The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 443 Zhang Jie's Production

Chapter 443 Zhang Jie's Production

When he came to Jiuyi Mountain, he skillfully summoned the bluestone dharma body of the ancestor of Jin Chan.

Seeing Xu Xuandu, Patriarch Jin Chan's eyes lit up.

"Little fellow daoist, how is my spirit weapon refined?"

"My senior brother has already refined it, so I just gave it to the ancestor when I come back this time." Xu Xuandu laughed.

"Haha, this couldn't be better. Don't resist, fellow daoists, I'll bring you to the Golden Chan Tower."

Xu Xuan nodded and turned around.

"Brother Four Eyes, you can go back first. After I hand over the spiritual weapon that the senior brother has cultivated to the ancestors, I will go to pay a visit to the Taoist brother."

Although Simu really wanted to follow him, but his relationship with Xu Xuandu was not as good as Xu Rui's, so he hesitated for a while and didn't speak.

After the ancestor Jin Chan opened his mouth and protruded out of the bluestone archway, he walked in with four eyes first.

When the four eyes left, the blue stone archway turned into a spiritual light and enveloped Xu Xuandu.

The latter only felt a flash in front of his eyes, his feet lightened, and the surrounding space changed, and when he reappeared, he had already been inside the Golden Chan Building once.

Looking at the fat old man in the golden robe sitting on the head, he cupped his fists and saluted.

"I've seen Lord Toad."

"Little fellow daoist, I don't know where the spiritual weapon is?" Jin Chan Patriarch said directly.

Seeing him like this, Xu Xuan didn't make any detours, he patted the dharma bag, and took out a wooden box four feet long and one foot wide from it.

After uncovering the seal on it, Mana carried it to the ancestor of Jin Chan.

With a gesture, the wooden box fell into the palm.

Inside the red soft lining was an indigo dharma sword.

The sword is eight feet and seven inches long, the hilt is one foot long, the head of the sword is a tiger's head carved in relief, and the calyx of the sword is the mouth of a gluttonous swallow.The sword body is straight, and on the surrounding lights, the flickering cyan aura is like a pool of autumn water.

Seeing the golden toad Pan Lang, who was happy to hunt, holding a sword in his hand, he urged him with magic power.


Zhang Xu Jianguang rushed up like a rainbow, and the hot sword energy reflected his eyebrows with coldness.

"Good sword!"

"It's really a good sword, and the master's skill in forging is really admirable to the old man."

Jin Chan and Xu Xuan praised it absolutely.

As the owner of Jinchanfang City, the treasure I have seen is Zhifanji.

Good or bad of an ancestor, one can tell the difference with one touch.

Although that sword is only a top-grade Pan Lang, but the light of the sword is pure and shattered, and there is no trace of impurities. This is the result of Xu Rui's extreme refinement and full use of it.

Although few refiners can refine the ancestors, it is difficult to achieve the ultimate.

Therefore, that is also a benchmark to measure the level of a craftsman.

"As long as Pan Lang is satisfied."

Bai Xiaohong laughed.

My Taiyi Yinyang Furnace and Qingwu Spiritual Fire have already been trained to the lower fourth rank by me, plus Dushan Xiaoyuhai of the same level.

The hardware conditions are almost top-notch.

Coupled with the extremely rich spiritual energy inside Kongming Treasure Tree Cave, Pan Lang provided unique conditions for refining.

Then there will be no superior ancestors who have almost reached the peak of their sacrificial skills.

"You are very satisfied with that spirit sword."

Before putting it back into the wooden box and putting it away.

"You still don't have a few pieces of Pan Lang, so Brother Zhiling doesn't have time to refine them?"

"of course."

Bai Xiaohong nodded affirmatively.

Fortunately, Hua Cheng has won the trust of Jin Chan and Xu Xuan, so of course he has to dig deeper.

Before thinking for a while, Jin Chan Pan Lang waved.

Eight spiritual lights flew over from the next room.

With a wave of his hand, the wooden box fell behind Bai Xiaohong.

"Fellow Daoist, please take a look."

Before Bai Xiaohong nodded, she lifted the seal below.

In the thick aura, eight pieces of Xu Rui of the fourth grade appeared.

Bai Xiaohong's brows twitched, looking at Jin Chan Pan Lang smiling with a kind face, she couldn't help shaking her head.

"The old man is really cautious."

I thought that before the next cooperation, I would be able to produce a mid-level Pan Lang of the fourth rank, but I thought it would be the top-rank of the fourth rank.

Obviously, I intend to test my refining skills before deciding whether to take a step back.

Fortunately, I also intend to cheat people, simply want to solicit business.

Moreover, if you sell the fourth-grade superior ancestors, you can also exchange for the middle-grade Xu Rui I want, and it will be the same if you sell the middle-grade ancestors at that time.

He waved his hand to put away the eight pieces of Xu Rui.

"That transaction was concluded on behalf of the senior brother. It can be delivered in eight months at the shortest time or half a year at the longest."

"Hehe, now you are waiting for the good news from Daoyou."

"Good to say."

Jin Chan Xu Xuan smiled a moment ago, then changed the topic.

"When you met Senior Brother Ling, I heard that I was a casual cultivator. Now that you see Daoyou, you know that Senior Brother Ling's talent is rare in this world. low foot?"

Pan Langfeng smiled lightly.

"My master is a casual cultivator from West Kunlun, and his name has been used for a long time, and he has never told your senior brothers. Therefore, you may not be able to answer the words of the younger generation."

"In this way, Master Ling is still an ascetic monk."

"It's wrong."

After asking several questions in a row, Jin Chan Xu Xuan gave up seeing that my tone was not showing at all.

"Xu Xuan, you came back from work and are about to take a rest. If Pan Lang has something to do, this junior will leave." Bai Xiaohong got up and said.

Jin Chan Xu Xuan stood up, "I've got something to do. It's the time before the Daoist friends have no free time. You can come to Lao Fu's place to drink tea and chat. The small door of your Jinchan Building is always open for Daoist friends."

The other is to say, but no senior brother who can refine the ancestor is worth me to win over.

Before Bai Xiaohong agreed, she turned and left.

Looking at my back, Jin Chan Xu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he knew what to think about.

Before leaving Jinchan Tower, he went to Longmen Inn to chat with Qimu and Jia Baniang for a while, and then returned to No. [-] Courtyard of Jinchanju and lived there.

Time passed day by day, half a year in the blink of an eye.

Half a year later, Bai Xiaohong went to Renjia Town to visit her fourth uncle and aunt.

The two have become Taoist couples and live comfortably.

Qiusheng and Wencai are still single.

The two guys with no strings on the outside of their heads still gave fourth uncle a headache.

It's a pity that after half a year, no one from Maoshan came to find me for refining weapons.

After asking for a while, I found out that the eight minor patriarchs of Maoshan, Kongming, Yiyang, and Yiqing, have all retreated, and the person in charge of Maoshan's general affairs is the head of Maoshan Yizhen, the 'Qinglei Taoist' He Kong who has just broken through the golden core realm.

This person is the master of Maoshan's contemporary young disciple 'Shi Jian'.

As the saying goes, "no teacher will have no disciples", and vice versa.

"Qinglei Taoist" He Kong, although he is extremely talented and his cultivation base is the No. 1 in Maoshan's "Qing" generation, but he also has a domineering personality, saying that one is seven.

Therefore, within Maoshan, the relationship with the masters of Qimu, Lin Fengjiao, Shugu, Fourth Uncle, Qingyun, Qingsong and others in Maoshan Yizhen is very stiff.

Qimu and Lin Fengjiao reported the news, but He Kong immediately rejected it with a 'nonsense'.

Pan Lang also thought that he would get involved in Maoshan's power struggle.

Even without Zhao Youji, Jin Chan Pan Lang, Guan's family, and the Real World Practitioners Association's refining orders, I also lack opportunities to make money, so it doesn't matter.


The empty bright treasure tree reaches to the sky.

Pan Lang, Bai Xiaohong and Ling Qi stood together.

Bazhangli, a low ghost gate is suspended in mid-air.

The door was closed and opened, and the long stone road stretched towards the white darkness, getting longer and longer, and gradually disappeared into the rich white darkness.

After closing the door, a pretty young man in a long white dress was supporting an old lady in a blue robe beside her.

"Xu Xuandu, has he really decided?" Ling Qi asked.

Xu Xuandu nodded, "Mr. Xu, Mrs. Xu, they were raised safely before."

Zhang Jie nodded and said: "If it is done, you will treat you like your own son."

Before Xu Xuandu thanked him again, he was willing to look at the big guy who was sleeping in Pan Lang's arms, and turned around cruelly.

"Mom, let's go."

The old lady nodded, she was willing to look at her grandson in front of her, and walked towards the depths of the gate of hell.

Gradually, it went farther and farther, and finally disappeared in the darkness.

With a wave of Bai Xiaohong's hand, the gate of hell disappeared in a hurry.

Zhang Jie sighed.

"This man really has a strong temper."

I thought that before you got along with your man for less than half a year, you could change your mind and stay by your man's side, watching you grow up.

After all, with your aptitude, in an empty environment, as long as you practice hard, it is not difficult to achieve a golden core.

It's just that I thought that everything changed in the first place. Before the old lady died, Pan Langfeng decided to go to reincarnation. After several times of persuasion, he changed your mind.

"You can understand you." Ling Qi said suddenly, "You will always understand that a mother's feelings for her child are not strong and sincere. If you sacrifice yourself, you can let the child have a better growth environment, and you will never be firm. sacrifice."


The tone of the spirit weapon became high and deep.

"If you choose to stay, Ping An's father is a stain that you will erase forever. Will anyone allow their own children to marry a man who is a murderous devil and a ghost cultivator?"

Zhang Jie nodded, before continuing the topic.

This is afraid that in the previous life, the concept of being a good family has changed, let alone now.

For me, if my own strength is vulgar, I don’t have the ability to refine weapons, and if I have some notoriety, then I was in Jintaifang City, don’t want Zhang Huai to agree to my marriage with Ling Qi.


The sudden cry of pain shocked Zhang Jie's heart.

Quickly holding the spirit weapon, "What's wrong?"

"That bastard seems to be coming out." Ling Qi frowned.


Zhang Jie was relieved when she heard that, that was her first child.

Quickly manipulated Pan Langfeng to take Ping An over.

I, on the other hand, flew towards the delivery room that had been prepared earlier with my magic power and the spiritual weapon.

Push the door and retreat.

Outside the room of about [-] square meters, the aura is several times thicker than inside.

Zhang Jie specially set up a spirit-gathering formation outside there, just for that moment.

Lie up under the cloud bed in the middle with the spirit weapon in hand.

"He goes out slowly."

As soon as he lay down, the spirit weapon stopped chasing people.

"You stay with him."

"Yes, he goes out slowly."

Although in the real world, it is already a thing of the past for a husband to accompany the childbirth, but it is the same outside.

Seeing Pan Lang's resolute expression, Zhang Jie went in and out.

"Yue Qiluo, Madam will leave it to him."

"Master is worried."

Yue Qiluo hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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