp.

Whether it is Qinglinju or Qingyunju, including the Dojo of the Demon City, they are all his temporary footholds, acting as a transfer station.

After finishing all these tasks, Xu Rui began to prepare for the refining tool.

This time, he bought eleven pieces of eighth-grade medium-level spiritual materials from the sale of spiritual weapons, plus the seizures from Dorgon and others.

There are thirteen pieces.

One piece was refined into 'Qingyunju', and he planned to refine the rest into spirit weapons, and then sell them in exchange for spirit pills.

After Kunlun absorbed the evil green wood energy from the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda, it had completely tempered the Lung Meridian of Taiyin, the Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin and the Pericardium Meridian of Hand Jueyin.

But there are nine meridians including the three yin meridians of the hand, the three yin meridians of the foot and the three yang meridians of the foot in the twelve orthodox meridians.

Coupled with the eight extraordinary meridians, it is still very early from the Yuanshen.

More importantly, he also needs to train his body.

Although the resources needed are not as many as Kunlun, but he is a double cultivation.

In addition to Xu Buzhou and Xu Xuandu, Xu Rui doesn't refine more spirit weapons so as to exchange resources, so he can become the primordial spirit in the year of the monkey?

Xu Rui, who was sitting cross-legged on the altar, suddenly opened his eyes.

Stretch out your finger and drink in your mouth.


The closed Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace suddenly opened, and with the rapidly rising temperature, a clear and pleasant dragon chant shook the training room.

Accompanied by the sharp sword energy, a blue sword light flew out of it like a jumping spirit fish.

Xu Rui stretched out his hand and pointed, and the sword light flew into the big jade sea in Dushan Mountain next to it.


A large cloud of water mist spread out.

But soon it was taken back by Dushan Dayuhai's prohibition.

After the quenching was completed, the bright cyan sword light became much more restrained.

Stretching out his hand for a move, the sword light flew towards him quickly, and slowly landed on his palm.

Look carefully.

The sword is two feet and eight inches long and two fingers wide. The head of the sword is a semi-round carved Ruyi head, the hilt is round, and the calyx is a Ruyi cloud pattern. The word "Qinglong" below is shining brightly.

On the whole, the green wood sword has a simple and elegant shape, with a restrained breath, like a piece of translucent sapphire.

After checking it and making sure there were no flaws, Xu Rui nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand, and a sword box flew over not far away.

When opened, there is a scroll inside.

There are four swords inside the scroll, which are colored black, red, white and yellow.

It was the Xuanwu Sword, Suzaku Sword, White Tiger Sword and Qilin Sword that he had refined in advance.

Coupled with this 'Blue Dragon Sword' corresponding to the green wood attribute, the five elements are all together.

"It's a pity that my current refining ability is not enough, otherwise I can refine them into high-grade spirit swords, which are even more powerful."

A wave of the right hand.


The scroll flew out like lightning, and turned into a five-pointed star array the size of an mu field, with black, red, white, yellow, and blue auras blooming.

It is the "Five Elements Absolute Immortal Formation Map" of the seventh rank.

Then waved his hand, and the five spirit swords were suspended on the formation according to the five elements, and they were forbidden to connect with each other. After merging with each other, Xu Rui instantly felt an extremely domineering and powerful force, like an erupting volcano contained in it.

Looking at the 'Five Elements Absolute Immortal Sword Formation' that he had spent two months refining, Xu Rui couldn't help feeling excited.

With this sword array as the foundation, combined with the five congenital ghosts, it can definitely become his means of suppressing the bottom of the box.

After a long time, Xu Rui calmed down after taking a few deep breaths.

Both hands formed seals, and under the urging of mana, five spiritual swords were rolled up in the formation and fell into the sword box.

Throwing it casually, Xu Xuan who was next to him took it and hung it behind his back.

At his waist, there is also a small horn.

It is the high-class spiritual weapon 'Bull Demon Horn' that Xu Rui took back from Xu Buzhou.

The role of this horn is mainly to control and assist.

In terms of control, anyone who is branded by it will be controlled by it as long as their cultivation level does not exceed Yuanshen.

In terms of support, monks under the golden core can increase their strength by six or seven times under the blessing of the horn of the bull demon. The lower the cultivation level, the higher the improvement.

But it is not an infinite improvement, after all, there is a limit to the endurance of the physical body.

Golden core monks can triple the amount in the early stage of golden core, double in the middle stage of golden core, and double in the late stage of golden core.

Based on the role of the 'Bull Devil's Horn', it played a very limited role in Xu Buzhou, but it played a greater role in Xu Buzhou who controlled the five congenital ghosts.

The strength of the five ghosts is stronger, which means that his strength is stronger.

Without the Bull Demon Horn, Xu Buzhou only had the middle-level spiritual weapon 'Xuanwu Sword' and the low-level spiritual weapon 'Thunder Umbrella' left in Xu Buzhou's formation.

Compared with Kunlun, who owns the 'Two Dragon Bells' and has re-practiced to achieve medium spiritual weapons 'White Tiger Axe' and 'Xuanwu Shield', it is much worse.

However, Xu Buzhou's main task at this stage is to refine the demonic energy in his body and protect Xu Rui's parents, relatives and friends. He doesn't need to go out to fight, the Xuanwu sword and thunder umbrella are enough.

Let's go back to Xu Rui's deity.

After disposing of the unused spirit weapon,
He still has the dragon-slaying sword, a medium-level magic weapon of the seventh rank.

The eighth-grade superior spirit weapon Jiuxian Gourd, 36 Tiangang Soul Locker, Buddha Golden Bowl, Taiyi Yinyang Furnace, Qinglong Soul Slaying Monument and Dushan Dayuhai six pieces.

The Taiyi Yinyang Furnace and Dushan Dayuhai are used for refining weapons, and the Qinglong Soul Slaying Stele is just a map, each with its own use.

Most of the Jiuxian gourds are used by him as magical storage tools and brewing spirit wine, and are rarely used against enemies.

Therefore, only the 36 Tiangang Soul Lock and the Buddha Golden Bowl are left as the best spiritual weapons.

Eighth-rank medium spirit weapon, only the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda, Muchen Bead, Qinglinju and Qingyunju are left.

The latter two are just dojos and are ignored.

Only the seven-star stone plate is left for the eighth-rank inferior.

Taken together, even the Seven Treasures that the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda needs are not available.

But it doesn't matter, the leftovers are enough for him.

After sorting out the spirit weapons, let's look at spells.

Lingbao Puppet Art, Shaking Soul Art, Walking Illusory Art, Five Ghost Transport Art, Qingcheng Yufang Jue, Artifact Refining Art, Five Thunder Correction, Pure Yang One Qi Sword, Flying Crane Tracking, Three Yin Curse Killing Art, One Forgetting All empty and so on.

There are too many spells to comprehend, which consume a lot of time for him to practice.

Moreover, he discovered that a good magic weapon is actually no worse than a penance spell. The only disadvantage may be that the magic weapon consumes more mana than the spell, but this weakness is not fatal. After all, he still has supernatural powers to make up for it. .

Therefore, instead of spending too much energy on spells, it is better to keep a limited number of doors and spend more energy on improving the way.

Daoxing and mana are fundamental.

Based on this idea, he only intends to retain the five fundamental spells, including Lingbao Puppet Technique, Soul Shaking Technique, Five Ghosts Transporting Technique, Qingcheng Yufang Jue, and Artifact Refining Technique.

In fact, the soul shaking technique can also be discarded.

However, this technique for the soul has repeatedly worked at critical moments, so Xu Rui decided to keep it after comprehensive consideration.

As for the Walking Void Technique.

He has the Golden Crow Dharma Body.

Kunlun has the ape strike technique and the supernatural powers of flying clouds and fog.

Xu Buzhou has the supernatural power of wind and thunder wings.

Only Xu Xuan was worse, so Xu Rui gave him the Qingluo Ye Beast to travel.

After combing, Xu Rui took out the thousand-refined hardware hero that he had exchanged for the 'nine-petal golden lotus'.

This is a low-grade spiritual material of the seventh rank.

If he had a choice, he would prefer a piece of low-grade seventh-grade spiritual material with wood attributes.

It's a pity that Gu Tiejun didn't have it.

"I hope I can gain something from Zao Wou-ki."

Back then he promised Zhao Wou-ki that he would refine a medium-level spiritual weapon for him within a month.

Now the Jade Tiger Sword has already been refined, but there has been no chance to send it back to him.

This time, the order was just completed, and by the way, the Daguan knife was handed over to Shi Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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