Chapter 447 Zhang Qingluo


Long Po opened her eyes wide and stared at Xu Rui.

The latter looked calm, and there was nothing unusual on his face.

The powerful momentum fights with each other and refuses to give in to each other.

For a while, it became an invincible and undefeated situation.

"Dragon Po, calm down, my husband and I really love each other, and we didn't cheat." Zhang Jie said hastily.

The dragon mother-in-law slowly restrained her breath and stared at Xu Rui.

"Your boy is quite capable, no wonder the second girl will value you."

Xu Rui also withdrew his mana, and said calmly: "The mana of the younger generation is worse than that of the senior."

"The old man has practiced hard for hundreds of years to achieve what he is now. How long have you been practicing?" After a pause, "Your name is Xu Zhengyang, junior?"


"Who is Master Ni?"

"My teacher is a casual cultivator in West Kunlun, as for the name, I haven't revealed it." Xu Rui said.

"West Kunlun casual cultivator?"

Luang Po frowned and thought for a while, and there was no one in memory who lived in seclusion in West Kunlun.

However, there are so many great monks in the world, and there are not many who devote themselves to hard work and live in seclusion.Even if she has lived for hundreds of years, it is difficult to know.

Not knowing nor forcing, after suppressing the extra thoughts, Long Po looked at Ping An and Chang An.

Eyes lit up.

"These two little fellows are the bright dew of the fairy pearl, and they are the pillars of the building."

Zhang Jie grabbed the young lady's brother's arm, "Hurry up and salute the dragon mother-in-law."

"No, she bullies daddy, she is a bad person." Xu Changan's face was full of anger.

Xu Ping'an also nodded in agreement, holding the magic formula with his big hands, and eight red jade sword butterflies were flying around his body. If this monster dared to do it just now, you must beat you with your father.

Lu Xiong's smiling face froze, but he was not angry with the child.

"Quite reasonable."

Spirit Tool scolded.

Zhang Huai is only the patron saint of the entire Zhang family, and has watched you grow up since childhood, so it is extremely insulting.

The two big guys pouted their mouths to talk again, but the big guy was obviously holding a breath in his heart.

"Forget it, the old man is still very knowledgeable with the two children."

As soon as the words fell, a ray of light flew over from nearby.

It's been a long time, a handsome middle-aged man wearing a white cloak, a jade crown, and a short beard on his upper jaw.

It is Jin Dan, the contemporary patriarch of the Zhang family.

I was alarmed by Lu Xiong's and Zhang Jie's arrogance, that's why I came here.

Seeing Zhang Jie and her seven sons, a look of joy instantly appeared on her face.

The aura of Lu Xiong level under the seven people already explained everything.

That means that the Zhang family lost two more Xu Rui-level underdogs.

As the head of the family, how can I be happy?

"Master Zhang, he can handle his own family affairs by himself, I am too lazy to take care of it."

After speaking, it was also a chance for Jin Dan to speak. With a swing of his huge body, he disappeared into the deep lake.

Lu Xiong froze for a moment.

"Meier, Zhang Huai has always loved him, why did you get angry that time?"

Lu Xiong was helpless, and explained the cause and effect again.

Lu Xiong also looked at Lu Xiong angrily.

"Although you promised him to get along with Mei'er, you also let him sneak in."

Zhang Jie smiled wryly. In that conservative era, it was true that having children out of wedlock did not violate the customs.

Just about to explain.

"Forget it, since it's a done deal, you should pursue it further. They should hurry up to get the marriage done, so as not to spread the matter, and others will see your Zhang family's jokes." Jin Dan continued.

Zhang Jie, who was planning to give Ling Qi an explanation, quickly agreed to come up.

"Everything is decided by the younger generation."

After speaking, he slapped the Jiuxian gourd, and eight gift boxes flew over.

"Junior, that is your dowry, please accept it."

Jin Dan's eyes lit up, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

I know that the person who is about to become my seventh son-in-law is a master craftsman who can refine middle Lu Xiong.

In the past two years, because the other party is my son-in-law, I have been asking the other party to refine weapons for the Zhang family.

Now that it's done, it's time to talk about it.

Open the brocade box, eight pieces of LP appeared behind.

Jin Dan couldn't help laughing because of the strong inspiration and the weak Dao rhyme, one after another disappeared in an instant.

"It was wrong, it was wrong. You accepted the dowry."

Zhang Jie felt no pain.

Those are eight medium-level dragon mother-in-laws, and if you sell them all, you can exchange at most one hundred grains of fourth-grade medium-level elixir.

The harvest is Fei's Jindan also looked at Lu Xiong with serious eyes.

"It's my good fortune that Mei'er can marry him."

Ling Qi couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Although he has no understanding of his father's philistine character for a long time, it is a good thing that he can satisfactorily resolve the issue of having a child out of wedlock.

"Ping An, Chang'an, call Li Gong."

"Mr. Li."

The two big guys said obediently.

Our perception of that Li Gong is not bad, not much better than the little snake successively.


Before saying yes, Jin Dan's eyes lit up when he saw the elder siblings.

I am also a person who has seen little and knows a lot, and I can see the ordinary aptitude of the two big guys in an instant.

Immediately, he flew under the boat and waved.

"Come outside Li Gong."

The two big guys were not a little determined, and they walked over with some willingness after being pushed forward by the spiritual weapon.

Lu Xiong held one in each hand.

Quite little old consolation.

There was even more disgust in his eyes.

"Which of them is Ping An? Who is Chang'an?"

"Your name is Chang'an, and my sister's name is Ping'an."

Zhang Hongling, who had a quick temper, said crisply.

"Do they hate Li Gong?"

The older child can tell lies, so he shook his head when he heard the words.


"Li Gong bullies Daddy, Ping An hates Li Gong."

Zhang Hongling agreed and nodded her head.

"You offended the two of them."

Even though he said that, there was an angry look on Jin Dan's face.

Look at Zhang Jie and Ling Qi.

"They gave birth to two good children. With our qualifications, in today's environment, at least half a year can achieve Xu Rui. If the spiritual energy can continue to recover, it is said that there is no hope of achieving Yuanshen."

"Cultivation, aptitude is only one aspect. Perseverance is also crucial, and we have to be disciplined a few days ago." Lu Xiong said.

Jin Dan nodded.

"Let's go, you take them to live first. It's too late to discuss the marriage in a few days."

In this way, the family of seven lived there smoothly.

Zhang Jie's Xurui-level cultivation also blocked the mouths of other members of the Zhang family.

The wedding was scheduled for eight months before.

The reason why it took so long is to give the people attending the wedding a time to react, so that they are unprepared.

Moreover, there are very few people with low morals and high prestige, and it will also take time to notify them personally.

However, before the news spread that the number one beauty in the cultivation world was going to get married, it unexpectedly caused such a small disturbance.

The spiritual weapon of the lunar sky male, but the white moonlight that has been invisible to the seniors for several years.

In the future, when the little family has to arrive, it will be fine.

Now that the male god is going to marry someone, everyone in the family is boiling.

Calling friends and friends, they all rushed over to Shennongjia, the home of the Zhang family.

"Seventh brother-in-law, he stabbed a hornet's nest that time. The entire cultivation world will come to Shennongjia to prevent them from getting married within half a year."

Lu Xiongxue, who got the news and came back from Jintaifang City, hugged Xu Changan in his arms, and smiled at Zhang Jie.

"It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. We can come if we want," Zhang Jie said.

"Is he afraid that we will play tricks on his wedding?"

"If we don't have the guts, do you mind teaching us a profound lesson?" Zhang Jie said indifferently.

"Zhengyang, on your Xiaoxi day, it's better to start the killing ring or to have a good time."

Lingqi has been with me for two years, and I know very well that my women are very powerful, and they are decisive in killing.

Pat your plain hand comfortingly.

"Total score, as long as we go too far, you will be a killer, at least you will be taught a lesson."

Ling Qi nodded.

"Daddy, whoever asks him to marry mother, you beat me for him."

Lu Xiongxue said crisply.

Although you tried your best to show a 'vicious' expression, but it was abominable to fall outside the eyes of Zhang Jie and the others.

"Hehe, let Ping An protect Daddy when the time comes."

Zhang Jie is pregnant with little comfort.

Xu Pingan hugged the big girl outside his arms even tighter, and teased: "Ping An, his little uncle also bullies you, if he beats me for my aunt too."

The big girl thought for a while, then nodded.

Although that little aunt has only known each other for a few days, she treats you very well, especially she will give you and your younger brother few snacks that your parents usually give.

Xu Ping'an kissed the big girl's tender face in a low mood.

"Auntie loves him for nothing."

'Squeak', the courtyard door opened.

Accompanied by childish shouts, a short and tall figure rushed back from inside.

Around his neck hung a golden locket.

The lower body is wearing a large red waistcoat, and a golden ingot is embroidered on the back of the waistcoat.

Wearing a pair of blue bloomers on the upper body.

On the feet are a pair of tiger-head ankle boots.

The waist is girt with a gold rope, and a dharma bag is hung on the right waist.

The double buns under the head trembled with the running, revealing playfulness.

Excitement could not be concealed under the white and tender face, and sweat was faintly visible on the smooth forehead.

"Father, mother, sister, you are back."

Zhang Hongling sprinted and retreated like a nimble monkey, his feet stopped and he flew up two to eight feet.

Lu Xiong quickly reached out to catch me.

"Where did you go to play? It's so dirty under your body."

"Auntie took you to the front mountain to pick fruit." Zhang Hongling said.

"Where's Auntie?"

"in front of."

As soon as the words fell, a slim figure walked back from the door.

She was wearing a goose-yellow long dress with tassels around her waist, and she had a graceful figure. Although she looked like Lu Xiong, she was also an outstanding beauty.

"Miss, Seventh Sister, you are back."

The voice is clear and crisp, like an oriole out of the valley.

The person who came here was the first one among the famous "Zhang Family Eight Immortals" in the practice world.

'Cloud Narcissus' Zhang Yu, Zhang Qingluo.

I usually stay in 'Da Peng Lai Fang City', and that time I also rushed back after hearing that my seventh sister got married.

He put the fruit basket outside his hand under the table next to him, and stared at Zhang Hongling.

"His big devil picked so few fruits by himself, he took it himself, but asked you to hold it for him."

"Hee hee, you are a big boy, you can move it as you like."

Zhang Hongling smiled before making a grimace.

"Ask for a fight."

Zhang Qingluo raised her hand.

But Zhang Hongling was sure that you would do it, even dodging it.


Ling Qi is used to me, so he slapped his big butt with a slap.

"If he made trouble in the past, his aunt was willing to beat him, and his mother was willing to beat him."

Lu Xiongxue had a big face in tears, and dared to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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