
Xu Rui also knew that he was a little crazy.Of course, he can't tell his wife that even if he falls, he won't die.

No matter how good-tempered a person hears this sentence, he will be provoked into anger.

"Thank you, Madam, for your concern, I won't do it next time."

Suru's expression relaxed a lot.

"Never take such a risk next time."


Next to him, Tian Buyi said with great interest, "Old Five, was it your supernatural power just now?"

After Xu Rui nodded, "After I successfully built the foundation, it appeared, called 'Wind and Thunder Wing'."

"Feng Lei Chi, that's very appropriate." Tian Buyi nodded and continued, "Your supernatural power has just appeared, and it has such power. The level must not be low. But before you have cultivated Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the third level, you can't Use lightly."

"The disciple understands."

"Besides this Fengleichi, do you have other supernatural powers?" Tian Buyi asked curiously.

Xu Rui didn't hide it either.

After all, he will use all his supernatural powers, and he can't hide them at all.

"There is another one, called 'Leimu'."

Said, pointing to his forehead.

Before the foundation was established, there was only a light red vertical mark on his forehead, which was no more than half an inch long. People who saw it thought it was a scar and didn't think too much about it.

But after Xu Rui successfully built the foundation, the original light red vertical marks became deeper and increased to an inch in length.

It really looks like a vertical eye.

At the same time, it also gave the immature Xu Rui a little more majesty.

After Tian Buyi checked with his spiritual sense, "It really is an eye."

"What a powerful source of thunder." Suru was startled.

The Thunder Dao Yun in this third eye is too powerful, beyond her imagination.

"Old Fifth's divine eye is definitely a magical power of the fifth rank."

Tian Buyi's tone was affirmative, his chubby face was full of excitement, and he looked at Xu Rui as if he saw a rare treasure.

While Suru was happy, she explained seriously.

"No, no matter who asks you in the future, don't reveal any information about the divine eye on your forehead."

"The disciple knows."

Tian Buyi took out a porcelain bottle from his dharma bag and handed it over.

"Old Five, I have twelve rhubarb pills here, you take one every seven days, come to me after you finish eating."

Xu Rui, who has seen Zhu Xian, is no stranger to Da Huang Pill.

Zhang Xiaofan only got one pill after he was injured in Qimai Huiwu.

Song Daren and the others usually don't enjoy it, which shows how precious it is.

"Thank you Master."


"Master, the first level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is too simple, can you pass on the second and third levels to me as well?"

"No." Tian Buyi, who was very generous before, refused straight away.

"The most important foundation of Taiji Xuanqing Dao, the first three levels are the key, which is related to future practice. So you can't be greedy to break through the realm as soon as possible, and you need to polish your mana a lot. You must make it pure and unique before you can break through."

"Not Zhou, your aptitude is extremely high, and you cultivate very quickly. But the more you are like this, the more you must sink your heart and carefully polish your mana. You must not be greedy, or you will cause endless harm." Suru taught earnestly.

Sighing in his heart, Xu Rui certainly understands the benefits of pure mana, after all, he is also a monk at the Golden Core level.

He was just too curious about the next exercises of 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao'.

"Disciple, thank you, Master and Wife, for your teaching."

"Baozhou, let's go back. Remember the words of Master and Mistress, don't be greedy, and polish your mana well. Also, don't use your supernatural powers until your cultivation level has not reached the third level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao."


In response, Xu Rui bowed, then turned and walked towards his yard.

Looking at his receding back, Tian Buyi couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Of course I should be happy to have a successor to my Big Bamboo Peak."

"Don't be too happy. You should cry before you grow up." Suru laughed.


"Daren and Buzhou, who do you choose to inherit the first seat of Dazhu Peak?"

Tian Buyi was stunned, he had never considered this issue.

From the point of view of feelings, he is definitely leaning towards the eldest disciple Song Daren, and his aptitude is not bad, coupled with his benevolence, he is well-respected among all the seniors, he is the most suitable person to inherit the first seat of the Great Bamboo Peak.

But Xu Buzhou's talent is extraordinary and refined, stronger than Song Daren's. Although he entered Taoism late, as long as there are no accidents, his future cultivation base will be higher than Song Daren's, and he is also a good candidate to inherit the first place.

"I really haven't thought about this problem." Tian Buyi said distressedly.

"Of course having more excellent disciples is a good thing, but it's not all good. If you have disciples like Bu Zhou under your sect in the future, you will have even more headaches." Suru laughed.

"How can there be so many disciples at the innate spirit level? There are five to six hundred disciples in my new generation of Qingyunmen, but only Xiao Yicai and Qihao can compare with Buzhou. Of course, if there are any, even if there are more in the future because The first seat is a headache, and I want to take it under the door."

Tian Buyi is firm.

"You, you are obviously too lazy to die, but you still want to grow the Big Bamboo Peak." Suru said helplessly.

"Hehe, I will always fulfill the last wish left by Master." Tian Buyi said with a smile.


Since then, Xu Rui's life has also calmed down.

Every morning after breakfast, go to the bamboo forest to cut a black knotted bamboo, and then do the "Dragon Tiger Golden Body Jue" three times.

Although he didn't plan to practice both martial arts and martial arts, the physical cultivation he had accumulated over the years was only a short step away from becoming a golden core of martial arts, so he couldn't waste it.

In the afternoon, I will practice 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao', and in the evening I will study 'Soul Shaking Technique'.

Xu Rui's three natal puppets.

Xu Kunlun comprehends "The Great Method of Chewing Iron" and "Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Demon".

Xu Buzhou comprehended the 'Soul Shaking Technique'.

Xu Xuandu comprehended the 'Five Ghosts Transporting Technique'.

The deity of Xu Rui comprehended the 'Lingbao Puppet Art', 'Qingcheng Yufang Jue' and 'Artifact Refining Art'.

He who has comprehended Lingbao Puppet Art to the seventh rank can achieve seven functions with one mind, and every distraction can comprehend one Taoism.

The days passed so peacefully.

Half a month later, Xu Rui mastered the first level of 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao', and after spending another half a month polishing his mana, he found Tian Buyi, passed the inspection, and got the second level.

Three months later, he practiced the second level of exercises, and after two months of polishing, he got the third level of exercises from Tian Buyi.

Spring to autumn, cold to summer.

Blink of an eye is three years.

Xu Rui is also three years older.

A cold light flashed, and the black-jointed bamboo snapped.

Xu Rui put away the sickle, looked at the fallen bamboo in front of him, and let out a sigh.

"Three years, this is the last black-jointed bamboo I cut."

Stretching out his hand to grab it, the broken bamboo, which was as thick as a wrist and three feet long, with large bamboo leaves, was lifted up by him like a plaything.

Holding it like this, he strode away from the bamboo forest.

I found a sunny place and left the broken bamboos. There are still several broken bamboos that have turned yellow from the sun.

Basically every day the third senior brother Zheng Dali would come and take one of them as firewood.

After three years, he was basically used to the extravagant behavior of Dazhufeng.

After step-by-step practice of the left green dragon's probing claw seven poses and the right fierce tiger's pan mountain thirteen poses, he returned to his yard and took a bath.

After resting for a while, it was noon.

When we came to the dining hall, only the second brother Wu Dayi arrived.

"Little brother, why did you come so early today?"

"I'm hungry, so I came early to beg for food from Third Senior Brother." Xu Rui laughed.

According to the rules of Dazhu Peak, the disciple who started last will cook for everyone.But he is too young, he is only nine years old now, and it is not easy for everyone to let him be in charge.

As for He Dazhi, it was entirely because the cooking was too unpalatable, everyone unanimously dismissed him from the power of cooking.

So it was Zheng Dali's turn.

Of course, being in charge is not a bad thing.

It should be known that the ingredients of Dazhufeng are all spiritual things, rich in spiritual energy.If you are a cook, you can enjoy one or two first, and the accumulation of a small amount will be of great help to your practice.

Allowing the disciples who started later to hold the spoon also has the purpose of helping them speed up their practice.

"It will be ready soon." Zheng Dali put a plate of fried bamboo shoots on the dining table, "If Junior Brother is really hungry, I have some taro for you to fill your stomach."

"Okay, third senior brother, you are hiding something delicious again." Wu Dayi shouted.

After giving him a blank look, Zheng Dali was confident, "I learned this from you. When you were in charge of cooking, half of the taro planted by my teacher went into your stomach."

"Third brother, junior brother is here, don't accuse the good guy."

"Hmph, whoever did it knows."

Xu Rui sat on the side and didn't interrupt, he was used to the atmosphere of gagging among the disciples in Dazhu Peak.

Soon, He Dazhi walked in with a copy of "The Analects of Confucius" shaking his head.

"The Master said: 'When the father is alive, watch his aspirations; when his father is gone, watch his actions. If you haven't changed your father's way for three years, you can be called filial piety.' This sentence is wonderful. Confucius is really a saint."

"Fourth, Confucius also wants to eat, come and sit down." Wu Dayi smiled.

He Dazhi smiled, his eyes lit up when he saw Xu Rui, and he hurried over and sat down.

"Little brother, after listening to you talk about the Analects last time, I have learned a lot, I wonder how you and I will sit and talk about it this afternoon?"

Xu Rui felt a headache when he heard it.

He somewhat regretted that he had talked so fast before and told He Dazhi about Zhu Xi's "Annotations to the Analects of Confucius".

"Fourth senior brother, I still have homework to do this afternoon, why don't I find another opportunity."

Just as He Dazhi was about to pester him, Song Daren walked in and disturbed his thoughts.

"Second, fourth, fifth, you are all here."

"Looking at the happy face of senior brother, I think we have made great progress with Senior Sister Wen Min from Xiaozhufeng." Xu Rui said hastily.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Let's draw He Dazhi's attention first.

They were all bachelors, and when they heard that there was 'melon' to eat, everyone's attention was instantly diverted, and He Dazhi was no exception.

"Brother, when will we eat the wedding candy from you and Senior Sister Wen Min?" Wu Dayi laughed.

"That's right, senior brother, it's been three years. I think you and Senior Sister Wen Min have already decided on a private life like Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru, right?"

Listening to the ridicule of the juniors, Song Daren waved his hands quickly.

"Everyone, please don't say anything. If Master and Mistress know about me, it will be a disaster."

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