Chapter 497


The crowd responded with a bang.

"Okay, let's go back."

The Three-Tailed Demon Fox waved his hand, and all the monsters bowed and saluted and retreated.

After they left, before Xu Rui could make a move, the Three-Tailed Demon Fox packed up his things and flew towards the Eight Kings Cave in the center of the Evil Ghost Creek.

Because he couldn't find a chance to do anything, Xu Rui could only watch helplessly as he disappeared into the deep Eight Kings Cave.

I was quite depressed for a while.

But he quickly calmed down, thinking about what the three-tailed demon fox said.

"The eight great kings asked several deacons to protect the law, so it is a good opportunity to do it."

Xu Rui watched the other monsters who had reached the late stage of Jindan go in, and then sneaked back to Langqing's cave.

In order to facilitate things, Xu Rui expanded Langqing's cave several times to a full [-] square meters.

There are three stone cases on the top, which are the positions of Langqing, Langyun and Langfeng.

Below are dozens of small stone cases, which are the positions of the small flags under the command of the three.

Wine and meat have been placed on all the stone tables.

But at this time all the demons have not come together.

Xu Rui finds Lang Qing.

"Did the news get out?"

"The people who have been ambushing under my command in the past have spread the news of our party through the fearless wolf."

"Will they believe it?"

"Master, don't worry, Lang Wuwei is the most suspicious. Hearing that we are taking advantage of the opportunity of the deacon to protect the Dharma, we will definitely come to see what happened."

"That's good, let's get ready."



In a gorgeous stone cave with thick carpets, tables and chairs, and decorative screens in the corners.

A man in navy blue with a wolf's head embroidered on his chest sits tall, his narrow eyes slightly squinted, matching his thin face, giving off a shrewd look.

Sitting on the lower chairs were three men with extraordinary auras.

The leader is short and thin, wearing a white robe, with a handsome face.

The second one was wearing an animal skin waistcoat, tall and tall, like a rough bearded man.

The last one was a thin man like a dwarf, and he was also a hunchback, with a head of silver hair that was particularly eye-catching.

"Brother, that Lang Qing hosted Lang Yun, Lang Feng, and all the small flags under his command quietly, and took advantage of the opportunity of the deacon's absence. There must be a conspiracy."

The white-robed man, the Fourth Chief Banner Wolf said in deep voices.

"What the second brother said is that Lang Qing has always been scheming, and he has always made things difficult for the elder brother, and now he is secretly plotting, we must not ignore it."

A burly man, Langshi, the Sixth Headquarters Banner, opened his mouth.

The wolf sitting on top nodded slightly.

The entire Nine General Banners under the command of the Sirius Guard wanted to break through the Golden Core Late Stage earlier, so as to raise their status to a higher level.

But besides him, there is also Lang Qing, who has also reached the peak of Jindan in the middle stage.

Moreover, this guy's aptitude is still higher than his. If he is allowed to enter the eyes of the deacon and get a lot of resources, he will definitely break through before himself. This is something that will never be allowed.

After the thought was settled, Wolf Wuwei looked at the dwarf sitting behind.

"Fourth, tell me what you think?"

Lang Xiao smiled sinisterly, "Big brother, second brother, third brother, no matter what the three of them are plotting, let's go straight to the door. Anyway, we have the upper hand. If he dares to turn his face, let's fight directly and make a big fuss." When it comes to the deacon, the lord will definitely not face him."

"At that time, not only that Langqing's conspiracy will be turned into water, but also his prestige will be hit hard, killing two birds with one stone."

Wolf Wuwei pondered for a moment and then nodded.

"What do you think of the fourth method?"

Lang Shuang and Lang Shi looked at each other, "Follow elder brother's orders."

Wolf Wuwei stood up slowly, an unspeakable domineering air permeated the air.

"Bring your magic weapon, let's go to Langqing to chat about family affairs."

The crowd roared.


In the Langqingshi Cave, the monsters in the spacious hall line up according to their cultivation levels.

Lang Qing, Lang Yun, and Lang Feng stood at the front, and the rest of the flags stood behind.

Xu Rui stood in front of everyone.

"I'll start first in a while. The three of you are responsible for dealing with Lang Shuang, Lang Shi and Lang Xiao, and I will deal with Lang Wushuang."


Xu Rui looked at the small flags behind.

"With a high probability, Fearless Wolf won't wait too many little flags to come over. Your task is to get rid of them."

All the little flags responded with a bang.

Xu Rui patted the dharma bag, took out the talismans drawn during this period, and distributed them to the demons.

"Bring this talisman on your body and never leave it for a moment."


The demons agreed to come down.

"Okay, now drink and have fun."

With Xu Rui's order, Langqing, Langyun, and Langfeng will be at the top, and the rest of the flags will be all around.

Wine and meat are ready-made.

While eating and drinking, the atmosphere quickly became lively.

After Xu Rui glanced at it, he nodded in satisfaction, his heart moved, and his body slowly disappeared.

In the dimensional space, Xu Rui put on the Thousand Illusion Mask on his face, and soon his body shape changed, and his breath changed accordingly, turning into a wolf green.

It is too eye-catching for a human race to appear among the monster race. If something goes wrong, it will definitely alarm the entire ghost village. This is not what Xu Rui wants to see.

Not long after, a small flag guarding the door flew in quickly.


All the monsters cheered up quickly, and secretly focused on their guard.

Not long after, a series of footsteps came from outside the door.

More than 20 elite wolf demon cultivators rushed in.

The one walking in the front is the domineering Wolf Dreadnought in a navy blue wolf robe.

Behind him are Wolf Shuang, Wolf Stone and Wolf Howl.

As Xu Rui expected, they didn't bring many small flags, only a dozen or so.

This is normal, after all, they didn't know that Xu Rui was going to attack secretly.

After the fearless wolf glanced around quickly, he was relieved. The formation around him was not a strong restriction, not a trap.

His gaze was fixed on Lang Qing who was in the center, and he said with a blunt smile.

"Brother Langqing gathers here to drink, why don't you call him brother?"

After a cold snort, Lang Qing said calmly.

"Differences do not conspire with each other, I, Langqing, never drink with a villain who is in power."

"Lingqing, what do you mean?"

The burly and fiery-tempered Langshi said angrily.

"Can't you see what it means? Let you go." Lang Yun said coldly.

"Lang Yun, don't be so arrogant. I really thought we were afraid of you." Lang Shuang said angrily.

"A bunch of bastards, they have to beat you before they leave, right?" Lang Feng said indifferently.

A few words also aroused the anger of Lang Shuang, Lang Shi and Lang Xiao.

Wolf fearlessly frowned, staring at the three monsters above him, feeling something was wrong for no reason.

Usually, although everyone has disputes, it's just a few quarrels. It's not like now, it's all about fighting.

"Langfeng, you are courting death."

Before Lang Wuwei could think it over clearly, the fiery Lang Shi couldn't bear it anymore.

He took out a mace from the dharma bag and hit it with his palm.

at this time.


The loud and vigorous bell suddenly exploded in the stone room.

During this period of time, Xu Rui successfully refined the soul-shaking clock, which brought his soul-shaking technique to the extreme.

The unsuspecting monsters were directly knocked down.

Some cautious monsters had protective auras on their bodies, but they were quickly broken by the concentrated fire of the wolf monsters.

They wore Xu Rui's Dharma Protector Talisman, so they were completely unaffected by the falling soul sound.

With a wave of Xu Rui's hand, the fourteen puppet seals merged into the bodies of the key figures who had been knocked down, directly controlling their souls.

After two times in a row, everyone, including the wolf fearless, was controlled.

After arriving here, Xu Rui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After doing so many preparations, there were no accidents.

With a wave of his hand, everyone's spirits were restored.

"See sir."

The wolf fearlessly bowed and saluted.

The same is true for Wolf Shuang, Wolf Stone and Wolf Howl.

Xu Rui saw it and nodded in satisfaction.

"Then you two will have a fight, remember not to fight too hard, just put on a show."


"Also, before the wolf deacon comes back, you will have a fight every seven days or half a month, so that all the monsters in the evil ghosts will know that you have conflicts, and you will kill them." Xu Rui ordered again .


"Then let's get started."

Xu Rui found a corner and watched all the demons start fighting with each other.

After playing in the cave for a while, they went outside again.

It provoked half of the ghosts and monsters to watch.

Finally, after some demons who had been friends with Lang Wuwei, Lang Qing and others came out to persuade them to fight, the two cursed a few harsh words, and finally gave up.

Afterwards, everything was in accordance with Xu Rui's instructions. Every now and then, Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei called their men to fight.

And there was a stance that the bigger the bigger, the stronger, and even Xu Rui ordered him to kill a small flag.

After fighting more than a dozen times, nearly half a year later, under Xu Rui's instruction, the two sides' eyes became red, and the aftermath of the sword glow spell directly hit the Eight Kings Cave.

A powerful aura of forbidden magic emerged, blocking the aftermath of the magic power of the demons.

Seeing this scene, all the monsters watching the battle couldn't help gloating.

"Dare to attack the lord's mansion, it's like a birthday boy who eats arsenic and gets impatient."

"Hey, tell me it's not. These two are really brave."

"The Heavenly Wolf Guard is disabled this time."...

Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei seemed to have red eyes, and didn't notice this at all.

At the same time, in the depths of Eight Kings Cave, in a large stone chamber, seven men and women were meditating with their eyes closed.

When Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei's mana disturbed the restriction of the Eight Kings Cave, they naturally also disturbed them.

Sitting in the middle is a big man with a strong physique and a blue flame mark between his brows.

Open your eyes.

"Lao Liu, go out and see what's going on."

Wearing a white robe, a handsome young man with peach blossom eyes clapped a dharma bag, and a gold-painted folding fan appeared in his palm.

After cupping his fists at the big man, he strode out.

Came back in a short time.

After looking at the middle-aged man next to him who was wearing a blue robe, with a long thin face and a sinister look between his brows, he said gloatingly.

"Brother, it's the general banners under the fourth brother's sect who are fighting. It's probably red-eyed, and the aftermath of mana has disturbed the restriction of the Eight Kings Cave."

"These little bastards are causing me trouble." The middle-aged man said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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